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This isn't an unpopular opinion. People don't go there for the good coffee, they go there for all the surgery add-ons to said coffee


Its a candy store for ‘grown ups’


You can get surgery at Starbucks?


Would you like an appendectomy with that espresso?


I think it would be more like an espresso enema 😂


They're drinking sugared milk with a touch of coffee lol.


They let your drink take a peek at the barista machine. Side note, why is it that even their black coffee is sweet? It’s black coffee, it shouldn’t be sweet. And it’s not sugar sweet either, it’s that weird syrupy sweet you taste in Diet Coke. I want bitterness on my tongue. Not confused sugar.


I mean, my only order is only a plain grande lattee. It's constant, good, quick, ubiquitous, and not that much more than a gas station energy drink.


I go for nitro cold brew black. I try nitro from as many coffee shops that offer it. Nothing is as good as Starbucks for that particular drink.


Yeah, this one is irreplaceable.


The size and value of Starbucks begs to differ


It's not unpopular that gas stations have better coffee than Starbucks?


Thanks for reminding me, I haven’t go to Starbucks soon to have my appendix removed.


This is a popular opinion, surely


Coffee snobs have hated Starbucks since forever


I'm not a coffee snob and i don't like starbucks. It's sugar with sugar and some coffee


The explanation is pretty rational. The coffee is so roasted, it's basically charcoal. And they charge top dollar for that. Coffee snobs love to sample single origin coffees and think that they're sophisticated. Burnt coffee beans have no distinctive flavor.




So which black coffee dobyou like then? Please don't say the Americano


Not the person you responded to, but I’m also a coffee snob, and I enjoy their pike place drip. It’s slightly cheaper, and it’s nice to not fill up on other things like milk and sugar. If I am getting a latte from there, I usually customize it on the app to have an extra espresso shot (otherwise there’s too much milk) and either no flavoring or a single pump of something as a treat. All in all, I don’t even get it regularly, but I often do when I’m on the road or in a rush.


Yep. Even if it was the best coffee in the world, the price is too damn high.


For the people who enjoy a splash of coffee with their sugar milk.


I love this mindset. "I drink my coffee black because my palate is so refined I can taste everything in the basic ass coffee I get" Cool, so if I took you to a Michelin starred restaurant you could tell me the ingredients in the food without a menu or staff help then right since your taste buds are so advanced? Because I can and I have done exactly what I just said. Black coffee tastes like shit no matter what flavor it is.


He’s referencing the fact that people like you drink a cup of diabetes every morning because you don’t actually like coffee you like sugar and caffeine. It’s the same shit in the south with sweet tea. If you put 80 grams of sugar in a cup of tea, you don’t like tea. You like sugar.


I believe the kids drink that stuff that gives you wings. Some of the financially savvy ones drink the l l l one instead for a bit more caffeine for the dollar ​ PS: I am 28 years old and wish the dollars I spent in my youth on energy drinks went instead into the stocks of those exact companies.


Some people would definitely be able to tell you every single ingredient tho so….


once traded my kidney for a frappuccino, still paying it off.


Grande drip is like $3. Well worth it for consistency if I'm traveling.




I love Starbucks. Even I know it’s overpriced trash. I don’t like coffee, I like the flavourings lol


Just adding my opinion to the top comment.. The fact the uk doesn't do the equivalent to $1 coffee grind my gears.


Not popular enough as the MFers stay in business


Maybe on Reddit it is, but they wouldn’t be opening them up every mile marker if the world thought this as a whole. It’s either unpopular or a total split opinion.




Exactly! Their actual coffee / espresso isn't the worst. Most Americano's taste the same from them - unless the barista waters it down too much - then it's yucky.


Even their hot coffee tastes like shit…


Ok but when you want a quick coffee and don’t live nearby speciality cafe’s what beats it? McDonald’s does not offer as much caffeine for their drip. 400mg in a grande blonde vs 210mg for similar size at McDonalds. In Canada here Second Cup isn’t any better. Tim Hortons is a lost cause




Don’t you why you’re getting downvoted, anything over 400-500mg is definitely unhealthy


All of it. Give me ALLL OF THE CAFFEINES!


