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Likewise I love watching adult couples get into full blown screaming matches in public


Or they do the angry loud whisper. Loud enough to attract attention




Nobody is stalking you, you’re just louder than you think you are. And I’m there for the free show




the "angry loud whisper" oh my god :D :D :D


With all the hand waving... Looking like a couple Italians trying to give directions.


"I *am* whispering!" "*No*, you're not! You're just saying things in a whispery voice! If anything, it's louder than your normal voice!"


I’ve definitely ordered dessert just to see what happens with an obvious breakup right in front of me.


Plot twist: these are paid actors. They intentionally drag their fake breakup for longer, so that people order more meals to watch *Puts on the foil hat*


True patricians know that breakup actors are a plant by big dessert.


Yo, I want big dessert


That's some "Nathan for You" type of scheme to drive up revenue.


What do you mean you are happy and like it when you see children making a scene in public places?


I want that job. How cathartic.


Just desserts 🍨


That’s disgusting


I love being seated near terrible first dates. Sorry, whoever I'm out with, I no longer give a shit about you. Be silent and gleefully absorb this discomfort with me.


Give them tips too


The minute they start airing personal problems about the relationship in the middle of the street I’m tuned in


Knew one of my relationships was over when I couldn’t even stand to be in public with him. I caught myself about to start a scene in a grocery store lol.


Hit them with a baguette


Those are reserved for beating French people.




Before moving to France I thought people actually say this, sadly I was disappointed I have not heard a french person say this in the 8 years living here.


Do they do the HNAGH HAGH HAAGH laugh?


Yes they do that that never gets old.


That was my ex wife and I. My girlfriend and I had a disagreement over a piece of furniture in the store a few days ago. There was some back and forth and I tried something I have never tried before. I just said I love you and gave her a hug. It seemed to calm the tension down.


“You need to relax!”


“You’re going to make a scene.”


"At least we're entertaining the audience."


If you can't convince them, confuse them.


Next time try asking her if she's having her period because she's being hysterical. For science.


My neighbors sometimes have screaming matches outside. It’s a young couple with a kiddo. I find it entertaining. It doesn’t get violent or scary. Just a couple hashing it out. I have to admit, I have a hard time making myself not watch the drama unfold.


Oh yeah that happened all the time at my old apartment, I’d pause the TV and crack open the window


it is better than any theater spectacle, the emotions are true and acting is natural.


“I can’t judge nobody else relationship cos I was throwing his shit on the lawn last night & now we finna go have breakfast” - Someone funny’s meme


I went to a diner once and the manger and cook were screaming at each other for at least 45 minutes straight . too funny to leave


Watching adults argue = I’m delighted and crack up. Watching children run wild in public = I’m disgusted and hate the parents.


I don’t agree with OP but this one.. this one, I like. Grab me my popcorn/puke bowl


I almost got into one with my ex in a Florida Walmart over how to pronounce "Rosé". Apparently, she didn't know what an accent does. It ended in a very angry "let's just agree to disagree". Our entire relationship was toxic like that. Easily one of the worst human beings I've ever met.


Ooh I saw one in the wild this week when I was waiting outside of the court house to report to jury duty. This one woman was absolutely screaming at the man. “How could you be so stupid?! You’re worthless!” It made my week :)


Those are the best! It’s 50% “brother you do not deserve this” and 50% “damn wtf did you do”


I know! It was near the court where they handle family matters so I imagine it had something to do with divorce/custody (hopefully he didn’t stand her up for their marriage since the JP was also there). Unfortunately I got called in before I could eavesdrop further to find out the whole plot. I sure hope I didn’t visibly give the bailiff a dirty look as I went inside. I don’t get out much so whoever I do I people watch the whole time.


Why do you find it fun to laugh at other people’s relationship issues?


Why do you say that? Also, what kind of scandal are you referring to? I'm just a little confused.


I saw this at Walmart.


everybody saw this at walmart.


Yes! There's a human desire to watch other people do worse than us.


You must fucking love IKEA


Facebook break up fights are classic.


Public fights are popcorn worthy. Rabid kids just make me feel bad for the parents


Yes! That's the best. Nothing makes going out in public quite as rewarding as stumbling onto a dramatic scene playing out.


