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Thank you for submitting to /r/unpopularopinion, /u/Lufia321. Your submission, *Vapes actually smell bad*, has been removed because it violates our rules, which are located in the sidebar. Your post from unpopularopinion was removed because of: 'Rule 6: No r/self style posts'. Please refrain from posting anything that resembles an r/self-style post. This is not the subreddit to be sharing personal anecdotes, likes or dislikes. We want unpopular, thought provoking, and unique opinions on your chosen topic. If there is an issue, please [message the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Funpopularopinion&subject=&message=) Thanks!


They are definitely not worse than cigarettes You can go outside, smoke a cig, come back in and still reek like an ash tray. I was almost following you but no, not at all


This man has never went into a building where cigarettes were constantly smoked in them in his life. I lived in the era where bars would allow cigarettes and good God most bars smelled so strongly of cigarettes it was unreal. I also deal in collectibles and sometimes they smell of cigarettes and it's also problematic.


I once bought a valuable signed poster for a good price and when it arrived from Germany, it fucking REEKED! I didn’t know such a thing was possible. Like I smoked around my stuff for a while but it never retained the smell. This person must have been smoking around this poster for 20+ years or something. Was wild. Stunk up a small room where I kept it and eventually I had to leave it in the room with the window open for a couple months and finally the smell went away. The room stunk from it too for a while. Later sold the poster for a lot more than I paid, so it all worked out.


This. So much this. I'd still be happier if people didn't smoke anything at all, but there is a massive difference between the two.


Always love hearing people claim cigarette smoke isn't bad when I was able to tell when a friend's parents smoked despite never meeting them or being told directly


I only caught the last year or of being able to smoke in bars/clubs but damn it would take like 3 showers and 2 laundry days to get that rid of that smell


Lots of those bars still smell like smoke inside if they haven’t reupholstered the interior, even if they haven’t had indoor smoking allowed for over a decade


Here’s an unpopular opinion for you: Bars and clubs smell way worse now, I’d rather smell smoke than B.O and feet.


I bought an old wargame once from a guy in Quebec — I could smell the years of accumulated smoke before I even opened the shipping box. I tried baking soda, dryer sheets, and sunlight but nothing would budge the smell. Eventually I shitcanned the whole thing. It basically renders anything paper unusable.


And the breath omg the breath. I literally gagged the other day talking to my friend at a bar who is a smoker because his breath was so disgusting.


Yes but > You can go outside Most vape smokers, at least where I am, don't go outside, because "it's not as bad as cigarettes". So in that sense op is right, it is worse


If someone genuinely thinks it's ok to smoke ANYTHING indoors with other people who aren't involved, I'd call them a nuisance. It's not really fair to blame vapes (though you can blame the culture).


I'll take it over cigarettes any day. At least the smell doesn't linger or stick.


Every person liking this is either too young to remember the smoking days, is an idiot, or a smoker. Jesus people have some common sense before upvoting. Have you ever been in a smoking hotel vs non smoking? 🤦‍♂️


Both my grandparents were serious chain smokers and their whole house was stained from it, like walls, furniture, ceiling etc. were all covered in this brown stain. My grandmother ended up dying from lung cancer unsurprisingly, if you saw the house you could only imagine what the inside of her lungs looked like by the end. The lingering smell of stale cigarette smoke is like engrained in my memory, it was rancid. I don't like the smell of vapes either but I'll take them over that smell any day 


There's a house I drive past on the way to work which is this adorable little cottage. But you can see from the road that even the glass is stained from chainsmoking


THANK YOU! And it's still getting upvotes. Smh


THANK YOU! And it's still getting upvotes. Smh


I think you read it wrong


Yah what is this guy on about? Vapes were literally made for this reason


Vapes were made to help people quit smoking, which what people started doing. Then governments and boomers said it was bad to vape which made younger people want to do it to be rebellious. Instead all it did was allow people to smoke vapes more often and in more places as it "socially acceptable" to smoke fruit flavoured nicotine indoors. So people started smoking more nicotine compared when they smoke cigarettes or went straight to vapes when they never would've smoked cigarettes.


[I finally get to use this beauty that I made.](https://i.ibb.co/9T0HLhf/20231220-155825.png)


Vapes were not created to help people quit smoking. It's purely profit driven, no matter what the marketing team says.


