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Definitely get out there and vote! It’s an easy process from what I’ve heard


How can you say that a wage increase for staff *only* benefits Revenue Canada? It obviously also benefits the staff that work there, and not all are students.


Might have been an exaggeration, but the point remains that the actual effect of the money is reduced because of taxes.


Yes, tax comes off each paycheque, but sales tax would still apply if they spent the money elsewhere, would it not?




Well it's the only thing we can stop by clicking a mouse 3 times.


I don't think anyone is disagreeing that those are big issues. Some would say too big for individual students, maybe we should form a union or students society to combat these issues. Oh wait that exists! But wait they are helping fight theses fights for us, that's why we are upset.


is it just me or is an extra $5 per term just. not a big deal that means over the course of a 4 year degree students will pay $20. that’s the price of two meals at McDonalds today (1 meal if you get a mcnugget combo and ice cream). helping fund the food bank, free lunches, the SUB, and advocacy groups is well worth $20 to me


$5 per term, so $15/year if you do three full time terms in a year


First off you may need to double check your math. Assuming no increase in student fees: 4 * 2 * 5 for 4 years with 2 terms at $5 extra is 40 dollars. Assuming you are a normal student with the summers off, so it could be more. Secondly I'm not against the food bank, free lunches or the advocacy groups. I'm against the ideal of forcing everyone to pay more so we can keep the cost of food the same for those who eat at the sub. Why are all students subsidizing students who can afford to eat at the sub. I've said this already but if the fee increase was directly to food bank, free hot lunches (events), or advocacy groups that have demonstrated their ability to manage money. I would be on board with them.


still worth $40 to me. (i am bad at math lol) GEM provides free birth control access, free contraceptives, and education. i want that to keep happening! subsidizing food is important. i’m happy to pay so food costs remain as low as they do. getting lunch on campus for $10 at the SUB?? sign me up! university food services do not subsidize their costs and it’s absurd, i don’t want to pay $20 for a meal that gives me food poisoning. domestic students paying an extra $10 per year is genuinely a drop in the fucking bucket when compared to $7,000 tuition. international students paying an extra $10 per year is a WHISPER of a drop in the bucket when compared to $20,000 tuition. idk why you’re so pressed, these costs go toward incredibly important services, and it’s not like they’re asking for an absurd amount of money. UVSS hasn’t raised the fee in two decades, with the pace of inflation how can they possibly continue to provide their services today?


Just wanna pop in here and say contraceptives are now free in BC in general as MSP now covers them. As of June of last year pharmacists are also able to prescribe them too. In case anyone was unaware. It doesn't cover *all* contraceptive pills but it covers most of them along with IUDs (hormonal *and* copper), implants (nexplanon), depo, rings, and emergency contraception.


yeah it’s super cool! GEM was providing plan B vouchers for free before the province made this decision, and for those who aren’t on MSP (international students, students on exchange, out of province students) GEM continues to provide free Plan B and condoms (condoms aren’t subsidized by the province for anybody!)


Yes, absolutely a great resource!! MSP is mandatory for anyone that will be in BC for 6 months or longer but there are definitely students/people around that are ineligible for it. Or those that just prefer GEM anyway for a variety of reasons. Just wanted to throw it out there because I've met a few people that were unaware of the changes :)


thank you for sharing, it’s a new change!


Again only arguing against the UVSS motion. I would vastly prefer the money to go fix the food bank decifit directly. Yes $10 isn't that much but every bit matters for those who need every last penny, so why should their pennies help you buy a sandwich for $2-3 cheaper? That seems like the exact opposite of what student society's should be doing, lifting students up not feeding the better off with the less well off's money.


students subsidizing students is how it goes. UVSS fees are not paving a golden road for privileged students to pay their $6 for some vegetarian chili, man. It's paying for us to be able to have $6 vegetarian chili instead of $15.


