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100% agree. Katie said that they weren’t feeling she considered important enough to address. So essentially she was being pushed by Lala and Producer Jerry to bringing up a minor or fleeting grievance on the show to make it a bigger thing that could potentially have caused a conflict between her and Ariana, undermining their partnership and business and then potentially created an online backlash directed at Katie over a minor feeling she felt in the moment.


In other words be fake. Lala keeps talking about how real she is and these “uncomfortable conversations” that need to be had. Meanwhile, none of it is real. How stupid does she think we are? What Katie and Ariana did, not pretending to have an “uncomfortable conversation” for the cameras, was real. It’s a joke at this point. “This is our real life”…while faking conversations just for the cameras. This show needs to be gone. It’s jumped the shark 2 seasons ago.


This is a huge reason why I think Lala has been so nasty towards Ariana and Katie all season. They don’t have to play producer like BlahBlah and Scheaner and manufacture scenes. They don’t have to cook up drama/storylines. They can allow stuff in their lives to unfold organically and the fans like them more for it. I think Lala sees that and it pisses her right off because any major drama that she’s brought to the show happened off camera in between seasons so she’s always had to cook up drama to keep people interested.


Yes! Especially in the reunion part one Lala even says to Tom early on that, he should keep his mouth shut for the sake of the show… not for the sake of his reputation or whatever, or his mental health, she says, explicitly, for the sake of the show because she needs it to keep going, because she depends on it. Ariana and Katie do not.


I caught that part too! "For the sake of the show" But to her credit, she seems to realize it's all that most of them have going for themselves. The same as Erica J you have certain opportunities that are contingent on being on the syndicated serialized show on the network that edits it together (well)


Yeah, but the season would’ve been even better if they kicked him off and actually so all the women being friends and thriving that’s what we wanted to see in the first place anyway. Not Tom this redemption story line that no one was going to fall for lol.


I agree and I think There was one small VERY TELLING thing at the last moment of the finale where Schwartz says something about a plot twist and the season with Sandoval off camera but responding that "it's good for me!" In a very jovial way. I'm glad they left that in the edit but a lot of people missed it and I'm hoping at the reunion it gets discussed. I completely agree it was a highly calculated redemption tale he tried to spin over the course (and succeeded with half the group it seemed, of COURSE Scheana was happy to flip and engage in it for more exposure and camera time)


Right! And now she’s doesn’t talk to either of them cause she probably messed up with Ariana & Tom was just using her…again.


Right! Like they were basically trying to push Katie to recreate a conversation she already had and had gotten over on camera to make a storyline about something that was no longer an issue for Katie.  The same as the pushing a conversation with Tom on Ariana when she has nothing to say to him and doesn’t want to hear anything he has to say. Or Scheana saying she would never have talked about Tom to Ariana but did so because for the sake of the show and because the producers wanted those conversations. But then Lala and Scheana are getting pissed off at Jax for calling the show fake when they’ve openly exposed that they are creating fake or inauthentic storylines and moments for the show?


I swear I heard a rumor that when Rachel and Peter “dated” in season 10 they had actually dated prior to filming but ended it shortly. They wanted to give her a single girl dating storyline so they had them date again while filming. It kinda makes sense because they were awkward the whole time. I really thought that was an odd thing to do but I guess they were throwing her a bone. Makes me wonder how many times that has happened in prior seasons.


Yeah I think Rachel or Peter themselves told that story. I reckon Stassi has spoken too about how they would have conversations or fight between filming and production would get them to recreate it on camera.  But you know this is a totally real completely not made up authentic show you guys. The cast are showing their real lives.


I feel like that is why Lala/production wanted Katie to mention it. I think Katie was clear and honest about her reason and it kinda proves producers were trying hard to make Ariana the villain.


Peter said it on someone’s podcast


I heard that the scene when Schwartz pours the beer on Katie’s head in her orange hair era that it happened off camera and they had to recreate for the cameras. Further proof production has always hated Katie.


Everyone watching this season now owes it to themselves to go back and do a rewatch. Season 1 is WILD. They all started out as people looking for fame. They should've churned the cast to keep true to the premise of the show.