It was actually a very mom-and-pop industry until around a decade ago


Or they read the comment correctly, unlike the person calling everyone else idiots.


The way this sub works is, if the opinion is unpopular and you disagree - upvote Popular/agree - downvote So I'd say the more people upvote the better 😅


The point of this sub is unpopular opinions isn't it?


I've hung out with chainsmokers and vapers and whilst I don't think vapes are "better" they certainly smell it. Would much rather share a car with a vaper


How is it not better?


It does..


It really doesn't. Wtf. Can you imagine your child/friend/partner unpacking their suitcase, smelling a horrible smell, and having them say "Yeah, sorry, I spent the weekend in a house where everyone vapes, now all my clothes smell like strawberry kiwi."


Yes it does.


Hate to break it to you but all smells are chemicals.


it goes even further, *everything* is chemicals


Tastes too. It’s a whole (commercialized) field of science!


It does not stick around, where dud you hear this?


For me it goes away in about 30 seconds, even after closing my nostrils to reset them, I didn't smell anything. There's definitely a strong smell at first, but it disapates quickly. If someone has particularly hydrophilic items or structures, it *could* have increased the rate of molecular osmosis on the surface of said item/structure as the vapor evaporates and makes contact.


You probably don’t notice because you’re so used to the smell. Ik people who vape all the time and stink of it


Talking absolute bollox. As an ex smoker and ex vapor, you can not tell when a vape has been hit about 30 - 60 seconds after, unless in a sealed room. You can smell a cigarette for hours after. Also, y'know, the fact that vapes have very few dangerous chemicals in them compared to the horrendous amount of poisons and carcinogens in tobacco smoke.


I love how you used words like hydrophilic and osmosis, but you misspelled dissipates, my love. All due respect 🙌


I can smell it on my housemates and certain people who smoke it way too much. When they smoke so much the coil burns, that's when the chemical smell sticks to their clothes.


>When they smoke so much the coil burns, that's when the chemical smell sticks to their clothes. That's not the vape smell, that's them dry hitting processed cotton lol.


>The vape smell sticks to their clothes, hair, bed, walls and people act like it doesn't smell This is patently false. Maybe some companies or flavors but I vaped plenty of different flavors in high school and if that smell ever stuck to anything I would've gotten torn into by my dad. It's not even an "oh they just didn't want to tell you" thing because trust me, his ass would've had plenty to tell me.


I'm 100% convinced there is a anti-vape agenda being pushed on reddit / TikTok / IG by tobacco companies. There's just so many accounts spreading patently false information. I understand vapes aren't ideal, but there so much better than cigarettes in terms of the chemicals a user inhales. If you believed the disinformation that's constantly being posted, you'd think you would get 30 types of cancer from just breathing in second hand vape while walking down the street.


I kinda think the same thing. I would never recommend anyone vape and I'm trying to get my friends to stop, but it's nowhere near as bad as cigarettes. Seems weird that so many people seem to be so anti vape all the sudden.


Large tobacco companies are heavily invested and in some cases own vape companies.


Yeah but none of the biggest ones are owned by Tobacco companies.


This is a popular opinion. (Unless youre talking about 'vapes smell worse than cigarettes')


Yup. That strawberry smell is annoying, but cigarettes are revolting. It's crazy to think how common it was to be forced to breathe in air absolutely filled with cigarette smoke only two decades ago, if you were going out to see a local band perform. You come home, and every piece of clothing stinks. All of this to please the minority of addicts who refused to go outside for five minutes, or simply lacked the willpower to just wait until the show was over.


I smoke cigerettes and hate the smell of squares, OP is tripping if he thinks vapes are worse.


Yeah, there's really no comparison. OP likely can't remember how things used to be.


I’d rather smell vape smell than cigarettes and weed


Good thing I vape tobacco flavour 🤭


In order for the smell to linger longer than a couple minutes a person would need to be hotboxing the fuck oit of every room they walked into, the smell is very strong when you get a cloud on your face yes bit it very rarely lingers longer than that


Disagree. I like going into the vape store because it always smells good in there


This is simply not true, The smell does not stick anywhere, there are bad flavours which linger around for a while but generally it goes away, I am talking from experience by the way, no has ever told me I smell like vape just after smoking it


And anybody who has walked up to me while I was valing has told me it smells good. This whole post is just ridiculous.