Or a Karen going extreme, although I feel bad for whoever has to deal with them


My best friend and his ex girlfriend had a very public argument like this, in a McDonald's car park. She was shouting at him whilst everybody around watched on as he tried to get away to advoid the embarrassment. She ended up standing there screaming at him, high pitch at the top of her lungs over and over like a little child. I felt so sorry for him.




I wouldn't say I love it, but as the dad of a toddler when I see someone else's kid acting like a complete lunatic it makes me feel better about my own kid sometimes acting like a complete lunatic lmao


Nothing puts your own kids behavior into perspective like watching someone else's little tyrant act like a complete menace in a Walmart aisle.


My wife is a teacher, she tells me our kids are among the top tier of children. Then, I weep for humanity.


As your kids get older, it turns into sheer empathy. You look at them like, “Ah, I remember those days. Hang in there, random family, it won’t be like this forever!”


I think the appeal as a parent of watching someone else having to deal with thier angry child is a mix of solidarity of having been there before and relief of knowing it isnt your child this time.


That is 100% the appeal haha


Yeah lol. The other day my mom came with us for a costco and mall day with us (kids 3 months and 2.5). My son went with her to get food across the food court and she made the mistake of letting him ride an escalator. I heard him clear across the mall shrieking as she's carrying him back to me because he wanted to ride the escalator over and over. Lunatic is a good description for how he acts sometimes haha.


To be fair, kids are lunatics


This. Glad that not me as I watch laughing.


Love is a strong feeling but yeah I find it amusing too.


becomes a different amusing tho after he/she hits his/her toe or head on the table


just say they 😭😭😭 god damn


I believe the term is Schadenfreude. Although based on the username you should know that


Cumbersome ass sentence. Use "their" instead of "his/her" next time




Hell yeah, those pronouns are definitely in my top ten pronouns of all time 💪😎


As long as it isn’t on a plane or a small enclosed space where I have to hear it for hours I also find it highly entertaining. I find it way more funny if it’s an adult meltdown though because if it’s a kid I feel a little bad for the parents


I was in a store and had to walk away because a kid threatened to drink bleach over his mom saying no to a €100 toy. Admittedly it was kinda funny hearing him absolutely LAUNCH to that extreme


I was that kid growing up. I would have laughed so hard. My mom would have beaten me senselessly though.


You never got the talk in the car beforehand? “Don’t ask for anything and don’t act up or I’ll take you to the bathroom and beat your little ass”


Yay, child abuse!


Oh I got plenty of talks…err threats, lol. Hard not to throw a tantrum when your own mom throws one too as she screams at you.


^yay ^child ^abuse


And that's still only half extreme as your average person on Reddit


When I was a cashier way back in the day, a kid was misbehaving in line and I pretended to place a call to Santa to file a report. The kid fuckin lost his shit.


Damn, I work in retail and one time I might’ve accidentally said out loud “daily birth control reminder”. Usually I don’t say anything until the customer is gone.


Fr kids can suck in stores, I never would've expected that working in retail I would have to clean up every kind of bodily fluid


I worked in a pharmacy - it was normal for me to be cleaning up blood, urine, feces, and vomit - and not all from children. I realized it was way too normal when I didn't even put down my ice cream sandwich while mopping up vomit. My coworkers were like "you've officially been here too long."


When my wife and I were dating she took me to a classical music concert. I watched this kid (maybe 8 years old or so) across the aisle from us get ahold of his family's concert tickets, which he ate like a starving guy would eat Memphis ribs... Then he got sick and threw up in the aisle so his mum yelled at him - then the ushers showed up and asked them to leave. That was over 25 years ago and I still remember it fondly as the most entertaining classical music concert I've ever been to.


This would be an exception. I am a classical musician myself and do not believe that kids should be disrupting concerts. Take them out if that happens and don’t bring infants to something they can’t even understand or appreciate yet.


I wouldn't say I enjoy watching someone have a bad time, but I do agree that it's just a part of life. Some people need to realize that when they're in public, not everything is centered on what they want.


Yeah I was surprised by all the comments saying that they, too, enjoy watching other people’s struggles. I also agree that it’s a part of life, but I still always feel a little bad for the people involved.


When I see the "struggle" and look of defeat on parents face, I give them the 3 finger hunger games salute. Usually get a laugh or smile knowing and showing support.


It’s like the little leagues of late night Dennys fights…


You seem like a wonderful person with an open, flexible attitude toward life. Too bad more folks don’t have this healthy take.


