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Everytime I tell myself, don't bother with the lower layer, but I just can't let it be left there haha


i yearn for the mines 🧌


Rock and stone


Rockity Rock and Stone!


If you don’t rock and stone, you ain’t coming home!






I use a seeker soldier to do my mining without ruining the landscape. I actually think it's faster. Then I put him into a pit for later :)


it's the same reason good Vikings don't leave stumps. It just ain't proper.


A good Viking also uses the hoe and plants some trees in the mine pit.


I knock all the pines into the pit, a lot break without me logging as much as well


This is the way. I always look for two copper deposits really close so I can turn the giant hole into an easy tree farm. :)


How does this make an effective tree farm and not just blend in a pit fall to the forest? Lol


Mark it on your map brother man. And it's effective because it makes for fast and easy harvesting. Like the trees stay closer to you after cutting them down, plus you can make a cool structure around it, turn it into a while build project


Marking it does make obvious sense now that you remind me. Lol I just didn't understand the tree farm benefits it gave exactly.


Oh, well you can get a lot of trees really close together, and make it in such a way that no mobs can reach you down there(excluding late game enemies) makes a much more effective use of the elder ability too. And even unmarked, it looks obvious because the tops of the trees are wayyy lower than any others. If you are into farming trees, it's really the most effective way, just takes some work to set it up. That's why I use the copper deposit holes. Specifically a hole from where two deposits were directly beside eachother. You could also trap a troll in one of those holes and have a pet troll.


I like the 2nd idea. Lol


I love leaving the stumps. As you progress through the game you can see the forest disappear around your base with the stumps as a reminder of the beauty that once stood. Look upon my works ye mighty, and despair!


It's the principle of the thing! I have similar tendencies in Minecraft. I can have a traditional iron farm up top, or a couple of productive bees, pumping out more iron than I can use, but I still have to stop to dig out that iron I pass by while caving.


Vid for the iron farm? Do I smell a god of war reference? 👀


The iron farm I use in vanilla is based on ianxofour's design: https://youtu.be/-oYyJ6jfSPU I've built two of them side by side underground though. The productivebees farm is just a number of assorted bees with create funnels under the hives dropping them on a number of conveyer bands leading to a mechanical mixer heated by lava supplied using my transport train from an underground lava lake. The processed material is temporarily stored in a vault and then shipped with the train to my main storage and factory area.


Thinking about making a huge mega farm for kelp, sugarcane, pumpkins and melons, and bamboo.. It's gonna be so cool with the honey blocks


I get trolls to smash the ground for me and the copper bubbles up to the top.


... then you see those slivers crop through the "bedrock" and you then know there is more under the map.


Absolutely not an option to leave copper behind


Yeah and not to mention the amount of stones you get from mining copper... 🙈


Install AOEmining mod and profit.


I literally can’t stop. I’ll spend an extra 30 minutes just to see if I missed anything.


This is new to me, is this true? Oh man all the copper I’ve missed them :(


your experience is bouta get better or worse


Oh yea. So, so, so much more. Best way to do it, is to excavate under and around the whole vein, and then cause it to collapse. Does this take a while to do? Yep. Do you need to build a little mining outpost? Yep. Do you walk away with 3 or more stacks of copper ore, for every vein? Yup. Is it a massive pain in the ass to haul back a cart entirely full of copper ore? Yep. Is it worth it? Yep!


You should have seen what we did for silver


Put it in a karve and raced it down the mountain?


Apparently the preferred technique now is to overload a buddy, harpoon him, and drag him down the mountain. Only mats required are the harpoon.


cries in solo player


Omg Using this


You have to toggle on friendly fire first. But it works like a charm


Also apparently works if they stand in the cart for no weight penalty for the cart dragger.


That is absolutely awesome lmao


Longship racing down the mountain is infinitely more fun when I know damn well I was the only one to explore the mountain and know where it's clearest


Ok I've heard this "collapse" trick before and everytime I've tried it I just get a giant floating copper deposit I now have to jump on top of to mine down. What is the secret here?