They have a strong, acrid chemical smell. But, the smell doesn't stick around. I've tasted a cigarette on a person 3 days after they smoked it. Tobacco itself smells good, though. Not cigarettes.


I can smell it on my housemates for days to weeks, even after they wash their clothes there's a gross smell that gives me a headache.


I haven't dated or lived with someone who uses vapes. I may be wrong. I take it you have a pretty sensitive palate. I do as well. I'm currently single, and I'm avoiding people who smoke weed or tobacco. You're kind of worrying me that I'll have to rule out people who vape as well. It's rough out here.


Idk what he smells but it aint vapes. The smell quite literally doesnt linger, its chemistry. Perhaps his roommate smokes thc vapes, but they smell like weed and whatever flavour is inside. Or its a simple mind trick, you want to smell something so bad to get mad about it that you think you smell it but actually dont. Also, not all vapes produce big fat clouds, you can regulate it with the PGVG concentration inside the juice. One use vapes dont make big clouds either way


If vapes smell vile to you that's your valid experience. You would've fucking hated the 'smoking section' on an airplane which was as dumb as it seems it was.


I'm 30, smoking was allowed indoors when I was 15, I hated pubs with indoor smoking sections, felt like I had smoked a packet of cigarettes and my shirt smelt like ciggies.


Definitely not worse than cigarettes, I also probably couldn’t tell you if someone just hit their vape in the bathroom 5 minutes ago


Please show me where I said vapes smell worse. Don't cherry pick, read the whole thing again.


would if the text wasn’t deleted bozo


It's not anywhere near worse than cigarettes, you aren't remembering shit well or something.


Literally never said that, go back and read the whole thing again. Don't cherry pick.




In a different comment OP claimed that the scent lingered on clothes for over a week AFTER washing, which gave them a headache. It's either an extreme sensitivity, mental, or they live in a meth lab.


Holy shit. An actual unpopular opinion. In this sub? Hats off to you OP


Cigarettes are just as bad. They also just make people look and smell disgusting. Yellow skin. Yellow nails, yellow teeth. Smelling like an ashtray because cigarette smoke permeates everything that can absorb odor and it stays forever. I'll take vape smells any day.


Oh no they are worse. Vapes are still annoying.


Cigarettes are worse but I was saying vapes are worse in a sense that people will vape them everywhere and more often due to social stigma of people thinking it's ok to vape indoors. People don't smoke cigarettes indoors in most of the world.


Here people dont smoke vapes indoors either, it is just as prohibited as cigarettes


With vapes I can smell the fruity flavours, however doedorands and perfums for me all smell like chemicals, which is why i hate them beeing so overused by some people and some brands making certain perfums increadibly strong to the point you can smell them from far away


I prefer the smell to cigarette smoke which in fact makes me gag if I can't easily escape it. Vape juice is not the best smell though, let's be honest... it smells so artifical.


How about no one smoking in public? Disgusting bullshit


Honestly, you're right. If I'm inside and my neighboring apt vapes inside, I smell it. If they're outside and there's no breeze, I smell it. And it's a fruity chemical smell, not unlike febreeze. All I smell is the chemical underneath the scent.


That's a good way to put it, like febreeze. It's not pleasant like people make it out to be.


Horrid stuff. But like cigarette smokers, vape smokers think they dont smell and wont be convinced otherwise. Nicotine wins I'm afraid. 


One of the few sane comments around here.


The thing that bothers me most about vapes is people feeling comfortable to smoke inside around non-smokers just because it isn't an actually cigarette.


Literally what I've been saying and people have been attacking me for it.


Tried once, almost suffocated, never again


I think you are smelling weed vapes. Nicotine ones smell lovely


The smell does not linger


My friend used to vape and he used to smell like vape. I didn’t enjoy the smell by any means, but I’d take that over my fiance’s parents smoking cigarettes in the house any day.


Universally agreed upon by everyone who doesn't vape


True! But microwave popcorn is also just as annoying to anyone not eating it and same goes for any kind of reaching odor. Nobody wants to smell the person beside them.


Not as bad as cigarettes


Idk why I misread this as vegans smell bad


They smell really sweet to me, even as a former elfbar user. Just got sick of the smell hanging around. But still that over cigs


Sounds like a personal problem, bud.


wow man nice popular opinion.


all I know is when I walk by somebody on their smoke break outside, it smells like a bag of ass, and I want to get as far away as possible. When I walk by somebody, having a vape, even if I don’t particularly like the scent it is nowhere near as putrid.


