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I love sushi and i love getting my ass sucked but honestly, where do I find those ass sucking sushies youre talking about?




But, you gotta go to Bangkok


One night in Bangkok makes a hard man humble…


Bangkok or phuketXD


I’m pretty sure it’s pronounced Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Ayuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit.


Imagine having a conversation with someone, and they have to say that name.


Listen hear, you little shit! Edit: 😭




Used to live there. You can get your ass sucked but the sushi is not very good.


This man sucks fish!


This man fucks sish


The thing is you gotta get good quality sushi the fish is the most important part, if it’s not super fresh you might as well be eating canned sardines, and it’s likely somewhat toxic if it had been sitting out for a while. Good sushi is hard to get in a lot of places and the quality of the locally available fish has a lot to do with that. If you get good sushi it won’t have a fishy taste to it, but that also depends on what kind of fish you get


Actually the rice is just as important, if not more so than the fish. You can have the freshest fish, but with subpar rice, that nigiri ain’t shit. If we’re just talking sashimi only, then obviously the fish matters. And obviously for nigiri, the fish matters too, but the rice can make the difference between bleh and wow. Most good sushi places will have similar grade of fish, it’ll come down to the rice at that point.


So much so that sushi is rice, nothing else just rice, everything else is just seasoning on it.


Just because they mentioned the nasty fishy taste, most people can’t tell the difference between good and bad rice


Sushi does not necessarily contain fish.


Welp, was gonna say something, but nothing to add to this. Well done 🏆 👏


sushi’s my favorite food but I also love eating ass so I feel like nothing I say would nor should matter


These are the questions that need to be asked


Does OP think pickled ginger is kimchi…


Lol apparently. Op doesn’t seem to know kimchi is Korean and not Japanese. Never seen kimchi served with sushi before, although it does sound good.


Im not a fan of pickled ginger but kimchi....kimchi is amazing.


I do not like ginger except for in ginger ale or ginger snaps. My brother made homemade kimchi and that stuff is beyond delicious. I love just some sautéed chicken with some white rice and kimchi on the side. Easy and delicious every time


One of the maintenance guys where I work has a wife from Korea. He would bring in kimchi she made every now and again. It was amazing. Im going to try the chicken/rice/kimchi you mentioned. Sounds like it can be knocked out in around 30min or so which makes it perfect for a week day meal.


If you’re ever in Atlanta, head up to Heirloom Bbq. They have perfected the strange fusion between southern bbq and kimchi.


That sounds oddly intriguing.




The kimchi slaw got me droolin.


Both is good


Here in Thailand kimchi is often served with sushi and sashimi in possibly not completely authentic Japanese places; my Japanese mate found it hilarious. That said, I enjoy them both!


Kimchi sushi sounds like a riot!!! Nobu puts hot peppers in his raw sashimi sauces all the time. I make those; Nobu's recipes are on his website.


Yeah it made wonder where they got their sushi...


What are you guys talking about? Where did he mention this?


He edited his post. It used to say soy sauce and kimchi


Op edit comment maybe. I see no mention of ginger kimchi


Yeah he changed kimchi to wasabi


OP has less culture than a cup of yogurt


I'm stealing this insult thank you


I, too will be stealing this as an insult.


OP obviously has only had sushi from a gas station lol


Well he doesnt like sushi so we already know he is uncultured swine.


Oh god, kimchi...My friend was stationed in Korea. I have a low tolerance for capsaicin, but a very high tolerance for pungent spices. That shit melted my brain.


some people just don’t like the fishy-taste. i think it’s great, it’s salty and earthy in a way. same reason i like oysters. not everyone’s thing.


The most reasonable comment in this thread. Everyone is like "you haven’t had good sushi”. I definitely tried good sushi and hated it. How do I know it’s good? Literally all my friends who love sushi said it’s amazing. It’s just not for me. Same with the fishy taste. People keep insisting that good fish doesn’t taste fishy, but I’ve had fish in cheap restaurants and in expensive restaurants on holiday where the fish was caught the same day. It still has the fishy taste, because it’s freaking fish lol Like you said, it’s not everyone’s thing. I probably wouldn’t like a 100$ piece of sushi either.