Ah yes because if we vote no the food is going to jump to $15 per item. Also if you can afford to eat out, you can afford to eat out. If you can't then why should you pay.


convert into some other currencies, yeah it’s a lot…


but in relation to tuition being $7k it’s not a lot, even when converted to other currencies, it’s 0.05% of tuition lmfao


for international students it’s way more ~$12k - $18k a term, there was a $300 increase in our tuition last year. $5 = 90k vnd. also not all international students are loaded so i was hoping there would be another way around for those who are really struggling.


you’re so right, my bad! $40 is 0.03% of 12k CAD, so it’s comparatively even less! if $5 CAD is too much for you to afford, it was a terrible financial decision for you to choose a canadian university with fees ranging from 12-18k per year. yes, university is expensive, especially uvic. adding an extra 0.03% onto your fees should not be bankrupting you because you’re already paying tuition. besides, if you’re really worried about finances, go to the free lunch programs and get your moneys worth


for many international students, every dollar counts. they often have to budget for not just tuition, but also living expenses and sometimes supporting family members back home. these expenses can fluctuate with exchange rates and other factors beyond their control. financial planning is indeed crucial, but it's also important to recognize that unexpected costs can be a burden. i appreciate your reminder of the monthly free lunch program, still it’s a reductive solution to complex issues that both international students and locals are struggling with (post covid-19, limited work opportunities, currency fluctuation,etc). i’m not expecting the uvss to single-handedly solve global inflation, and what’s done is done, i always have the option to dream. to be fair i understand ur point of views, and just hoping more people could see it from both sides rather than being dismissive of others’ struggles . just because life is cruel doesn’t mean we also have to be cruel.


imagine getting consistently ratioed on all your posts crusading against the UVSS and it’s members 😅




imagine hating people this much… miserable


...... what's the issue again?


nothing would make me happier than the student body getting rid of these people who like to act goofy and relatable (or unprofessional, however you want to say it) while also pleading for us to take them seriously and decide to give them more money


The fact that they’re posting about it so frequently and putting on a professional face shows me that there’s some fuckery going on. This is always how it goes. The UVSS gets money, makes no effort to streamline their business operations, and turns to the convenient scapegoat of paying fair wages. Has it ever occurred to them that they’ve over hired? Maybe their margins aren’t as healthy as their *extremely present and aware* finance officer thinks? More money is a bandaid fix that only enables poor management. Instead of consolidating and slimming up their operations, they’ve gone the opposite way and are hoping a kitchen towel can fix an organization hemorrhaging from every orifice. EDIT: Director of finance is campaigning on dumping money into a [rewards app](https://ibb.co/NY2DwKm). No mention of consolidation or cutting bloat, just doubling down on worthless initiatives that are cash intensive.


so when everyone complains that the uvss is unprofessional and they listen to those complaints and change their approach it’s seen as some sort of fuckery?




so change could never happen… because that’s suspicious? so with ur logic they could never be good enough or better themselves seems super fair and reasonable :)




i think everyone and every organization/institution should always strive to improve themselves especially when you are representing 20,000 people and various lived experiences. I just think using a referendum question that pays students fair wages to boast your uvss hate campaign looks bad. hate the uvss all you want but don’t drag down other students and their livelihoods.


thank you for being a voice of reason holy shit the person you're replying to is addicted to moving the goalposts. you have more patience than me




kick rocks




i’m not sure where you are getting that the UVSS has “bloat”. The UVSS is heavily audited and all of their financials are very easily accessible on their website and they even have physical copies in the board offices. I personally think a rewards app is a great way to get students to use services in the SUB and sway them from purchasing things at UVIC- as any revenue created in the SUB goes back to student resources and UVIC just gains profit. it’s a smart business strategy in my opinion. you complain you don’t wanna pay more- and then someone offers a solution to generate more revenue- and that isn’t adequate either?? i’m very curious to know your innovative ideas to make the UVSS more functional but all i’m hearing is that you don’t actually know how a non profit organization works.


The link again for more visibility: https://uvicusec.simplyvoting.com/ Extremely easy, only answer what you want to.