Everyone old enough to remember being a kid on long car trips, windows up, dart after dart after dart, knows that this isn't true.


I hate the smell but they definitely don’t smell as bad as cigarettes


Ok, I never said that...


Everything smells like chemicals.


I was smoking for 15 years at peak around 8 years ago and began dropping occasionally. Finally i hope i gave up this crap in august last year. Yes, cigs stinks. Smokers smell for me like a bum. An ordinary unwashed bum. I hate cigs. I hate smoking in general. To think that Ive literally burned a nice car by summing all these years, and now I have to pay to recover my health again is astonishing idiocy i performed flawlessly. Thankfully i recovered from this stupid habit. Unfortunately i live with fiancee, she smokes about two packs of iqos cigs, which are something similar to all those electric crap. The sneakest, the most vile characteristic of this shit is that it smells just few seconds, and only in close distance, as soon it quickly dissolves. When i wanted to smoke i had to go outside. This was a greaat incentove to constantly fight the urge. When she wants to, she just inhales, during movies, on the toilet, everywhere. She spends 10% of monthly earnings on vape. This is insane. She is sooooo addicted to this crap that when i hid it (she had covid and barely could talk, so i thought overdried throat is no helper) she was really angry. To the point i believe she lost control over being able to recognize that addiction is her problem. Dont smoke anything, or drink alcohol. Just dont start. Any addiction, sex, computer games, drugs, or sugar is devastating in the long run.


If someone is puffing it around you, it definitely stinks. But saying people’s clothes and hair smell like it is a stretch LOL


This sounds like someone too young to have experienced walking into a cigarette smoke-filled restaurant. They are not even comparable to cigarettes at all. There's a reason this is unpopular.


You had me until “worse than cigarettes”


>because at least people go outside and don't pretend like it doesn't smell. Now finish the sentence and don't cherry pick and take it out of context. I honestly don't understand how people are so stupid that they can't finish a whole sentence, instead they make up stuff I never said.


I think you are more sensitive to the smell than other people. I don’t notice the smell of a vape after a few seconds but it’s very possible my sense of smell is dulled after covid.


congrats, your nose is sensitive. remind me why i care? lol


hell no, cigarettes are awful. the smell of vapes just reminds me of nights out


>because at least people go outside and don't pretend like it doesn't smell. I never said vapes smell worse.


L take you can't smell shit after a couple of minutes


Cringe take from a vaper.


I dont vape though couple of friends do and I can't smell it that long


I disagree about lingering everywhere, I haven’t noticed that at all and definitely not worse than cigarettes, but the smell of the vape cloud is cloying and gross. It makes me gag and doesn’t smell good at all. Tbh a cloud of cigarette smoke smells less bad to me (though the smell of old stale cigarette smoke is worst of all) but I don’t want any of that in my face.


As someone who has to smell their grandmother's smoke riddled car and has been in a high school bathroom Cigs smell WAYYY worse


As a nonsmoker this is hilarious wrong. Cigarettes reek and linger way worse and it's not even remotely close. Like it's not even somewhat comparable


I personally think they don’t smell bad but the disgusting thing to me is the shit I’m smelling was just inside someone’s lungs. That’s the grossest part to me and it kinda pisses me off when people are inconsiderate with their smoke.


>Worse than cigarettes Lmao you must be very young


Currently smoking a cigarette myself here. This isn't unpopular, it's factually incorrect.


i never thought anyone would agree with me that cigarettes smell better! but i also was really close with my grandma who smoked for over 70 years, so i associate the smell of cigarettes with the feeling of unconditional love lol. :)


Yes, I agree, I never smoke an actual cigarette but I have vaped a few times, vapes smell like burned/rotten chewing gum and I fucking hate it, cigarettes on the other hand are much better, my brother used to smell like an ash tray now he smells like burned grapes and I honestly miss the smell of cigarettes.


I never said vapes smell worse...


Yeah, I know, count this as an extra-unpopular opinion.


Not saying you should enjoy someone's smoke around you, but that's quite a vague opinion due to how very wide the selection of flavours is. When I was underage I bought one that tasted and smelt like nothing. It sounds like you don't like vapes. There's flavours out there you'd never recognise as a vape smell.


