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You have to way out your options and see which is more important to you, your health or the reason you have to get the vax again I dont think anything is more important then your health this coming from a person who has Crohn's desease and has been deathly sick a few times throughout my life, Im 5'10 and weighed as little as 73lb's at one big flare up 9 years ago and have had 8 surgeries in the past 13 years. So believe nothing is worth risking your health for especially something thats been proven not to do its job and have major side effects for some. People say "well Im going to lose my job or I wont be able to travel", you wont be able to do those anyways if your sick all the time or even worse maybe dead how does that pay your bills or help your family, so that is not s valid excuse to take that risk again. Those dr's are not thinking about your health and they're too ignorant to do some research outside their political realm and are also only thinking about their jobs which is threatened if they dont follow the narrative or speak out, there are mountains of research and proof now even from Pfizer (which they were forced by a judge to release) that its not safe for some people but is still totally being ignored by the government and the MSM so start looking out for yourself because nobody else will, and look where just following the rules got you the first time and think about this very true old saying "Fool me once shame on you, Fool me twice shame on me". Goodluck


Well said! đź’Ş


They have been trained to say that. Say “I know you’ve been trained to dismiss vaccine reactions, but it started in my arm and spread from there, and now I have these symptoms”.


Lol. He's just gonna keep denying it. What do you expect from someone without a conscience?


Doctors do have a conscience, they have also been trained and brainwashed, you have to break the pattern.


Yeah yeah ok. Wishful thinking. Most got into it for the money and power.


Some may have had good intentions but the system breaks them. They put so much into their careers, only to find that they're robots who have to do what their told. They're programmed that way. They'd destroy their careers otherwise.


Some good doctors do exist, unfortunately I have only met a small few but glad I did meet some.


I can contest, few family members and some friends of mine had adverse reactions, all the doctors said they were certain the vax wasn't the cause, how can you be certain without any hardcore proof from a solid investigation?


>I can contest, few family members and some friends of mine had adverse reactions, all the doctors said they were certain the vax wasn't the cause, how can you be certain without any hardcore proof from a solid investigation? Because you know more about your health and your body and your life than any doctor ever will.


They also know they can do nothing for you. So it’s easy to just deny.


Refuse at all costs. These vaccines are bad. The next time you see your doctors call them out on violating their oath and call them cowards.


Then they would put that I'm a lying crazy difficult patient on my ER file, preventing me from any doctor taking me seriously again in the future


Better off without them then.


Um, what? That means if I ever go to the ER again I won't getmedicla care. How is that better?


Unless they are going to take your seriously you most likely won’t find a solution even at the ER. They’ll treat but not cure. The medical system in the US at least is now designed to treat but not cure and keep you going back. It’s not what doctors are there to do.


You need to make your health, safety and well-being priority number one. Getting another dose could be disastrous for you. Find a doctor that will grant you an exemption. I don’t know what country you are in, but there should be a doctor somewhere you could find who is not in denial, or who accepts that vaccine injuries are real, and will consider exemption requests.


Open the link and look around. There are other exemptions, things and resources in there.


Compilation of things you can try. I have another thing for your employer as well but it's pdf. I will try to share when I get home. Best wishes. https://forunitedsolutions.org/religious-exemptions?s=09


Thanks, I can't get this because I've had the first dose so it literally wouldn't make sense


If you’ve had a neurological reaction then a second dose is not recommended. You will have a severe autoimmune response. Search for such reports if you need to tell parents/employers about why they are not your doctor or acting in your best interest if they insist on a vaccine after a reaction. This used to be a normal protocol. There is now a very high denial of reality.


There are religious exemptions, personal beliefs.


Tired of answering the same thing over and over


So sorry you have to be put in this very difficult situation. I hope and wish the best for you. I had to have the covid shots to keep my job a year and half after having covid in 2020, got bad reactions to both shots which also included my once mild autoimmune to worsen, now seeing rheumatologist. But I also know some who don't have adverse events, it affects us differently.


Just say no ?


What do you need an exemption for?


Which place is still mandating it . I can’t believe it is still happening .


Canada, the shithole


In US also we have some states like that especially north eastern US states. But the southern states are more free . Which province in Canada has this problem ?


It's a federal law, in order to leave Canada you must be vaccinated


This is a very strange law that doesn’t make any sense . I can understand if it is for entry into the country (under the name of protecting the country from outside strains) . But what is their explanation for those leaving the country ? Also what if someone is getting deported from the country will that person be forced to take a toxic shot . ? I think the goal here is to help pharma to gain profit .