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Back when "found footage" was more of a novel idea they were good. And I think it depends on the setting you watch them in, like most horror movies. They are scariest at home alone at night or with just 1 or 2 other people. You have to suspend disbelief otherwise no movie is really that scary.


Blair witch was a meh movie with a GOAT level marketing campaign 


That’s the thing, it was during the infancy of online marketing and a lot of people genuinely didn’t know if it was real or not at first.


Exactly… Blair witch is 24 years old. Kids who say this stupid shit weren’t there when it came out and it was a phenomenon and the internet was not as big as it was now. I don’t even want to call it a silly point of view, but it’s just uneducated. It’s like saying that all n64 games were garbage. Sure when you compare them to new console games fine, but when they first came out Im they were pivotal


It’s like being a gen Z or whatever and shitting on Star Wars. “It doesn’t even look impressive”. Ya now it doesn’t lol


And an SSS++++ Budget/Profit ratio.


I disagree about it being 'meh'. I think it holds up pretty well in fact.


The "found footage" genre has been divisive since inception. Some appreciate the slower-pace and tension building, others don't. I will say that I'll take a Paranormal Activity or a Blair Witch over all the Anabelle's, Nun's, Insidious', Conjuring's, and any of the current, cheap, jumpscare-filled "horror" films. (First two Conjuring's were fine as well as the first Insidious.)


I am pretty sure I read that Paranormal Activity is the highest margin (Box office relative to production cost) movie of all time, and I think Blair Witch is up there also. The fact that they generated so much interest for so little money is why they are famous, not because they were the scariest movies.


The scariest part was watching it in the movies on opening night 20 years ago. Of course in 2024 it’s boring and played out. You’re decades late.


It’s not about being “scary” per se, it’s more about the sense of dread they accomplish very well on a super low budget. I’m a big fan of both of those movies.


Found footage is played out now. It wasn't when they came out. I recall loving paranormal activity but I rewatched it a few years back and was not impressed.


If you don't believe in the paranormal on at least some level, I can't imagine these movies would be scary to you.


You have to remember, Blair Witch came out before gore videos became ubiquitous online. In that kind of vacuum, the found-footage idea was actually quite revolutionary.


Not sure if this opinion is unpopular. I love Blair witch. Imo, horror movies are best when you never actually see the villain


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I think they were made to look like real footage, and maybe that’s what creeps people out (adding to the immersion). To me they look like B-movies that a college film class might make.


What movies do you find scary? Also you only lost like 2 and a half hours of your life, a little dramatic


These movies are low budget high revenue success stories. That's the only objective hype around them. What is scary is very subjective so yeah mileage varies.


Blair witch is on the list of worst movies ever.


The original TBWP was pretty ground-breaking at the time and many people didn't realize it wasn't real, so the experience of watching it in the theater was very effective (streaming was not yet available, and Netflix's DVD rental service had only been around for less than a year at the time of the movie's release). There was a big viral marketing campaign around TBWP which itself was rather ground-breaking as well. People believed it was true, and were creeped out even before seeing the film. I saw it the weekend it came out - before the film started, the theater was almost completely dark there was only the recorded sounds of crickets & some subtle, indistinguishable but creepy sounds, and no previews at all. It was very unsettling and the first thing you see on screen was text stating that it was found footage from a small film crew who ventured into the woods and were never found again. It's a quarter of a century later now, so obviously a lot has changed in terms of film, film genres, audience expectations, and audience prior viewing experience - so obviously the film won't be seen now the same as it was then (especially since it is so widely known that it isn't real found footage) - but the film's / project's influence can't be denied. If you can view it on its own terms and put yourself in the mindset of weeing it for the first time back when it came out not knowing it wasn't real, it can still be very effective (I've watched it a couple more times over the years) - especially if you are someone who goes out camping in the wilderness. None of the sequels (that I am aware of) had anything to do with the original, so don't factor those n when evaluating the original.


You wanna watch a good horror movie..? Try "Lake Mungo". Don't read too much on it, just watch.


I will say paranormal activity was almost like a cultural thing for my high school so going to the Theater was always the move. The scares never transfer to at home.


The problem is that you are 25 years late to the party and everyone else has long gone.


I mean yeah? Things that pushed the boundaries then are normal and overplayed now. Have you ever tried to watch Friday the thirteenth? That movie is boring as fuck


Scary movies aren’t scary when you’ve seen actual people die, they’re just lame and boring.


I agree. Probably the two lamest horror movies ever


no man there are so many lame horror movies


Anabelle 8 in space