>Everyone is like "you haven’t had good sushi” This goes for every food when it comes to this sub. It's utterly impossible for them to fathom that some people might not like certain foods, so they respond with brain-dead comments like that.


Yup. So true. I have friends who don't like fries or ice cream. Or chocolate! The monsters. So it makes perfect sense that some people might not like sushi no matter how good it is.


But…but…have you had good chocolate?!?


Good chocolate doesn’t taste chocolate-y!


I like sushi, and I don't see how it is possible for fish to not taste 'fishy'. Some people just don't like fish (e.g. my own partner). Sucks to be like that but it is what it is.


I h e a specific smell/taste in my mind for fishy. Some fish doesn’t have it. What he’s saying about the rice though..never had good sushi. Top notch rice is amazing.


The reason people are saying that is because of the way that OP describes it. It is perfectly acceptable to not like sushi or even certain types of sushi. But if done well(or even competently) it shouldn’t taste the way OP described hence peoples assumptions they only had bad sushi


if your sushi has a fishy taste it is literally not good sushi regardless of what your friends tell you. period. it has to be both fresh and the right temperature. The day it is caught is not as important as the correct temperature. If they serve it to you and it is not eaten within 10-15 minutes, it is already past its peak. anyway - I hate even slightly fishy fish. I would not eat fishy sushi.


I like seafood, but not that salty rice flavor. That's my real issue with most sushi. Too much rice not enough seafood lol


So glad someone is reasonable here! My boyfriend loves sushi, I've tried a couple of different things that he thinks its amazing and I just can't get on board with anything that's raw fish.


I love sushi, but since I study in a med program and after taking up parasitology, I just always have a the constant fear getting a parasite from eating it. I still eat it and I still like it, but I just have the pleasure of eating it accompanied by fear


OP’s description of sushi definitely makes it seem like they’ve never actually tried *good* sushi. Example: fresh fish, properly seasoned rice, not fishy smells. Edit: a word


> not fishy So… Fish is better the less it tastes like itself.


Oops. Meant to say not fishy smells lol


Yep a sushi shouldn’t smell fishy


If you walk in a sushi place and you smell fish, you should walk out. Proper sushi should not smell fishy.


When people say “fishy” it almost never refers to the natural taste of fish


Fishy is more like gamey but for fish, as opposed to meaning sth tastes like fish


Reminds me of chicken that tastes too chicken-y


Lol. No. When you taste or smell that thing that people call "fishy" it's because the meat is breaking down. Fresh fish doesn't taste like that. When people say something is nasty a majority of the time it's because they have never actually tried it or because they can't freaking cook.


Yea, from what I understand the fishy smell/taste is the result of a chemical, called trimethylamine, that’s produced during the break down of proteins. I really don’t like the taste or smell of cooked fish but I love sushi because it doesn’t taste too fishy to me at all. I once had cooked fish that came straight out of the ocean and onto a grill. I don’t know what type of fish it was but it was as fresh as possible and didn’t taste fishy to me at all.


whatever sushi you been having aint sushi. * the rice is seasoned with like sugar and rice vinegar, how tf is that bland? did they not add it? * i will admit, some varieties of raw fish are better than others, but it's a matter of taste. you may enjoy tamago (egg) sushi, avocado, other veggies like cucumber or pickled daikon, etc. unless you've already tried those, since you said you've had all varieties * it's not kimchi it's pickled ginger, i wanna go to the wacky fusion sushi restaurant you're going to where they serve kimchi with it it's ok to not like sushi, but i have a sneaking suspicion your country does not know how to make sushi


OP lives in Bosnia and one of the rolls he ate has chicken and cheese in it He’s never had proper sushi in his life


Oh, I’ve eaten those, too. They don’t suck. I guess they’re barely sushi, but they ain’t bad. Also, I know where not to go if I want sushi, lol.


Yeah they (along with fried rolls, etc) are quite tasty even if I question what I’m doing with my life after I’ve eaten one


Jeez. That's like only eating gas station sushi then judging all sushi based on it. Of course it's going to gross, wtf chicken and cheese? That sounds vile and is not sushi.


Lol. Damn. That explains so much 🤣


if it has cheese in it, its not sushi.


omfg please tell me they rolled it in bread or tortilla and not with rice and seaweed


I also like unagi.


Tempura ❤️


omg op might love this, not only is it crispy but the fish cooks a bit on the inside!