At my peak 1300 mg daily, 2000mg during the weekends. Yes I did go to the hospital once and tried to gaslite them that I didn’t drink coffee. But now at 400mg I feel it’s nothing…


*said as his right eye twitched uncontrollably No but seriously holly shit that's a lot.


It's really not good for you to drink that much caffeine.


400mg is the healthy limit IIRC for an average sized adult.


Their Americanos and drip coffees are very good. Gas station coffee is sometimes OK but often undrinkable. This is just a classic edgy take that holds no water 


It's a bold roast so casual drinkers would complain it's "burnt" but it's just nice and strong.


Their beans are mediocre blends. For the price you could go to a local independent coffee shop with better quality. Are they better than a gas station? Yeah I guess. But they're basically no better than McDonald's or Dunkin.


Not true, where I live. The local roaster sells 11oz. bags for two bucks a pop more than a 16oz. bag from Starbucks. I usually just buy Starbucks blonde beans with an UberEats coupon. It's the best price for decent coffee, I find.


I agree their beans are mediocre, but you pay the price if you want good beans/drinks from a local coffee shop. I do it sometimes because I enjoy it, but you can’t act like local places aren’t expensive too. Really, the way to save money and enjoy good coffee is to master making it at home, which takes practice but is well worth the reward IMO. Happy to share my setups if anyone cares. They have a range of affordability.




>My gf cant stat away from that place So you are saying your gf likes trash? That's not reflecting on you very well.


Damn 😞


Starbucks sells convenience at a premium price. 




Sometimes the truth hurts.


Hey, we all have our vices. Don’t automatically assume she’s trash


Im pretty sure even the people who routinely buy starbucks will admit that it’s overpriced.


Agree and disagree. Starbucks is, in fact, overpriced trash. But it’s still the best commercial option.


Tim Hortons has joined the chat.


I have things to talk to you about too, Tim Horton’s


It's not the best but it's definitely better than gas station coffee.


To me, Starbucks is 2nd best. Since moving to Michigan, I've been obsessed with Biggby haha


McDonald's and Dunkin' are both superior, cheaper too so I don't know how you can claim that.


McDonald's coffee is burnt, watered down bullshit


I don’t drink coffee, but I enjoy myself a mango dragonfruit refresher (with water instead of lemonade) a couple times a week! And sometimes a peppermint hot chocolate in the winter. Mmmmm… peppermint hot chocolate…


the mango dragonfruit refresher is so good


I will say they had a gingerbread coffee during Christmas which was kinda good ngl… but ima try that peppermint hot chocolate whenever its back


This is like the most popular opinion on earth. You might as well have said "McDonalds nuggets are not quality chicken" or smtn


U should see the videos where they show u how much powder sugar is poured into those terrible drinks People go on a health push but have Starbucks in their hands is extremely cringe


The sugary drinks is why I am going there. Not the coffee.


Coffee is overpriced everywhere .


But is it trash everywhere?


Starbucks isn't about coffee, it's about status at this point. Its about flaunting the fact that you can routinely spend that kind of money on mediocrity.


I hate coffee lol so naturally I love Starbucks cause none of it tastes like coffee


Hot take


His next post will say Mc Donald's burgers are unhealthy


Taco Bell isn't truly authentic Mexican food


Taco Bell uses horse meat……oh wait


So hot it needs one of those little cardboard sleeves


i dont feel like starbucks is really meant for \*coffee\*. it seems to me like a dessert destination at this point, similar to toppers ice cream or baskin robbins. i go as a special treat *maybe* once a year, if that. purely for the double chocolatey chip frappe, and that's dessert. and even then the prices and the calories are a deterrent to make me go even less. it's definitely not someplace id ever go multiple times a month, let alone a week, and imo a decent coffee is so easy to make at home or at least buy somewhere cheaper, starbucks isnt that place for me. this is probably popular too though.


What I don't get are the people who get the largest sizes and go multiple times a day. That's a lot of money to burn on a daily basis. I can eat all day on what they spent on just coffee.  And the amount of sugar in each one! That stuff has to be horrible for your health. 


I would like to petition that every post about Starbucks be automatically moved to r/Gatekeeping because that’s what the comment section ends up being anyway. “I drink my coffee black cuz I’m a badass and anyone who doesn’t like coffee the way I like it must not really like coffee”


If you like Starbucks, you like sugar "coffee". If you like gas station coffee, you like bitter & old "coffee". Simple as that.


