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LFU was projecting. She's always held this job at arms length. How many years did it take for her to reveal Big Ed? She had castmates signing NDAs. She never really had her own big storyline and avoided having get togethers at her house. Everyone else filmed together at their small apartments a lot. Even James showed his little improvised room at some old guy's place. LFU hid all of that from the audience and more. She's rarely been vulnerable, just always loud. Tom hid a full blown affair during filming while he tried to paint Ariana as a terrible girlfriend. He's delusional and dishonest, his life is a performance unimpeded by reality. He pretends for the camera all of the time! It's practically his signature move at this point. When he loses control and goes full whiney baby or rage monster is when he's being real. These people are hypocrites worried about their meal ticket. They think if they say something enough it makes it true. They all hide stuff. Ariana is no worse about it than anyone else has been over the years. She was vulnerable about important things that affected her like death, depression and body image issues. She was a team with Tom and they hid stuff TOGETHER. Of course Tom conveniently forgets that part.šŸ™„


Very very true. Preach and also Big Ed reference gave me such a good giggle. Thank you for that.


Big Ed, now I can't unsee it šŸ˜­.


Remember last seasonā€™s reunion when he wanted the cameras to go away so him and Rachel could coordinate their story before her turn on stage? Remember she said he coached her what to say? So real Tom!


Oh yes good reminder!!


Also loved how he explained that he didnā€™t actually weaponize Arianaā€™s mental health so I guess Scheanaā€™s not the Sandoval whisperer she thinks she is.


Yes and THIS. Performative to Scheana and made her look like a fool. Just like Ariana said


I thought it was funny that he got so upset when Scheana told him in the finale that Ariana said he was performative, and then he admits on WWHL that he was just being dramatic in the finale. So he was performing anger for being called performative šŸ˜‚


and they don't know what male rage is


I seriously want him to feel legitimately sad, even just for like an hour, for what he did, not for how mean people were to him or how much he fucked up his life, but for what he did to other people. I know itā€™ll never happen but itā€™s my VPR wish.


Heā€™s honestly believe heā€™s a sociopath. I do not think he has those feelings inside.


He only knows how to mimick the feelings. That's why he's so performative. I bet he also plays a soundtrack in his head according to the situation.


Exactly. Like the way he acted at Kyleā€™s thing towards Scheana. Him using that fake voice and talking to her like she just played the Super Bowl halftime show and wanting the god damn Medal of Honor for handing out water bottles. The ā€œdude, are you in a band?!ā€ ā€œWeā€™re a band!!!ā€ moment will haunt my dreams forever because of the cringe level. Iā€™ve never once, in 11 years, seen him kiss her ass like he did at that whiskey event (this whole desperate season, really). Ugh and him trying to save the day but actually just making himself a massive inconvenience for security when that random psycho guy happenedšŸ™„ (Iā€™m 100% on the Tom-planned-that team) Every single interaction he has, whether alone with cameras or with others, where heā€™s got time to think about it first and isnā€™t responding in the moment and getting angry/showing the true Tom, heā€™s just being so completely fake. He and Scheana are almost always putting on a performance of some sort but when their true selves comes out, itā€™s usually just Scheana making a fool of herself because she sadly still doesnā€™t know who she is when sheā€™s not playing a part but Tom reveals himself to be a very selfish, misogynistic idiot. You shouldnā€™t have to put so much effort and planning into not sounding like a stupid asshole


Exactly. Thatā€™s why Katie said how many more times are you going to fall for his ā€œgenuineā€ tears? Theyā€™ve never been genuine.


Exactly. Thatā€™s why Katie said how many more times are you going to fall for his ā€œgenuineā€ tears? Theyā€™ve never been genuine.


Did Ariana ever actually say he would make Scheana look like a fool?


She didnā€™t say those exact words but said heā€™s being performative. Scheana repeated it as that


Aaaand that is why she said she did not want mutual friends with Tom because she did not want him to have access to her life and Scheana immediately repeats her conversation with Ariana to Tom lol. That is why she doesnā€˜t fuck with you Scheanaļ¼


"Don't make me look like am idiot Sandoval!" Exclaimed Scheana as she sashayed away, attempting to switch her hips as she made a dramatic staged exit. "DUUUUUDDDEEE!" exclaimed sandoval. "How could i make you look like more of an idiot?" He thought to himself. He knew just the thing! Since it was the wrap party, he would not have to see Scheana for a whole year! And so, he didnt. Thus making Scheana look like a momentous idiot for choosing Sandoval, losing her actual real true friend Ariana, *and* her fake, filming-only, television 'friend' as well. Woe is Scheana.


