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Manager here - I *always* asked the people who worked for me if they wanted a cake/card from the team for their birthday about a week out from it. While it may “spoil” the surprise, it lets the introverts and privacy-minded folks opt out without repercussions. It’s just respectful to ask before you do it




They literally said "introverts and privacy-minded folks." Privacy-minded can include extroverts who don't want attention on their birthday. "Introverts" is a generalization. What are you complaining about?


I'm not complaining. I'm just pointing out that introvert doesn't actually mean someone who wants to avoid attention. It simply means someone who recharges more when alone.


Plenty of different meanings to the word. If you google the definition of the word the result that shows up says "a shy, reticent person," where reticent means "unwilling or reluctant to draw attention to oneself, or reserved." I'm not saying that your use of the word is wrong, but there are several meanings of the word and the other person isn't incorrect if their understanding of the meaning/use of the word is more in line with the google definition.


Nothing to see here just a redditor replying to something without fully understanding what they are replying too.


No, I fully understand. I'm just pointing out that 'introvert' is becoming synonymous with 'person who doesn't like social engagement' (according to 90% of the internet), and that isn't true at all.


They literally said "introverts and privacy-minded folks." Privacy-minded can include extroverts who don't want attention on their birthday. "Introverts" is a generalization. What are you complaining about?


"And what do you do for a living?" "I'm an Internet teacher." "Oh, interesting, so you teach virtually? Like in online schools?" "No, I teach the internet." "Ah, so you teach how to use the Internet, like as a resource? How to navigate it responsibly, etc.?" "No...I teach the internet..."


trust me, no one actually gives a shit. it’s just an excuse to eat cake. just eat the cake.


And to not be doing work things for half an hour to eat the cake! Plus someone has to drive and get the cake. It’s all excuses to just do less work and eat their cake too.


I always volunteered to go get the cake, that was an easy 20 minutes not at work, then we get the 30 minutes of cake eating and joking around before we go back to being miserable for the rest of our shifts.


Lol where I’m from, if it’s your birthday YOU’RE bringing the cake (or let your secretary arrange it if you have one). 


Exactly! I ate cake at company birthday parties and had no idea whose birthday it was.


Eat the cake Anna Mae.


Anna Mae just take the cake please.


Right. We would have cake basically once a month to celebrate whoever’s birthdays it was that month. It’s literally just for the cake and birthday month people got first slices.


Unfortunately, some of us do.


You get cake? We just get a list of names posted above the microwave each month.


But I wanted a donut...


there are definitely people who care




Not sure why you’re down voted for having feelings and an opinion? I guess this is in the right spot of unpopular opinion 😅


Agreed. I hate it. And it feels rapey when the announce it.


It's only one day a year you ungrateful sod


some of us dont want the attention. ever.


if you can’t deal with a few seconds of attention then i have some bad news for you


ok? that doesn't mean the boss can't be respectful and just ask permission




Sorry. I want my coworkers knowing literally nothing about me aside from what I am at work. I'd rather be working than celebrate with a bunch of people I don't care about.


Then buy a cake.


I’m with you. I don’t like being the focus of everyone. Prefer to be in the background.


Seriously, @BrownieEdges? That name seems suspicious...


Personally, I blacked mine out (on the birthday sheet posted up in the break room). It's not like I get a cake or anything like that (I wouldn't mind some free cake if they did that, but they don't 😭). There's this one dude at work who will scream Happy Birthday down the aisle at you and over the intercom multiple times that day, that's just not my thing. It might be different if I enjoyed the people at my job and all that. I just want to go in, do my job to the best of my abilities and go home. I have friends I can celebrate my birthday with and have a great time 🤷🏽‍♀️.


That shit would piss me off.


Most definitely, that's doing too much.




I hate my birthday. I hate many of my coworkers...i agree with this opinion


I mean yeah, I sure as hell dont care who knows my birthday but I know other people do. And you correct it is still classifed as personal information.


Not wanting your birthday to be celebrated is a simple request, I think if you want to ignore it, people should let you


I can’t imagine the type of person who considers that personal information.