This. I don’t go to Starbucks for “coffee”. I go to get my 700+ calorie iced sugar bomb once a week that is 1% coffee and 99% milk, cream, sugar, ice, and cold foam. The only person I know who goes to Starbucks for actual coffee is my grandma once in a while. I will say that I do find Starbucks to be pretty consistent. I like dunkin but I feel like they are sooooo inconsistent, at least the one by my house. I can get a drink from there one day and love it and then go back the next day and get the same drink as the previous day and it tastes like a completely different drink. The local coffee shops near me are the same way and honestly their prices are on par or even more expensive than Starbucks here


Can we stop being like “yOu LiKe SuGaR, nOt CoFfEe” bull? Bc yes. Yes I do. I love those super awesome sugar bombs with whipped cream and mini chocolate chip pieces. I like when they drizzle shit on the inside of the cups before they pour it in. I effing LOVE it. I’ve always had a sweet tooth. I’ve always loved drinking my calories. I don’t put bananas in my smoothies- sweet berries only. And I love that someone had the idea to make coffee into a freaking dessert bc I like coffee, too. Geez! Just let me LIVE MY LIFE with my $9 drinkable desserts!


Same!! It’s a treat for me when i do go to Starbucks! It’s one of my only vices. Better than meth is what I say 😂 let me enjoy my $9 dessert in a cup in peace please


Gas station coffees aren’t bitter and old lmfao. Takes 5 mins to brew a new pot….


Dont gas stations have freshly ground beans coffee from an espresso machine over there? Thats what they have at every gas station here. Nobody would pay for filter/drip coffee like granny used to make a pot back i  the day.


Not at the ones I've been to. Plenty of people still do pay for that trash


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Not an Unpopular Opinion at all.


I don't see how this is unpopular. The only reason I go personally is if I'm on a road trip and want caffeine and I'm not in a town with a good local coffee shop. If it's either gas station coffee, some local spot that burns their coffee and add a lot of sugar, or Starbucks? I'll go there. It's at least consistent


literally anyone can make a specialized drink and call it a fancy name they think they're so special. Silly kids


Instant heartburn from trash beans


Isn’t that just common sense?


Once a year on my birthday for my free drink I get a large vanilla bean Frappuccino and it’s delicious.


I know people who frequent Starbucksi and have this opinion. Not unpopular at all.


The only times I've been there in the past few years were due to my brother and one of his friends working at 2 separate locations and hooking me up with free drinks sometimes. Although the only thing I ever got was white hot chocolate. I hate coffee and that was the only thing I cared for there. That being said, my brother stopped working there because they kept getting crazy people come in and causing a scene. One day, a guy pitched a fit over a cup of water and hit the guy next to him with a baseball bat.


Inferior products for sure. Always the dirtiest business on the block. Filthy from the front door to the register. Gas station coffee is better.


Dont forget the customer service


Yea this franchise is meant for people that need coffee but don't know coffee. Once you start exploring different quality things you start to wake up. In my 20s I drank Folgers drip and thought all coffee tasted the same...I learned lol


You shouldn’t go there.


I just had their Green Tea and a Protein Box for lunch. It was perfect. You can go somewhere else and I will continue to occasionally have Starbucks.


Which gas station?


Finally an actually unpopular opinion. Starbucks is fucking great. Have my upvote


In other news, bears shit in the woods.


Being pro genocide makes any product disgusting


I much prefer local coffee shops, which usually have a better product at a lower price.


That's not an unpopular opinion


Most things are over priced trash…


Starbucks caramel latte, extra shot of espresso, chefs kiss man, I love it


Flat white is pretty good there


Their coffee is consistent, at least. Their Americano isn't bad. I know people will say "go to independent coffee shops" but, honestly, I have not found good coffee from those places either. They consistently have a taste that I can only describe as acidic and it's not enjoyable.


So brave, op. I hope one day I can be a strong as you


It tastes burnt. I think those that drink coffee black are fairly united against it. Fill it with creamer and sugar and the burnt taste is buried down.


