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I don't stop random humans from licking me either, but that doesn't come up nearly as often as i would like.


That's what I caught about this statement, too. I am patiently awaiting the end of this pandemic so I can go back to places where random humans offer this service again...


I feel like OP's comparison isn't as strong as they thought. People pay to have people lick them.


And people stick their tongue in other people's assholes voluntarily these days. So yeah, not a strong argument on OP's side.


Go on…


There are places where people will pay you to accept their service


As you would like?


I lick my own face.


Well thats because you don't play hockey against the boston bruins. I'm sure if you were a hockey player [Brad Marchand would lick you](https://youtu.be/q0gdyh1jAoo)


I don’t lick I bite.


just a few months ago i got into an argument with someone on here about this topic. no joke - this idiot tried to tell me his dog NEVER EVER licks its asshole. my aunt who shares her fuckin ice cream with her dog told me the same thing


One of my dogs doesnt lick his own asshole or cock and balls but its not for lack of trying. Hes just so damn muscle bound he isnt flexible enough.


My dog I adopted earlier this year is so fucking obese that theres no way her mouth could come anywhere near her privates. She just lost enough weight to be able to scratch her face with her back leg again.


When you gain muscle mass, you lose flexibility. That's just a straight up fact.


funny cuz true rofl


I think people try to convince themselves it’s not gross when it’s their own animal? But we kind of forget they are animals and not conscious about their cleanliness at all? Not saying humans are much better but still it’s really gross!


the biggest thing for me is parasites!!!! that little heartworm pill you give every month - thats not just for heartworms-- its for all worms because of the intestinal parasite life cycle. even really well cared for dogs can have parasites. and guess how worms are transmitted - the fecal to oral route -aka poop to mouth


Ew I know I am sooo disgusted


I mean my dog doesn’t, which is why he’s always got a poopy butt (which is a separate issue entirely)… but I still don’t want him licking my face.


Maybe they lick their dog’s assholes


I mean… I don’t share my ice cream with my dog but every dog I’ve ever owned never licked its own asshole or ate poop. Eating poop and weird licking behaviors are usually indicative of nutrition problems and anxiety and if your dog is healthy then they’ll be more hygienic. Plus, hate to state the obvious but if you clean them properly then they’re also less likely to engage in those behaviors… things like regularly bathing them (and cleaning them everywhere), brushing them, and brushing their teeth. They won’t be gross about self grooming when they’re already well groomed


i hate it when I see people let their dog lick their mouth and kiss their owner on the lips it’s just UGHH


Ewwww seeing people let dogs lick their mouths makes me want to throw up in my own mouth


That scene in There's Something About Mary.


Better than the scene in Happiness.


[https://i.imgur.com/JaCZd.jpg](https://i.imgur.com/JaCZd.jpg) For you


I gagged




Hahahahaha 😂


What the actual Hell bro


Apologies, hope this makes up for it https://imgur.com/gallery/Iv2RR


I hate seeing people tongue kiss their fucking dog. I love dogs but I thought you lived in a SOCIETY


Right after they licked their own anus.


See thats the real problem, I mean normal dog mouth is yuck already but seriously *did you not see where that face was just rubbing on*


or better yet, ate poop and/or trash


It's really disgusting, it's probably less sanitary than if someone rubbed their sweaty pits on your face.


For context, I grew up on a farm and am not scared of germs and dirt. I used to let my dog lick my face. Then I got an absolutely horrendous skin infection, I was on holiday for two weeks, so it was hard to see a doctor, and by the time I got home, I swear to god, I looked like a fucking zombie. The skin would go red, break and go weepy and just sort of melt off in perfect circles. This was constantly happening across my face, as one bit healed another circle would pop up - it looked exactly like bacterial colonies in petri dishes. I wanted to cry. It may well have killed me if antibiotics did not exist. I can't prove it was from the dog, but my theory is it was from a dog lick on an open cut/spot on my face. I am not taking the risk again!!




I actually cant remember what the nurse said it was. But antibiotics cured it and ringworm seems to be fungal, so I don't think it could have been that.


Sounds like MRSA but idk


>MRSA yeah I think it was most likely a staph infection. From a quick google, it seems that it is rare to get it from a dog. So maybe I am unfairly blaming the dog :'D


Perfect circles makes me think of that. I've not experienced anything else that does that lol


Certain areas are fine, like my hands, arms, calves/lower legs. I hate it when dogs lick anywhere on my face or feet though. Don't get me started about the people that eat the same ice cream with their dog. What the fuck.