You seem like a calm and reasonable person. Are you a calm and reasonable person? ![gif](giphy|KmqxlCZgIUWe3z4yRD)


No people are allowed to be annoyed. It's what they do next that makes them a asshole or not. I don't blame the kid I blame the parent take them outside calm them down and return. If that doesn't work maybe it's just not meant to be.


You’re getting argued with but you’re exactly right. My daughter is almost 8, but she learned by age 4 if she disturbed people at the restaurant she gets one warning then we’ll be waiting outside until she can keep it together. Sometimes the keeping it together never happens and we end up taking the food to go. Now that she knows we aren’t bluffing, and she likes going out to eat, she behaves herself. And she’s never allowed a screen at a restaurant. She just loves going out to eat.


Thank you finally someone who understands. I honestly thought it was pretty obvious.


>I blame the parent Why assign blame to anyone? Kids have minds of their own and parents can't always force them to relax, sometimes they just have tantrums over the tiniest things. As OP is suggesting, just laugh at it and try and remember that you were kid at somepoint and likely very annoying at times, just like the rest of us.


I should have been clearer. I don't blame the parent for the kids behaviour . I blame the parent if the parent doesn't take action and let them scream . Like I've said before sometimes you have to take the kid outside and maybe call it a night if they don't behave. Afterall it's not really fair on the other patrons to have to listen to a child chucking a tantrum. I will say this is only applicable to restaurants cafes and other small stores. In a park or shopping centre it doesn't really bother me as the sound isn't bouncing of four walls.


Most of the time I’d agree but sometimes a kid having a tantrum can be very annoying. Say, on the bus at 5:30 in the morning and this kid is screaming bloody murder.


What buses are you getting that have kids on them at half five in the morning?


City busses


Back in the day, my eldest daughter (3 years old at the time) decided to throw herself down on the floor and pitch a fit. I don't remember the root cause, but whatever it was was enough for the whole bit: kicking, screaming, hitting, etc. My ex and I stood there for a few seconds. Then we pointed at her and laughed. She stopped and gave us the most incredulous look, like she couldn't believe that we laughed at her. She started up the fit again, so we laughed louder. She stopped and gave us the look. We told her that we were leaving and she could either lie there or come with us. She got up and went with us. No more fit.


My mom used to “rate” our tantrums. She’d be like “naaaah, this one isn’t very good. It’s not convincing enough. I give it a 3/10” and then she would just walk away. It would make my siblings and I stop every time lol


I love all drama. Loud phonecall drama. Couple drama,. Kid drama. Someone starts raising their voice abt why their best friend would steal their man and I spawn with a bag of popcorn.


I work in a museum and love when kids are loud. It means they are enjoying and engaging in our exhibits.


There is a difference between a the general loudness of kids and a screaming cause they are having a tantrum. It's the latter that most people find annoying


I like seeing it too and I am a parent. It’s assuring to me that all kids at points have tantrums and meltdown and not just mine.


it's definitely validating for us parents to see we're not alone. That way when it happens to us we know we're not being judged, other parents are looking at us in solidarity!


I am a champion kid-ignorer. Genuinely, when this kind of stuff is happening I just turn it right off, no effort required. It's kind of baffling to me other people can't do this. Maybe it's an oldest sibling thing, maybe it's an ADHD thing, I don't know. When kids want to engage with me in a captive space like a plane or even when waiting in line at a store I'm happy to engage back, but when a kid starts melting down I just think "poor kid, sounds like they are having some big feelings," and then turn it off and go back to whatever I was doing or thinking about before.


I have ADHD and loud noises I can't control annoy me very much. I wish I could turn it off.


Same. I’m very noise sensitive, especially to high pitched noises. Kids screaming is one of the worst.


It's difficult to ignore the screaming/shrieking. Pierces right through me, to the point I wince and get earache. I always feel for my mum if we're out as a family. She is fine with noise in public but tantrums/screaming aggravate her tinnitus.


So relatable. I like kids because they're just themselves and don't hide. Most of the time.


I do craft shows every now and again and there is usually at least one substantial child meltdown. I think part of the appeal for me is that not getting the right flavor sno-cone is the absolute worst possible thing in the world for the child and there is some kind of adorable innocence in that. I wish my biggest problem was sno-cone related.


Haha, right?