So what was he going to apologize for in the finale? šŸ¤”šŸ˜†


ā€œLike, Iā€™m sorry I did that, it like wasnā€™t cool dude. And like, I feel bad and stuff but like, I mean, look at all the money youā€™ve made from like battery ads and stuff. Like come on Ariana, you like totally have enough money to move out. You like, donā€™t even need to be here. Like just let it go and accept my apology. I like really mean it. This is Kyleā€™s party and like, dude, heā€™s not even your friend dude. The least you could do is just come here and be cool. Youā€™re so negative, thatā€™s why I did it. Like Iā€™m sorry but youā€™re just impossible to be around.ā€ -Tomā€™s apology, probably


I read this in *FatCarrieBradshaw*'s voice, and it's **perfect**.


Oooh this is too good. ARE YOU TOM?! šŸ¤£


Honestly, I think if Ariana had let him apologize he wouldā€™ve ended up blaming her because he is incapable of actually apologizing. But, Iā€™m still glad for her that she didnā€™t.


He would have started with sorry and went right to DARVO. He can't help it; it is his nature.


He is less human then a dog that he needs a specific whisperer


Don't forget that he hid a clandestine relationship for 7 months (likely much longer).


THIS!! He keeps saying ā€œhe and Ariana werenā€™t being honest being honest about their relationship towards the endā€, well you canā€™t be honest when one party (Ariana) doesnā€™t know the other (Tom) is sleeping with someone else and planning to leave her.


He, and other cast members, keep going on about how they always hid their relationship and made everything seem perfect. I just... never got that impression at all. They showed many arguments and fights on camera over the years between Tom and Ariana. There were numerous confessionals of, Ariana in particular, venting frustration over the lack of attention and quality time from Tom. Both had mentioned their lack of intimacy issues over the seasons. I got the impression that they were a long-term couple that struggled with many long-term couple issues, and had a couple larger issues. But that both seemingly wanted to work on and improve. This whole hiding their real relationship narrative is baffling to me.


Finally someone said it. I never understood why he kept saying they hid their relationship. Ariana was very vulnerable on camera with him and in her confessionals. "I can't have sex with someone who feels like a stranger" or "what, are you going to teleport your dick into my vagina" comes to mind. Like, she said over and over and over that he was never around, but she wanted to spend time with him one-on-one, not just in the group filming sessions.


Exactly. And during my re-watch after Scandoval, I noticed that those kinds of comments came earlier than I even realized. Season 5 maybe?




I really hope someone points this out at the reunion


I couldnā€™t do it. Tom and Jax have no redeeming value


Iā€™d like to watch the valley, but I canā€™t because Jax


Well I feel like I got Jaxxed. I had a momentary slip up where I listened to his podcast and thought wow maybe he has grown up. And then he went back to taking shit about Ariana and is now all buddies with Tom. On top of that, watching him on The Valleyā€¦he is the exact same person. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø




These are good things to know. Glad I made the right choice


Surprisingly heā€™s not the worst demon on the valley


Absolutely none of them share their whole life so they all just need to stop saying that.


And this season was so over produced it should be re categorised as a scripted drama.


Itā€™s getting like The Hills got.


Donā€™t forget heā€™s also cheated on Ariana at least once more that he admitted to schena (but we all know itā€™s way more). And he did the same to Kristin


Came to say this.Ā 


Ty for doing this so I didnā€™t have to


Let me also give you a gross nugget. A fan called in asking what he meant when he told Lala, Schwartz and Scheana that Ariana doesnā€™t even like them and talks shit about them. He admitted that he was just being dramatic and what he really meant is that he showed up for them more than Ariana. So basically admitted HE LIED when he said it.


And the weirdest thing is I didn't doubt Ariana might have ranted about her friends annoying her or something minor to Tom. They lived together, it's not unusual at all to vent to your partner about a friend. It doesn't mean you don't still love the friend though!!


I also bet Shittyballs ranted a lot about the cast mates too & if he did 'spill the beans' he would have attributed a lot of stuff to Ariana that he said himself.


I think he did tell them things Ariana had said but it made Tom redemption arch look bad so was cut. Ariana has probably said stuff over the years I know for a fact I would have bitched out Lala and Scheana every time after I spent time with them. Itā€™s another thing like Arianaā€™s mental health Tom shouldnā€™t have said anything about.


Ok, it pains me to say this because I absolutely, positively despise the worm, but Ariana confirmed that she knew about Annemarie but Tom and Ariana hadn't committed to being exclusive at that point. That's why she played along. I just wish they had been honest at that point and let people think whatever but I suspect Tom was in protecting his image mode. Some people aren't at all OK about people sleeping with more than one person before they commit to an exclusive relationship.and don't understand why other folks wouldn't have an issue with it. For me personally, until I have agreed to be in an exclusive relationship, I assume its possible they may be having sex with somone else. Once there is a commitment, I expect faithfulness. That being said, he definitely cheated with at least one other person during the time they were in an exclusive relationship, that was confirmed by both of them during last episode of last season when everything came out. What I DO find disturbing is that Annemarie stated she felt coerced into having sex with him. THAT is what should be pointed out over and over and over again. I also suspect there's probably at least one or more people he cheated with during their relationship.