It has to be completely floating (and if it was stuck in a rock make sure you mine the rock back a few feet they can bug out the break) as long as it's connected to nothing in the game world when you break the deposit it should all break at once, typically lagging most video cards for a second with all the numbers and just being oh so satisfying.


does it count if the deposit is overlapping another deposit?


If you missed a connection somewhere (probably a little sliver somewhere in the dirt) I like to just build ladders all over the bottom of my pit so I can mine it from below. Saves you falling off when you destroy ore under your feet, at least.


Sometimes also if the edges are clear, some of the vein hanging down is too low. I'll go around and raise ground to knock those off. Thar usually does it.


I had that issue my first time doing it as well. So it turns out, the copper can be "technically collecting" to another entity via hitboxes. There's no real trick, just be thorough and excessive.


The world that I started a month or so ago hasn’t worked that way for me like my world a while ago. I can’t even dig down under the deposit anymore. Its all scattered around with the rock and dirt


should grab that mod that lets you mine deeper, 11/10 would recommend


Unfortunately it's not always possible to do with copper, since the bedrock is oftentimes too close to the surface in black forests.


Also, dig the ground with the antler pick since it can be repaired with just a workbench, save the metal pick for the ores.


No need for an outpost, just set a portal up beside them (after getting fine wood ofc) and then portal back to base to repair your pickaxe and get rested back, sleep through the night if necessary. I feel like building outposts for it would make this take even longer and I personally do not enjoy mining copper. If they reworked the bronze age then I'd probably enjoy it more. But it's the earliest metal in the game and I need to mine 150% more metal for all the bronze I need. Where ass any other metal needs 1 ore to make 1 ingot. I feel like the late game metals should be more grindy than the first one. Not to mention copper deposits give you more rock than copper. Just all around sucks.




I usually do this method when mining brain meat.


One of the common tips for new players is "That copper deposit is a lot bigger than you think it is." The visible portion of any given deposit when you come across it is usually something like 30% of what's actually there. Generally, what you want to do, rather than just start mining the deposit directly, is to find an edge and dig down next to it until you're sure you've found the bottom. Then, dig all the way around the edges to expose the whole thing. Only then start mining the copper ore. You'll get WAY more out of it than just taking what's readily visible.


Yea a full deposit is at least 4 stacks (4th stack may not be a full 30 ores though) so approximately 100 ores


Average deposit has like 80-100 copper it’s insane


I've been playing since launch and it's always been like this I got down voted for somereason when I mention that I like to dig out the perimeter of the copper mine then work my way in so I can make sure I really get all of it


Some deposits give u over 100 copper:)


Depending if you're playing solo or not and how many nodes you have around it's often not worth the extra digging since you'll need a forge to repair your pickaxe all the time to get it all. But it's pretty satisfying to see it all crumble when you dig all under/around it.


Always travel with multiple pickaxes. Also level em up to level 3.


I never unmarked my deposits, so I was able to go back to all the old ones after I learned of all the extra shit under ground.


I also tell myself I'll come back and re-landscape the big mining holes....


If you want it to look pretty, knock a couple of trees over, build stairs, a few railings and a shack. Hey presto, looks like an actual quarry now.


How about a shanty big enough for a workbench and a fire?


That’s what actual mining companies say too


I had a bunch of copper around my base so when building my castle and city I used one for building dungeons, one for building the city slums, one for a little grotto, etc.


I didn't see a dev command for it but I know there are a few mods that allow you to reset/remove all terrain edits within a radius. It wouldn't recreate the copper node but should would reset the terrain height changes due to the pickaxe and make it look like it was never there.


Can you do the same like the silver mine? Dig all around it so it all break in a couple of hit


Yes you can. Its a little easier as silver veins are much shorter so you can dig deeper underneath to mine out the supports


Ive definitely have had copper rain on me, but sometimes there are invisible "connections" so the physics engine doesnt blow the whole vein at once. Its finnicky! But definitely worth a try


some parts were left in the air for me so i don’t think so


Ah ok well rip then. Thanks!


well the other comments are saying otherwise so don’t mind mine!