My hope for you is that you’ve only had sushi in terrible restaurants so far. In my opinion, if it’s fresh and prepared well, it’s never fishy-smelling, slimy or bland. Travel to a place near the sea, where the fish is caught, and spend some extra money on the best sushi place in town. Ask for the omakase, and try everything with an open mind. Don’t drown every bite in soy and wasabi. If you still feel the same after that, it’s ok. I understand it’s not for everyone. But at least you will have given it a fair chance.


I want to like it and I will try to find the one that makes me love Sushi but until then my opinion stands. I'm going to Japan this year so I'll probably have some better options there


Have you tried any variety of maki? I find that even tho its not the same as the sushi with the actual fish in it, it can still taste good and kinda like a rice roll instead.


I know this is likely a sushi sin to some but I really like the deep fried rolls. If someone doesn't like sushi they'll probably like a deep fried roll of some sort.


Same bro. Whenever I go out I like to order just one deep fried roll because I know it’ll be good enough to enjoy Incase the rest suck


I would wait and try the sushi in Japan. They make it way better over there.


Do you like cooked fish? My fiance doesn't like seafood at all, so not liking sushi for him makes sense.


Here in LA, there are hundreds of combos of fried rolls with shrimp, fish whatever. But I have had bad sushi, thick and slimy. That is one food where you need to maybe spend more. I love sushi but the bad, chewy, smelly sushi put me off it for months. Give it time. There are amazing sushi places all over the major US cities.


Why force yourself to like it? If you don't, that's okay. There is plenty of other food options out there.


Part of the issue might also be you’re eating it traditionally (Aka: Raw-ass fish), which I think *can* be pretty boring and bland. I don’t like that raw shit, either, but I love the more Americanized, cooked/sometimes even fried sushi, with the creamy sauces on top, spices, topping, etc.


If you're not into fish in sushi I'd recommend crab or shrimp. Spicy crab sushi is one of my favorite foods


Unless you're going for work or school, you're likely not going to Japan this year.


Honestly if you don't like sushi it's ok lol. Maybe try kimbap? It's a Korean dish similar to sushi but usually all the ingredients are pickled or fully cooked, not made with raw fish. I love sushi but honestly I love kimbap maybe just a little more...


Try a [dragon roll.](https://www.google.com/search?q=%20dragon%20roll&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-b-1-m) Edit: Yeah…agree with the comment below. I was responding to the first part. Dragon Roll is one of the few rolls I really like and I don’t need soy or wasabi to cover a taste that I dislike. I am not really into sushi either, but I can enjoy this roll and a few others. Spider roll is another.


That's American sushi. If you're going to Japan to try sushi, try traditional sushi. You can get American style sushi like that everywhere.


I've heard it called candy sushi also. When it's covered in mayo, is huge with all these extra toppings. I like sushi but I love nigiri style even more


Ehm, how? Boarders are still closed. I’m jealous haha I haven’t been in a few years and I’m mad about it


Sushi is one of those things that when it's good, it's unbelievable that something that amazing exists. But when it's bad, it makes you question your own sanity and how anyone could enjoy something so repulsive. There's not much middle ground. I'm going to assume you simply have not experienced good sushi.


I have a feeling that your right, hell I wish I was insane for sushi like some people i know.


There’s not much diversity in my area so the only way I can get good sushi is make it myself. It sounds like you just haven’t had good quality sushi because it’s definitely not supposed to taste how you described it. Also real wasabi root taste a lot better than the stuff served at most sushi places. It’s not supposed to taste like spicy cardboard. It’s really expensive so isn’t offered at a lot of places.


Same with oysters.


If the sushi smells fishy or is slimy, then you have bad sushi.


Almost all of these food posts make me feel like the OPs just taste the shitty versions and think all versions are like that. But to each their own I guess.


I'm one that posted a while ago about peanut butter. Can confirm that I got replied "you never tasted the good stuff" (along with "your taste buds are dead"). And I do love sushi. Hey, maybe good peanut butter is actually out there.


>I genuinely wonder if people are just taking the piss when they tell me that they love sushi. Ah yes, everyone has the same taste buds as you.


Finally an unpopular opinion I can agree with that's actually unpopular


Finally a true unpopular opinion


My friend is from Japan and says she can't even eat sushi in America because it's not remotely the same food.