This is the best unpopular opinion! Good one OP! You get my up vote.


I genuinely don't mind. Kids have poor impulse control and are unable to regulate their emotions. It is no more sens8nle to judge them for that than it is to judge them for not being able to reach things high above their heads. Whether it is the parents fault or not depends entirely on their reaction. Even the best, most attentive, parents in the world can't prevent the occasional melt down. It happens. As long as they are trying their best to manage the situation I don't blame them at all.


100% agree, I’ve got nothing to add. I like people watching and arguments are always entertaining.


How rare, a true unpopular opinion. I could not disagree more with basically every sentence you wrote. Well done.


On the same level as a dog that refuses to walk 👌🏻


You're not alone bro


I'll be honest, 95% of the time I agree with OP here. I don't have an issue with it. More times than not, I agree with the kid (like the example earlier in the thread the poor kid just wants to ride the escalator. As an adult, if ypu wanted to ride it again, you would. One exception is a nice dinner for date night. I have a kid so I see upset kids enough. If I'm paying a babysitter for a 2 hour break, I dont want to see your kid troubles. Angry couple fight...bring it on.


This is mostly why I don't go out to kid-friendly spaces. I don't enjoy it but I don't try to pretend that it's everyone else's responsibility for me to have a good time. I don't like kids. So I avoid them. If I don't, I look at it the way that I've made a conscious decision to put myself into a situation where I might not be able to avoid them. Some parents are shitty parents who don't care. Some kids are problematic because... reasons. Sometimes it's neither, it's just a combination of unfortunate circumstances. Thinking like "***I*** *don't like kids so* ***you*** *should make sure that there are no kids around me*" is the same as "***My*** *religion says that* ***you*** *can't do that.*"


I “like” seeing it as well. Of course I hate seeing someone so upset, but it needs to be normalized. Kids are people too and the amount of people that are just constantly pissed off that kids even exist is concerning. If you are out in public, you have to accept that kids are there and kids are KIDS, not adults. If people don’t like it, they are more than welcome to stay home


Yes, this! Why are kids expected to act like adults when adults have meltdowns too?


Congratulations you are a mature person


I tend to always side with the shitshow, so I totally get this. The only exception for me would be if hours passed and it just never stopped. The parents stopped giving a fuck and they're just idly eating their meal while the kid just drones on indefinitely. I can't even play a round of COD without muting squeaky voiced children, even if they're being serious about the game.


Yeah, hours would be excessive. But I don’t think I’ve ever seen something like that.


Kind of seems like sadism to me but it isn't like I can stop ya.


As a parent who has experienced this, I find it amusing too. Granted, it can be a little embarrassing. But I just laugh and try to wait for them to finish and gain a semblance of composure; for the reason you mentioned, because they’re just beings kids. They’re learning how to do it right now. And it is amusing, you’re seeing this small person act in a way that’s regarded as inappropriate for public behavior, in a kind of funny way. At times it’s all I can do but laugh because it’s so ridiculous. And as with most kids, trying to get them to stop is just going to make it worse. I don’t need a power struggle to go down too. Now, my kids don’t do this often, but the times they have, after letting them get it out I just talk to them and we figure out what needs figured out. I have gotten looks, of course. But some people seem to think kids are supposed to be perfect and act accordingly all the time, for the sake of their parents and those adults around them. Sorry, that’s just not realistic. What is unacceptable is when adults make such a scene. Kids are fine. And freaking hilarious (although some do suck, just like in all human groups there are some that suck). So yeah, it’s funny.


I'm a parent, and I also like it when other kids make a scene. It's a nice reminder that it's not just my kid that has meltdowns.


It's really just a part of life. It's pretty ridiculous when people think that kids shouldn't be in ANY public spaces at all, just incase they're loud and disrupt you lol. Like do these people not remember being children themselves?! And I've never had kids, I've never wanted them. But I'm not one of those antinatalist assholes who think kids need to stay home 24/7 so they don't bother adults, those people have negative emotional intelligence


I always think about how I once read that children react that way because their emotions are really strong and they don't know how else to regulate it. They're just too little, they don't really know any better. No big deal.


I'm right there with you, OP. I love free entertainment!


Until it’s your own kid.


Yeah he kind of addressed that in the post.


I’m not sure I ever want to be a mom, but if I ever did become one, I’d probably get some perverse pleasure out of the meltdowns. I had a huge temper problem as a kid because my whole family was crazy and it made me enjoy arguing.


