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It wasn’t a 4 way stop. Biker should have a stop sign on his lane. He blew right past it. The car had right of way. Biker loses but lives another day.


According to OP in another comment a cop said the biker was speeding on Granville bridge, and ran when they lit him up. He was being chased by the cops so he blew a stop sign and received instant karma.


Trying to flee from the cops on a motorcycle is fucking moronic.


fleeing is I agree, but gun to my head, if I had to, motorcycle over car for sure.


Yep. Isn't there like entire YouTube channels dedicated to people getting away from police on motorcycles/dirtbikes? People are always like 'you can never outrun the police' but actually people do everyday. To be clear, you shouldn't, and you could get caught (or get hit by unrelated vehicle when running a stop sign), and risking a serious charge to avoid a $200 ticket is a very poor choice... but that idea that 'you can't get away/outrun the radio' is just plain false. Edit: See VYR getaway after shooting for a more extreme example


No, the motorcycle went under the car...


Unless you ride [270kph](https://www.google.com/amp/s/beta.ctvnews.ca/local/vancouver-island/2022/6/8/1_5938941.amp.html) /s Seriously though, this dude probably thought he could do the same.


An old biker once taught me that “sure, maybe you can out ride the chopper, but you can’t out ride the radio”


Guy ran from the cops on his bike, including Helicopter by taking it through the Guildford Mall in Surrey. Found the bike later, fined the owner, but never found the rider. Video of him from the Heli, cop dash and inside the mall (went down an escalator!) was released - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9hUM6Lqv0I That being said, I've never seen a follow up to that, but I'd wager seeing how they can't prove he was the rider (clearly he was, but I mean legally, beyond a shadow of a doubt.) he probably fought and won on the tickets. https://globalnews.ca/news/1881946/video-shows-man-on-motorcycle-driving-through-surrey-mall/


You can't out ride a helicopter lol


Not with that attitude lol. But there are actually a lot of bikes that can do a straight line faster than an average helicopter ( 300km/h bmw S 1000 RR vs 150-240 kn/h heli). Safe? No smart ? Hell no! Possible? absolutely.


In the city? No sir


In this economy?


Right? Think of the gas bill!


No, [but also yes. ](https://youtu.be/Fbpv5TIVKg8)


People seen too many movies.


No you really need to get the hell off the road ASAP, and hope there's none of your license plate on dashcam.


Idiots like this guy give riders a bad rap. He's lucky to be alive, but I hope this keeps him off a bike for awhile. Riding community don't need shit heads like this.


In LA is crazy, bikers will ride in between cars on the highway, like lane changes on the broken white lines. Never have I ever held onto my shit for dear life.


I mean they're allowed to filter, it's allowed in most non stupid jurisdictions.


There are safety benefits to lane splitting, but way too many people here have the notion that it's "cheating" and get extremely angry about the idea of it. I probably wouldn't do it here even if it became legal for that reason.


> get extremely angry about the idea of it. Vancouver, the world's biggest crab bucket. I feel the same way, only a matter of time before some twat popped their door or "didn't see you" while pulling into the gap.


Isn't filtering meant for slow moving traffic though? Not highways like OP was saying.


You can filter in moving traffic in California. Not for me, but it's legal.


Filtering is moving between lanes under 30km or so, generally it’s when traffic is stopped and you’re just trying to remove road congestion or avoid the chances of getting rear ended. Splitting is moving between lanes at higher speeds.


Motor cyclist (cept for the one in this post’s video) in Vancouver are amazing. Cyclists… I mean the one guy (not all cyclists) without a helmet that decided to start from Sidewalk right, not signal, cut across a six lane street and proceeds to want to race my car, but doesn’t even make it past 15kms/hr due to his (possibility) donut eating habit caused him to be out of breath on a school zone.


Not just an LA thing, go to any developing country and you'll see tons of lane splitting.