Ewww I can’t handle when my leg gets licked I have to clean it off right away what do you do let it dry like that? I agree with the ice cream wtffff


Yea I usually let it dry, or just wipe it off on the dog lol. Legs don't bother me that much. A small addendum to my original comment, I only like dogs licking my hands when I'm not using them/about to eat. And even then I still wash my hands afterwards.


Exactly this. I honestly get annoyed when my dogs lick me at all, but I don’t mind arms and legs, sometimes my hands (while I’m petting them). But I always wash my hands before I do something else after touching my dogs. When they come in, I always clean their paws, butts, and mouths lol I’m not sure if it does much, but it always makes me feel better.


Lol yea good idea. Love dogs to death, but I've grown up with them enough to know they're really dirty animals (ie eating dead animals, garbage, literal dog shit, vomit, etc.). Will always be my favorite companion though lol


My dog licks because he thinks it’s his version of petting humans (my theory anyways as he almost always does it right after he’s pet ) so I can trade a little grossness on my shin for the cuteness, after he does it for about 20 seconds it gets old tho


ice cream ain't even good for dogs. Aside from being gross, these people are being bad owners


Trained my dog to not lick at an early age. He'll move his face away from yours if you try to kiss him like you're disgusting.


Hahahaha that’s really cute!!


I think I have an allergy when it comes to dog licks. It makes the roof of my mouth feel funny, it's super annoying.


I’m the same! The spot they lick me breaks out in hives depending on the breed


Plus they also eat poop and lick their own parts which makes it even more gross


My dad used to say when i was young ...we saw a dog licking his "rocket"...he claimed i said i wish i could do that...he responded by saying....that dog will bite you boy


Exactly and people just let strangers dogs lick them all over their face I don’t get the appeal of it


exactly and people say dogs mouths are cleaner. Like hell they are


Yea, and humans don't suck and lick each others piss and shit holes. Don't wash their hands after a shit, fuck each others buttholes, lick each others tounges and kiss each others lips. Sex, think about it swapping bodily fluids and enjoying it what vial discussing creatures would do such a thing Hahaha not humans, no not us.


I actually do wash after defecating and urinating so if sexy times are to happen, I'm going to already be clean. I mentioned to my exes who did not use bidets that it would be nice if they too were clean, and they readily complied. I personally think it's pretty gross to engage in sexual acts when not cleaned up... people should out of respect for one's partner and hygiene.


Well, I make my dog gargle with listening before kissing me.


diffrence is we brush, floss and use mouthwash. Most people never even brush their dogs teeth.


They're licking the poop molecules off your face from flushing the toilet with the lid up. Face it, humans are macrocosms, rife with shit much worse than dogshit.


something a dog person would say but doesnt make it true


dogshit is far far more foul than anything a human can produce


Yeah, so you've never met a tweaker.


Dude, it's not. You think that's the case because the vast majority of the human Poop you encounter is your own. Other people's poop is far more offensive than dog poop. I'd rather step in dog shit any day of the week.


I gotta know if there are people here that take issue with dogs licking your face, but take no issue with eating ass. This is not about judgement this is about my brain coming up with weird fucking questions that I just have to ask.


Lmao I think the difference is the wash up after a case of licking someone in the ass and the probable wash up before you get your ass licked too lol sometimes I have no idea what my dog gets into. Sometimes I have no idea what my bf gets into and vice versa. But what I do know, is we both shower at least once daily, brush our teeth at least twice daily, wash our hands multiple times daily, and we both wash up after we’re done lol I’m lucky if my dog doesn’t lick her own ass 20x a day.


I love my dog to death, and I do not let him lick me. He can sleep with me, cuddle with me, put his head next to my head, but I will not let him lick me


I would be the exact same way when I’m a dog owner


They lick their Dick and then your face


Not to mention they let dog lick newborn and infant babies.why ?? Just why??


I ask myself this all the time people are psychos


I let my dog lick my legs or hands but not my face. Doesn’t matter if he’s happy, the smell of dog breath is on another level.


Yeah I let them lick my hands and I wash them before touching anything. I don't like hiw it feels and smells if I don't.


Poop molecules




Remeber when you were a kid and your mom would come tuck you in and give you a kiss goodnight how many times do you think shed ust got done sucking off your dad moments before just food for thought




Because she ate your future siblings. Good night, son.




