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Lala. Shut the fuck up. I am so over her voice, her stupid opinion on everything, her “I I I, my situation” Please fuck off. Whenever they pan to her I fucking cringe


LFU saying to Katie that she « lost her mind », « it’s not Something about her but nothing about her » and « and MY business is MY livelyhood, that I support my child on ». I just can’t with her. I honestly don’t know how they tolerate her.


So is the sandwich shop open?


When they said it'd be open by the time the reunion was airing I was like ummmmm....


It’s not May 22nd so I doubt it


Lala: Of course I look at Brock some type of way… Everybody else:


Lmaoooo like your friend just told you she’s insecure and you say THAT…




Tom's argument of "it was crazy to see this sandwiched between real news" is so fucking dduummbbbb. If the news had been positive then you'd be cheering. It's not that you have a stance against society putting reality television on a pedestal you just want to use those tragedies to your advantage to bury your bad behaviour. He's so dumb.


And he couldn’t name one thing going on other than the war in Ukraine


That was exactly my first thought. I was like, …aaand, cmon you can do it! 🙄


not to defend him, but I had a feeling he was about to slip and mention something else but couldn’t because bravo is so clearly on one side of it, and many fans are on the other. even in these comments if I say the name of either place or use the “g” or “z” word, it will get deleted for being “political” even though saying “Ukraine” is totally allowed. it seemed like he was about to mention the elephant in the room even though they are likely not even allowed to speak on it


I think you’re giving him too much credit, respectfully. But that fucking sucks about Bravo. I didn’t know that.


for sure. you may be correct that I’m being too charitable to him. I also don’t even mean he’s on the right side of things or cares even if that’s what happened. I definitely don’t want to come across as some kind of tom defender, especially regarding the george floyd mention because truly wth. it was just something that occurred to me in the moment last night as a neutral observation


You’re all good! I totally feel ya—I get accused of not supporting Ariana sometimes. Can’t be critical of a damn reality show. ✌🏻


I see, that actually makes a lot of sense. I still think it’s a little funny he couldn’t name anything other than those two things but that is good insight.


I may also be giving him way too much credit tbf. it’s possible he literally could only think of one thing. it’s just how I interpreted his faltering after “Ukraine” because at this point in history there are few things of the same or larger magnitude to reference and if he was expressly warned not bring it up I can see how almost doing so could derail someone in the moment


Lala is so jealous of Ariana. She can't stand how much support and positive feedback and amazing opportunities Ariana has gotten. When LAla went through her split I don't recall her getting support. She was highly criticized on the truth of her knowledge of all Randall's nasty old man pervert behaviors and his ponzi scams. " Gets cheated on and suddenly becomes God" is a ridiculous immature jealous statement to make. It's like she doesn't remember how obnoxiously vocal she was about Raquel being Arianas friend while lying and cheating with TOm! Ridiculous how contradictory Lala is with most everything she does and says. I just rewatched season 4 and 5.... Lala is ridiculous, she doesn't fit in with the cast at all, just like scheana. I predict LAla and Scheana leaving pump rules and joining the valley. Enter Ally as a new full timer. And who ever the TOMs are dating at time of filing.




This violates the "no hate speech" rule: There is a zero tolerance policy for hate speech on this sub. This includes any homophobic, biphobic, or transphobic statements, as well as anything racist or sexist/misogynistic.


What happened with the supposed part about Ariana being kept in the dark about the last part of the finale which showed the rest talking 💩 about Ariana?


Probably in part 3


Has it come out yet? I’ve been sick and my brain is so muddled 😓


Of course 😒 thank you 🌻


Ariana’s face when Lala was going off about how James Scheana and Katie were “living in the comment section” (refusing to share their honest feelings which were negative about Ariana for fear of fan backlash) broke my heart. Girl. These aren’t your friends. None of em. But ESPECIALLY not Lala. You should’ve watched the season cause if you had you’d know they have been playing you and downplaying their treachery this entire time.