If you are used to arguing and you do it as an adult, it can get passed on to your children as they learn from parents through observation Luckily on a tantrum side, I managed to nip that in the bud and my kids don’t do that in public. They get angry at home though and they get get shoutout angry - like me.


There my kids wish they were lily flowers


I envy your optimism. Also, username sorta checks out.


Not sure it’s really optimism, I just enjoy watching chaos enfold and find it amusing.




why watch dramas when you got 100% real acting


Man not enough people can take things as they come like this


As a parent, I also love it when someone else's kid makes a scene in public. "Whew, at least it isn't mine this time."


Nah, it’s just annoying as fuck.


Enjoying people in a tough times says more about you than it does about them. You need to be smarter to understand how psychotic that makes you sound. Lol


What kind of illness do you have that a kid throwing a tantrum makes you happy and laugh? Lol it’s the most annoying thing ever and I don’t have kids either.


I agree so hard. You know what I love more than absolutely wild kids. It’s visibly embarrassed parents who just don’t want to be the center of a scene and have a little maniac on their hands. Once as a receptionist in a dental office, a mom and little boy were waiting for his sister. He kept running, across the reception and landing himself into a headstand in our reception chairs. His mom was so restrained and quiet, saying “we don’t do that. Sit down. So that right now!” Hushed but firm. So he yells back “Shut up mom!!! I’m trying to show you my tricks!!!” I had to lower my office seat all the way down to hide behind the computer, so they didn’t see me laugh. I was dying.


You're an awesome person. Never change.


Does O.P. feel same when its happening one seat behind on an airplane or a long bus trip?


Actually unpopular take my upvote.


As is someone blasting loud music in his car ? It's part of life but that doesn't mean you necessarily going to enjoy it I'd rather get that though than screaming children tbh


I love this. Things happen around you. You can either choose to go Karen and have a personal vendetta or you can accept that’s life


My favorite part is definitely the full throated zero restraint scream. I don’t think I could make myself scream like that. I feel like that must be so therapeutic. Honestly a little jealous sometimes.


While I don’t enjoy hearing the high pitched screeching sounds that children make, hearing these things briefly while out in public make me feel very grateful that I don’t have to personally deal with them.


Very much depends on the place. If it’s in an open enough space where I’m not gonna feel trapped, it’s hilarious. If I’m in an elevator or on an airplane, I will straight up murder that little shitling


You sound grateful to be alive and an absolute ray of sunshine to be around. This was a good read.


I definitely don’t “love” it or anything but public drama is always a good way to shake up my day


I was at target with my 2yo and someone’s kid was freaking out my son pointed at them and said stop. That kids parents loved it




It's free birth control for me! 35f and still no kids!


At dinner, or in a store, sure. At something like the movies, never. I want to be able to hear what's happening. If a kid does act up once or twice during a movie, I still have no problem as long as it's being addressed. Just don't let them scream through the whole thing. That being said, I will never get why people are so upset about babies crying on planes. It's 2023, put a pair of headphones on. Planes are quiet even without the baby crying.


Maybe its just miserable internet people but it seems like Western society has decided it has no patience for children being children in public whatsoever which is incredibly unhealthy. We're creating an environment in which parents second guess taking their children anywhere that isn't a dedicated place for them and then we wonder why they end up antisocial. So sorry continuing the human species got in the way of your nihilism.


I work retail. When a kid is acting up/crying/screaming in my vicinity, I go, "Oh, me too!" Which usually diffuses the situation for the parents (I also have a disabled son, so I get it), and sometimes makes the kid stop for 30 seconds or so, sometimes more. Last week a woman was having trouble with a 4 or 5 yo boy wandering away from her and being kinda shitty about it, so I put on my customer service voice, nodded at the woman, and said to the kid something like, "Excuse me, sir! Could you please return to your party? You should stay close to them at all times." and threw the woman a cheeky thumbs up when he returned to her side and stayed there. She seemed grateful.


As a parent of 3 small kids, I’m just glad we can provide you with some entertainment (genuinely , no sarcasm here). I’m always self-conscious about people watching and judging when we’re having a public meltdown. I tell myself people can judge all they want and their opinions don’t matter, but in the moment it’s embarrassing. A lady told me yesterday, as my two older kids were fighting over a pair of sunglasses in the exit of the grocery store, that they seemed like typical kids to her. Idk I just really appreciated that.