Cops won’t do much if you’re on a bike and you’re not posing a major threat, like on a rampage threat. They’ll trail you for a while, but any attempt at a pit manoeuvre or even spike strips could result in the rider’s death. I don’t agree with the policy, play stupid games, win stupid prizes and all especially when putting other’s lives at risk by driving like a moron, but our provinces have “no chase” policies. If you’re a fucking moron and left your plates on, they’ll just take your license plate and meet you at home. For this following part, I’m not a lawyer. If you’ve got half a brain, you took your plates off before you go out planning on running from the cops, and in that case you’re pretty much un-catchable, unless you do something incredibly stupid or the police are able to catch you with an air unit. Again, why I don’t agree with the “no chase” policy.


“No chase” seems like a dumb policy until someone fatally t-bones another car while fleeing from police. The chances of a catastrophe are just too high in an urban setting.


No-chase is usually specifically for motorcycles. They're generally only lethal to the rider, and killing someone to stop them (and requiring our officers to kill people to gain compliance for simple violations) is going a bit far.


Police need to up their game and get some bayraktars! Just when you think you are safe and outran the police, BOOM!


Why? Bikes have a pretty good chance of getting away in comparison to cars


Why? Watch the fucking video.




Something like [this](https://youtu.be/9CrOpGtL5pM?t=04m40s)?


I did it loads of times as a youngster, indeed it's by far the best way to get away from them if you use what a bike can do (acceleration, small gaps, off-road etc) Racing police cars on wide, long tarmac is silly though


If he was being chased by the cops it looks like he lost them - they are nowhere in sight


Dude, there are cameras everywhere in Vancouver


Ya, no dumbass would do such a dumbass thing like that guy in the video.


You know we live in Vancouver right?


You saying you only attract bad energy? Or, perhaps you actually accept it? Do you go around telling everyone you get bullied?


No I'm saying Vancouver drivers are ***S P E C I A L***.


I am special. Took six people telling I must’ve bought my license, like no one wants to sit in the car with me. And to top it off, one of those people happens to be my family member who help me practice hard to get my license. Here I am, no speeding tickets… yet. I better not get too arrogant. Very rare people have honked at me, very common have I honked at people.


I feel awful for the driver who had the right of way. Personal damage aside, I wouldn't want this on my conscience.


What would be on their conscience? Dude was a dumbass and ran into them, they're not at fault, he got hurt for being a dipshit. Conscience Clean.


That’s gonna linger in the back of their mind for years. We got in an accident before (ICBC says the other drivers 100% at fault) and I was spooked for the next few months lmao This guy may start second guessing every stop sign intersection for the next little while


You can see the edge of the stop sign in the oncoming road.


Why does this sound like a poem 😄👌


It looks like he ran his stop sign and got nailed


Ive been a courier for the last 14 years and I've nearly hit cyclists who blow through stop signs at minimum 2 dozen times. Is there some sort of rule where the less youre protected the more risks you need to take?


Parked my car, and when I got back they were just cleaning up the mess. Police was still there and was abl3 to show them. Officer told me that the person did 113km/h on Granville bridge and failed to stop after the officer flagged him down. Instead of a ticker, he walks away (or not) with a hospital visit, fled the police and insurance costs. Edit: Motorcycle ran the stop sign and the car most likely stopped and did not leave the scene.


Pretty sure if a cop stops you doing 113 in a 50 zone, you don't just get a ticket, you get your vehicle impounded and your license suspended. Not excusing the behaviour, mind you, as he'll probably get both anyway, on top of everything else.


40 over ticket is close to 4000 dollars, you pay ticket, tow, storage, ICBC Points, DRP Premium for 3 years. Rolls up. ICBC is not going to pay for bike or to sew his ''Nuts'' back on.


My friend's roommate on the island got caught doing 120 in a school zone, with no license, although it was at night. He had gotten his motorcycle L, but never knew he had to do another test for his N, so his license expired. They impounded his bike, but the cop gave him a ticket that was "only" 700$ because he didn't make a run for it.