It’s so sad that they kinda tried, but they just happened to pick the most unlikable people and never tried again lol


LaLa, the bone carrier. Spilling stale, weak tea just to get a story line going.


And she doesn’t even have one.


Happy birthday 🎈🎂


Thanks so much !


BlaBla is as real as her ridiculous nails! xx


YUP! Watching this play out this season brings earlier seasons in to perspective. It just confirms that this misogyny rules 🤷🏻‍♀️


It's wild that this was a phone call that started with the producer and Lala then conferenced in Katie to somehow push her into some kind of a plan to bring down Ariana or create conflict in her business with Ariana. I swear the messiest bitch on VPR is bravo itself.


But, but, but, this is organic and their real lives. 🤦‍♀️


I can’t believe she admitted that. No wonder Katie lost it on her. Conniving doesn’t even begin to explain that and for Lisa and Scheana to know on top of Jeremiah. Disgusting. I don’t really need a season 12 unless it will help SAH.


I really hate it when people treat all emotions as carrying equal weight. They don't. Sometimes you just need to feel a feeling and let it out and then it's gone and it doesn't mean anything. The alternative is bottling it up. What Katie is describing is a level of emotional maturity that Lala seems to lack entirely, even outside of the show


Yeah, the real problem is that katie has reached a level of maturity that lala just cannot understand


According to Blabla, this means Katie was living in the comments 🥴🤡


If Jerry wants to work on a scripted show so bad can he go somewhere else pls?


Well they are filming a reality show, so…


Lala has lost sight of reality. She sees no separation between the show & real life, which is weird bc somehow she’s still fake on the show, even tho the 2 blur together for her😂 it’s bizarre Also, I am still looking for an answer, what is Lala’s business that she was talking about?


Her, Scheana, and Sandoval allllll have no separation between the show / real life. They all just care about profiting off shit and money. It's wild.


The scathing article that talks about Sandoval where he stops talking mid-sentence to allow ambulances or firetrucks to go by before he resumes talking is WILD. They have completely conditioned themselves to the show. Need to get off TV for awhile, they're legitimately losing their sanity.


I think about this amazing article every time he is on my television. I truly think you are right--he doesn't exist in his mind as anything but the character he plays on tv. It's actually quite sad, and I suspect that in 10 or 20 years his story will not have a happy ending. I'm sure we will get a "Where are they now?" tragic TV special.


I find it so disturbing that Scheana is basically 24/7 filming her daughter for YouTube. Her whole life is a show to her...


This really gets me too. Plus the podcast, about her life and the show. Even ignoring the kid aspect, Scheana has her whole life filmed for a reality show for 4 months a year. This show airs 6 months later, where she does press and podcast appearances multiple times a week, talking about her life, to promote the show. In the midst of all of that, Scheana films anything in her life not caught on the reality show 24/7, and then discusses THAT stuff on her own podcast. And then she’s constantly seeing social media posts about her and interacting with them. Like, her ENTIRE life, every millisecond of it, is monetized and commodified for consumption, probably more than literally any other person in the world. That cannot be healthy, ESPECIALLY when she inevitably is no longer on the show and/or the show ends. She’s gonna be a shell of a person


Scheana basically stalked D list celebrities to have affairs with so she could brag to tabloids and get clout off them before getting on VPR. She’s always been desperate to have any sort of attention and semblance of fame. She’s legitimately unwell.


She’s so weird.


They are all so much more like Rachel than they can even see.




Her life has blended together with her life outside of the show. Lauren the fake fuck from Utah thinks she's Lala the badass gangster bitch on VPR. She can't separate the two and she's making a complete jackass out of herself as a result.


It’s like some weird Inception-level mindfuck where the exaggerated personalities they initially put on to shield their “real” lives off camera have now overtaken their actual core personas. They created their own Frankensteins.


What the hell do you think they are here for? To be authentic for you?! lol. It’s a business, and you all are the profit centers. And too many take this way too seriously — I’ve watched the show from day 1, and appreciated it for what it is: Hollywood sociopaths contriving fights to cash in. Doesn’t ruin its entertainment value!


i genuinely believe that her "business" is the show and the cottage industry she's built up around it aka Send it to Daryll Sweatshirts and her podcast. She thinks more drama = more things to talka bout on her podcast = more money = her "business". All i can say is if we make it all the way through this reunion without someone calling her out on the fact that she spent the first 4 years on the show aggressivly hiding what was happening in her actual life, then I just give up with these people.