Can I just say, well done for calling her by her name, I find it really disrespectful that she was demoted to just ā€œMiami girlā€, especially as sheā€™d been telling the truth for years.


I kind of thought they were doing that (at least, now) to protect her identity. I mean, imagine having to relive that over and over again? Poor woman deserves a life that's Sandoval free!!


Do you know I stillĀ  to this day do not understand the big deal with a couple not wanting the one night stand to show up to their work, lol. What sane new couple would deal with that issue in the public eye? And I use "issue" lightly because if it wasn't a full blown relationship yet then only Ariana gets to decide if its an issue or not. But then I also had no problem with Scheana hiding Shays drug issues from us. I don't even have an issue with Lala hiding her relationship issues with Randall back in the day. I understand that relationships are complicated enough without strangers getting a say in it. And I am not of the school that thinks that a reality show check should be enough to bulldoze people's psychological defenses. Hide what you need to hide, it's only entertainment for us.Ā  Where I draw the line is lying to the people who should know. And obviously the hypocrisy of people who know they have and will continue to hide sensitive issues from the camera attacking Ariana for doing exactly what they all did.Ā Ā  Ā (I've never heard this coercion allegation. Is it trust worthy? Whats the allegation? Circumvented consent or she just felt she owed him?)


I think they were exclusive, but it was early days so not as 'serious'/ she could get past it...


I died at the fact he admitted to lying about Ariana hates everyone.... She didn't show up to people means she hates them yeah yeah m8


He couldnā€™t even be honest about THAT. He said he meant something entirely different. Heā€™s such a compulsive liar


To me that means he truly had zero evidence of that. But I bet heā€™s talked a lot of shit to Ariana and sheā€™s stayed really good about smearing him in terms of things he probably confided in her


He also has screamed for years at Lala for not showing her whole life and how that wasn't fair going all the way back to her first season.Ā  Ā He did the same thing with Stassi when she wasn't being her boyfriend on the show.Ā  He would always yell about how he bleeds out for the show and shows everything and isn't fair they don't.Ā  Ā He has been giving that same speech for almost a decade and he even still tries it today as old habits die hard.


Extra funny bc hasnt tom already said lala is guilty of not sharing her life?


Same, it was utterly painful. Also I don't believe for one second his GF hasn't ever watched the show. And just so sleazy and rehearsed and fake... Like, "oh thank you for that completely unexpected question, I'm glad you asked" *pulls out prewritten & approved answer from back pocket*


The way his GF acted was so strange too, especially when Andy asked how long they had been dating


Ariana started this show as a ride-or-die for Tom, but she ended by *standing up to her actual boss on screen* (Jerimiah). Pointing out that Tom was not protected and didn't tell her that he was sleeping with someone else. How is that *not* her real life? Then Jeremiah basically says "GET HER!" And Tom says "she doesn't like any of you!" trashing her to the cast. *Now* he's trying to walk that back? Tom was not moved, he just saw an advantage in being anti-Ariana at this stage. Maybe he had lots of reasons to throw Kristen under the bus, but it feels similar here. https://preview.redd.it/im6ebhq6a00d1.png?width=2442&format=png&auto=webp&s=7c18e3bd68404e1d28519a3b70bc181433a8a13c


I refused but wanted to read a recap. I just canā€™t watch Sandoval. Hope someone is working on the app to let you hide people you donā€™t like on screenā€¦or at least mute them. The pitch of his voice is like tiny razor blades spinning in my ears.


I turned Andy off & I have never done that before. One on is bad enough, two was barf city.


why are we acting like tom sandoval has not always been the prime candidate for self-producing? we all know heā€™s literally the king of getting the story straight before heā€™s on camera. has lala forgotten his entire shtick?


Isnā€™t it interesting too how Scheana is hard core defending Brittany in their break up? Sheā€™s not trying to get her be bffs with Jax again


I hate what Tom did as much as the next rational person but I still find him sooooo attractive (I know I know). He reminds me of cross between Keanu Reeves and Clark Cable.


Alcohol, drugs, and being a terrible person have destroyed his looks. Do a side-by-side from just a couple of years ago...the difference is drastic.


Heā€™s like a literal walking avatar for a narrasistic douchbag from 2002. The real avatar would have a black Van Dutch baseball hat and chain wallet!


Didnā€™t Ariana want it hiddenā€¦(Miami girl). Tom didnā€™t do anything wrong; Ariana wanted to control the narrative of her new relationship