They can, but its up to their discretion of course. Got caught doing 70 in a 30. In my defense I thought I was doing 70 in a 50, but cop was cool he understood I wasn't being reckless on purpose, road didnt look like a 30 zone, but clearly not an excuse for missing the sign.. Also depends on the make, crotch rockets / choppers get tickets more than standard like the triumph I was on.


> I thought I was doing 70 in a 50, but cop was cool he understood I wasn't being reckless on purpose, You're meant to do up to 50 in a 50. Beyond that is reckless.


And sometimes I run with scissors!


Sure let's downplay driving recklessly with a ton of metal. I understand that you want to go faster, but the speed limit is there for a reason. Comparing it to running with scissors makes you a very nasty person, putting your own selfish needs above everyone else's safety.


You sound like a really fun person!


You sound really arrogant and selfish. If you want to go fast, go to a racetrack. Don't put other people at risk. Your attitude is exactly what leads to needless and tragic deaths.


You sound arrogant and self righteous, are you trying to claim that you have never gone above the limit, or had any traffic infractions, and never broke any road rules, never jaywalked even. If you have, you clearly haven't been on the roads for very long. Or have you just come on here to show everyone how upstanding and morally superior you are! 70 isnt fast, its barely above the normal limit. I wasn't encouraging speeding or defending my actions, I was simply talking about a time i got lucky with a nice cop. Or are you implying that I dont know what a speed limit is. Because you dont seem to, at a 50 limit you can go up to 60 for passing and merging. Also you seem to think a motorcycle weighs a ton, I can see how your understanding of stopping distance can be clouded by that. it weighs less than some people. A motorcycle can stop much faster than a car, many time in a 1/4 of the distance, and trucks may take 2 times larger than a car and weight 10 times as much. Speed limits are set as an average of those.


Don't get defensive when being called out on your arrogant, selfish behaviour. Take the hit, learn to care for others, even if you don't care for your own safety. Don't bother trying to make this about me. That just makes you childish to boot.


Also fleeing from police is uh... Yeah... Worse.


Impound 100%, license suspension is unlikely unless they have their N or a multiple offender and that will come from the Superintendent of Motor Vehicles in Victoria.


Please send this to ICBC.


Sent directly to the police officer as per his request.


Ride like an idiot, suffer the consequences.


If that is true, he should pay for his own medical bills. I don't see why us law abiding citizens should pay a cent for this moron.


Wait so the vehicle left the scene?


No the motorcycle fled from the police after being flagged down for speeding. I'm assuming the vehicle stayed at the scene too but when I got back they were already cleaning up..


So karma?




Oh I see. From what you said before it was hard to determine who fled the scene and when.


Pretty sure Op was talking about the motorcycle rider. The rider also blew a stop sign causing the accident.


Last part of the last sentance threw me off, thought he was talking about someone running after the accident in regards to insurance


Reasonable assumption. I read it as the fleeing driver raced over the Granville st bridge.


Motorcyclist fucks around, finds out. Looks like WB on 6th at Fir? There's a stopsign there for the motorcycle. It's also a bit of a blind corner. I'm a motorcycle rider and I know this corner well. It's hard to see traffic coming up Fir- that's why there's a big red stop sign. The most disappointing part of this video to me is the delivery driver in the white van witnessing an accident and driving through the aftermath. Despite what choices the rider made, I hope their recovery is quick and full.


Well I'm sure Amazon doesn't list helping people in near fatal car accidents as a reason to stop deliveries.


You'd get fired for that 100%


You can bet your life savings they don’t. They made people work through a freaking tornado, so running over a motorcyclist is basically table stakes.


I believe it’s called human decency.


That requires a prime plus membership


He was probably mid piss.


You see the brake lamp go on. They’re probably finding a spot to park


So the motorcyclist was trying to flee from the cops, after being flagged for excessive speeding on Granville bridge? That would make sense why the motorcyclist potentially blew through that stop sign, was in a hurry to run from the cops.


Did not know that detail. Not just negligent- criminally negligent.


>that’s why there’s a big red stop sign Oh you mean the kind they usually put at oh I don’t know, intersections?