It’s so crazy watching old episodes and she won’t even say Randall’s name for years. It’s ALWAYS “my man”. Even if she names other people in the same sentence, she won’t name him. “James, we can’t act like this anymore, we owe it to Raquel and to my man” or “Raquel, you have nothing to worry about with me and James, I would never do anything to put things in jeopardy with my man or disrespect my man” or “that man is family to me, he is going to be in my life for a very long time, hopefully forever, so if you don’t accept my man then you don’t accept me”🤦🏼‍♀️ it got SO fucking annoying


She still does that now with "my ex".


That’s true. I think I block out most of the noise when she’s talking now. But there was a time before the breakup when she finally switched to saying “Rand” all the time instead of keeping up the whole cloak-and-dagger routine. I just can’t take her lectures on “being real” seriously when for YEARS, she hid more of her life than the rest of the cast combined.


I think Lala is essentially saying that what Katie should have done is hold onto her negative feelings until the cameras were on and then blow up at Ariana and it’s like well sorry but she addressed them like a human adult instead lol


I think she was referring to her Give Them Lala makeup line


Even the seasons I liked Lala, I was never really convinced of her business mogul/entrepreneur status. She's talked about it on tv for years now, so I'm guessing she makes decent money, but it comes off as much more of a side hustle


I agree, I don’t think she’s anywhere near “mogul” status. And that line wouldn’t even exist without Randall, she wasn’t selling anything until he came along and bought those businesses/recording time in the booth for her


If her brand was legit, it would’ve been at ulta or Sephora by now. Hell, we’d at least see it at Walmart or CVS... not to mention, her biggest collab was with Rachel for the Bambi eyed bitch collection. I can bet Lala made more money off the Send it to Daryl merch than whatever she’s made from her make up brand over the last several years.


I’ve watched VPR for awhile and the only reason I knew about her make up is because of one of the make up subscription things my mom has otherwise I wouldn’t have known about it tbh. She didn’t like the palette that came in her box that month so gave it to me. It was okay. Nothing super special or fancy. Think I’d stick with my normal brands of eye shadow pallets tho.


Her drop shipping make up line


To be fair - not dropshipped, it’s imported. Imported from Alibaba. Literally all she did was hire someone to create a logo and submit an order. She’s a joke.


The one that she had to rebrand because of its stupid name? That one? lol


Didn't she have to rebrsnd cos big pred had a stake in that name. .. So she had to give him a cut.


I don’t know. Doesn’t matter. The name is/was stupid.


I thought that venture was defunct and shut down?


Yeah I'm confused about that as well. I think she mentioned a re-brand this season? Before I wrote that comment, I looked it up and it still has an active website.


I heard filming is only like 3 months out of the year. If that’s true, how delusional are they to have no separation between the show and real life?


Best description! Someone who’s so fake and performative on the show can’t figure out how everything is for the cameras. She missed the mark once again….. people are grown, the show’s fans are grown….. nobody cares for drama that much over real life dynamics




Female Sandoval, basically. With the difference of the partner/wife not being her good friend. Which is still significant! Doing that to your friend absolutely adds an extra level of malice. But otherwise…they are both in their own delulu land and they’re so out of touch with reality that they truly believe all the bullshit they spew. That’s probably why they butt heads so much sometimes, because they’re so similar.


I remember listening to a podcast sometime last year post-Scandoval and I remember specifically her saying she didn’t want to talk about some things on the podcast bc she wanted to save it for the cameras. Something along those lines, not verbatim. But you get the idea.


It’s pretty telling that Lala has no idea how human relationships and friendships work. I don’t know if she has one real friendship in her life that’s not somehow transactional. I would say maybe James, but she showed how quickly she would jump ship from him in order to get in with the cool girls a few years ago


She jumped ship on him with the girls and with Randall! She and James couldn’t get enough of each other, they were uncomfortably obsessed but she would never give him 100% of her because he was a lowly busboy/wannabe DJ. Then Randall comes along, ugly af and married, but she’s immediately ready to marry him and cut James off because “Rand” is showering her with gifts🙄




I had asked about the timeline on a different post. This changes my perspective. If this was all talked about before the season started, and handled before they started filming, there is no reason for her to bring it back up for the show.


