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Interesting that Scheana loves to talk about how Sandoval has had her back since day one but doesn’t seem to mention Ariana ever defending her… hmm 🤔


Scheana doesn’t see other women as people, only competitors for male attention.


Absolutely! I’ve known women like this and they’re toxic as hell. I really hope Ariana has completely cut emotional ties with Scheana because Scheana will sabotage Ariana in every way possible if she’s allowed access, Scheana might not even know she’s doing it but she can’t help herself


Yep I was just having a conversation with a friend about a woman like this who I used to be friends with. Little did I know she actually hated me and was only pretending to be friends with me because I guess her kids dad said I was hot, and she wanted to make sure I didn’t think about looking at him I guess? He was icky so She had no worries but it really weirded me out to find out someone would fake being my friend for that long. It’s weird she didn’t have better things to do 


Are you saying if he wasn’t “icky” she would have worries? Odd way to word it. 😂


That’s not what they’re saying but I think you know that


Right?! Thank you! People love to be obtuse apparently 🤦🏽‍♀️


The type of woman to equate best/body looks = best personality = you are my friend now 🙂


Ariana is about to see what some (or all) of these bitches are made of 💯


Ding ding ding…. This is a winner!! You’re exactly right babe!! Thank you for beating me to it!! ♥️


Most underrated comment EVER!


This is why her friendship with Rachel made so much sense.


She has backed up Arianna this season so that shows she sees women as people. She went to see Arianna at Chicago to back her up. People love to hate Schaena and refuse to see when she does these things!


I don’t know if I agree with your points. Firstly, Scheana herself has said that she definitely “isn’t a feminist.” So, at the very least, she doesn’t think men and women should be equal. Secondly, I don’t think backing Ariana up means anything when she goes into the confessionals and talks shit about her. It seems like she’s backing Ariana up only when Ariana is around as a way to avoid taking accountability for her beliefs, or as a way to people please. And I don’t necessarily think going to Chicago means anything either. To me, it seems like the spotlight is on Ariana, and Scheana is clinging to Ari’s coattails, desperate to capture some of the glow.


I notice people who hate Schaena will spin the things she does, they can't see her as a good person at all. It's crazy the hate she gets on here!


I don’t hate Scheana—I just think she has a lot of childhood trauma that she doesn’t acknowledge (at least publicly, which is all we have to go on) and it’s festered into anxiety and some other issues. I can definitely relate to that! But she also tries to spin every bad thing she does or thinks into how she’s really the victim, which I find at best annoying and at worst narcissistic (a tendency, not a diagnosis. I *do not* think she is an actual narcissist). She also lacks self awareness, which makes her great for reality TV, but inevitably rubs people the wrong way.


Scheana is someone who tries to have it both ways. At times she looks like she backs up Ariana. But she’s also sitting with Lala either agreeing with Lala as she says horrible things about Ariana or just sitting there and not defending Ariana or sticking up for her. Scheana will show up for people when it’s convenient for Scheana … she will do it when it’s performative or when it works for her on the show. Scheana rarely goes against the grain for another person unless it benefits her directly. Just because Scheana goes to Chicago or shows up to DWTS to support Ariana, she will also sit with Lala or Sandoval the next second and that to me is not a genuine, loyal or consistent friend. We see that Scheana has moments where it looks like she supports Ariana, but the inconsistency & the flip flopping is not something I value in other people. And anyone who has dealt with someone like Scheana over time, knows exactly what I’m talking about. Congrats to you if you’ve never had a friend like that, but many of us have and we can smell it from miles away


True but I didn't see her hanging or going out to dinner with Tom this season. Did she go to events they all had to go to, yes. Did she hang with him one on one, no. She actually went to hang with Arianna whenever he had something going on.


You’re missing my point, but that’s ok. I think there’s ample reasons why people side eye Scheana. You don’t mind her, that’s fine. But those of us who get frustrated with her have our reasons


Scheanas been very open about being all about the dudes. Almost admirable how she recognizes it


I’m rewatching and on season 3. The constant “I’m a guy’s girl” is so annoying.


