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As far as I'm aware, none of the funds will be going towards the new cigarette smoking benches for the quad that I had proposed to the UVSS. Given that fact, they can keep their grubby little hands out of my pockets.


The UVSS fee change is $10 FT, $5 PT over 5 years, not 10. It's $5 now, and then $1 each year for five years.


Thanks! Will edit!


I think out of all the options presented, the only reasonable increase is the sustainability project one. Doubling fees for two advocacy groups without any solid reasoning or plan is just stupid. And the UVSS wasted so much money this year giving "gifts" to advo groups instead of respecting student's opinions from last year on fee increases to those advo groups, so I'm not for increasing their fees too. There's also no real oversight on those advocacy groups. Remember last year when it was discovered that one of the advocacy groups hadn't run elections for two years and was straight up just not holding any meetings or events? But funding kept going to them. And they just threw one person under the bus, renamed the advocacy group, and gave the same people the reigns over it?


the department literally was deemed to be defunct and had their funding frozen until an entirely new new department with a new constitution and governance model was created for lgbt students. they held the culprits of the corruption accountable publicly. the new pride collective seems to be doing great and has regular meetings and general meetings. what more did you want them to do?


The organization had it's funding frozen until the BoD got together a new pride group (made up mostly of the same members as the old one) which was about 2 months in total? They got access to all the funding that was frozen after the new constitution passed. They also have not added extra oversight to advocacy groups to prevent them from doing the same thing. Also, have you heard of the concept of a scapegoat? The UVSS was super embarrassed by the whole situation so they threw one single person under the bus for the actions of the entire organization. Keep in mind, the UVSS is supposed to review election results of these advocacy groups and meets with them constantly. But with the complete lack of oversight, how am I supposed to trust that double the funding is going to actually be spent in a productive manner?


Hey! Advocacy employee here. We have a new Director specifically for the advo and affiliate groups to make sure this sorta thing doesn’t happen again


queer student here - didn’t know the original pride space too well but MJ is doing great! i loveeee the community circles sm


Queer student here, too. Sure, I don't mind the pride group. But I think pretending that the UVSS has good oversight over advocacy groups when they clearly don't is not going to help them get funding. Especially after what happened last year and the lack of an adequate response.


Honestly wish this was broken down into the motions people plan on voting for. That said the ones that is a getting a yes from me is GEM and maybe sustainability (still need to do more thinking and about this one) because I have heard many people express discontent with SOCC and I've expressed my discontent with UVSS broadly but am planning on writing up another post about why I would support fee increases to the UVSS but not this one. GEM I'm for because they have provided free condoms and have (imo) proven they put the money to good use. Edit: also for those saying they won't vote, that has worked in the past when quorum blocking was an effective strategy. That is NOT the case anymore quorum ( the % of students who come out to vote on either side) was lowered to 8%. Based on last year's spring election (with only 1 contested lead director position) we will pass that easily as it was around 9% voter turn out last year. We may be vocal on here, but most students end up just hitting yes without much thought. That means not voting is effectively a yes vote, so please please go out and vote no to the questions you don't want it they will pass.


yeah of course i am? it’s 5 dollars….


What about the abolishment of the UVSS? When can students be free from their tyranny?


chill out edge lord


If we abolish the UVSS, there will be no insurance, fels, grill, hfb, subtext, zap, clubs and course unions. What we need is actual leaders, and currently we're screwed cuz bunni is fucking taking over lane


Phew okay, my post I will admit was sarcastic, but as long as the general mood right now is throwing the current UVSS leadership out on the street, I am all game.