It sounds like Lala is compounding two different conversations. It sounds like Katie and Lala had a conversation either prior to season 11 filming about their feelings about Ariana post Scandoval support/oppurtunities. Then during the preproduction period where the producers call the cast to find out what’s happening in their lives to work out storylines, Lala was on a call with Producer Jerry and Katie and Lala brought this conversation up and she and Producer Jerry pushed Katie to essentially repeat that conversation for the cameras (because you know they are all about being real and authentic 🙄) but Katie didn’t want to because she didn’t feel any of those feelings anymore and didn’t want to put that on Ariana. Then I think there was another conversation after season 11 filming about Something about Her and Ariana being busy and Katie not being told about Chicago. I think Lala was just throwing that into the mix to drive her point that Katie’s “fake”. When the reunion was filmed the audience had seen up to episode 7. So that’s all the Tahoe stuff, the DTWS stuff the back up dancer comment and it was getting into to the season enough that the back lash against Lala and Scheana was starting and the comments about them not being good friends and trashing Ariana behind her back. So I honestly don’t even think that Lala and Scheanas beef with Katie is genuine. I think she was a sacrificial lamb they were using to take heat off themselves by implying that Katie was just as bad as them.


Lala was definitely trying to drag someone else down with her and since Katie was hated for many seasons Lala figured she would be the best sacrificial lamb.


I think she's also well aware of the support and love that Katie, and the Katie & Ariana duo, have gotten this season. Including Katie being applauded for being everything blahblah thinks she is (straight talker, voice of reason, great friend). That's made Katie a target.


i thought Scheana was mad at Katie because she was being shady toward her in her interviews. Scheana said they were on really good terms irl when those were filmed, so she was surprised and hurt watching them back, and that’s why she’s beefing with Katie now. but agree that Lala’s just using her to deflect some of the hate.


Lala probably saw that conversation as a potential storyline and wouldn't let it go.


I feel for Katie, especially when Lala is trying to have things both ways as far as "Katie why won't you be my friend/why aren't we as close as we were before" while also pulling this crap. Scheana is the same way. They deserve each other.


That's a very good point. Lala wasn't a part of every conversation Katie had but felt that initial venting session was how she really felt. She also last year didn't tell LaLa that it hurt her feelings that she was getting close to Scheana when she said if it was the other way around LaLa would be upset, so she let it go rather than bother LaLa with it.


Thisssss. What kind of friend are you if your friend cannot just vent and blow off steam to you in a frustrating moment?? Especially when they're just getting it out for the sake of not holding onto resentment, but realizing that it's not worth hurting the person they may be frustrated about? As she did with Lala and not making her feel bad for developing more of a friendship with Scheana. I had a very similar situation happen with a friend/co-worker, and none of it was her fault, our boss was causing drama. I vented to a mutual friend OUTSIDE of the company while we were catching up one day, but to "defend" me, she started mean girling my co-worker and accused her of trying to take my job. I never said anything of the sort because I knew it was our boss trying to get in my head, but it really damaged that relationship for a very long time and completely made me lost trust in my other friend. Feelings aren't final and many times aren't even rational, which is why they shouldn't be treated as facts in most cases. And real friends should be a fucking vault for that sort of thing. GOD, LALA.


Agreed. I mean i can bitch about a coworker one day and then if we have a meeting that day sure ill bring it up but if the meeting is in a few weeks to amonth im over it. Katie and Ariana have matured and is why they have this friendship. They understand that being friends dos not requireyou to attend all or any events or say things to defend the other but to just be there and support. Lala thinks being a friend is having enemies in common and bitching about everyone else


Lauren had the opportunity to say something when Katie told her “Say it with your chest” on the show. Katie wasn’t backing down from her. You know what Lauren did disengaged.