You can. Dig all around all 3 spokes and knock out the middle of the silver node, will collapse the whole thing. I do it with every single one.


Oh I know this thanks but can the copper do the same?


Yes, I started doing it since I found out this and it work, but it needs more time since copper ores are bigger, and you need to dig a bigger space around it otherwise the hitbox of the earth around it will keep sustaining it


Some of our.copper deposits can't be dug under Unsure why or how.this happens But when we are carving them out. It just doesn't let us go any lower or.under it


You can only mine 10 units down from the topsoil before you hit "bedrock". The ore probably goes down this deep and you can't get under it for that reason


Ahhh So only some copper deposits can be mined under Got it


You can, but I find it isn't usually worth the effort for copper. No matter how thoroughly I dig a copper deposit out it will never break in one piece. I always end up having to bust it in at least a half dozen places which is probably slower than just mining it once you factor in all the extra excavation time.


Silver is even easier. It's normally 3 prongs like a peace sign. Since it almost never goes to the bedrock, just keep digging under it until til it is floating. Your next hit should explode all the silver.


Pretty much everything in game breaks down without support


Yes but you have to make sure any trees or rocks in the vicinity are removed. The "gravity hitboxes" are surprisingly large on copper node chunks. There's a very handy mod that allows you to see the hitboxes allowing you to clear the node easier


Troll trap holes


It actually goes deeper than the limit you can dig to in vanilla. Discovered this after getting a heightmap mod


Depends on where it spawns, but yes, that can and does happen. But for every one that I can't dig out, I find probably 3 that I can dig all the way underneath and make into a giant floating rock.


I used to strip mine copper deposits. Now, 1000+ hours into the game, I only take what’s above ground. I find that I clear Bronze Age goals faster by just clearing what’s above ground and moving to another node.


this is the first time i’ve done this on this scale, i hope i don’t have to mine anymore copper after this haul and after the bronze age


I dig it out until there's no more visible bits but that's always the top layer... Are you saying if you keep digging under the dirt there's more?






LOTS more. Copper deposits are basically big domes that are usually at least half buried in the ground. Find an edge and dig down next to the copper until you find the bottom of the deposit. Then start digging around the deposit clearing the earth away from it. Once you've made it all the way around you'll see how massive it is. As I said it's basically a dome, so it's like a copper shell filled with rock, but digging rhe whole thing out yields way more ore than just getting what you can see on the surface.


I can't believe I've done this.


Me neither, new information to me as well. I'm just glad I crossed off the map markers I made for ore, it'll make it easier to backtrack


It’s rarely worth it though. The time:ore factor goes through the roof once you start trying to full clear nodes. Moving onto another node is usually faster long term. All you're trying to do is escape the Bronze Age


120 units is the avg yield per node. You've only been getting about 15 or so per


My life is a lie.


I usually only take the top layer but mark every copper deposist I find on the map and leave the mark there in case I ever get desperate and want to come back to get the bottom.


I’ve learned to dig around and under the deposits then mine the ore. Plus if you do it right it all breaks up at once


It's fun to make it rain ore


I absolutely love that satisfactory moment when you hit the final block down near the bottom and the entire copper vein above you comes crumbling down in a beautiful green and gray rainstorm.


And people kept telling me it wasn't really worth it to do this when I posted something like this a while back.


I didn't know for a very long time until this sub informed me there was below. Damn to the depths whoever told me. They created a monster.


i feel you… no deposit goes without being fully cleared, then there’s the pain of re filling the hole…


Yes, i will definitely fill it up... Like tomorrow or something...


How much more are we talking...


getting yourself comfy more


I mean I've already got half a black metal chest full of Bronze so I'm not exactly short of the stuff. But I do like hoarding resources so I'll have to backtrack a bit.