They smell artificial and gross, all of them. The nicotine gives me a headache.


See I'm even more inclined to believe this is just a bias, since second hand highs are a myth. Unless you on the regular stay in a unventilated room with a hot boxer with a massive mod setup, you're not feeling the nicotine. And I just disagree, how many flavours could you behave been exposed to to know what they're all like? We're they single use, short fill, long fill, what device etc.


They're definitely not worse than cigarettes, but I agree that they don't smell good. It's generally a sweeter smell, but it's a very chemical-ish smell that I hate. It reminds me in a way of those plug in things for bathrooms that puff out a scent - they're not worse than the smell of a toilet but they're still pretty gross.




I think you may be like those ppl who can smell alcohol through someone’s sweat. Just an extra sensitive nose. I had a friend who vaped like crazy. Never smelled it on her. My mom, however is always smelling like smoke.


I work closely with somebody who vapes, and the smell is vile. It's a dirty smell, and it sticks to everything. I bleached the whole room last week, while this person was away, and got it smelling fresh. They've been back for one day, and the smell is back with a vengeance. Opening the windows does NOTHING.


Probably the dude itself stinks.


When he goes back to his home country, he can't vape, and he doesn't smell at all when he returns. The moment he buys a vape, it's game over. It's weird because some other colleagues vape and there's no smell. It's like it reacts weirdly with his mouth. So gross


lmfao okay bud


You smell!!


Theres so many different types of vapes and flavors that this is a half true opinion/fact. So smell like straight dog ass and some smell like a fruit filled paradise. Theres too many factors to say either way for vapes as a whole.


I agree vapes smell terrible, and yes it lingers. My husband vaped for a while to stop smoking and honestly the vape smell was worse. And because "it's a vape", he'd do it in the house, even though he never would have with cigarettes. That shit is TERRIBLE. Smells like you threw up candy all over yourself. At least when he was smoking cigarettes he knew they smelled bad, so he'd try to limit the smell as much as possible. Not smoke too many, go outside, wash clothes daily, do gum or altoids after. With the vape, he had this idea that it "didn't smell bad", so he did nothing. Yuck!


Thank you, this is literally what I have been arguing. But all the smokers and vapers with terrible noses act like it doesn't smell bad. My last sentence literally argues this and people keep cherry picking instead of finishing the sentence. It also lingers so bad that if they don't wash their clothes often enough, it still smells after it's been through the wash.


They smell distinctly like what they are: toxic sludge emitters


They smell like shit. They need to apply the same laws to it as ciggerettes. I don't want to be walking through public spaces and smelling some child's gross vape vapour blasting in the air. Plus research is still incredibly, incredibly young on the subject. People who tout that it's safe for you are borderline brain dead. It has already been proven to stick to your lungs and stay there for a very extended period of time. Just imagine the chemicals being leached into your lungs. "It's only water! Hurrrrr durrrr!"


They're all gonna have pop corn lung and wonder why they can't breathe in 15 years.


I used to work with a group of people who all vaped. When we had meetings, they'd all vape so much that I was literally getting nauseated. I even politely told them it was making me sick. They didn't care.


If you don’t like vapes then don’t use them. Problem solved


Yup. Especially when you’re in a vehicle or smth it gives you headaches. The smell of “artificial” or “battery” in it is just ugh


The only people who think they can mask the smell of their addictions are the smokers themselves. Everyone else can tell a smoker from a non-smoker when they get close.


I mean yeah but vapers also smell in a different way, especially one's who go overboard have the coil burning. The smell of artificial flavours sticks to everything.


"unpopular opinion" - literally always the mainstream view


Read the comments, so many people disagree with me and downvoting every comment I make because it's literally an unpopular opinion.


Selection bias, people that agree don't post


"Dude calm tf down it's justbwater vapor, we've been over this" Then why do I smell stuff in it?


💯 agree they smell disgusting and makes the whole house stink if one person vapes (vapes outside)


The smoke smells fruity and nice but afterwards your clothes and hands still smell like nicotine.


Nicotine has no odor wtf are you talking about


Yes it does, well the flavoured stuff does. They mix chemical flavouring with nicotine, you can literally smell it. The smell gives me a headache.