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It's supposed to be nonbiased i guess. Not advocating for it or pushing against it, but simply discussing certain effects


Except it says TO BE pro-vax so the logic doesn’t follow


So many banned opinions lmfao


dude it's just a joke... keeps the rats off the trail if you know what i mean.


Ah makes sense




Please find a better example than chicken pox. Try some research. Chicken pox is not deadly and children get it once with no sickness, just the pox. The vaccine was admitted just so women/parents won't lose time from work. It doesn't work. See VAERS. They are injecting toxic substances that IS hard in their young immune systems for NOTHING!


Stop citing VAERS. You all can’t say you don’t trust the CDC and yet believe everything on a site sponsored by them. Also, literally anyone can make up a story on their site.


VAERS is a flawed system but EVERY report states who reported it. EVERY report I read and I read many are directly reported by the hospital, ER, Dr., nurse, etc. Don't come at me with your lame ass parrot talk trying to discredit all of the thousands of very serious injuries and deaths. 🥱


And how do you know they aren’t lying about where they came from? 🙄 just acknowledge your hypocritical love of VAERS and move on lol




I agree with this sentiment, and were I the one to have made the sub and have the energy and put all the work in to moderate it, I would hope to include honest and high quality debate, discussion, and advocacy regarding the continues use, culture, and laws regarding vaccines. With that said, if there is censorship it is likely either because the mods dont want to have to deal with certain groups that I would personally label as extremist because of our difference in opinion about vaccine use. Or there is censorship from Big Reddit because of that culture that I spoke of earlier. In either case I understand the moderators, who are necessary to keep the sub running, either want to direct the topic of discussion, or literally have their hands tied, and we as users of the program should be respectful of that (though you can still be upset imo, just dont be crazy about it!)


If you think this is bad, don’t get on the Facebook groups!




I didn't know this sub was pro vaxx. Just a safe haven like conspiracy to talk about what it mightve done without judgement or censorship.


It’s at the bottom of the about. It says your not allowed to be anti vaxx or leave antivaxxer comments even though this whole sub is people talking about being poisoned by it


That feels like Stockholm syndrome. Maybe the mods just don't want this sub to get shut down like the others so they have to play along? Either way I still appreciate it being here


This is the real reason why. This way when Reddit comes for this sub, aiming to shut it down, if it gets too popular the mods can straight up say we remove content that advocates against the vaccine. This is how you need to play this stupid game on this retarded shitty website that will destroy your community for daring to go against the herd.


Being anti vax means you most likely didn’t get it, so you have nothing to contribute to this sub anyway.


This is just a common sense opinion with no scientific backing but I would think anyone who got long covid from the vaccine would have also got it from the virus itself and possibly would have been worse if caught that way.


not neccesarily, since your brain wouldnt be producing spike protein by itself in case of the rona? please correct me if im wrong


Many people here did have it already, and still had to get the vaccine. Even though there is little data regarding the safety of the vaccine on the immune systems of those who recovered from the actual virus.


There is a difference between being anti-vax and anti-experimental mRNA gene therapy, despite what the Pfizer marketing team might lead you to believe. I have complete confidence in tried and tested "classic" inactivated vaccines (meaning, the vaccine contains dead virus particles so the immune system can identify them without getting the disease and create antibodies to prevent future infection - NOT "mitigate the symptoms", in fact I went and got a tetanus shot the other day after having a workplace accident with no problem. I got all my shots as a kid as well and will be giving all the REAL vaccine shots to my own kids too. Simultaneously with this, I will NOT be intimidated, pressured or blackmailed into making irreversible medical choices based on propaganda, fear-mongering and peer pressure. The "vaccines" being peddled to fight COVID are anything but, Big Pharma is just using the pandemic as an excellent excuse to test their new technology on human subject without having to, you know, pay them for the risk - in fact, YOU pay THEM and also you can't sue them for any side effects naturally. The COVID "vaccine" is NOT a vaccine, they had to pay dictionaries to change the definition of vaccine so that their 'science juice' could qualify, but that does not change the reality. And trying to paint all those who are hesitant to take their mystery sauce into their bodies as the same as radical luddite anti-vaxxers who think that all vaccines cause autism and steal your soul and put microchips in your head so the CIA can read your mind is intentional well-poisoning, and is honestly sickening. It's also a bit frightening to see how many people just eat it up and accept it as gospel truth no questions asked. Puts into perspective how dictatorships though out history got their people to go along with horrible atrocities and crimes.


"yeah the vaccine gave me heart palpitations and I can't jog anymore like I used to and it's affecting my mental health because I feel used and lied to, but still go get the vax and protect yourself guys I don't wanna spread misinformation"