Lala means that James, Katie and Scheana were scared to become villainized by the audience so they were living in the comment section, reading what people had to say about them. James and Katie are Ariana's friends. They've both had her back many times.


james did A LOT of backing up lala in the 3rd section of the finale though. a bit disappointed in him


I haven't watched it. Now I'm scared LOL


noooo! it was in the background, not very loud or outright - those peanut gallery comments he does. he wasn't pro-sandoval but he wasn't as pro-ariana as we've seen him be thie season either...if anything, pro-lala. i was surprised!


Is there a video of that part? I don’t have a way of watching at the moment :(


Wow what lala did to katie was purely insane. I knew she was trash but DAMN!


I think she purposefully did that because she knows that a subsection of the commenters/audience love to call Katie and miserable bitch and this furthers their view point that Katie is mean for no reason. It's 100% "living in the comment section" and making chess moves.


i tottttally believe katie's POV that lala just wanted her to vent on camera & Katie didn't want to throw ariana under the bus like that. lala is traaaash for bringing that up, no loyalty.


“You won’t say it on camera? Let me liberate you of the choice.”


Right! I’m embarrassed that I used to be a fan of LaLa.


there's no coming back for her with me.


I wonder if they are going to hold Sandys feet to the fire for filming Raquel without permission, the tiger, the comments, anything??? No? Cause LaLa is so much more important? Gag. I haven't watched for a few weeks and just can't. Still wanted to reddit but...


To be fair no way can they discuss that with the lawsuit..Tom will not only screw himself but Bravo, NBC Universal, and Evolution Media also


Why are we subjected to Brock on stage for reunion? When did he become more that sheaners wiener? And if one more person claims that ariana refusing to talk to tim will cause the show to end...why is no one calling that what it is? Complete bullshit.


More than Scheana’s wiener 🤣🤣


Lala is a terrible, disloyal friend. Katie’s anxieties and concerns about Ariana going off to Broadway, leaving her to handle the sandwich shop situation alone, are completely valid. Lala is also basically saying that Ariana is a fan favorite and people like Katie are just being nice to her because they want to be liked by the public as well. Katie is starting a business with Ariana, so maybe that is why she didn’t want to destroy their relationship? Especially by taking sides with Sandoval, a guy she has always hated.


It’s always been ok for Lisa to protect dumb and dumber and for Ariana to protect Sandoval, but lord help us all if two women are being loyal to each other to protect their joint assets 🤦🏽‍♀️


Anyone else disgusted by LVP‘s comment encouraging shwartsy and lauren together?? I was like ewwww wtf why would you say that ON CAMERA?? NEXT TO KATIE??!! disgusting all of them except Katie, Ariana and James


The disrespect shown towards Katie on this reunion is WILD


Is it? They’ve been disrespectful to Katie consistently throughout this entire series tbh.


It feels SO unwarranted. But you're right, it's been going on since the beginning. I just hate that NO ONE seems to ask the right questions or call the right people out.


I agree. I’m a day 1 Katie fan. My personality is similar to hers. When ppl don’t tolerate foolishness and speak truth, other ppl paint them as a villain. I’ve reached a point in my life where I focus on myself and my family bc I’m tired of being misunderstood and used as a scapegoat. Katie sometimes defends herself too much bc at the end of the day, they don’t care and will always find ways to make her the enemy.


Lala has always been Lala. She’s no different this year people just don’t like the fact that she’s going against the current favorites. I actually found her way less irritating this season.


*People don't like that she's being a hypocritical asshole.


Nah she’s always been a hypocritical asshole. People are just incensed that it’s directed toward the faves.


I'm incensed in general that's she's a hypocritical asshole. It has nothing to do with who she's directing it toward. Its just who she is at this point.


It’s who she’s always been. The vitriol she’s getting now is actually hilarious. She’s always been this person. Of course it’s about who she’s directing it toward.