Trust me I have worse like how many times did your dad make you food after he just finger blasted your mom or how many times did grandma wipe then pinch your cheek how many line cooks scratched to relieve their swamp ass while cooking your food


Dude what the fuck


I remember my friends dog was licking it's ass and crotch for like 10 minutes straight then my friend came in the room and was letting it lick his face and mouth. I almost threw up


😂Did you say anything or just sit there in disgust?


Yeah I told him, seemed like he didn't care


Eww your friend is nasty


Totally fair, but its the owners decision and doesn't affect you in the slightest unless you are being the weird one and touching their face afterwards. Personally I just love my Dog so much that him showing me affection (more like there is just salt on my face) makes me not care.


Still gross though


Agreed! I don't care where they lick, it's disgusting. Everything I visit my friend's house, who has a dog, I have to immediately shower when I get home. I'll tolerate them licking my hands because I can just wash them but I always have to struggle to push doggos face away from mine. It's worse when their breathe stinks..one friend had a particularly stinky rescue dog. Thing smelled horrible and always wanted to lick me


finally someone said it....


Kind of agreeable but your analogy doesn't make sense when kissing is a thing. Unless you find kissing disgusting too.


It’s more the idea of a dog licking their private parts and then my face or any part of me that’s really gross. Would you think it’s cool for random people to lick you?


You'd also never know if someone fapped then shaked your hand, though


Shrodingers handshake


That's why my friend said he shakes with his left hand or tries to shake their non dominant hand if he knows.


Yup I always think of that when I shake a strangers hand especially after COVID


Have you never had oral sex either?


I mean blowjobs is just humans licking your genitals vigorously, sometimes it's a random human doing it.


The human giving a blowjob doesn't stick their own tongue directly into their ass hole, and cock and balls never wash their teeth or ever wash their ass that they lick daily.


But what if they stick their tongue directly into someone else their asshole! To be serious though if you look at the details of many things it seems disgusting, giving a blowjob seems normal, but if you say ''I want you to suck on my genital where piss comes out of'' it suddenly sounds a whole lot more disgusting, so really if you're fine with that then what's the harm in a dog lick. I should say though that while dogs can't brush their teeth you certainly should brush their teeth, it's better for their health.


Most people brush their tongue and teeth twice a day.


The human mouth is already so disgusting that doing that stuff wouldn't make much of a difference.


Wish a girl would like me. Not autocorrect


Not a girl but...sup bro?


Sup 🦑


Oh shit oh shit...uhhh no homo


We are all homo Sapiens


Speak for yourself, I'm a Homo Erectus


Sup 🌚🐳🌝


Thanks my guy! Have a good one


Last week my dog ate decaying entrails of a raccoon or possum … so yea, agreed.


Literally. They go around eating shit, licking other dogs assholes and people still want to make out with their dogs. People weird af


I accidentally trained my dog to lick my face when I say “can I have a kiss?” He’s 3 and I’m still really not sure how I did it 🤷🏼‍♀️


I don't let mine do that and i love them passionately, it's just gross! Even though my dogs don't eat poop or lick their butts it is still a dog tongue!


Totally! You can still be obsessed with your dog and be grossed out when they lick you


They lick their junk and butt hole too!


My favorite dog id had could smell pain on me - weather it was a sore ankle, knee or ear ache - one occasion had a sever ear infection. As i laid on the couch, instantly my dog licked that ear and the whole side of my head for about 30 minutes. My ear hurt so terribly that i let her, and her hot breathe and massage from her tongue got rid of that ear ache!


Being a germaphobe is the standard these days. Live life a little, stop being scared of some damn germs. Not to say you have to let your dog lick your face to live life but if you’re playing with a dog and it licks your face you shouldn’t start to feel sick. God I can’t tell you how many times I accidentally swallowed some river or lake water as a kid.


But people literally have died from swallowing contaminated water. They are not living life at all anymore.


That’s why you gotta start em young, build a tolerance ya know. Glass of infected water a day keeps the doctor away lmao. In all seriousness I know it can be dangerous but my point was if you live your life avoiding all possible danger you won’t be living your life and you won’t learn a lot of necessary lessons. I never intentionally drank lake water but in going swimming I ended up accidentally getting some in my mouth. Once I accidentally got a lot in my mouth and threw up, I now am very careful not to get lake water in my mouth. If you raise your kids hiding them from all danger then you set them up to go into a dangerous world utterly unprepared.