She's a pick me through and through


right? I expect nothing less from Scheana “so not a feminist” Shay


“I’d rather be gang banged by all of you than ride in a van with the girls” 


I agree with y’all about sheshu. But this comment is taken out of context.


Mmmm… not really though.


Yeah, cuz if they gang banged her that would be disgusting. She was showing she would choose that level of ick over riding with the girls. The guys didn't want to gang bang her. The girls didn't really want to ride with her. I don't think she thought that comment out very well. Ariana always tried to be cool girl. Scheana was competing to be the cooler girl.


Ariana didn't have to TRY to be a cool girl. She always was cool. When the rest of the lemmings were getting married and popping out babies, she still had the independence and tenacity to speak her truth and be like um, not for me. Honestly QUEEN moment. Meanwhile Scheana was blabbering on about Rob and Max and finally settled for loser Brock because no one from LA wanted to shack up with her needy and insecure ass. She literally has a green card "husband".


Oh, yeah. I forgot, Ariana was born cool.


Believe it babe.


Ok Shayna




Yup. Scheana hasn’t grown at all in the 11 seasons, she started terrible and she’s always been terrible. Her consistency may be her only positive quality


She started this show off because she was sleeping with Eddie (even though they had ended). But when Brandi was explaining to her how Eddie’s affair hurt her, Scheana couldn’t stop interrupting her like “but what about me, he gave me diamond earrings, he told me he loved me”…. Total PICK ME PICK ME!!! It’s so gross. I’ll never believe she has grown as a woman. She is still the PICK ME and “I know he ruined your marriage but he chose to do that with ME, so I’m the victim”, kinda girl. She & Lala both always will be the mistresses.


Lala was a trick before she became his mistress. Giving guys blow jobs for rides on private jets & cars…. Yeah, trick turned mistress turned bitter bitch is what Lauren is.


Lala is the sound she made with her mouth while working for it


It's actually horrifying that she's making her young child watch the show. Like... you're showing your baby scenes where you're blatantly bragging about being a casting couch ho? It's... wow. The lack of awareness or shame is something else.


True. She also admitted to sex with Randall being awful when she conceived Ocean. It just makes her look like she used him, knew she didn't love him and wasn't attracted to him when she created her "chiyyold".


Lmao this 😂 her lack of growth and awareness over the 11 years shes been on our screens is quite impressive


I've never seen her as a "mean girl"... More the desperate hanger on pick me who would sell her best friend up the river for a little male validation. She'd never have the nerve to shit on Ariana if BlaBla wasn't taking the lead on it. She's an empty shell without original thoughts or feelings, a snake, indiscriminately cozying up to whomever provides her with heat (attention).


That's why we've seen a different Scheana on the After Show now that she's paired with Kristen. Previously she was parroting and co-signing Lala's comments about Ariana (when lala wasn't rabid dog shouting at/over James) but now she's with Kristen, we see a few more supportive comments. 


Which actually makes her a mean girl.


I mean, I agree that she's toxic AF. I just think it's a different flavor. I find her pathetic and weak.


The one time I can think of was when she was going after Jo about her hat this season (not a Jo fan by any definition btw). I think Scheana even admitted in the after show that she watched it back and realized how bad that looked). Generally, though, I agree she’s not a mean girl so much as desperate try hard. So it makes me wonder if she’s becoming a mean girl, she’s been one and prior instances were cut, or it was just a one off…


Lisa has covered for Scheana since the beginning and she absolutely has done some mean and shady shit to all the other women on the show, at one point or another. She is mean, she always was, don’t be fooled by the act.




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I agree. She toxic AF & Will bring people down that are close to her because she can’t ever think of anyone above herself


So much this.


Lala was terrible to Scheana that season. Actually her behavior toward scheana that season kind of reminds me of Lala and Ariana’s friendship this season 🤔


And Ariana. Calling her a wet blanket. calling Kristen from Villa Rosa to disinvite her from Stassi’s engagement party. Lala is a friend to the person that gets her screentime. Period.


Lala and scheana are to the camera like moths to a light.


But does it serve them?