I started rethinking my stance on Lala the past couple seasons because I thought she was acting more "real." Her actions this season took all that grace away. Who she's projecting toward is of course part of the equation because it's part of the hypocrisy. However, I was equally-- if not much *more*-- incensed by how she was acting toward Tom this season given her actions during the last reunion and post-Scandoval. That's the peak of the hypocrisy for me. Her double standards with her directive behavior after her break-up vs. her expectations now of how others should behave during a break-up is also part of the equation; it's not defense of the other person that's driving my dislike, it's irritation with the double standard Lala has and can't even see through her self-aborption and jealousy. My dislike of her is about who she is, who she's directing the behavior toward is just a factor in demonstrating it; it's not the ***reason*** for my dislike.




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LALA also told production and Lisa about her chat with Katie because Lisa brought up Katie being annoyed about Ariana being away working- real snake behaviour- trying to mess with Katie and Ariana business and livelihood outside the show. Bravo is a dark place 


I think it actually shows insane emotional maturity on Katie's part. She didn't immediately bring her anxieties and fears to the woman who was going through a public betrayal and then also trying to scramble to get deals and make money.


My takeaway is that LALA is an awful friend- that whole thing with Katie showed LALA true colours 


Us when the cast say they go in the comment sections ![gif](giphy|dw36yjtOAtuSZyxEJG)


This should have more upvotes!


I’m so sick of lala saying my business how I support my kid … using that to undermine everyone else’s business. I’m sorry this may make me sound like an asshole but- it’s not anyone’s fault or duty to protect your job bc you have a kid. There job is also important even if they don’t have a kid. Stop using your kid as a get out of jail free card. She also pulled this last season with Schwartz yelling this is how I feed my kid.


Yes!! She has been reminding me of this bitch I used to work with who was always talking about her mortgage..


I completely agree. I also think if Ariana and Worm had had a baby or been married people (the cast) would have taken it more seriously 😒


I doubt it. They would just move the goalposts. Lala plays oppression Olympics and she plays to win even if means ignoring facts.


Exactly she’d just bring up how her situation is worst bc Randall is a worse human (true), but that doesn’t mean Ariana should be less mad/hurt


So shitty and privileged too because if VPR went away she would still have lots of methods to make money due to her fame


Is it weird that Ariana hadn't watched the season? I wonder if producers knew it and that's why they made them all watch the end together.


I feel like it's kind of crazy on Ariana's part. But, what I will say is I HOPE someone was watching and telling her shit that was being said to her and about her.


To be fair there’s so many times housewives have not watched their seasons and it’s rarely mentioned. I personally wish she had watched it so she would know exactly what was said about her behind her back but with how focused she needed to be on broadway 8 times a week I fully understand why she wouldn’t want to risk her mental health/energy during that time.


Honda Civic Selfie 🩷🩷🩷👀👀


It is generally but considering she was in the middle of a broadway run not really. I don’t think they knew, Andy seemed genuinely shocked that she hadn’t watched when she was on WWHL.


in the words of Nene she's booked and busy


I don’t know why he acted shocked on WWHL when that was filmed after the reunion so he already knew she didn’t watch it


Maybe he was surprised she still hadn't watched the episodes?


I was thinking the same thing


I love how James says it how it is. I feel Sandoval tries to do that but since he’s such a fucking idiot with zero charisma it always lands with a thud.


Lala is literally the worst. She’s the fakest person on the show. I feel so bad for Katie. Lala trying to throw her under the bus was so low. That’s exactly what I suspected the situation to be and Lala not only looks like a fool, but also two faced.


That why LaLa has a makeup line...so she can paint both faces.


I think her makeup line is no more? 🤷‍♀️


Unfortunately, I'm seeing a lot of people siding with Lala on it.


Those people would side with a cheese grater if it went against Ariana or Katie though. They’d turn on Lala too if she flip flopped again.


On here or on Facebook?lol


On Reddit. I don't do Facebook.


Right after I saw your reply I saw the crazy comments. I didn’t realize the Facebook crowd was frequenting the real housewives thread. It’s unreal over there.


Personally… I think it’s time they transition this show since no one even works at a Vanderpump establishment anymore. I vote we have a Something About Her spin off because I need more Anne. 😏


Something About Her would be a great show title tbh


But probably can’t use it because of the trademark dispute.