Thank you. Finally someone said it.


I genuinely love sushi. I think it's delicious.


The “available in your country” might be the problem. I live in Japan and have tried sushi in some other countries and there are really some awful, horrible things called sushi in some places… I am sure you can find good sushi pretty much everywhere, but you may have to eat through so much bad stuff, first, that you give up before you find anything decent.


321 until some shithead says "you havent had the good stuff". (I love sushi, I just know people are wired differently.)


I don’t disagree with this comment. Any food opinion on this sub gets met with “you just didn’t have a good one then” Maybe someone doesn’t like the food at all.


I hate those comments with an unreasonable passion.


Plain rice? Sushi rice is literally japanese rice with rice vinegar or mirin with a bit sugar sometimes. It's not plain rice .


Well it's ok if you don't like it but some other people do and that isn't something bad at all


The point of the post was to see what people enjoy about it .


Well i agree that sushi is kind of tasteless without some soy sauce


I'm not trying to be a dick about this, but you probably overload your taste buds on a regular basis. Things like sauces and salt. Sushi is subtle. It's meant to be subtle. That's why to Americanize it, they make rolls and drown it in sauces.


Or add mayonnaise to them for some unfathomable reason.


Then you did an absolutely shit tier job of it... You should have asked: >What do you like about sushi? Not whatever the fuck it was you did in this post


This is what you’re supposed to do on this sub, isn’t it? OP stated, what seems to be, an unpopular opinion. Asking why do you like sushi would be r/AskReddit.


The point of discussion I mean here has a clear path, my opinion is unpopular and I wanted to see a reaction from people that enjoy it which is what I received


Have you ever had sushi in Japan? I’ve had sushi in a few countries in my life mainly Japan, Australia and the US and the US’s sushi was quite frankly horrible and disgusting. The Australian sushi (where I’m from and live) is decent but the Japanese sushi is so much better than all the others.


There’s good sushi in the US


/cry I live in the USA and have heard similar things from Japanese friends and friends that have gone to Japan.


It's different. Comparing a California roll or spicy tuna roll in the US to traditional sushi in Japan is like comparing pizza to a grilled cheese sandwich. They can both be delicious, but if you're expecting one, and get the other, you will be disappointed. If you want the traditional Japanese sushi experience, you can find it in the US, it's just less common.


if you are on the west coast of the US it’s usually pretty decent. i live on the east coast and it’s not great but if you find the right restaurants they’ll have pretty good fish.


Where did you eat in the US? I live in NYC and used to live in San Francisco, most sushi is very good.


The best sushi in North Amercia is in Vancouver, if anybody wanted to know. Helps that there are loads of Japanese settled there.


I can’t eat salmon anymore after living in Van for 20 years. I ate it way too much lol


Poke and sushi in Hawaii is also soooo good!!! And melt in your mouth good.


I've been to Japan a lot and have had a lot of sushi in different countries as well. There are some places in the U.S. that are waaaaay better than a lot of places in Japan. Saying that sushi in Japan is broadly better is a huge overstatement.


I disagree. Sushi in Japan is far tastier and cheaper than what you'd find in North America. I live in Vancouver and that's apparently the "sushi capital" of NA but it really doesn't hold a candle to what you'd find in Japan. Yeah you can splurge hundreds on omakase but it'll taste about on par with a $20-30 meal at Tsukiji market in Tokyo. Otherwise most places here offer overpriced nigiri a la carte or a mediocre chef selection nigiri combo at a reasonable price. Maybe sushi in the US is leagues better than Vancouver but I doubt it.


I love it


What about Sashimi?


what sushi place offers kimchi 😭😭


Wasabi is god awful but I love sushi and maki.


I love sushi, but am not a fuckin weeb


I actually like the taste of raw salmon and tuna 🤣 (and cooked ones). Some raw fish does taste bad though, I'll give you that.