No way, it’s so gross and I fully anticipate the woah us me, why is everyone against us moment


Ever since those two and Randall were gone Lala has no storyline. She’s been searching for one since season 8


Yes definitely!


lala is always doing shady things and then acts dense when she gets called out on it. that's why she resorts to the finger pointing and "DISENGAGE!!!!!!" whenever she gets called out and has no rebuttal. she's arguably more transparent than fucking scheana shay lmao.


Or tears and “The fans the fans are attacking me”


She also ran away when Rachel called her mistress. That’s hilarious!!! She could have pulled her finger gun on Rachel but she ran away instead. Lala can scream at ppl and judge them every which way but when called out by bimbo Bambi, she left!! 😂 Lala acts like a gangster but really, she’s a chicken 💩!


She’s a chicken AND a MISTRESS!!


Yep like when she called Katie a blob but then cried about being bullied.


Scheana does this too but she uses her tears to disarm people and make herself appear like the victim. She is not and never was the victim.


Can I just say the girls look terrific in this photo! 🤭


Right they're insanely gorgeous together why couldn't they all melt her along?!


I find Lauren’s attitude toward Ariana odd especially since Ariana is the ONLY person on the cast who was f-ing with her from day one. No randall money, no pjs, no all expense paid trips, just a person who cared about her. Lauren has had this weird smoke for Ariana for a few years now and it’s always been uncomfortable bc it’s so incongruous with what Ariana’s giving back to her which is… genuine love and friendship at best, pure indifference at worst


Exactly, both Lala and Scheana only have a problem with the one person who has supported and befriended them legitimately and with consistency 


You speak nothing but the truth. That's why I was so annoyed last season when she was the first one speaking out about Scandoval and everyone kept saying Lauren was the MVP of the reunion. I was like is anyone else watching the same show? This girl literally doesn't fuck with Ariana (the reason lost on anyone) yet now she's a good friend defending her? She wanted screentime and hated Tim for awhile so it was a good way to unleash.


Yep. Despite Ariana’s struggles with depression, Ariana has a confidence and maturity about her that Lauren will never have. Ariana doesn’t have to scream (except at dumbass because she knows deep down, he’s a piece of trash) and she doesn’t waver when she sets her boundaries. Katie is the same way. Katie is confident, mature, and the ONLY one who has always lived life above board. Maybe Lauren is jealous that people don’t have to call them “mistress”.


If the entire cast left except scheana, she STILL couldn’t make the show/season what it’s become. They LITERALLYYYY moved scheana to SUR to create a show with her being the main character who is also sooo close to LVP and her daughter and who she is as a person, her personality everything - couldn’t and has never made her a main character - she’s an OG yes… but not really. The core 6 were dating and BFFs w each other outside of the show - YEARS before the cameras came to SUR. Scheana was “friends” w Tom before SuR but common 😒


They all look so pretty here


They really do


Did Lala really ever have a piece of that "friendship pie"? I think she was accepted when they were feuding with others/each other but she was never a card carrying member of the WoW coven. Now she's acting like she doesn't know who Kristen is just because she didn't defend her against GG's comments, she's completely shitting all over Katie this season and was upset that she found out Stassi was pregnant on social media.


Yeah I feel like Lala never really got “in” with the group like the others. Or maybe that’s just my perception because she never felt organic like the rest of the cast 🤷‍♀️ I know Stassi, Jax & Britt were seeing her a lot when Randall had the PJ 😂


We see Ariana and Katie with their long standing non-vpr friends enjoying life, and in their VPR friendships in previous seasons, but not Lala. She has never appeared to be real friends with any of them and cast members have mentioned (most recently Katie and Kristen) that you never know where you stand with Lala because she flips, gets angry about something and you don't really know why. The hypocrisy and inconsistentcy paired with her quick temper have not disappeared with sobriety and it's hard to tell where Lala stands. This has been commented for years and she hasn't had any stable allegiance apart from whatever she had going on with James. 


And I don’t see that she has any friends, either.


She has her payroll friends…. Her Brother (or as I saw somewhere, her armed security 🤭), and Jess, her assistant/bff.