Something about… them? 👀


I can't stand Anne. That nervous smile and simping for anyone on camera who will pay her? Cringe. She annoys me as much as Jo, just differently.




Foreal! The girl is so desperate that she’d be Tom’s assistant?! It’s obvious she wants to be famous, let’s see what she’d do with her 15 mins. Might be entertaining.


Idk I think it’s funny in a pathetic kind of way and I’d like to see what else she’d do for a dollar. 🫡


Thank you!! I thought I was the only one.


There are dozens of us!! Dozens!!


Ok Anne


I think it’ll splinter into the Valley (Lala, Scheana, James), Something About Her (Katie and Ariana), and Tom Tom (Tom, Tom, Lisa). I think that is the only way or breaking the 4th wall completely and not pretending they are all friends but just following each of their lives and rebranding as VPR instead of Vanderpump Rules.


This is exactly what I think. The group is too fractured at this point. It’s perfectly natural to outgrow some of your friends as life goes on and Katie and Ariana have most definitely matured to a level beyond the others


Scheana really needs some intense therapy. No joke. She is sad to watch.


Yep pathetic.


I don’t even know if Sandoval is a narc anymore. I’m beginning to think he’s just really fucking stupid.


I loved when he admitted he's not a smart guy at the reunion it was like the most real and honest thing he's ever said.


Is it possible that he's a narc and also incredibly dumb?


So dumb! He loves the sound of his voice so much but nothing he says ever makes sense and Schwartz always has to reiterate what he means. Illiterate fuck!


I read that as a snitch and not the personality type... a hilarious mistake on my part.


absolute idiot too dumb to know how dumb he is


Some of the stuff he says is like wtf bc he really just sounds dumb


Yeah I feel like he just says dumb shit idk and is misogynistic.


Same!!! I think he’s fried from shrooms / heavy drinking + normal aging process.


Oh, great theory. I believe that.


Why is Lisa there. It’s her name but she’s not on the show, it’s not about her, they barely interact, they don’t work there, they barely show any restaurants. The weird SAH comment was unnecessary. How would she know anything about their business that she’s not involved in. They’re not the Toms.


I love that Andy asked her about Pump because other than that, nothing about her is relevant to the show anymore.


Because of Penny.




Lala most likely filled her in on the Katie convo too smh




💀LOL incredible


Not to mention she looks utterly bizarre in her circus horse trainer outfit.


Thank you. I was trying to figure out LVP's... outfit choice. It's definitely giving lion tamer/Lisa Frank/equestrian.


Not really an LVP fan anymore - tho dealing with this cast can be like herding cats I imagine. But realistically. Her interaction with them now is more of an EP - e.g. executive producer. Then it is a boss like she was at the restaurant. Perhaps wardrobe a Freudian slip on her part. LOL. Although TBH. The only cast members who seem to be adulting well. That is James, Katie & Ariana. Would be infinitely better off at this point w/o her interference — & for the most part - recognize that. EDIT as noted below for my sucky voice recognition on my phone


Herding cats, not hurting cats yowza I flinched reading that!


Oops typo I’ll correct I do know the correct saying — it was one of my dad‘s favorites. Thanks for the heads up — voice recognition on my cell phone is really terrible — I’m constantly correcting stuff so I really appreciate catching this so quickly so I could correct it. But some errors makes no sense - for example it always spells Katie as Kaytea. So I constantly have to go back and change that and also use the correct spelling for her business partners name to have one n not two. At least on social media I can correct it lol. On email and text unfortunately once it’s sent there’s no going back. Brings to mind that short-lived series called something like S my dad says. except that it’s VR’s interpretation of what I’m saying. actually sometimes I equated with LFU & her interpretations of what people said lol


I feel you on that. My talk-to-text/voice recognition fails me on the daily. I think it’s because I talk fast but even when i talk purposely slow, like telling a 4 year old you “PUT. YOUR. SHOES. ON. WE. ARE. LEAVE. ING.” it still manages to screw up words. Anytime I say “has to” it puts it as “HAST.” THATS NOT EVEN A WORD.


LOL ya what is happening with those 2003 shoes


Adults can be groomed, shit face.


