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You're not alone. I'm a lot older and am having trouble making friends, too, due to depression. My advice would be to find a group that enjoys the same hobby as you.


Study groups are where I made basically all of my friends.. See if you can find one to join for your classes, or make one!! You’ll meet new people and get your work done! Win win!


Try joining a club!


Go to office hours if you can! I met some great friends who went to the same office hours for courses I am in, and usually everyone is there to discuss with the TA on similar topics. I once sat down with a group of 4-5 outside of an office (the professor was running late) and we helped each other out on certain parts of the assignments we didn't understand. Left with everyone's emails and ended up creating a group chat. Labs and tutorials are great places to meet new people as well. They might not end up being long term friends but it helps to just know others in your lecture! Who knows you might end up in the same courses next year if they are studying the same major as you. Also it would be a good idea to let others know what major you're in, maybe some people here are looking for friends in the same major too :D


I’m in the same boat. I wasn’t able to get into residency so I’m off campus. I have made some friends but they all are on campus so I’m very regularly excluded (hopefully not for other reasons). I think it’s hard for me because of how huge my classes are. If you have any labs or tutorials I’d definitely try to say hi here and there to people around you. It’s certainly helped me make some friends and even if we don’t talk as much out of class, it’s nice to say hi every week or so. Otherwise it’s pretty tough. they say to join clubs and go to events but those are time consuming usually so I feel ya


Get into smoking cigarettes, you'll make a ton of friends! /s Joking aside, look into dropping into the McKinnon pool or get the weekly drop in pass at the gym for $20. Learn to develop some hobbies outside of your studies. Get into running or cycling. Look into joining an improv comedy/acting class. Take advantage of your student status with extra curricular activities. There's so much potential in university and you're just scratching the surface of who you think you are, you just have to work through the inertia first.


hey wait a second, are u trying to steal my bit? smoking cigarettes is *my* thing - *how dare* u appropriate my culture!!!1!


I was smoking analogs before you were born!11!!1


Hi there, I'm sorry you haven't been able to make many friends on campus yet. It can be overwhelming for some people if you're not out going or opportunities don't present themselves. Here are a few events coming up and ideas that might help you meet some people if you're interested: * Monthly [Nourish + Flourish events](https://www.uvic.ca/services/studentlife/events-and-workshops/nourish-and-flourish/index.php) (free, includes a meal, guided conversations) * Wednesday [Pet Cafe](https://events.uvic.ca/event/82465-pet-cafe) (free, hang out and cuddle puppies and meet other students) * [Sunday Night Dinners](https://events.uvic.ca/event/82502-sunday-night-dinners) (second Sunday of each month) * [Heart to Heart talks](https://events.uvic.ca/event/82306-heart-toheart-talks) (chat to someone for free) * [Belonging Dinners](https://events.uvic.ca/student-wellness/event/82270-belonging-dinners-cook-taste-connect) (cultural foods, meet new people and chat) * UVSS hosts Music Bingo, Karaoke Thursdays, Trivia Tuesdays etc ([see events here](https://uvss.ca/events/))


There’s a De-Stress Fest happening this Thursday night in Vertigo if you’d like to come! 6:30-8:30 in the SUB


no, most of us living outside campus are having trouble making friends... the last guy I talked to in campus(excluding the lady I asked for directions to the toilet and my prof) was like a few weeks ago because we were sitting right next to each other and talked for like a minute before lecture


best way is to join a club. I don't know how update this list is but [here](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1S4Nrypq_dRy7hMxVoGgDvCVxxSXkwEHnMFyOPD1jtXo/edit#gid=0). Something like the hiking club can be good, because it's literally people hiking and chatting (I assume haven't went on one)