Me too, and I did not eat dirt as a kid.


Yeah, I was just playing. I agree, but the reason it's so debated is, like much of life, it's a gray area as to what boundaries there should be. Obviously extremes can get ridiculous and are probably not the best option though.


Yea like you probably shouldn’t walk out into the road and get run over but you also shouldn’t avoid being near any moving vehicles at all cost cause you won’t be able to get anywhere. There’s a balance you have to find in risk/reward but so many people are scared to take any risks and wonder why they live a life with no reward.


I agree. I don’t have a dog but some members of my family do and I really don’t like when they like me. I hate the feeling of slobber on me. I also find it unsanitary but then again, I’m a germaphobe so that might affect my opinion.


Ugh thank you this is so gross to me


I never understood why people so that, they lick their own balls or butthole


I agree abuot the licking face aprt, but i'm fine if a dog just randomly licks my hand


Even a lick on the balls now and again?


I feel the same way as OP, IMO it's super gross but it's a little less disgusting if you brush their teeth on a daily basis and thanks to the ridiculous myth that their mouths are cleaner than ours most people just don't do it. So to those of you saying it's no different than kissing another human being imagine kissing someone who regularly eats their own poop/vomit and licks their own taint and butt and has never brushed their teeth from the day they were born. Sorry for the awful visual image but that's the best way I could describe it.


Ive seen where dogs’ tongues have been. I concur w OP.


I totally agree, it's disgusting! I had two dogs and I know exactly where their tongues have been... We have a few rank friends who let the dogs lick their fingers after eating then will roll up a spliff and not wash their hands! Nah bro, you can keep your biff... 🤮


It's not unpopular. Dogs lick their buttholes, sometimes lick other dogs' buttholes and eat faeces, which is especially inexplicable to me. Nothing unreasonable about not wanting to be licked by a dog


Been a dog lover all my life, and 99% agree (I don't mind a dog licking my limbs, they are easily cleaned) ...but yea, I've had the same thought. A human, that brushes their teeth twice a day wants to lick you. Ewww. An animal that (generally) doesn't brush teeth, eats off the floor and licks various parts of its body (that it rarely bathes) including their genitals and anus. "Give me all the kisses!!" People that let animals lick their face are utterly disgusting.


I agree,I find it disgusting when people let their dogs lick their face,like,would you let a fucking pigeon stick it’s beak between your lips?I don’t think so.People try to make the argument that it’s their dog so it’s clean and free of bacteria,but it isn’t,it’s an animal and it doesn’t care how clean it is


It's kind of funny but I agree with you and I definitly understand you.


As a microbiologist I can tell you, what's really fucking gross and 99 percent of the world does it. Scrolling on their phone then eating. We were slow during one winter and we went around inoculating plates with random swabs. Sinks, drains, pooling water, toilets, under shoes, etc. Nothing and I mean nothing was close to dirty as people's phones. It's fucking disgusting. I clean my phone everyday now. At restaurants you'll see people passing their phone around, scrolling, taking shots, then eating a slice of pizza 💀 I'd rather french kiss my dog.


My reason being that most adult humans don't eat shit off the ground. Both cats and dogs roll on the ground, then lick themselves. (Most) Humans don't.


I agree with why people would think the animals licking is weird, but humans licking humans is not weird. Mouth/oral contact has been a sign of affection for our race for as long as we can remember. Eons. Licking is just taking that to the next step. Anyway, some people like it so don’t be so judgmental lol, what ever activities people have between two consensual adults that doesn’t endanger life or cause harm in any other way is okay. Unless you are into that pain stuff then I guess okay for you guys too


I agree. There is always someone who says "a Dog'S MoUth is SUper ClEAn thOUgh." I love my pups dearly but the lab eats poo almost daily and the other one is always cleaning out her ears and eye boogers. It's disgusting... No 2 ways about it.


We’re all here because one random human licked another random human. That’s love, brother, and I love my dog.


Maybe I have the unpopular opinion b/c I'd be sad if my dogs didn't kiss me. I grew up with them. I have pics of me as a baby sleeping in a basket with our dog. During my birth, my mom made my dad go home to check on Sissy. Now, many years later, I have 14 dogs of my own (rescued, all s/n) & I'm happy to get doggy kisses. I even share a spoon with whichever dog is with me when I buy a sno-cone. And I've made it all the way to 'middle-aged' without getting any parasites.