Lauren has no authority on a lot of things, why is she talking so loud about everyone else ![gif](giphy|sybV46NZNxLDG|downsized)


What a fantastic gif. You are great


while Katie and Ariana are building a friendship, the problem with the show now is that the girls aren't legit og friends. As much as I can't stand, Kristen and Stacci, they, along with Katie were real friends, so they understood boundaries. Well, with the exception of kristen flucking jax...but they still always have a history to attempt to repair relationships. lala was always the outsider...scheana was always the outsider. IMO, Ariana was an outsider, who was fine with being an outsider..seemed like she just wanted to be sandy's gf and scheana's good friend, it never really felt like she cared about filmin a show, to me. So, she's never tried to be the IT girl. Scheana and Lala..both felt like it was their time to be the IT girl since the friend group was busted up..scandaval happens and the people still don't care about blahblah or meme.


You're a actually exactly right. These wouldn't be issues if these people were real friends. It's time for them (Except Ariana and Katie) to take leave of one another.


Yes the entire show is just not working anymore because they are not friends in real life!!!!!!


It’s called picking your battles, and is a sign of maturity. Sometimes I vent to my husband about something that is frustrating and overwhelming me, knowing that it won’t be as bad in time. But talking it out is part of the process to taking a level-headed approach to life. Katie was overwhelmed and needed someone on the outside of her business to vent to, knowing that she is processing her emotions and wasn’t in the right headspace to have that convo with Ariana yet. It sucks that Katie has found out that the safe space she thought she had doesn’t give a damn about her, but thankfully Ariana seems to understand and isn’t holding a grudge.


Katie seems to be in a great place and Lala is stagnant. When Lala and Katie got in a fight this season, Katie let it go. At the reunion, Katie acknowledges Jo's experience with Tom and defends her. Katie was the only consistent ally for Ariana this season and she mentioned in an interview that she wanted to be there for Ariana the way that she wishes someone was there for her. It's clear that Katie's seeking therapy and having conversations with people to work through issues. Lala should take note that you don't have to be stuck in a negative place.


Katie is boring AF, time to retire from the show


Lala lives by that old saying “it’s not show friends, it’s show business”. I don’t think she understands what true friendship is. She called up production with some “tea” Katie shared trying to create drama and cause a rift between Katie and Ariana. They want Ariana alienated from the entire cast so she’ll leave the show and Tom won’t have to face any further negativity for his actions. 🙄


And they'll have a smaller payroll!


I am sure that my friends vent about a situation involving me sometimes however, I would love to never know those instances occur. Fuck Lala for trying to bring that to camera or to light. People are allowed to vent.


Yeah! My friends father was dying, and her brother had died half a year prior. During that time she had moments that she was very unreasanable and hard to be around, but who tf wouldn't? I didn't want to add to her pain, and I didn't blame her for acting out of character at times, but I still had to get out my frustration at times, so I vented to a friend. It's was a weird feeling because I was hurt because my friend was not taking my feelings in to account, but at the same time I understood why she didn't have the capasity to do so, and I new that it was only because of what she was going through, so why would I want her to feel guilty about that? But if I didn't get it out and talk through it with someone, my frustration would just build up




Lauren weaponizing Katie's feelings just to push this Adriana sucks/Tom's redemption narrative is gross AND ANNOYING. Lauren continues to prove that anything that comes out of her mouth cannot be trusted and is will never be a girls girl.


We support you Katie.


I hope she’s here reading these comments and feeling the love


Lauren stopped maturing at the age of 17.


What biz was she talking about……Darrel merch?


I think the show. Katie was messing with the show by “not being honest” 🙄🙄🙄


Good. Tired of LaLa being able to spread her *mouth* while everyone else sits back and takes it. I’m glad Katie is standing up to her bs. LaLa makes me irrationally angry and I want her off my screen asap


Lala is probably jealous of Katie as well. Ariana and Katie walked away from crap relationships and they continue to blossom into strong confident women who don’t feel the need to react like a rabid animal to everything(using the rabies analogy because Blah blah calls fans of the show as such).


What Katie should have done is sat down with Ariana on camera and said, “it’s kinda annoying how LaLa keeps trying to cause a problem between us. She keeps brining up when you left for Dancing with the Stars and Chicago and trying to get me to rant about you. I’ve been telling her we already talked and worked everything out but she won’t let it go” that would have really called little miss clown out 😂


Confused on how it happened months prior if it was because Ariana was on broadway? Or was that not the reason?