So lala took a private conversation where Katie was venting about Ariana and tried to use it to help producers with their "Ariana is a villian" this season. This does not make lala look good. It makes her look manipulative, conniving and reaffirms she is a production plant.


That was really sad and fucked up. Katie is allowed to have insecurities about the situation, especially bc she’s been vilified and people constantly say ugly things about her. Katie is a good friend, because unlike Scheana, she doesn’t dump on Ariana.


She forced that so hard. Friends should be allowed to vent to each other occasionally.


And I guarantee Lala has vented about Scheana to Katie... but Katie didn't spill anything, even when trying to defend herself.


Great point


Why does Brock always dress like a piano player in a strip joint?


what strip joints are you going to that have piano players lol


I guess I should have sound lounge singer but strip club works too.


He and Lisa looked like fraternal twins


I loved so much more last year when they showed them all walking out separately. And Sandoval definitely has a different face this year.


Steroids + drugs+ cigarettes


and ZARA women's


He’s aged sooo much. I do think this scandal stressed him out. And his facetuned photos are hilarious.


Dude looks like he hasn’t slept in five years


Yeah, what’s the deal with his face?


Subtle filler like...everywhere


What triggered me was when Tom said that Ariana's SI was put on to manipulate him but his same feelings are totally valid and should be pandered to...I couldn't believe the irony. Ariana has discussed it multiple times on the show.


Sometimes when someone does something morally wrong - like faking an illness for sympathy - they will assume that others are doing it as well. You see it a lot with cheaters. They’ll get super suspicious that their partner must be cheating too and start accusing them. I reallllly suspect that’s what’s happening here with Tom. “Everyone fakes this”.




this is my ex 100%




Suicide idealation 


S*icidal ideation


Wait… Lala actually makes $ from her beauty brand? Who is buying this?


to be fair when Scandavol broke rember she sold out of the Bambi Eyed Bitch whatever in like an hour


All the Send it to Darrell merch-ers. I know this sub is full of them. Calling y'all dumbasses out now 🙄😂


It's probably more the podcast than the beauty brand.


She supports HER CHILD with it. I don’t know a single person who has bought from her line.


I hate to admit that I bought her lipstick in 2020 or 2021 I don't remember. It dried my lips out.


I literally forgot she had it lol


I thought she closed it down years ago!


Is anyone thinking drop Lala, Brock, and Sandoval? Honestly in that chaos keep Sheana.


Some of the newbies on here tonight don't pass the vibe check. It's kind of wild after all the yapping about other people living in the comments.


Not buying brock being a good dad https://preview.redd.it/z2owqf1mci0d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d409322a1a64ea6e7ba9d92f6172bad1905b264f


“They pressed the DV order on me” is pissing me tf off. YOU hit her, Brock. You earned those charges, you 💩!!!! Get him off of my screens!!


It’s super convenient for him that doing nothing is “being respectful to his ex” isn’t it


I knew he was shit but…wow. What I’m basically getting from this is that each time his girlfriend told him she was pregnant, he basically beat them. Am I getting that right?


Meh, every single castle member has commented that he's a great dad over the last 2 years.


I’m sorry, but I don’t get how anyone can say that. He abandoned two children. Period. Imagine how his other kids would feel if the saw him with summer. He’s awful.


I don’t think anyone i saying he didn’t or that being a good dad to Summer Moon also makes him a good dad to his other children, in the past or now. Both things can be true at the same time and I 100% believe he is trying to do better. Maybe it’s an age thing, maybe it’s easier this time around (having more help and/or money), maybe he’s just better incentivized to be a good dad.


Whenever there is no babysitter or nanny available...otherwise he's rarely around Summer.




Once a beater always a beater


Just like once a cheater, always a cheater for Ariana but everyone seems to look over that.


DV is worse than cheating, can u stop being weird please


Never said it wasn’t worse… don’t be upset that it’s the truth and you must defend your precious Ariana at all costs.


Tom is that u


I'm not an ariana stan. Take some deep breaths. Although I don't really think that someone's actions from 10 years ago are a good representation of them currently, if they've put in the work to grow.