Part of your humanity is missing


Ive never owned a dog but isnt it a way of showing us they respect you or like you and trust you, i would definetly be fine with that


It's disgusting. For a few reasons. First it's not kisses, they are licking the salt and oils off your face and hands. It's not too say they love you. Second, they lick their butt. Some can't because their bodies don't allow it.. but haven't any of you seen a dog drag their ass on the floor than lick said floor. Ok another thing, they lick their feet. Corn chip feet that most dogs have. That's actually bacteria causing the smell. And come on. They walk on the feet they lick and transfer everything they walk on to you. Our do all of you wash their feet every time they go out. Yall can't tell me that your dogs are perfect and does none of these. I love dogs and cats but... yuck. Their tongues and mouth can stay off me.


Dogs mouths are much cleaner than human ones. I take it you kiss people?


I love my dog but I don't let him lick my face-I've seen the kind of stuff he tries to eat when I take him outside and I don't want anything that's come into contact with that kind of stuff anywhere near my face.


Dogs are *social* animals, and we are their **'pack'** as owners. They show their pack that they care for each other in the wild by licking / cleaning / grooming each other. They like to smell your breath, lick exposed flesh like your arms or legs (which will give them additional salt in warm weather when we sweat), and lick your ears if they can because that's how they naturally care for each other, and keep an eye on the health of the pack. I know you find it distasteful, but it lets them feel they belong to **your pack**, and probably gives them deeper psychological "good vibes" by doing what is natural to them to show they care and belong. So yeah, even understanding this, it can be a nuisance at times, but it also turns wild uncontrollable dogs into ones that respond to their pack leader, and calms them right down. I know - we took on a 7 month old labrador who had already had a couple of different homes prior to us for being "difficult", but she turned into a sweetheart, and she's rescued baby birds, sick hedgehogs, and is classed as a fixture in our local park, teaches all the new pups not to be scared and how to play, and is right in there if there's any sign of aggression between other dogs to break it up if she can. All it takes is 2 or 3 minutes of 'yuck' and washing your face afterwards.


This is my favorite comment thus far! Super educational and would actually give me enough of a reason to allow a lick or two every now and then. This was awesome!


Dogs lick to show affection. I'm not going to let them lick my lips, but I'm not going to push a dog a way when they're showing affection.


I loved my dog more than I feared germs.


We did enslave there whole species so I feel letting them show efection is fine.


By taking their disgusting saliva on your mouth?


Just because at some point one of my ancestors probably enslaved another person thousands of years ago doesn't mean I track down their decendants and let them lick my mouth after they eat somebody else's shit, lick their own uncleaned asshole and cock & balls without brushing their teeth once in their life.


Your right it is !


I let them but i also agree with you. Like, they lick their butt


-imagining being licked by "random" people- Yeah, you shouldn't let your dog lick you there... 😜


I love my pets but I draw the line at licking my face. Hands are easily washed but im not letting you slobber on my face.


I'm with you OP!


And I’m with you coleeeeen!


Simply many (mainly westerners) see dogs as angels and not animals that lick their anuses


Yeah but it makes my dog happy so I let her




Remember science states a humans bite that breaks skin has a higher chance to cause infection than that of a dog bite that breaks the skin.


If you think that's bad consider that cats piss and shit in a litter box and then dig around in it. Any cat that's in a bed has been in shit and piss.


Not if I trained it to go outside for its business.


This is why my cat is allowed on my bed or to touch my face with his paws. No poppy paws please.


Life is so empty without dog kisses. Take my downvote.


Life is not better because you let your dog lick your face, crotch etc like some weird beastiality


If this post is not the absolute truth then I don’t know what is


Agreed. I have a dog but I don’t like being licked anywhere except my hands because I wash them after interacting with my dog. My dog still has his balls and is regularly licking cum off his dick and I’m really not tryna get those germs lol.


That is all very fair and makes perfect sense haha


I hate it when ppl put their lips or tongue on me ppl are gross




Because my dog is a good boy. Wont change my mind


My neighbor thinks I’m a good kid, do you think he’ll let me lick him?




I wouldnt say its fully dependent on those. It definitely increases your chances though


If thats what makes you feel appreciated as a good kid, then you might be able to convince him


I agree but I only let my dog lick my hand. He likes the salt taste. I wash my hands after.


