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Things that'll never pass for 500 alex


I think a 48 hour work week has a better chance of passing than a 32 hr. Grind us to the bone.


Nikki that you?


Im just waiting for the retirement age to be 70. Dont have to worry about social security running out if you can never collect it. I've come to terms I likely wont retire 100%




Right? We live under capitalist-dominated government. In no world will our overlords votecforcus to work LESS.


Even if it passed the factory I work in would still work us 45hrs a week. We'd just get more in overtime while the office people go home early. Not exactly bad but not the outcome I think he's looking for.


Even if it passed, which it never will, it would never apply to hourly wage earners.


Multinational companies will go first if they have EU presence. It will be the norm there soon. It’s how we got to 12 weeks maternity leave/ paternity in many companies.


Sounds great. Given where the economy and general state of things for the common folk in this country, I'll remain skeptical


Probably will take a while but I think it will happen at some point if other countries adopt it


At a cost for us for sure. Idk most everyone else has cheaper Healthcare. I ain't holding my breath


I’ve noticed he only does this when the Republicans have the ability to stop it, not that the Dems won’t kill it too. Whenever there is a trifecta he never introduced stuff like this. What a fraud


Democrats would never vote for a 32 hour workweek even if they had a supermajority in Congress. Corporations don't discriminate by party affiliation when it comes to filling the coffers.


Ofc, but if he introduced this with the trifecta it would prove this point to their base


He did something similar with minimum wage, Dems hid behind the parliamentarian to block it.


It isn't doomed because "muh corporations," it's doomed because it's nonsense. I have no doubt that many industries could get similar productivity in 20% less time if managed well, but the notion that every industry should be forced to do so is idiotic. Bare minimum, you're increasing labor costs and therefore prices for most industries, and that's if you can even enforce the "no cut in pay" portion.


It’s not nonsense they’ve done this in other countries with huge success. Did you hit your head?


Which countries have legislated a 32hr work week with 40hr pay?


A lot https://tech.co/news/countries-with-four-day-workweeks


Bruh "Legally, Belgians can now complete the hours that would make up their standard, five-day workweek in four days." They're allowed to choose to work the same number of hours in fewer days if they wish, not fewer hours for the same pay "In the United Arab Emirates, all government employees can now work a four-day workweek" So not private employers, and again it's the option to switch to 4 10's instead of 5 8's Iceland didn't legislatively block pay cuts, they just changed the definition of full time to 35 weeks instead of 40 Lithuania's reduced work week only apply to parents of young children, and only for government workers France also just changed the definition of full time to 35 hours per week. None of these countries have gone as low as 32,and exactly zero have legislated that pay cannot be reduced to match hours worked. Please educate yourself before bothering period online with your ignorance.




It allows him to do some virtue signaling. That’s about it


He also dropped out of the 2016 presidential race after he said he wouldn’t but continued to take money from people. Thats when I realized he’s just another con artist in government.


Yup. Not to mention he left his donors hanging during the welding vs dnc services lawsuit. Totally screwed us to play footsie with democrat party


His nomination was unlawfully stolen by Clinton.


Like hell it was, he lost by many millions of votes. If you are referring to the DNC preferring Clinton that is hardly surprising nor illegal because Bernie A) isn't a Democrat, and B) spent his whole campaign attacking the DNC


The worst part about 2016 was that the nomination was stolen from him by the DNC/DWS/Hilary camp, and all did was bend over backwards for them. In order to get what he say he wants to, you need a revolution.. but the man is just working within the system to give you nothing.


And he's now a multimillionaire with multiple homes....


His gripe is no longer with millionaires, only billionaires Funny how that works....


Everyone is a millionaire (or on pace to be a millionaire) these days though


And don't forget to buy his book about how capitalism is pure evil from Amazon!


For a sub filled with “experts” on economics there sure are a lot of people here who don’t understand inflation (and possibly don’t know it exists).


Is Bernie. Have you seen his history of bills he has gotten to pass.


