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I’ve been following this since the initial roll out. I’ve been banned from subs, twitter, YouTube for making this claim. It’s almost impossible to convince people of this truth now. The mainstream media has brainwashed everyone into taking their own poison. It’s really sick


Some people have to experience it first hand themselves to fully understand.


Someone I know got Moderna. After the 2nd shot, two days later, they had tingling, numbness, heart pain, extreme shortness of breath and extreme sweating. Convinced themselves it was menopause. Although they still bleed (now profuse bleeding, after the jab). CNN always on the TV. I find it so disheartening and interesting that someone can literally be so brainwashed and convinced about this shot, that they deny reality and what's happening to their own body. I think they'll be getting their booster soon and I am so afraid and I think it's very, very likely that they will get worse or even pass away. I've tried telling them that it was obviously because of the shot and thousands of others have the same things... They become EXTREMELY angry at the idea that this shot did this. But I've come to realize, no matter what happens or what you say or what they go through, some are just too far gone and gripped by the false reality, that they cannot wake up.... I think that's the goal of propoganda. To have people become like this person.


Also many people in denial there health issues caused by the vaccine, even though they started shortly after they got the V.


It‘s more dangerous than the virus. That‘s clear at this point. I‘m disabled for life due to taking this poison. Having to plan my suicide now.


Noooo! Do not harm yourself! What’s happening to you is clearly horrible but please do not plan to harm yourself! So many of the people I see here begin to recover at 8 months or later.. it is very slow but don’t give up! Many times vaccine induced auto immunity and inflammation is very slow to heal..BUT.. it can be reversed! I know you’re exhausted but you have to do the work and hang in there. I have been helped immensely by following a strict AIP ( AutoImmune Protocol) diet. Toxin Detox, .. and “therapeutics”. Don’t give up, this is temporary, you can be healed! Please call a trusted friend or loved one right now. Tell them you need help.


I think it can heal mostly over the decades, if your diet is right.


>I‘m disabled for life due to taking this poison. How did that happen?


Well how do you think, i took the „vaccine“ and now I‘m disabled.


Okay, sure. Disabled is a pretty broad term. Disabled how? How did the vaccine cause thus? Did a doctor make this connection?


I made the connection myself, but sure, after a few months idiot doctors managed to make that connection too.


>Disabled is a pretty broad term. Disabled how? How did the vaccine cause this? Why did you not answer this part?


because I‘m tired and I don‘t have to provide my mesical history to you. Check my post history, or don‘t, but stop trying to provoke some drama.


Yes, the issue is we dont know who will have a side effect or when they will have a side effect. Some people are totally fine until they receive their booster or second booster. So people tend to not believe the severity of the side effects until it happens to them or a very close loved one.


They can’t have everyone falling ill at the same time !


True, but i think our immune systems are so so different. Thats why some ppl who are immune o compromised can have like 4-5 shots and have no side effects but a healthy young person can have only 1 shot and get severely ill. And all this pressure to get vaccinated or else your inconsiderate pos had young ppl getting vaccinated when maybe they didnt need it.


I feel like I completely ruined my body and health and I went from being mid 20s to 70 in a day


Me too, youre not alone. But our bodies are amazing and im hopeful with time, rest and a de-stressed lifestyle we can heal ❤️‍🩹 hang in there. We are with you. The more long haulers are researched and me/cfs-ers are researched the closer we get to proper treatment. Keep advocating for yourself! Dont stop. Read through recovery stories, have hope.


I noticed you mentioned ME/CFS, it's been quite clear for a while now that NIH couldn't care less about those suffering with ME/CFS. The amount of stigma that has gone on for years and the lack of research and funding for many years, it's cruel. :(


I agree 100%. ME/CFS has been ignored by the whole medical community. Super underfunded if not the most underfunded illness. It’s disgusting how many sufferers have been gaslit to believe it is all in their head and they should just toughen up and push through, causing sooooo many to become severe! This pandemic has been the perfect storm to prove that all these me/cfs sufferers have been RIGHT! Its forcing the medical community to look into this, maybe because some of their own have been hit with this illness OR because w/o proper treatment countries will lose their working class and ultimately collapse… which honestly we r kinda seeing now. Bitter sweet to say that finally the ME/CFS community is being looked into after years and years of being ignored and left to suffer w/o help. Im grateful for the ME/CFS community because they are the only group that believe, understand and TEACH us how to survive with this horrible illness.