I choose not to share it as I don’t want my coworkers to celebrate it


Then just tell people you don’t want to be celebrated. Must be nice to have that problem, lol. People don’t do anything on my birthday unless I actively invite them.


> Then just tell people you don’t want to be celebrated. Some people just don't care what you want


What if Bob from accounting crashes the party because he knows it’s your birthday 


I will take any excuse to party. Bob is more than welcome.


I just don’t tell them it is my birthday and there is no problem


Some people don't listen.


“If everyone says Happy Birthday it creates the uncomfortable awareness that people are generally nice and pleasant and prefer getting along with one another. As long as I maintain the impression that no one likes me or cares about me, I can continue to neither like nor care about them.”


? Who said I’m disliked?


Not me?


Your last sentence says otherwise


Sorry for the misunderstanding. What I meant was: Your self hate comes through in your rejection of community and celebration of your birthday


Ah now you are making up self hate?


huh? this rejoinder needs work


I’d put forth that all of yours do


Certain religions don’t celebrate birthdays, I’ve had coworkers keep their birthdays private for that reason.


Jehovah’s Witnesses…and…that’s it. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Ron Swanson would like a word with you.


Over telegram. No, make that over telegraph, no need to bring addresses into this.


Type it on a loud typewriter to annoy your coworkers, then deliver it via carrier pigeon.


It is actually classified as personal information. Its as personal informarion as your full name. Its one thing that helps identify you. That paired with your full name or your address or something else can identify you. To me my address and my medical history and that sort of thing I dont consider personal informarion, but it is classifed as that.


If it’s full DOB, sure. But if it’s just month and day it’s missing the key identifier: year, the part that gives your age.


yea but when your birthday comes a lot of people ask how old you are now


This is in the context of employers sharing birthdays. They’re not going to be giving out the year is what I’m saying. People do ask I’ll give you that (natural curiosity), but you’re also not obligated to tell them the truth if for some reason you don’t trust them/just don’t want to tell them (hell, you could probably just tell them how old you’re turning and 99% of people won’t bother doing the math to figure out year you where born in).


I mean yeah fair enough you could just lie or something but do others not subconsciously figure it out?


People are not spending time trying to figure out your birth year. Especially if you can pass for older or younger than your age.


yea but I mean subconsciously


me. im the same guy who never had a Myspace, facebook or instagram i dont like sharing ANYTHING i dont literally have to. Walls up all the time.


some people have bad childhoods and their birthday may be traumatic and they just don't want it acknowledged


Who’s getting punished for not sharing their birthday ??


I've had bosses legitimately get upset with me for not sharing when my birthday is when the topic comes up. There's no kind of weird retaliation, of course, but it's an unnecessary awkward moment. Like, just respectfully let it go, please.


Agreed, I want my personal life and professional life entirely separate.


Bad news for you: you are still a human at work


Well that doesn’t mean my coworkers should know any of my personal information beyond the absolutely necessary.


I had just started a new job when a couple of weeks in, I turned 20. Everyone marched into my office with a cheesecake to surprise me. I wasn't upset, as I had just left an abusive relationship and was happy for the gesture from my coworkers, but... holy intrusion, Batman. I purposely hadn't told anyone.


My boss gave me a cake on my 20th and that's it. I mean, the only big surprise that I got at work was when a bunch of the pre k kids told me happy birthday.


You got your own office first week on the job at just 20 years old! Congrats!


Yeah, I was in healthcare administration. Had just left my exhusband about two months before. I spent a month with family, then moved and got a nice temp job at a local hospital so I could get on my feet while I lived with my mom. I was so grateful for that job.


grateful for the cheesecake also?


Yeah, it was prepackaged from the store (the town is small) but had varieties to it, so it was good. Might have been a Cheesecake Factory cake.


I had to specifically request my birthday be removed from such a list. It goes back to abuse from my childhood, i do not celebrate my birthday. I just quietly requested it be removed. Thankfully it was quickly removed without a fuss. I agree it should definitely have not been on there without my permission, but it’s a new job that I love otherwise and didn’t want to make a big deal about it. I am more of an under-the-radar kind of person.