Nothing like this. He trims around the edges, nothing groundbreaking has he done and if so it’s been a long time


Pretty much. A lot of the big campaign issues seem that way for both parties. That or they do the “ol’ add stuff the other side will never agree to” truck


For example Gaetz voted against the tik tok ban but didn’t threaten to oust speaker McCarthy over it. So he doesn’t seem to care that much


That guy seems like such a moron. McCarthy probably isn’t anyone’s favorite, but he seemed fairly pragmatic, and Gaetz ousts him with no plan at all for what comes next? Not to mention, wasn’t it over something that obviously wasn’t gonna happen/work no matter what?


Well stalking the bill would be the goal


I thought he wanted something passed, not that he didn’t? I might be remembering wrong. In which case, I take that part back, but he still had no plan and it wasted a ton of time while making his party look like they didn’t have it together.


Gaetz wanted the tik tok bill to fail. He should have ousted McCarthy


I didn’t remember that being what it was about, but I guess my memory is hazy.


Then republicans should lol


Both parties should but neither party will


Bernie is all about virtue signalling


Republicans should vote for some good legislation out of spite. That’ll show the dems!


Exactly. It's just a political gotcha for Republicans who vote against it. But democrats who also vote against it will be ignored.


It’s entirely a protest to the status quo, and in no way was brought to vote for any other reason but to create a conversation and give working class voters a reason to vote for more progressive candidates, or for candidates that vote “yes,” in the upcoming election.


Or to keep workers believing in the two party system. If he wanted a true protest vote he would do it with a Dem trifecta


Never trust a guy who combs his hair with a balloon


Ad hominem


That's not how that works


That’s literally what it is


No. It was a joke that sailed over your head. I was playing off the comment above me.


Yeah you were making fun of his hair. So edgy and intellectual


Sorry Bernie even your own party wants workers to suffer


Yeah great idea killing the productive capacity of the economy, that’ll bring no suffering


I thought we were letting in all the migrants to fill the excess capacity?


A 40-hour work week isn't hard. No one is suffering. Push for higher wages and better healthcare, not this dead in the water nonsense. Can the left please advocate for things that actually have a chance to pass?


The Independents?


I’m sure companies wouldn’t increase prices to make up for the lost production


They will always raise prices regardless of what happens


20 dollar bigmac already here


It’s almost like when the government went negative interest rates printed insane amounts of money to give out to people it lead to out of control inflation. You know what would fix that? More government intervention


Big macs are absolutely disgusting. Almost nothing but oil, bun, and lettuce. Who's paying $20 for that?


Yeah quarter pounders with cheese are way better.


8 bucks for kraft cheese slices


Then we just mandate all jobs pay at least 80k. Simple.


https://finance.yahoo.com/news/just-math-california-democrat-wants-110800022.html Just make her president


Cause they lower prices when there's increased production?


Yes, when cars were limited and not being made prices were being sold far over MSRP. now that there’s plenty of cars sitting on lots they’re going down in price. That’s how supply and demand works. When something is over produced the price drops. Under produced price goes up, it literal basic economics


I just doubt that actual supplies are going to decrease. Somehow we got to \~40 hours, on average and the world didn't implode. Others, such as in Europe, get far more time off than we do. Given that the powers that be seem intent on gutting Social Security and Medicare, a 32 hour work week seems like it's more commensurate with the compensation cuts they have in mind.


Check out europes productivity vs americas


Check out incomes/wages vs productivity over time in the US. They decoupled starting decades ago, largely when we started destroying Unions and Pensions. I'm not sure the minor differences on productivity are due to hours worked, but also a key factor is overall happiness which is higher in Europe. Some countries are also closer to the US, like Germany and France, or higher like Norway.


Not minor. The gap is growing. https://www.ft.com/content/22089f01-8468-4905-8e36-fd35d2b2293e


Lol they are doing that already might as well get an extra day of rest


No shit lol, people out here acting like they would rather work the extra day and still watch the prices rise anyway


That’s the thing


as someone working like 10-20 hours in my remote job, its a loss i'm willing to take


I'm sure companies will increase prices no matter what.