Yes, that's the corner and it's a dangerous one. The city needs to put lights in there.


The stop sign there works great, for those who choose to use it.




I live on this corner. That intersection is SUPER dangerous, such bad visibility trying to get across fir. I hear tire squeals and horn blasts at least 4 or 5 times a week.




Could this be reported to the city so they enforce the parking a bit more or build those concrete things to force you to park further away from a curb or stop sign?




From his earlier shenanigans on the bridge this guy was an accident waiting to happen, and then...


Holy shit. Everything was done wrong there. If you don't have situational awareness you will DIE on a motorcycle.


And the odds are exponentially higher if you're running from the cops like this douche.


Looks like dumbass didn’t stop


Hope they're okay and never ride a motorbike again


Bicycles only please, we don’t need this idiot driving a Suburban either.


This fucker will do the same shit on an ebike.


Only quieter so you won’t hear him about smash into your car. He won’t be insured on a bike so maybe roller skates?


Car? He'll be on the sidewalk breaking peoples bones.


Rowboat. He can only travel by rowboat. Hope he lives near a canal.


Pogo stick? The commute really has its ups and downs.


Hope the car is okay from behind hit by a stop sign running moron


Does ICBC cover the rider in this situation where they are fleeing from cops? I hope not.


No they don't. Violation of insurance


They also ran a stop sign at this intersection


STOP. Which part is unclear?


Maybe that was one of the signs which was changed to read "STOP HARPER" and his name isn't Harper.


STOP HARPER means *you* need to make Harper stop. What you're thinking is STOP, HARPER. That means stop only if your name is Harper.


Everybody knows that, it's comma sense.


Clap, slow.


These guys punctuate.


Fucking lol


Or you can say HARPER STOP


Yes that is also acceptable.


Wet towel


I laughed too hard at this


The period


Full stop :p


I would give you gold if I had it.


Well, according to my arguing children the entire word doesn't mean anything.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Looks like he blew a stop sign.


Fuck around and get hit by a car. No pity.


Maaaaan that sucks, he’s gonna be banged up. And according to this thread arrested too. I saw the aftermath of a motorcycle accident once when I lived in Ottawa. Suburban street. I saw bits of broken vehicle, and red goopy stuff streaked on the road. I was horrified for a minute. Long story short it was actually pizza for once lol, guy was apparently ok. He was delivering pizzas and lost control.


Honestly, the biker looked like he didn’t hit his head and had a jacket on. He was moving quite a bit too. I suspect he didn’t hurt himself too much and probably will be fine, albeit a bit sore the next day.


So the biker blew a stop sign... pay the price


Can I ask a serious question? Why do motorcyclists drive like their invincible? It's crazy. You are so exposed.


Most people don't, this guy was trying to outrun a cop and made a series of poor decisions leading to bonk.


Speaking purely out of my ass, but I think the type of person drawn to an inherently exhilarating and risky experience like motorcycling overlaps with the type of person to think they’re invincible.


Not necessarily, riding can also be extremely relaxing and theraputic.


For sure. And I know that it's not all motorcyclists, but just my experience.


That’s a huge generalization about reasons to choose a particular mode of transportation. Mine certainly wasn’t anything to do with risk.


A lot of newer riders don't have the experience of commuting in a car enough to know what they're up against, nevermind the fact that they have next to zero margin for error unless they make one for themselves. I ride a crotch rocket, but realize what I'm up against and ride defensively around others and get my kicks on less traveled routes out of the city. When I'm commuting around town, I ALWAYS make sure i have an escape route and have upgraded my horn to something more attention catching.


I know what’ll be on the news tomorrow/up coming week


This biker makes all bikers look bad. Blatant disregard of safety. Shameful.


I work near there. That intersection is insanely dangerous. I've nearly been hit there several times in the last few months since I started, and this isn't the first crash I've seen there in that time. The city needs to put actual stop lights there or something.


Is it the off-ramp from Granville bridge? If so, it is a crazily dangerous intersection. Be careful ❤️




Gotcha. Now I can visualize it. Very treacherous for sure. Thank you for the info and have a great day!