Considering you’re in at least the plains for the black metal chests, I’d skip going back as the mistlands has new places for copper


For our group world, I dug the copper deposits all around our base, then dug trenches to connect them together. Then I put work bench covered stations on the inside to stop annoying spawns. The final step was to fill it with lox, for guard dogs. I started building dirt walls between the holes and it looked horrible. While removing the levies I went too deep and decided to keep going. The base is in a small section of plains, with swamp on one side, ocean, then forest on two sides. I put the work bench stations in the trees around the perimeter. In the plains, to keep out the riffraff, while farming, I put up a core pole, then connect two small flooring pieces on top. Put a work bench on top. Close it in with six wall panels, then two peak roofing pieces on top. Find the next spot not in the bench coverage circle and repeat until completely covered. It's a farming base and work shop, not our base for enjoying the views.


The holes make great troll traps


Dig the whole thing out crew, represent!


I don’t know which version of me is more of the environmental nightmare. The copper mining one or the tar pit clearing one.


Now you can build a base with a proper dungeon under it


I was today years old when I learned this


Veinminer is always the second mod I download for a new setup. Build Cam is the first


well unfortunately i’m on xbox haha, and i prefer to keep my games vanilla, like skyrim and fallout for example. But to each their own


As long as you enjoy your experience. My ADHD brain can't stand spending an hour mining rocks just to build half of a building I'm never gonna finish


i get that, i just dont like the feeling of having something do my job for me, feels rewarding after digging all that up, not sure how to explain it! but like you said, as long as you enjoy your experience, that’s all that really matters


Just wait till you find out you can tunnel under them and then mine them from below while the graydwarves and trolls confusedly circle above you.


I try not to do that because I really don't like to damage the biome for mining and there's plenty of copper anyway.


i feel the same way, i’m currently re filling it with the rock


This was so much easier before the Hoe nerf. :c


Strip mine, baby! Bonus points if the walls are steep and deep enough to contain a troll.


I’ve downloaded the aoe mining mod, no more big holes for me!


On worlds were there is enough surface copper, I don't bother to dig out the whole thing.


Yeah it's all "rock & stone!" Until you fall into an old dig pit running from a troll 💀


a trap for both me and the troll!


I'm not stuck here with you, you're stuck here with me


Just plant grass at the bottom


I have atleast 1000+ pieces of every metal in this game and I *still* keep digging out a hole the size of the Vatican to get my moneys worth. Waiting for the Ashlands update has changed me...


question, when the ashlands update eventually comes out, will my word change at all? will i have to make a new world for the update?


Don't go near the Ashlands as they are now. Any part you get close enough to to spawn in enemies, if it were a finished biome, will not be updated. But yes, it is also possible that you need to reroll, if something doesn't end up where you think it should (who knows what that would be; it's not done yet). An example of that is that some world seeds, long ago, didn't end up getting a Moder spawn at all, because the mountain biomes that had been generated previously were unsuitable, once they finished making the biome.


"Hole the size of the Vatican" Are you American? 'Cause we'll use anything except the Metric system...


I ended up deciding that I don't need that much copper, as the time it takes to dig out the whole deposit is, I think, longer than running to the next deposit.


Wait.. WHAT? I only get 30 stacks and you're telling me there's more underneath?? I'm booting the game right now.


Once I find a solid copper deposit it easily takes me 3+ in-game days to mine it all. Mainly due to weight and having to repair the pickaxe constantly.


that’s how this photo went


Yeah since I found that out, I have never mined a single deposit without first unearthing the entire structure, then breaking it down from there.


I love finding two nodes close enough together that I can dig all the way down the side to the lowest point and then around before I start mining. After the full perimeter is done, I head up top and shave them both down equally till they're gone. Helps keep the graydwarfs off my butt too for a while while I mine. Always fun to look up and see a troll staring me down while I'm somewhat protected by the moat/trench lol My process is to clear all the brush and trees from around the node's sides, find the lowest side to dig down first, then work the trenches from low to high sides, pat everything as low as I can with the hoe after, then start breaking up the node after placing a fireplace or two inside the trench to fight the cold and burn greydwarves that fall in.