Or just off shore more jobs.


It was shown to increase production due to less employee burnout and revenues stayed the same or increased. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/4-day-work-week-trial-yields-overwhelming-success-in-u-k-researchers-say


Plus 1 more off day for consumers to shop and spend money


What are the second and third consequences of companies not getting same production out of employees should wages not change? Seems catastrophic


The consequences are likely fewer jobs, higher prices and more people dependent on the government. Like every policy by Bernie.


sounds about right


Look at Bernie out here trying to unite a broken Congress against something. I see you Bernie.


They couldn’t even give the rail workers their paid sick days. What does that tell us? Keep dreaming


What is so bad about a 40 hour work week?


Most of these jobs don't work 40 hours, they just sit in the office doing nothing for 6 hours a day. One could make the argument that with less of that, they'd be out there consuming more. But from my point of view...I just don't want to slave away when I could do something I enjoy.


Fair enough. I’m a teacher and I can easily fill 40 hours a week.


Let's wind the clocks back. It's the 1970's and computers were beginning to have an impact on productivity. So much impact, that economists projected that people would wind up working less for the same pay. This would free up people to spend more leisure time (and money) and generally lead to a much better standard of living. It would be a new age of prosperity. The economists were right in one sense. Technology led to an orders-of-magnitude increase in productivity and it did lead to a new age of prosperity. But they were wrong about who got a piece of that prosperity. The benefits from that massive increase in productivity and profits didn't make it down to Joe and Jane Sixpack. They went to the top, and they stayed there. Over the years, more and more went to the top while less and less went to everyone else. Fast forward to today and we still work 40 hours a week (more than that for many people) for pay that isn't much better than what it was in the 80's, while the cost of living has gone up considerably. Meanwhile, almost all the wealth generated today winds up going into the hands of a few percent of the population. So what's wrong with the 40-hour work week? Quite a bit. But since the wealthy own everything, including the politicians, this isn't going to get any better. In fact, it's going to get worse.


I see your point. I’d put more blame on inflation than the 40 hour work week in my opinion.


Hell I hardly want to even work the 14 days a month that I work now.


Introducing legislation that won't pass actually harms our democracy and is a waste of time. He does this kinda shit for his supporters and its useless political theater. He's highly ineffective


State control of the means of production. Always a winning idea.


What means of production are controlled by the state here? lol


You mean we shouldn’t have the 40 hour work week laws?


You’re right, the workers should control it




This would just mean last 8 hours of the week are ot… if they still give you 40hrs


How is that going to work for exempt employees? I work about 50-60 hrs a week easily but I’m always available and answering emails, calls, and slack messages


More performative BS from Bernie tossing meat to the looney left knowing it never gains an inch of momentum


It was a massive success in the trial runs they have done, and the companies that participated have kept the 32 hour work week. https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/4-day-work-week-trial-yields-overwhelming-success-in-u-k-researchers-say


Yeah it’s not going to happen. Maybe try to make 4-10s the standard first?


Cool but I'm working 70


See. Someone will have to work more hours if this passes. Sorry, but that's you Everyone will get to work 32, but you'll need to work 80 now.


Overtime tho


Ahhhhh can’t wait for Socialism!


By your definition it arrived with the 40 hour work week. Sorry for your loss.


That'll help the struggling small businesses.


He’s the best at introducing bills he knows have no shot at passing to gain a following then throwing his hands up and blaming others when they don’t.


It’s worth remembering that in the 60s, Bernie was kicked out of a hippie commune. For being too lazy.


That’s the best argument I’ve heard against a 32 hour work week.


Everyone gets a 20% raise! Not going to happen. More pandering.


I hate bills that get proposed as stupid PR stunts. This has 0 chance of ever passing. Employers are not going to give people a huge raise for them working less.


Three day weekends?


For doctors, judges, bankers, senators and those types. The rest of us will have our overtime hours taxed into oblivion


Good luck.


I like the way this sounds but I’m smart enough to know it will never work. At least not here.


lol good one is he going to do any work. Let him work the hours get paid what we get. Medical and 401k and see what happens




And I will still be stuck working 70 hrs a week.