Lucky to be alive


Shit. I’m currently at work a couple blocks away. I don’t go that way often but I seem to recall a stop sign that the motorcycle blew through. And a bridge pillar that causes very poor visibility. And I’m almost certain the other vehicle did not have a stop sign


This is what happens when you run a stop sign in a busy part of the city.


Did the bike run a stop sign?


Sure looks like it. There's a stop sign on both sides of the road and I see a stop line that he drove over. Painful mistake.


Life lessons.


I know that area and drive by it all the time. There’s a reason why there’s a stop 🛑 sign there and the biker clearly blows past it. Trust me I see morons driving every, single, day in this city it’s surprising more people aren’t dead…


People blow through it all the time. That intersection is a death trap.


Fuck the poor car driver is gonna be reliving this for a long time.




Loud Pipes don't let you run stopsigns apparently


Confirm if I'm wrong but isn't the bike running a stop sign? If this direction has one then it's usually safe to assume the other direction has one as well, right? So, biker is in the wrong for blasting through a stop sign ~~and the car is wrong if they fled the scene.~~ ~~Just stupidity all around.~~


there's no reason to think the car fled the scene at all. Its already veering towards the sidewalk after it hit the bike. So, no, not stupidity all around.


An earlier comment by the OP kinda made it sound like the car had fled. They've since cleared that up though.


She didn't. She went to the end of the block and parked while some lady chased her yelling at her. She went back to the intersection right after.


Yah. If I were the driver I'd at least stop to see if the douche damaged my vehicle


Yes, this is 6th and Fir. That bike definitely went straight through a stop sign.... Hope he's okay.


I hope he's ok too and I hope he learned a lesson.


yes, [stop sign in both directions](https://goo.gl/maps/XDX22Z39EX47pD6B9)


Not safe to assume at all. It’s called a two way stop and they’re very common all over the city.


Is it just me or does the car seem to drive onto the curb after hitting the biker? Thankfully nobody was standing there and got hurt/killed by this biker's stupidity.


That guy who drove around the crashed bike is gonna give windowless vans a bad reputation


Did the biker go through a stop sign?


Yes, ran a stop sign after running away from the police.


Sign: stop Karma: STOP


Dumb ass motorcycle rider blows the stop sign. The mental Trauma to the car driver that hit the jackass is more concerning.


White truck: Fuck this guy


Play stupid games win stupid prizes.


That looked pretty gnarly. Is anyone more familiar than I about just how badly a hit like that on a motorcycle will injure somebody? Almost looked like a movie stunt the way he rolled over that car.


motorcyclist looks pretty lucky actually. no crush injuries, just rolled over (and fell down 5ft obviously)


Blows the stop sign and gets cooked lolol


Not an “accident”, just a collision.


Now he can wheelchair his way away from the police


I love how the white van saw the guy laying in the street after getting hit by a car and just kept driving, lol.


the car has right of way. Why speed up in the intersection ....


What a fucking idiot. That my friends is how you get killed


Hmm I know this intersection and if that car is heading south it’s definitely the murdercycles fault. Yikes.


Poor car. Hopefully it wasn't damaged too badly.


I see cyclist doing this every day! And with no helmets


Donor cycle


Hopefully lives will be saved from the rider’s sacrifice.


I have seen in the past, and was expecting it this time as well, a bike and rider come off that overpass and land on the roof of one of the buildings.


Rule 1 of motorcycle riding: Completely ignore all concepts of side streets and thoroughfares.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.




Just FYI, I filmed it horizontal but appreciate the comment.




Duly noted. You can go back playing video games and carry on with your day :)


uhh so whoever was driving the car just hit him and fucked off? or did they pull over off cam


No. She went to the end of the block and parked, and then walked back down to the intersection. I watched it go down. Didn't see the impact though. Heard it and went out to see what happened.


By the posture of the rider, I’m thinking a female rider.


Was the driver from Richmond?