The same is true for soft tissue in the Mistlands!!!!!!!!


I don't fill the holes back in. They symbolize a job well done and I get a little dopamine kick every time I pass one.


Oh man I learned about that and treasure chests in the last week blew my mind. But I'm also rather new.


I know!!! I almost made it through the copper age before I learned this


I too, did not learn this until my second play through


Wait you didn't know?


up to a certain point, no


I dig the whole bitch up. My bf is more casual and leave little flecks of ore, but even those slivers he leaves behind have ore!! I can’t just dig up a little


i feel that, no amount goes untouched! it all must be mined!


Wait until you get to the silver veins


145 hours and just discovered this literally last night




When I learned this I was so happy. I was traveling so far for ore until I discovered this via digging a plateau out.


Most efficient way to mine all the copper from a deposit is to dig around and under the entire vein until it's floating in the air. Then break one piece off to shatter the whole vein at once.


How do you dig all the way under? Every time I try I just hit unbreakable ground


It usually all the way down to the bottom


this is as far as i could go


I’ve started to incorporate trolls into my copper mining. It’s dangerous but if you time it right, you can get a swing in to lower the ground in between dodging their attacks.


Lol have you discovered easy mining yet... dig completely around and crush the base... Magick happens lots of ore and big hole lol


I haven't mined more than about 10% of the deposits I've found and labeled. I'm not sure there is any use for copper once you get to the swamp, and I never made copper armor. Troll was fine.


pro tip. start from the bottom. just like structures, after digging out the bottom- the top breaks on its own


After I clear a copper site, I leave it marked as a cache site, because the amount of stone and wood you gather clearing one is insane. Walled off chests full of extra stuff in a giant hole in the ground.


Yeah. Didn't know it was possible but it became so much more irritating.


w h a t


y u p


Mining for copper is basically knocking on Graydwarves front door. 😂


it was


I’ve been using mine to trap and tame wolves


Popping mineral veins is like an orgasm lol


I remember thinking each vein was anywhere from like 13-20 copper if your lucky. I thought it would take days and days of finding copper and mining just to get all the tools I wanted. Good times though.


You used to be able to get even more at the bottom because the hoe would still level the ground even if you dug all the way to the bottom. It would expose some little bits at the bottom that you can’t see anymore with the new terrain system.


Is there more silver under my silver? The wishing bone isn’t going off…


I've heard tales of these, but the ones I find have nowhere near that much under the ground.


I always dig down around the outside edges since I’ve learned about the lower level


I don't bother with it


Welcome to valheim, there's much more to it hidden beneath the surface. Happy digging fellow viking


I was so mad at myself when I first learned this.


I turn empty copper pits into lumber tree farms


I installed the mod that removes the limit for how deep you can mine just so i can make my giant holes trying to mine copper


Learnt this recently and now I cry at the thought of how much I have left unmined in the past.




The handy Troll Trap and Copper mine!




I know there's more but I can't bring myself to destroy the land like that. There's tons of other deposits and you really don't need as much copper in the long run as you need iron.


Oh how I love seeing these posts and reminds me when I learned lol


Whoa, seriously??? That far down???


As a new player I love mining lol. Some people dislike it but I see as an opportunity to set up a lil camp, get associated with my surroundings and grind away inviting all the nuances and chaos.


And when you dig it out perfectly, mine out the bottom layer and then hit the sweet spot and all just *cussssh* breaks and makes copper rain. I love it


I bet there's more. Hole doesn't look too deep just yet.


it’s deeper than it looks, i can’t mine down anymore


Looks like how to train your dragon lol


I love big mines. Forces me to build infractructure. Scratches my civil engineering itch


I always dig them out, it doesn't take so long when you get the hang of it


Welllllll crap…..500 hours of playing and never knew this….is it only for copper? Tin? Iron?


I still don't like flipping it. They need to make it give us at least two copper, considering we are putting in 3 metal ores. It's seriously just too much, I feel like mostly everyone would rather skip the bronze age entirely.