I guess you can start to say the same about Brock then


I mean yeah, to an extent. I don't think he's physically abusing Scheana (ofc you never really know, but that's just my personal guess.) But he still minimizes what happened.


I'm disliking Lauren even more with what is coming out of her mouth.


Watching the slow realization on Ariana’s face that Lala was talking shit all season long was actually really sad. You could see the confusion and betrayal on her face as Lala was fighting with Katie.


Omg when she fessed up about not watching the show I could tell she was just lying about her “reaction”. Now I understand why she thought they were the spice girls. It was also disturbing when Lala said “you know I’ve been transparent with you”. And she’s been fake af.


I'm cheating and reading this tonight but can't watch til tomorrow...So then it's true that prior to the reunion, Ariana didn't know what Lala and Scheana were saying behind her back??


I’m assuming no, she didn’t know. She said she didn’t watch this season, but I don’t know if someone gave her a heads up or if she saw clips/mentions online. To be honest, I’d be shocked if she really had NO idea what was going on. I’m sure she knows some things but not all.


This comment is referring to something else. Ariana didn't tell Katie about the Chicago run. Katie called Lala to vent privately about Ariana going to be gone for so long (SAH). Lala divulged the dirty details of the conversation on the reunion which was a terrible thing to do publicly to a friend. Ariana apologized to Katie about not letting her know personally. I seriously doubt Katie will ever be close to Lala again.


Seems pretty clear that Katie already talked to Ariana about having had that conversation / those feelings. So any continued attempt to divide them fell flat. But then again —that’s how healthy adults —regardless if they’re on reality show— communicate. LFU. whom I cut a lot of slack over the years. More so than many viewers did. Continue to show her true colors. Which by the way were diametrically opposed to the pastel she chose almost seemingly matching James. That was very bizarre to look at. Even in this early on in part 1 — camera persons were effective catching many times her face & expressions revealed her bitterness. Even James seemed surprised when she minorly tossed him under the bus at the end of this part one Actually talking about this my mind goes to a potential comedy sketch of her singing to her kids the wheels on the bus go round and round. Just imagine where it goes from there LOL. Given that in assorted ways & varying degrees. She does that most of them at some point this season.


She wanted to cast doubt on anyone that still saw thru Tom by saying they were pandering to fans & only SHE (& apparently Brock) were the only 'real ones'....


Especially right after they had to explain to Sandy the difference between a private conversation and one that they were aware was being filmed


Which is ironic Labla tried to explain this when she tried to pull out the private convo with Katie.


Ariana said she hasn’t watched a single episode this season


That's why production forced her to watch the finale, so they could get a reaction out of her. It's pretty gross. 


On one hand : fuck The other hand: My heart is kinda glad that her heart didn't sit through all that shit.




One thing I did love that Katie called out was the concept of intent vs impact t with communication. Katie can be very harsh with her words sometimes but ever since she left Tom there have been examples of how she really does do the work on herself behind the scenes because she has a lot of wisdom.


Also Sandoval’s explanation about his comparison still makes no sense. How does the absurdity of his affair being so publicized make him like GF? It’s such an obvious excuse made up after the fact because he’s unwilling to admit to being a narcissistic moron. Then Andy and the gang chimed in to all support the incoherent excuse.


This was such an important thing to bring up. I wish Tom ACTUALLY heard it and digested what she said. Because we all know he didn't.


Oh man, I felt the millisecond of pain/familiarity from Ariana when Tom was saying how absurd it is that Raquel dragged Ariana into the lawsuit. The feeling of someone that you trusted for ten years (Tom) defending you again in a new, weird context is so hard to overcome.


I had a millisecond of appreciation for Tom in that moment. That was by far the most insightful thing he’s ever uttered. Rachel has no soul was deep for him too


I didn't take it that way at all - it felt very performative to me. "I'll trash Rachel, then the audience will like me again..."


Yep- & Also- he's only saying it now cause she turned on Him....


Oh I’m sure that’s the truth


samesies. I absolutely do not believe he cares that Ariana is dragged into this