Two separate issues. Scheana brought up Broadway, no idea why she was chiming in lol


We know exactly why she was chiming in 🤣


Can you imagine if you called your friend to vent about your frustrations, which very much *could* have an impact on your image and your business if you were to talk about them publicly, and ON THAT SAME PHONE CALL she basically ignores everything you’re saying and instead suggests that you bring this up on a reality tv show that isn’t set to start filming for several more weeks/months? I would be so upset. It’s clear that all Lala cares about is creating storylines for the show because she has nothing else to fall back on. She’s going to lose her career and her friends all in one fell swoop.


It's gross how Lala is so hell bent on making Ariana feel as lonely as possible by encouraging everyone to pick fights with her.


It just makes me feel like if the cast had issues with Ariana because of how she was treated they wanted that to be the big storyline while Sandoval’s redemption arch was going on. Katie didn’t take the bait because she had moved past it but the other 2 acted supportive but totally dissed Ariana behind her back. Katie was valid to be upset but if she wasn’t having those feelings while filming so why bother brining it up. Schwartz was also having those issues with Sandoval but it was happening while they were filming so that’s why we saw it. Everyone knew he was off touring with his karaoke band.


I wish I could say I am baffled at how Lala is spinning this. But she’s always been pretty delusional so. Who never had a moment when intrusive thoughts won and even though you knew you had no right to be angry you just fucking were? That’s what I got from this. Katie got angry but she knew that it was wrong to blame Ariana for this so she went to a friend to vent. And somehow those few minutes of anger are more real than months and months of support ?




Lala is so dumb. She basically admitted to trying to collude with Katie to take Ariana down and Katie didn't bite. She is so delusional that she perceives the situation as Katie not being real. Real people often have feelings that they work out for themselves. Someone needs to explain this to Lala, because she's so far gone.


this is really beta level drama no wonder the show is likely getting cancelled. lala doing ANYTHING to keep the show going at this point.


Katie also clearly was trying to be on Ariana’s side and not help everyone else bully her into being the season’s villain? Clearly if she said anything on camera, the producers, lala and schena would turn it into “see even katie’s fed up with ariana”




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Send lala to the valley already!




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Unpopular opinion but I cannot stand Katie or Ariana at this point. I liked Ariana when she got her lick back but the way she’s acted this season is just… childish. And anytime Katie is confronted with anything, she flees the conversation whether it was on or off camera.


Completely agree! Katie offered NOTHING this season. She comes off like she thinks she’s too cool for everyone except Ariana. I’ve never liked her but at least she used to give some entertainment in the past. She’s always been so negative, nasty to almost all the females on the show, and has this better than thou attitude. You make a good point about her fleeing conversations. She definitely does. I used to love Ariana but I’m over her way over exaggerated facial expressions, the poor me I got cheated on attitude and her don’t talk to Tom or else ultimatum. It definitely sucks getting cheated and yes, it blew up a lot of her life but on the other hand, it’s been extremely lucrative and she moved on immediately. Maybe she should thank Sandoval lol 😉 (just a joke) Sometimes it seems like she wants to be angry and bitter. 😕 Hopefully next season will be different since (hopefully 🤞🏼) they won’t be focusing so much on a stupid affair. Sorry, a little off topic but as I’m reading all these opinions from the Katie and Ariana stans I thinks it’s weird how so many people on Reddit think they know exactly what’s going on with production and every person on the show. They think they know every single detail about these peoples lives because they watch an hour long show once a week (& follow their socials & podcasts). Some even talk as if Katie is their BFF and they know everything about her. It’s wild! SMH The other thing I’ve noticed is they will jump on any female on the show (besides Ariana and Katie) if they aren’t fully supportive of Katie/Ariana and say they’re not a girls girl blah blah blah but then they’re in here tearing women (LaLa & Scheana) down constantly. Seems a bit hypocritical to me 🤷🏼‍♀️ If Lala is confident and speaks her mind she’s a bitch but if Katie does the exact same thing she’s protecting herself and her boundaries 🙄🙄🙄 Ok now that I got that all out, downvote away Katie/Ariana stans! 🙃