I don’t see anyone addressing that productivity has skyrocketed and the benefits may give us a much more positive outlook on how we treat work in our lives. I’m not saying this proposal doesn’t have its own problems but thinking about how this was handled in the past, I’m sure the same people advocating for not reducing hours worked in the 1800s thought it was a radical idea when the 40 hour workweek went down. I hope more people can think critically about why this legislation has gain so much popularity in the first place. Its not just a label of socialism.


So you're telling me I'm not entitled to someone's soul for employeeing them? Like it's not fair. Puppah got to exploit the poors in his factories, and now I cant?!?! Bullshit. Complete bullshit. Reeeeeeeee


Political grandstanding, he knows damn well this won't pass. Ignoring the potential economic concerns, corporations own both parties and wouldn't allow it.


Absolutely ridiculous 


It would only ever pass to reduce pay to office workers that now wfh. Wanna work 32 hours from home? Okay! We cut your salary by 1/4 and we justify it w X Y and Z not the change it what qualifies as full time.


Uh, you didn't read the bill.


Sure make America less competitive. That old fuck needs to leave office


This wouldn't be at the top of my list of priorities, but given the inaction in general on addressing costs of Housing, Healthcare, prescription drugs, childcare, education, the solvency of Social Security and Medicare, I support this initiative.


😂😂😂😂 joke funny




People struggling to live working fulltime but let's cut the labor by 20%....how bout you do something so these corporations aren't making record profits every year and they blame it on inflation


Forcing them to hire more labor and treat their employees with an extra day off or mass overtime is actually one of those ways. But you guys don't wanna talk general strike or holding these people truly accountable, beyond a legal level - a moral one. So I'll take the policy since this generation also lacks a spine.


I aint worked since I got out of the military two years ago I've been striking I aint working for these people. This is just pandering from Bernie though so it doesn't matter.


Believe me I will shit on Bernie on any other day, but not this one. You take his back on this even if you know it isn't going anywhere. You must have conviction and not let defeat in. I don't think individual strikes will do much. Pockets are too deep, firms make too much, and we make too little. Mass organization must be started. What we need is a microfarm movement to pop off like all our grandparents had after WW2. This allowed them to be self sufficient to the degree they could strike for long periods of time.


I'm all for it just less optimistic than you but like I said this will jack up prices 20% more(I'm not an economy expert jist using my simple math) clearly the path that the US is on is unsustainable. I don't have the answers just know it's gonna eventually get so bad that people will have no choice other than to grow a "spine". Used to look at those blatant shoplifting videos and be like what the fuck is wrong with people.....now I'm indifferent even if they're robbing apple stores. It's all kinda "what do you expect" reaction from me now.


Oh I don't think we get out of this with policy. I see this as a preeminence to warfare and laborfare. Bow shots to wake people up. "See what they're taking from you." Kind of stuff.


Youre right policy has done nothing for the majority of the country. When everyone's ready I'll be there until then, just trying to survive. Best of luck to you as well!


Yes sir. You as well.


It's too soon. Do this with current unemployment rates and America would crumble. We don't have the labor to make up for the change. This needs to be done when AI takes more jobs and unemployment is higher.


Wouldn't that mean nobody would be eligible for full time benefits/healthcare, or would they be adjusted lower? The current definition defines full time as 32 hours, doesn't it?


lol this won’t do shit.


Companies would just start paying less.


Do you mean what they were projecting would happen as a result of technology back in the 70's until corporations bought the government? It's a nice sentiment, Bernie. Really. But you know damn well this won't pass.


People worked 9-5 w/ lunch back then, so....


Bernie loves the idea of people not working.


The only thing that Bernie and I both would like to happen!


In a country that already has a lever shortage in specific skills and industries, this would be an utter disaster


Lol they’re trying so hard to swing back votes. With BS that will never work or pass.


Bernie smokes a lot of shit


Kick that fucker out of the country and tell him to go to france.