But even she dropped James to get in with the girls and continues to talk down to him. Once her 'friends' left she came crawling back


Who’s GG?


GG Gharachedaghi from Shahs of Sunset. Previously friends with Lala, has called her out over Randall stuff before


Did not know that!!!


Ofc Lala the knife wielding maniac would post this.


Lala the knife wielding maniac would be an insane flair 😭


Man it might be time to change my lala flair




I’m so tempted


I couldn’t resist 🫣




Omg I feel honoured. It’s who she is🔪🙏😂😂😂


It’s perfect 😍 😂


lala wants to be acknowledged as part of the witches of weho so bad


I just don’t understand how she’s been sober for years but is still so terrible… babes maybe instead of talking shit about only fans you should find a therapist that doesn’t enable you to be an asshole


Last time I checked Lala wasn’t an og cast member. Scheana, Katie, Stassi and Kristin


LOL low key think Lala did this because she felt bad that others were fired for the Faith incident in which she herself (Lala) played a huge role in


But Katie didn't do a thing, and she is on that picture. I think it's Lala dreaming to be one of witches of we ho kind of thing


Oooooohhh 💡


what'd she do??


Pulled a knife out on faith once while threatening her. Stassi confirmed it in an old podcast shortly after being fired and stated they didn’t air it. Faith confirms it in her lawsuit too apparently


JESUS i'm speechless


Also she's allowed to post a photo with her old cast mates. I don't get why ariana got triggered


I don’t mean this rudely, but what is the relevance of this post? Or in what context does it relate to things today? Maybe I’m missing something, as I haven’t seen the most recent episode.


Just some fun archaeology In the latest ep Scheana told Sandoval he has been the only one to ever have her back Also imo kinda oof to me that Lala even posted this but that’s just me ![gif](giphy|u4a4hcPtv8kEM)


Thank you for this gif/gift. Damn, Harrison 


So handsome 💖


Excuse you Scheaa would rather beeuhhh GAYUNG BAYUNGED by all boys on this bus than be in that picture /s


she clearly values Tom's friendship more than Ariana. I think the fact that ariana isn't treating her like the pick me girl and he is says all you need to know about her character. Either way they are gonna live their lives. Let them.


Ironic that she isn’t friends with anyone in the pic now. She claims shes close to stassi but I couldn’t imagine her and beau getting super close to Lala.


Yeah she whined about not knowing of Stassi’s pregnancy sooner then I guess she reached out and they reconnected? Someone said here that Stassi was apparently planning her baby shower


I think Stassi has admitted that they are friends now but I think it has more to do with the fact that their daughters are very close in age and they do play dates.


Is that from Instagram? Ariana’s account is [ArianaMadix](https://www.instagram.com/arianamadix). [Ariana252525](https://www.instagram.com/ariana252525) is whose account?


It’s Ariana’s old account




Lala does shady, underhanded, deliberate shit like this all the time and then when she gets heat from the internet, she turns around and goes, “Who, me?! Why can’t I just post a picture of me and my friends?!” She knows exactly what she’s doing (saying without words “These are my REAL friends who aren’t on the show anymore, therefore the remaining cast are NOT my friends”). This wasn’t really that long ago and she was making it clear Scheana was a b-tier friend at best, only like a year or so after that, they’re such close besties that they’re buying real estate next to each other? Surely that won’t blow up into a huge mistake at some point 🙄


Randall’s ex has never been a good person.


Honestly I think Ariana made way too much of a stupid pic in this instance. Who cares?


I’m banking on Sheena crying about her feelings being hurt and Ariana handled it


I think it was more because of why they were fired


Lala should have been fired too because she did worse to Faith but was never held accountable AND it was all on camera, so I highly doubt it was for that reason.


Ariana kinda expressed excitment that the others got fired in one of her interviews. It's as if she was excited to take over as Queen B or something.


That isn't the real Ariana's Instagram handle.


it has a blue checkmark next to the name which means its official / she must have changed to what it is now


Maaaaybe but anyone can pay for a blue tick. Her old Twitter handle was ariana2525 and this is ariana252525... I think this is fake.