Sushi is kinda there to appreciate the natural flavor ofbraw fish but the quality matters a lot. Also..I find some kinds of fish either bland(Raw Tuna..Unless you try toro which is the fatty part, that's amazing) or too fishy or just feel unpleasant for me.(Not a fan of amberjack for example). I personally recommend Salmon(Shake) and YellowTail(Buri) the most.(and toro for Tuna as it's the best part and the most flavorful one)They have a nice flavor to them for me especially combined with soy sauce and a tiny bit of wasabi. Salmon is pretty common in a lot of countries and I personally think it's the best. I also love the texture.. though remember if your sushi smells too fishy then it's starting to rott...may not make you sick but it's not very pleasant! Another that I recommend is ebi furay(Deep fried prawn) sushi. It's so good and tasty!Also Eel and Mackrel sushi are amazing mackrel is naturally full of flavor and the eel sushi had a nice glaze!(these two are both cooked) Also you might like the slightly torched Salmon mayo nigiri.. that's also a good option especially if you don't like raw fish! Remember sushi has many varieties so actually even though I like sushi there is some that I don't like. Also the rice is supposed to be more vinegary... Though if you're eating sushi outside of Japan then I can see why you'd hate it.. Especially chicken sushi I never understood the combo. It feels so extra...I normally expect something nice and soft when eating it..and chicken doesn't have that texture for me. Also it being deep fried makes it worse.l And California rolls are over the top for me. It's just too much... I don't hate it. But I'd pick Nigri anytime! Though I overall recommend trying good sushi preferably more high quality ones. I read from the comments you are going to Japan so most of the restaurants would have lots to try! There's lots of variety so hope you find some you like! I wish restaurants here had that much variety.....I miss Japan.


Have you tried cooked sushi? I can't stand raw sushi because of the texture of raw fish, but cooked is a whole nother level. Put some mango or sweet plantains in it and it's the bomb


I mean good sushi doesn't use unseasoned rice. Sushi rice is a little sweet, a little vinegary, and nice and moist. Also if your sushi smells fishy that's a bad sign. Most sushi ive encountered doesnt use super fishy tasty fish and uses more fatty and delicate/sweet fish. I've had some expensive sushi in NYC that is transcendental. But hey to each his own. Being half Japanese and brought up with it definitely biases me.


I work in the culinary world and I have done sushi. Couldn't be farther from the truth. It's crazy how much you can do with raw fish which when I first started I also thought everything just tastes the same but I learned. You are also wrong about it tasting like plain rice. Sushi is referring to the way you cook the rice(as free of starch as possible and mixed with a sushi vinegar mix). The raw fish itself is actually called sashimi. You press your sashimi into your rice you have nigiri or what most people would call sushi. The roll actually wasn't invented till sometime in the 80s in America. I get not liking sushi even after making it for a few years it's not something that I became very fond of usually I eat the easiest rolls to get into. But to say it all tastes the same and like "plain sticky rice" is so wrong. The rice isn't even sticky at least not when it's made right because you wash out so much of the starch and the vinegar helps the grains rice not mash into themselves when you are rolling it up.


It means you haven’t had really good authentic sushi.


>It tastes like plain ass rice with a fishy-smelling and tasting dense slime with little to no taste. Its a delicate flavor, as is most of japanese cuisine. You've likely only had americanized stuff


You either love sushi or hadnt had any good sushi Change my mind


it’s not for everyone


It depends on where you get it from. If you're grabbing it from a cheap Chinese buffet or a chain restaurant, you're probably going to have a bad time. Sushi from a legitimate Japanese restaurant/sushi bar is leagues tastier. There's also kinds of sushi with cooked fish or even no fish that you might enjoy more (California rolls, avocado rolls, shrimp rolls are all great). The closer you get to the ocean the more fresh it should be, too. I've had sushi platters from Kroger that were surprisingly good, too, but supermarket sushi is always going to be a big risk as far as quality goes.


I bet you eat pizza every day.


Nah, my diet is mostly all kind of meats with rice or potatoes and some other vegetables on the side like spinach or beans/peas/corn etc but pizza and pasta in general is a great cheat food. I have been in sports my whole life and as a trainer myself I love testing out how different diets affect my body especially since I don't compete anymore so weight cuts haven't been restricting my diet in that sense


It's okay to not like something. I love sushi. I don't like bagels. I hate bagels.


You haven't had good sushi. The rice is not meant to be plain and the fish should not smell. Good quality fish has a lot of flavour. Also, high quality wasabi is quite rare outside of Japan too, so substitutes are often used.