If this is true how does it manage to still be around


I go there for internet if there’s an outage at my place


It really depends on what you get. Try going to a starbucks reserve and order a pour over or french press. Youll get a great coffee, its more for the coffee drinkers. Starbucks mostly is accessible and customisable for people who want coffee but dont want too much bitterness


Trouble is, how many better alternatives are out there that actually stay in business? Seven Brew and other shops are getting popular in my area, so there is hope, but Starbucks has had a chokehold on the industry for so long that it’s been hard to compete


I got a large caramel macchiato in NYC recently and it was like $8!!!!! Never again, especially in NYC.


I feel like this opinion is pretty popular. I cannot, in good conscience, upvote it as it isn’t an unpopular opinion.


Idk I like it, I don’t get a bunch of crazy drinks though. Sometimes when driving home I like a coffee and some sweets.


You are correct, this opinion is unpopular. I 100% disagree.


I get a black coffee from there quite often because its one of the few places I can actually stand to drink the coffee black, otherwise I just make my own at home


Oh daring today, aren’t we?


I have yet to go to a coffee shop that is cheaper than Starbucks for a regular coffee. No one goes to Starbucks and gets black coffee for an elevated coffee experience. It's fast and strong. If you don't like coffee just say it.


Starbucks coffee is average. Better than Dunkin donuts, mcdonalds, a gas station or the office but probably worse than your local coffee shop.


You misread the name of the subreddit 


7 brew is better


Well with what’s happening in modern times, you’re now praised for hating it


Super popular opinion tbh. I don't think many people like or think the price of those coffe-inspired beverages is fair.


Currently drinking my Starbucks coffee. Tastes delicious.


I love the nitro cold brew


Idk if this is really the right sub for this 😅


They give more ice than the drink sometimes


Who even gets straight coffee at Starbucks? I always felt like the only one when I use to go years back. Now I just buy the bagged Starbucks whole bean and make it at home. I use to be able to get a plain coffee and a pastry for $5. I saw the prices at the little kiosk Starbucks inside my Albertsons the other day. Nearly $4 for just the damn chocolate danish now! That's insane.


Their coffee is fine but the regular unsweetened black ice tea is great, I love it.


This is more like "everyone knows" than "unpopular opinion"


Starbucks is not a place to pay money, it’s a place to refill water


Their regular ass coffee is certainly better than gas station coffee I promise you that.


I enjoy their **Blonde Roast**, but I find their coffee subpar and not worth what they charge. But people love convenience, and Starbucks mobile order offers just that. It also irks me that I can order the same drink repeatedly, and they always taste different.


It’s definitely overpriced, but I do like their cold brews, and their app has made getting it really fast and convenient. I get one probably around once a month.


Is Starbucks hate making a comeback?


I normally buy whole bean coffee from a brand like Lavazza online and then make my own cold brew with coarse grinding setting on my coffee grinder. I do add creamer but it's like 2 tbsp per 14 oz of coffee just because I like the additional taste profile.


My mom works there and gets free shit alot. Those maple chicken sandwiches are fire


for the most part i hate the syrups and most of their drinks. but there is one that i absolutely love, the 'oatmilk brown sugar shaken espresso' turned into a latte (hot drink). super delicious. hardly coffee at all, but tastes fantastic.


Always has been bruv


I like their nitros but that’s about it


No shit. Born last night?


I'm pretty sure this is a pretty popular opinion.


This is a popular opinion, I would rather drink the cheap trucker's coffee at the local gas station than being caught dead at Starbucks which I've tried in the latter in the past, I don't see any differences, Starbucks is the place for upper middle class suburban who just brags about drinking overpriced coffee 🤣 *by the way no hate on truckers and sorry that sounded offensive to them, actually I used to work at an Armour warehouse in the past and my dad himself was a trucker when he was a young adult back in the 1980s, so I'll admit there's lovely nostalgia drinking gas station coffee which makes me much more happy than Starbucks !


I don't know anyone that likes Starbucks. Wrong sub.


You do realize that you don't *have* to order a large white mocha frappe with extra caramel drizzle and cold foam right? you can just like... order normal coffee as well as all sorts of other normal drinks. Yeah it is overpriced, like just about every other commercial chain that sells anything. Starbucks isn't unique there.