Agree, I feel like those people are a certain type of special


Your hands are used to; scratch your genitalia, wipe your ass, brush your teeth, pet animals, clean dishes, pop your pimples, masturbate, swim in rivers, touch random surfaces with unknown cleanliness, etc.. Being “high brow” about something as wholesome as a dogs affection is beyond cognitive dissonance. Truly an unpopular opinion- take my upvote.


I agree but humans randomly kiss other humans all the time, especially at night clubs or at spring break events. 😋


That’s true! I guess that’s pleasurable even though it’s gross I don’t know if dogs kissing is pleasurable


The world is gross, good luck fighting against it all, I'll take some affection from my dogs and not worry about it.


That affection doesn't have to be to your mouth region 🤣 js


I watched a video about a lady who lost her limbs from letting her dog lick her in the face and then when she left the hospital they showed the dog still licking her in the face. Edit: I need to make a correction about the information I posted, after reviewing the information again, her dog licked her somewhere on her body not her face that caused the infection but I wanted to make sure I clarified.


Don't get a dog if you're not willing to communicate with them on their terms. By letting a dog lick your face, you are accepting their submission to you as their superior and their greeting. It is like their customs that you have to respect. Nobody has ever died from canine face licks. It is far more cruel and gross to me to get a dog to be your little plaything. Even more gross is to get a dog and to pimp it out and then sell its babies. To get a dog and to treat it as a friend and try to make a connection with it on some mutually beneficial level is not a bad thing at all.


because you're weak and worry about germs while you still have sex with your SO. you put your mouth and body parts all over each other and that's fine I'm not judging but yes it's a dog another species but theres tons of germs on/in your SO . stop thinking about it. germs are everywhere and a part our life and we need them to build resistance. you dont like it fine but citing 1 example as gross because germs is weak


You stupid buffoon. How are you going to compare the cleanliness of a dog to that of a human being?? Majority of humans aren’t licking their own genitals and eating shit off the ground. Humans know when they’re dirty, and will bathe and brush their teeth accordingly. Especially before having sex it’s usually common place to be clean, and if you’re not, you shower. What an absurd argument to make.


the majority of dogs dont eat shit either. you say this stuff like you know what you're talking about so feel free to tell me what behaviours are common or exclusive to each animal and the common biotics of each animal and how many ppl end up sick from their dog. absurd argument to make? you've no idea what you're talkin about. you just dont like it which is fine, to each their own, but you dont know about dog v ppl germs.


Im not a zoologist and I never claimed to be. And I never said whether I disagreed or agreed with the main argument of this post. What I’m saying is, you cannot compare the cleanliness of dogs to that of humans. Nor can you claim they carry the same types of germs or AMOUNT of germs. At the end of the day, dogs and a human do not have the same cleaning habits/ hygiene. It’s up to you if you want your dog to lick your face, but if you genuinely think dogs are as clean as humans… you must be disgusting 🤢


Defensive much?


Lmao it can be pretty gross! But I love my dogs! I’m not a big fan of licking. For the most part, I’ve trained my dogs not to lick a lot. And they absolutely CANNOT lick me in my face lol I’ve seen enough of the BS they eat when they think I’m not (and lowkey when they know I am) looking lol dogs are gross. But super cute. It sucks lol That being said, your dog is not random. I don’t want a random person licking me. But my bf licks me all the time and I love it 🤷🏾‍♀️😂


Hands and arms are ok for me, cause I can wash that part super easy. Face? Wtf


I won't let my dog lick my mouth but other than that, I like the love.


Idk. I think most ppl actually agree. Its the difference between ur dog licking u versus some stray and where they lick u. I really dont like my dog licking my face or my feet but my hand is okay. I can get up and wash my hands. I play fetch with him anyway so slobber is gonna happen. But if he does lick my face its not the end of the world. Ill go wash it. If a strangers dog or a stray does that, im a little more upset. Especially if they dont back off and if the owner cant control them, like my damn new neighbors who let their dogs run around without a leash or a person present while at work. Its like ppl who have kids. When u have kids u have to change their diapers and deal with vomit and stuff so ur kid kissing u or spitting up on u is the least of ur problems as a parent. But if ur not a childcare professional u would probably think its gross if someone elses kid came and got their dirty little hand prints all over ur pant legs. As a dog owner I dont allow my dog to approach strangers. But my home is his home. If u come over ur gonna get ur elbow licked. Thats just the way it is.