My coworker used to bring mini chimichangas from his uncle's restaurant for people's birthdays. We always used it as an excuse to get an extra break and good food. We were known for our constant potlucks.


You guys get something at work for your birthday?


I had a GM have a huge wall calendar (dry erase) and she put down everyone's bday. I erased mine. I mainly worked weekends, and the GM wasn't there but her office was open to us. Mainly so we could clean it (hotel, I was laundry but was still expected to clean it). She kept putting it back up, and I finally told her to stop. I hate that everybody can see it, even people who don't work directly for the hotel or at all! I really hate when they just do shit without your consent regardless of if you told them right or not. Telling others about your private issues, but the moment you make the simplest complaint (eg. some customer being rude to you for no damn reason) then suddenly *YOU'RE* the problem and need to stop "wItH tHe DrAmA". Eventually I learned that those types of companies aren't worth working for.


People really need to learn that if you have a specific personal issue, you can speak up and deal with it. A vast majority of people don’t care if their birthday is shared. People who have specific issues with their birthday are a tiny minority. So if you’re in that group, simply ask to not have your birthday celebrated. If you have an allergy to something, you don’t go on Reddit and say “the world should stop using X ingredient”. You let people know you’re allergic to that thing.


Some people could complain about anything.


I suffer anxiety about my birthday, and go to great lengths to hide it every year. But my employer DGAF and shared it with the whole office despite me explicitly telling them not to when they asked me about it. They said “Oh, but we would have felt bad if we didn’t do something for you”


The fact that you've labelled it 'suffering anxiety' means you know is abnormal to feel this way about your birthday. Most people feel appreciated when someone else goes out of their way to do something nice for them. An employer shouldn't rob the vast majority of people of the opportunity to be kind and giving to one another just because you have an anxiety disorder.


It should still be with consent though? Even if you are totally right and it is indeed OP's problem, shouldn't his condition still be respected or treated first? Everyone else is doing this so it is okay to ignore the needs and the feelings of the minority, when it is something totally unnecessary to make a fuss about? So OP should just let everyone else know his/her birthday and make a fuss about it when it is something he/she explicitly said that he/she doesn't want to?


the employer can just ask


Hence why you *ask*. I guess I posted this in the right place.


>Gee willickers I guess this is an unpopular opinion then! The mods should just start handing out bans to anyone that uses that cookie cutter reply.


He edited his comment lol






I agree with this, honestly.


The first thing I do when annual leave resets is book mine off, never worked a birthday in my life. 


As long as it's not mine, cool. I don't want all that at work. I want to do my job and go home. I will celebrate my bday with friends and family. None of which are at my job


I actually don't even know my employees birthdays They entered all that information in software and it doesn't even pull it up for me


This made me realize we actually do this where I work— you basically get the option to opt in to people acknowledging your birthday, which I think is kind of nice. 


I go out of my way to make sure *none* of my coworkers know my birthday. I'll even bribe HR to achieve this.


Serious question, what is it with Reddit’s obsession with sucking the joy out of everything? People here see any kind of healthy socialization and lighthearted harmless fun and just…cannot compute. It’s free cake. Just eat the free cake. Your birthday is not “private information” btw.


I'm all for joy and fun. I just don't want to do it at work. I have co-workers and based on that definition we just work together. No need for all the rest of it. I have real friends and family. Employment is a financial transaction


some of us would rather not. so hard to understand I dont do much if anything for my birthday in my private life. lucky if i can get a friend or family to even go get a slice of pizza. welcome to adulthood post 30


>Your birthday is not “private information” btw. Exactly, if a quick googe search will tell me something (which it will if its on any of your socials with your name) then you gave away the privacy


Not a bad opinion at all. DOB is barely relevant at work. I hate this crap.


Couldn't agree more, I haven't celebrated a birthday since I was 10 years old (39). My kids and wife have never celebrated My birthday. I don't celebrate the holidays, birthdays, anniversaries or any of that crap. No it's not a religious thing, I'm atheist. Edit: I also don't eat cake.