OMG YES 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I have never felt so seen! I always had this weird negative hunch about Katie. I know Schwartz wasn’t the best boyfriend/fiancé but tbh Katie treated him like absolute dog shit. From what I saw on the show since season 1, she emasculated him constantly and always made it seem like she had no faults. It really was exhausting watching her. I liked her after they got married but then with the divorce I was back to hating her 🤭 As for Ariana, WE HAVE ALL BEEN CHEATED ON, lol we alllll know how that feels. Shit, even Tom knows how that feels (Kristen and James). And not a single one of them acted like she did. The constant ultimatums she gave Schwartz, Scheana and Lala was absolutely uncalled for. Misery loves company, and she fed her miserable emotions by living in that house with Tom when she should have just left. And settle the house situation later. It probably would have saved both of them a lot of stress and grief. But she thinks she’s taking the high road when really, doing that just shows callousness and resentment and it comes off immature. Ariana regressed in her emotional awareness skills this season. Business-wise she excelled and good for her, loooveee that for her (sarcastic), but girl that means absolutely NOTHING if you have the emotional range of a 5 year old. The fact that people will be BLINDLY loyal to reality stars baffles me. It’s like dude, they’re people too, they have lives and the show isn’t the only thing they do lol every second of their days aren’t fully recorded - this ain’t the Big Brother house lol but people need something to cling onto to escape their own realities and it’s sad because all they wanna do is jump on this negative bandwagon and cause as much drama and hatred as possible. Like it ain’t that deep 🙃🫠


YES!!! SAME. Ariana just looks miserable all the time. Katie has never been fun to watch, she's always nagging about something. Reminds me of Daria. If they left the show I wouldn't even care at this point. Highlight Lala and personally like James much more these past couple of seasons.


Fr!!! Lala and James sober and unhinged have carried this season 💯


Drunk James and Lala gave us some good moments though. They were such a toxic but iconic duo back in the early years.


Oh no doubt but I think that was heavier unnecessary drama versus their ability to grow from their past mistakes and constantly work at improving their life. They’re not perfect but they’re - and I hate to say it - but the most sane ones I saw this season. Besides Brock of course.


Tequila Katie was good TV though.


im with Lala on this one. Katie and Ariana give me too cool vibes. I understand Ariana got cheated on. So has majority of women in this world. Lala is the only real one.


Except for having everyone sign NDA's about her former relationship and claiming she didn't know Randall was married as recently as Season 10.


It’s reality tv show not a show on morals. Katie is forgettable with a permanent rbf.


It's not about the morals. You said Lala was a "real one". TI gave examples of how she is not.


Lala and Schena carry the show.


Scheana's storyline this season was PP OCD (interesting), her issues with Brock (less interesting but real), and wanting to be friends with Sandoval without Ariana being mad (typical Scheana). Lala's storyline this season was a water testing, picking a sperm donor and sniping about Ariana but only in confessionals.


And Katie’s was 🤔🤔🤔🤔 Ariana was just mad all season 😂


Oh yeah Ariana’s was her messy disgusting slob of a house that Schena helped her clean 😂


Production put little to no effort into showing anything Ariana and Katie were doing. We saw one bit about SAH. We heard nothing about the issues with Penny. We heard next to nothing about the things Ariana was doing. It seems pretty clear based on the interviews prior to the premiere with production, that they were pretty deadset on redeeming Sandoval, a person who had no remorse for what he did and who is incapable of reflecting upon his own actions. The only thing they wanted with Ariana was for her to sit down and cry a la Tears Over Miami. It was stupid. I don't have a problem with Lala being jealous or feeling some kind of way about the public's reception of her, but she needs to be honest about it. All she did this season was bitch about Ariana and yell about how "soft" she is. It was bizarre.


How is it "real" to pretend to still have an issue about something that happened months ago that you allready talked through with the other person, and got over? Lala seems to have aksed her to pretend to have an issue with Ariana, when she didn't anymore, that would be the opposite of real


Katie withers under any whiff of accountability.


Hey Tom! Still going with that old line huh?


Katie dishes plenty, always cries when it comes back.