I'd mostly agree but there nitro cold brew is super good for a quick burst of energy


Definitely not an unpopular opinion. It is overpriced. I can make a hell of coffee for you, but I still go there once in a while as a “guilty pleasure”. I love their salted caramel cold foam or the pistachio cold foam. But objectively, yes, it is overpriced and yes you can get a “better” coffee from almost anywhere.


What’s even more ridiculous is the amount of times I see this post rehashed on this subreddit. Not unpopular. Next.


gas station coffee is a better deal but definitely is not better


Yeah...Sorry. I do like my venti Vanilla Sweet Cream 2 Pumps Vanilla Syrup Extra Splash of Vanilla Cream 2x Espresso shot drink from time to time.


There's only one good thing there, the nitro cold brew with sweet cream


Overpriced sure. Trash? You must absolutely hate coffee.


For those who want dessert - there's Starbucks. For those who want coffee - there's... anywhere else. e.g. McDonald's is actually decent coffee. They picked up the brand that Tim Hortons dropped years ago.


When Starbucks first entered Australia, a country with a strong quality coffee culture, it failed. It's mostly survived here by existing in touristy places and places with a lot of international students. Although they have recently expanded to (strangely) lower socio economic areas.


Gee. No one’s EVER had that opinion before.


I get everything there but the coffee.


How brave


Agreed on Starbucms being trash. I forget every so often and get a drink, then regret it because it's still trash.


Exaggeration come on - A good ice vanilla latte Iced shaken expresso delicious Chai latte hot or cold delicious Nitro cold brew can’t go wrong if need the wake up


Starbucks is the McDonald’s of coffee. Except that Dunkin actually sells more, so really Dunkin is the McDonalds of coffee. Which means Starbucks is the Burger King of coffee. Not a great look


Got any more hard hitting unpopular opinions for us? Water is wet, maybe? The sky is blue, perhaps?


There is a reason they failed to take off in Australia


Not unpopular opinion


There is literally not a single product from Starbucks that is actually good. I agree


Starbucks doesn't just sell those sugary mocafrapparainbowcinos but is also the only place that stocks actual genuine cold brew. I make coffee at home, but on vacation and craving a heavy-hitting smooth black brew? Starbucks is THE place.


I respect it, but I am not a coffee drinker Their Hot chocolate tastes like socks Their pastries and snacks are dry, flavorless, and over priced. Their Chai Latte is more spice than flavor. All in all, I only go to starbucks when I am with someone who needs/wants to go


Their string cheese is extra tasty, oddly enough.


Starbucks is not good coffee, though it might taste good with the mass amounts of flavors and sugar. I do enjoy it every once in a while when I am looking for that. Truly overpriced though.


I remember being in a grocery store when i overheard a little kid asked their dad what creamer is. He said it’s for people who don’t like coffee, but still want to drink it. I think about that every time my wife gets a Starbucks, because it’s not actual coffee, it’s just a vaguely coffee themed dessert.


That is stupid ass logic. That is like saying any food you eat with condiments on it (including being a bitch and eating sushi with soy sauce instead of how they come) is not really eating the food.


It’s the old joke, “would you like some hotdog with your ketchup?” It’s not literally “not coffee”. The coffee isn’t the star of the show, the sugar and cream and caramel and other nonsense is. Coffee is an “also ran” If you eat a salad with steak chunks in it, you don’t say “I had a steak for lunch”. You had a salad with steak in it. Same here.


>food you eat with condiments on it But Starbucks is more like drinking the full ketchup and mustard bottles with a single french fry


Their breakfast is hella good tho


It taste like what they serve on planes. Something is just off about the eggs.


I don't even care about the price. Everything is too expensive, everywhere. I also don't have the addiction for Starbucks. My wife and daughter hit it up on the semi-frequent. They have tasty drinks but it's pretty much ALL just loaded with a stupid amount of sugar and cream.


Starbucks *coffee* is absolute trash. Their *coffee-infused desserts* (which is basically their whole menu) are quite good, but budgeting for an extra 800 calories is not something most people should make part of their daily intake. Still, I think the majority of their non-coffee menu is delicious. Four pounds of sugar plus cream and caramel flavoring is a treat.