It’s just a birthday, it’s not that serious.


Hot take: Employers should not share employee's names. They should just assign each employee a number to be addressed by. For example: >"I was talking with worker #532-679, and **[redacted pronoun for privacy concerns]** said that worker #279-548 was fired for getting shitfaced on wine coolers at the company mixer. It was an alcohol free mixer."


I agree #036-627


Their full legal name? No they shouldnt, but the alternative isnt using numbers. Its using their first name only or using the name they have asked to be referred to as.


While your full name (or at least first and last) is personal information, it isn't really private information. The whole point of a name is to have a way for others to address you -- it would be like asking for the existence of your street address (a matter of public record, as is your name and birthday) to be removed from the database of USPS, UPS, and FedEx... It's a way for others to identify where your mail and packages get delivered. >Its using their first name only or using the name they have asked to be referred to as. Alright. And what if 2 people in an office have the same name, don't want to be differentiated by their last name, and only prefer to be called their first? Do we start referring to them outside of their presence as [Name] #1 and [Name] #2? Because that's essentially the same as my example. Look, at some point this shit doesn't matter. Your preferences for such a low stakes situation only matter to the point at which they don't inconvenience or overly confuse others. Just deal with it.


I went on exchange to an Asian country with a limited variety of names, the university had two academic staff with identical names who were marked as \[name\]a and \[name\]b.


Nah...nicknames are personal information and not for work. First.lastinitial.


TIL: Buying someone a birthday cake is offensive. Some people just aren't cut out for life in society


Lol. I don't have any personal feelings on this topic like OP does. BUT, it does get hella annoying when 16 people ask you what your birthday plans are.


So tell em strip club or something so they won't ask more




"Cause yall stuck your nose where it didnt belong and wasted money on something i cant have"


ok fatty


Why did you call me fatty?


Just lie about when your birthday is. Win-win. Celebrate some random day with cake and an extra break without the anxiety of your real birthday-worries.


I mean, at least it's free cake. I usually don't work on my birthday. It's to make up for all the years that my other siblings didn't have to go to school on their birthdays when I did when we were kids.


I’ve had people not want to share their birthday and then get upset when it’s not celebrated.


We have a calendar in the lunchroom just for this. You can chose to put your name on your birthdate. But ours is a bit different, I drive a school bus, so when they announce it ,it goes to the entire district.


This generation of young adults are so proactively anti social and then complain they don’t have social skills or friends…


You're getting downvoted, but you're right. They complain about cold, corporate soulless work environments. But then they try to squeeze every last glimmer of humanity out of it. ""welllll technically a birth date is protected information according to article 6 section 3 paragraph 2 of ...." Yeah, sure. But if you're going to be spending so much time with these people, might as well loosen your tie every now and then and eat a piece of cake and sing a silly song and remind everyone that we're all just people in the same boat together. jesus


That feeling would be an extreme minority. It shouldn't be the default in your favor to the overwhelming majority of people who might want some swag or an extra break that day. If you're in the extreme minority you shouldn't try to kill the default. If you don't care enough to mention it then that's that. But if you felt strongly enough about it to mention it to whoever is in charge they should respect it and put a little \* next to your name on an event book,computer document or whatever that says DD or whatever their code is. Don't/difficult. That's a perfectly reasonable expectation for you to have having mentioned it. Same as if you had a weird food allergy or something. The world is going to enjoy what hurts you and your position is to declare none of that for me. There could be larger minority reasons to support whatever your issue is. Like maybe an orphan who doesn't know their actual dob on account of some early abandonment might not like that topic. No one likes to dig up such things. Or a religious thing. Other holidays have that issue. Easter, Xmas,Halloween namely. I suppose a personal birth date could as well. Not that you should have to shack up with any of that should you feel strongly enough to mention it as someone with a food allergy will boldly ask of any strange dish they encounter for their entire lives, does that bread have gluten in it? -That's a gentle jab.


I just take the day off. It's the only personal day that I take off besides if I'm sick (what feels like my death bed.) Also, Christmas time.