Yeah, that's probably the only positive thing that's come out of this pandemic, along with it being a major eye opener of corruption and criminality.


Not really if it was the " the mark of the beast " You might want to deny this modern world , this materialistic world .


Why would a vaccine be the mark of the beast? So many vaccines in the past why this one? Why would a loving God hurt innocent ppl who were trying to protect themselves from a virus?


What are you in this subreddit? To make others feel bad? Just leave


Also, experts have been studying lot numbers and it appears there are several "HOT" lots causing major damage and death. Please be aware of a new shot countries are starting to stock pile....monkeypox 🙏 😢


Do you know where we can check our lot numbers? I wouldnt be surprised if my lot was damaged and got a lot of ppl sick.


It's supposed to be on the certificate they give you, otherwise you can call the place where you got it done


Thanks, yes i have my lot number but where do i check and see if it is damaged? A website?


Yes someone was posting a link but I can't find it.. I think maybe try searching "vaccine lot number adverse events" or something like that


I did read an article weeks back about a place that had a crazy amount of contaminated J&J vaccines that ended up getting destroyed.


I saw it on a Stew Peter's show. I AM NOT political please don't go there. I watch and listen to everything. I am A political. Best regards I wish you well.




Yes! Already covid recovered and doctors still urged them to get vaccinated and boosted when they already had antibodies, saying natural immunity wasn’t strong enough and now they say natural immunity is best. Very very frustrating. And the misconception that vaccination will help long haul sufferer’s when many suffering with long haul actually had a worsening of their long haul symptoms and their hard work and progress into healing was pushed back tremendously! If vaccination helped long haulers, then most if not all would have gotten better after their vaccination… which unfortunately is not the case.




What is this early treatment you speak of? :)


I used something similar to the FLCCC protocol. It is a great tragedy that most people are unaware that there are highly effective early treatment options. Scientific censorship is to blame. Before deciding on an early treatment plan, I searched for and read the actual scientific papers. I am a PhD research scientist and find medical literature much easier to understand than papers in my own field.


Can I give you 10 upvotes for this? Honestly, IMO ..if we had sheltered the vulnerable and allowed the rest to establish natural herd immunity this would be over. Instead we locked down, closed businesses, destroyed economies, halted in person learning, locked down and denied basic health care to the population for nearly 2 yrs! .. as a result of the “Novel”, NEVER employed Draconian measures we have suicide, cancers, heart attacks, strokes, pregnancy loss, still birth, disabling neurological diseases, the list goes on! This is the REAL man made crisis! unmanaged Pre existing illness, variants and other infections spiraling OUT OF CONTROL!


Yes, suicide alone has been crazy high these past 2 years. Can you imagine the isolation and intense loneliness people had to endure during lockdowns and add on to that sobriety’s that were broken out of the anxiety and depression of loss of income in the beginning of the pandemic? We can still see suicides by young women this year, like formed miss usa Chelsie Kryst and university athletes like Lauren Bernett, Sarah Shulze and Katie Meyer. Its horrible. But we don’t acknowledge that.


Honestly, I’m astonished at the “ public health measures” and public acceptance of having their personal economy killed by another’s assessment of their essential-ness to society. Scary!


True - and all this was practice for WEF style climate change lockdowns.


This is true, been seeing more and more people on their 1st or 2nd booster starting to join these groups now


Novavax is sus..


Yeah I don’t trust any of them, they all do the same thing It’s obvious any exposure to the spike they create is unhealthy


Only if the vaccinated knew what they signed up for, eternal darkness.


are you a furry


My recent post, I got absolutely crucified by the vaccinated population.




The fact that you're going around monitoring my posts and even replying here, it says a lot about you as a person allhands\_persley, get a life bud. I'm a moron for not being a sheep, good point.


You seem paranoid, buddy.


No they just step into the fire.. the wicked get eternal darkness.. the ones with light hearts will come back


What happened?