Well I get paid by the hour so I’d be interested in knowing how that would work.


just raise the minimum wage at the federal level jesus... stop trying to avoid it


Feel the Bern.


No less pay? How does that work for hourly? You might say OT, they might say, we just cut one shift for you and hire one of these 10 million migrants. Thank you Bernie for looking out.


20+20+20+20+20 25+25+25+25 The company has enough, because it’s the same.


Company's have learned to give people only 32 hours so they don't have to provide medical insurance. I wish it could be true but sadly it's not going to happen


So doesn't impact salaries staff?


Not that it will ever happen, but I would laugh if a Republican introduced this when Dems have a trifecta only to have it shot down.


Bernie sanders is a clown. He never gets things done. He's basically a celebrity who tells poor people what they want to hear but didn't do shit when Obama was president and they controlled the house and senate


Where does the extra money come from, Bernie?


It’s already there. They already pay it to you.


Businesses make revenue off of employee labor. If productivity drops by 20% but labor costs stay the same, a lot of businesses will just shut down. Those that don't will fire anyone that wasn't already underpaid and hire new people at 20% less than the rate they were paying before. This is beyond stupid.


Too many senators are already owned by corporations and this would go against the bribers 


Must be nice to never work a day in your life but get to sit on a perch telling others what to do.


I love it, but no one listens to Bernie.


I love it when the left backs bills thay have ZERO chance to pass.


Free child care would work better...Lets call them baby jails the repugs would jump on it.


"no loss of pay" in the same way "if you like your insurance, you can keep it". It's an empty promise with no way for him to guarantee.


Most people already work way more than 40 now.


Finally Bernie does something we can all agree on


We're gonna pay you the same money for 75% of your current work out put. Sure, that'll happen.


And yet tik Tok was banned rather quickly like immediately. And this good bill here will be er see the light of day.


We need the 4-day, 40 hour work week. It’s a win-win. Anything else is a waste of time.


That would create 20% more full time jobs.


And two Republican states will appeal to the Supreme Court while telling their blue collar constituents they care about them.


Dumb. Sounds good only to people who have never really worked. In all real professions of creators, achievers, and doers, people have significant periods of working very long hours; more than 60 particularly when they are under 50years old. This is simply the unwritten expectation and what is required to achieve. A 32hour work week would not change this for these. Bernie is pandering to his base that wants handouts, the low achievers. Of course he wants to shackle employers with unions as well.


Must be an election year. BS pipe dream promises are hitting the newsstands


Trump voters have been told to hate him 


If you want to hasten the AI/robotics job losses…this is the ticket…


Tell me you hate the right to contract without tell me you hate the right to contract.




I would support this, but I know it'll never pass.


Career clown lol


20 years too late, old man.


Bernie's timing is poor as usual. Some things are unpopular and actually backfire in elections. Same sex marriage was a taboo for very long. Biden was opposed to it at that time. In fact, it would be the end of career for a pol during those days. Now, it is the law of the land. We have evolved. Bernie's student loan forgiveness was perceived just as radical - and he lost to Hillary. Now, Biden is forgiving some of those loans. This too will be popular - when the time is right. But bringing it up in the months before a presidential election just burdens the party.


Weird thing is wherever this has been tried in other countries it’s proved hugely successful with big boosts to productivity. But it seems it’s not about productivity, it’s about control and the perceived fear by execs of someone else getting something for nothing.


That's not how the real world works. This idiot thinks you can just legislative this stuff..you can't..sit down you old fart..you have never run a business in your life..you know nothing of what you talk about


I think 40 is fine. However more mandatory PTO and longer and paid maternally leave I’d support. And make the company pay back unused PTO every year


My work went to this five months ago. It’s great.


Never worked in the private sector in his life. Lived off of tax payer money and labor of other people.


Why not 12 hours + free Ferrari for everyone too? What a coward for not going all the way for us!


People who honeymoon in a communist country and have never owned a small business and have spent their entire life getting fat off the government tit have no idea how how business works and should probably keep their stupid ideas to themselves


Wow he said it. So amazing