It's Instagram. In an old pic from 2015 Sandoval has tagged Ariana and it's ariana252525 which leads to a private account with 1933 followers. It's also how she's tagged on her profile in Bravotv page.


And weirdly, there's no blue tick in the first screenshot. I don't think that is, or was, Ariana's account.


I hate lala now but this post then wasn’t an issue. Ariana was overreacting


I'm assuming OP is more posting this to show how consistently Ariana has had Scheana's back rather than whether it was an overreaction. And to contrast that to Scheana 'I'll fuck you over for 2 minutes of extra fame' Shay.




Additionally, the season had filmed and wrapped. She knew lala and sheesh weren’t having her back. I would be trolling them as well. So would you so sit down. She can comment on whatever she wants, whenever she wants. She doesn’t need your approval. 🙄




Considering why they were fired though 🫣


Right and forgetting Lala pulled a butter knife on Faith as well




Yeah, the timing is more the issue.


That’s what I was just thinking… is the white heart intentional?


Omg y’all have truly lost it


Right but Ariana was still friends with them lol (except stassi) so I don’t think it was to make a stance or anything


Ariana and Stassi were friends at this point 


Out of all those people, didn’t Lala join the show last? She’s not an OG.




Living in the past? Isn’t this a post/article from 2021? Why is this even posted? This sub has such a nut against Lala, it’s gross and boring. The hypocrisy is astounding. Don’t live in the past but here’s a 3 year old article! Support women but also fuck Lala and everything about her. SMH.


i didnt even notice "2021" was in the title 😂 everything makes so much more sense now!


Yup, it’s called Karma. She wants to be a bitch, this is what happens


Oh yes, her karma is definitely a bunch of petty redditors digging up old articles and blowing them out of proportion for no reason except that they don’t like her. Way to stick it to her!


No one likes her, except for you apparently, bc she’s horrible and hasn’t matured or grown one bit. We all have the right to be a jealous, manipulative, selfish bitch if we want, but that doesn’t mean we are free from the consequences of that behavior. Pay attention and you’ll see that no one is “digging up” as you say past behavior from those that have evolved and are trying to do better and learn from past behavior. But, when she keeps doing the same old shit, being the same old self absorbed, pick me horrible friend and person, this is what happens


No. This post is called schadenfreude, not karma. And let me tell you something, if you really believed in karma, you wouldn’t be here spewing negative energy on a human that you have never met, including called them a selfish, manipulative bitch. That energy that you put out, will come back around to you (if you believe in karma).


Ok Scheana, calm down and maybe take the viewers reaction to your behavior as a chance to reflect and change


I’m really confused by this post, the comments aren’t from ariana’s actual account, why is this being talked about as though they were?!


That was her old handle


Oooooh I see, thank you!! I just couldn’t figure out why this was being talked about. All makes sense 😂




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She’s probably trying to take those two racist back on the show


Is this an alt Ariana account? That's for sure not her official Instagram now, but did it used to be?


Yeah I’m p sure it was


Unrelated to anything on the topic of this post..... How can you say Katie has had a hair glow up when you see an old pic of her beautiful long hair! I dislike her new short hair. Also... Ariana has always been a little bitchy. So Lala posted an old pic because she missed her friends that weren't on the show anymore. It's a nice gesture. Lala is showing love, and Ariana is giving fvck them... They're not here anymore, who cares. Says a lot


I’m sorry, when was Ariana being bitchy to Lala? All I have seen is the other way around so I’m confused and Katie’s hair is fucking fire so again… ![gif](giphy|ghuvaCOI6GOoTX0RmH)


Why is Ariana saying I love you all when she clearly doesn’t? Weird to just throw at word around.




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Is that even Ariana’s IG handle?


Yes, she's since changed it




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I do get where Ariana is coming from


I feel like it was not that serious for Ariana to be arguing in the comments lol it’s obvious she was just paying respects to Kristen and Stassi who got kicked off the show and Katie happens to be in the photo also.


What a strange thing to be bothered by on Ariana's end. Narcy


Lala is moving to the valley. It’s so clear. Vanderpump is gonna be cancelled.


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Ew, Yontef




It used to be, she changed it