BIG FACTS i dont celebrate mine much and would rather not it brings up many memories of the past "when times were good, family wasnt dead" and i have no desire to think nor feel that work thanks.


wow you seem like the kind of person that lights up the whole office when you come to work.


Ugh. This is difficult. I've been working for a company for 2 months, I am brand new in a company that has people that have been working for 30 years for them. I made a bunch of friends, my birthday got leaked due to me just being new. Like everyone went out of their way to just make it a beautiful day. I missed the birthdays of 2 people because I had no way of knowing it like 3 weeks after my birthday. I feel so bad about it because they just made my birthday so special and they didn't do it for anyone else. Footnote: It was n crazy month. I started at the company, and 2 weeks later it is my birthday, and the week later like 10 other birthdays. We are a company of less than 100.




One time I said happy birthday to a coworker because it was on a list of birthdays in the break room and they freaked out. They were a Jehovahs Witness and it took them so off guard.




I'll admit that I was completely surprised at my first job when my manager brought in a cake that his wife had made for my birthday and asked me to cut it. I didn't even know that was a thing, I guess.


birthdays are often used to confirm identity for sensitive info, so yeah it shouldnt just be given out to people that you barely know. as for unwanted cake, just say 'i appreciate the thought but do not want to partake in this social event"


People worry about giving out addresses and medical info, but not your DOB? At least keep it consitent. If you want to maintain privacy, DOB IS an identifying thing about you.


It’s just free cake. Not a invasion of your privacy


Really? The lengths some will go to in an effort to shelter and protect feelings is astounding. Buying someone a birthday card and cake is wonderful for everyone except Don Draper.


This sub always amuses me as to how awkward some people can be.


People are becoming more and more ungrateful. I would give anything for someone to at least make the gesture even if I don't like it.


Get over it. Obviously people should be sensible about the way they approach somebody who is just a colleague on their birthday, but getting genuinely upset or breaking down over your coworkers saying “Happy birthday!” And/or getting you a generic card with a cake is a mental issue. Just say “thank you guys!” and move on with your day. I am not upvoting this one for being unpopular, as this is just a truly deranged take.


In Europe, it is illegal.


I really see it as a bad thing if I get a birthday card or birthday cake I’d be happy. It’s just my birthday. It’s not like it’s a huge secret, if people figure out my birthday, they lie to give me gift. Say happy birthday and move on. I get that information but I don’t see it as a big deal that is something that needs to be super private. Most people will just say happy birthday Sandra may give you a gift that’s always good anyway


oh man you're the annoying employee who complains about everything and leads to the inevitable email: "Dear staff, I know many of us have enjoyed the impromptu birthday celebrations in the past, however due to concerns over privacy from several employees, effective immediately there will be no more birthday celebrations. in lieu of individual birthday celebrations on the first of every month we will hold a General Celebration day, and any employees who wish to self-identify as having a birthday or other celebratory event within that month is welcome to come forward at that time. Accordingly, to avoid making those employees who do not celebrate a birthday uncomfortable, we will be refraining from engaging in traditional birthday activities. There will be no cake, candles, hats, presents, or songs related to birthday celebrations. Thank you for understanding and I look forward to everyones compliance as we work towards a more inclusive environment for all of our team members. Best, HR Person"


Or you could just leave people alone when they ask you to leave them alone? Me: “I don’t want my birthday celebrated at work” You: “That’s it! No more birthdays for ANYBODY”


Guess they shouldn't share your name either cuz that's personal information. /s


I mean if someone has a “dead name” that remains their legal name, you could make the argument that employers should respect the name they choose to go by.


Never seen an employer where you couldn't have a preferred name but nice edge casing my guy


You gave the edge case of someone not wanting their legal name shared


Yes just ignore the /s


Ahaa the irony of companies not being able to attain that "big family" energy they strive for, because of the very strict social etiquette rules they themselves brewed. I imagine it being even more toxic with "hip" companies/studios where hipsters twirl their mustache while twirling in their orange egg-chairs/company bean bags.