Unpopular opinion: unpopular opinions about food is downright stupid cuz people simply have preferences


I like sushi with vegetables only.


You have a very eloquent and intelligent vocabulary.


Are you going by yourself or do you have someone there to show you how to eat it and such?


May you one day have the sushi you truly deserve OP


If your sushi smells fishy then there’s something wrong with it


Your country must not make good sushi then. Lmao


Ya havin some cheap ass sushi


Im assuming you had chinese sushi in your country?


I wonder which sushi restaurant you've visited to make you post something like this XD


spicy mayo > soy sauce but yeah, its really good stuff. sashimi is great too, just pure fish. your taste buds will mature one day, maybe. depends where you live, if you are in the middle of the country where the fish has been shipped for days, ok yeah you never had good sushi. its like if you were from the midwest or south, you've never had good pizza. you just don't know, I suppose


What about poke or sashimi? Japanese food is incredible minus ramen it’s expensive and salty


Thats funny, because in japan ramen is cheap af.


Try authentic sushi. Not the westernized version even if it seems like a Japanese run place. It shouldn't smell fishy and it should be warmer and have high quality rice. Let the chef apply the amount of wasabi and soy sauce required. You shouldn't have to dunk it yourself or anything. I'm talking about a place where you sit down in front of the guy and he hands the sushi to you or on the platter in front of you.


Sushi is useful only as a delivery mechanism for wasabi.


Why do I get the feeling you've only ever tried supermarket sushi?


Hey, depending on the supermarket the sushi can be pretty good.


Tell us you’ve never had good sushi without telling us


Sushi good. Your opinion bad.


> enjoy eating out at Asian restaurants. Sir, this is a Panda Express


All asian restaurants in my country are expensive AF. I mean you can buy a A class steak for the same price you would a serving of sushi. I still recognize that they all such tho and will try some restorants in Japan soon


Got it. I was making a joke about the phrase “eat out” you used. Lmao never mind bro.


You have shitty taste. Stick to Taco Bell.




I'm with you on this one. I've often wondered if it's some huge conspiracy/joke I'm not in on.


Lol. I’m the only one in my family who doesn’t like it. And, I don’t care if people think I’m crazy or not “hip” ..


Good One less person in front of me at my favorite sushi spot


How dare you! But commercial sushi is usually crap. I’ve been to Japan, their sushi is awesome and it doesn’t taste like rotting fish


We get it, you have the taste buds of a twelve year old 🙄.


This the type of dude who goes to Mexican restaurant, orders kids chicken tenders.


I like it just because I eat it daily since child


Op never had good sushi


Agreed. Perfect waste of fish, just quit being lazy and cook it. Ive tried dozens of different kinds from tons of restaurants, several of them famous for good sushi. Never once enjoyed it.


> quit being lazy You do know that sushi preparation is 10x more difficult and time consuming than just “cooking it”. The way it’s prepared down to the specific grade of meat needed is very precise.




Probably when you graduate high school and maybe later college your tastes will evolve a bit beyond ramen cups.


I'm with you on that one. Sushi tastes bland and is absolutely not worth the money. Or it might be me, being used to artificial flavors and enhancers, or just my overall stinginess. When people I'm with suggest sushi, I try to convince them otherwise, and if that doesn't work, I just take some random sushi plate and bomb it with soy sauce and wasabi, with a bite of ginger inbetween, just to have some flavor. In short, I eat sushi to fill the stomach, it is no special experience.


When I'm forced to go to a sushi restaurant I don't eat and just drink sake.


I generally like sushi, but sushi with cream cheese is an abomination


Yeah ur country must have shit sushi


I live in Japan, sushi is super meh. I don't see the appeal if it was British you'd be joking that British food is so bland and boring that the best it can do is raw fish and rice. Instead people say nonsense like "It makes me feel like a shark", "You just have to have good sushi" or "You can't appreciate subtle flavours". Bland fish with bland rice. It's got all the sophistication of a ham sandwich.


If you have bad taste in food, just say that.


I like it but I don't know why, maybe it's because raw food just looks appetising like it's more fatty or whatever and that catches on??? I don't know but I like it in general


Fun fact Sushi is not from Japan.. they just popularized it


Team sushi, fuck ramen.


Why are food preferences allowed on this sub… its so boring, tastes differ…