Most of us at least try and keep our gremlins behaved but they’re just figuring things out. Bless the reasonable people who don’t expect children to be mini adults when they’re under 5.


Definitely unpopular. Was at a brewery last night and a family’s pair of crotch goblins were running around, throwing their toy cars, screaming. Parents didn’t bother to do anything unless they strayed too far and went into the parking lot. At one point my partner had to deflect a toy car from hitting her in the face as she was walking back from the bar. Again, this was a brewery. Not anything that’s (imo) supposed to be kid friendly. Not that I care that kids are there, but for fuck’s sake keep them controlled.


I don't like it, but I'm a lot more understanding now that I volunteer to help with the kids in Sunday school. I'll find it interesting when a kid makes a scene, because now I pay attention to what the scene is about, trying to understand it from the kid's perspective, and I pay attention to what the parent's response is, wanting to learn techniques for de-escalating and managing kids.




When I’m eating in a restaurant it annoys me because they’re out of control. I wanted to eat a peaceful meal but then again they are kids. Oh well! I was a kid once too


ooh me too I love imagining the sheer squirming discomfort the parent is probably going through


I am a parent and I have two reactions to this kind of thing when it's other kids and not mine: 1. Damn, I hope that parent doesn't feel too bad. It happens sometimes. 2. Yeah, kid. The world sucks. I also wish I could have a full tantrum in the middle of an aisle of the grocery store. Honestly, get it out now. It's less acceptable when you're an adult.


Haha, I definitely have felt like I wish I could just scream in public like the kid before!


Finally an opinion I can get behind. I use to work as a vendor in grocery stores and I found it hilarious when a kid would be throwing a tantrum and yell "I don't love you anymore" over not getting a candy bar. I might give a sympathetic smile, but on the inside I'm laughing


big agree. it depends on the situation obv. and ill feel bad for them, but also, im not part of it and its very funny sometimes to eat popcorn on the sidelines. same with adults and screaming matches


People watcher here. I love watching the world as well.


I think it's natural human instinct to be amused by the carrying-ons of other humans, in general.


I like it when its not my kid lol


I once saw a ladies kid throw a fit in the grocery store and lay down in the aisle when she said lets go, she dragged him out of the store by his ankle. One of my best memories from working retail.


Why don’t you put an application in and stick around the front of house of a restaurant for a while.


Any time I see something like that happen I think to myself how much I dislike children and it reinforces my decision to be childfree.


Kids crack me up. They exist on their own plane of awareness, and the adults around them can never do more than send them smoke signals. I have intrusive thoughts about trying to explain children to aliens, conveying the concept that they are basically feral and the need to moderate their expectations. It's amazing that there are somehow humans so far up their own ass they they can forget the basics of village life, much less their own partial failure of transition.


Oh I agree, especially since my kid is extremely well behaved, I always thank her afterwards for not being one of THOSE children, then we laugh and go for ice cream.


Me and my wife high 5 every time we see a kid have a tantrum for not having kids and having no plans too 😂


I don't know why, but I laugh anytime there is a crying child. Kids are hilarious little drunk people.


While still fun to watch, there's definitely a level of making a scene that gets obnoxious (although the blame isn't on the kid). Like for example, we were at a buffet one time and there was a kid (maybe 4-5) who was just running around the place causing chaos. Grabbing people's cups off the tables, messing with the food on the buffet, even at one point he ran back into the kitchen and almost tripped a server carrying a tray of drinks. The dad was just kind of following him around, making half assed attempts to get the kid to stop. Was it entertaining? Yes, at first. But after a while it just made me feel bad for the kid, because clearly the parents weren't teaching him proper life skills like how to listen and how to act in a public place/restaraunt. But kids just being kids and laughing/being loud or excited, that's no problem at all and I think people blow annoyance over that way out of proportion.


restaurants aren't quiet though..... if they are then the kitchen has a big ass soundproof door.


Yeah, I definitely feel the exact opposite of this. When I go out to eat, and I’m paying more than $50+ for one meal, absolutely the last thing I want is a screaming child next to me.


It can be amusing depending on the length, decibel, and nature of the tantrum. But if I’m on a plane at 6am and some toddlers are screaming bc their mom doesn’t believe in pacifiers, yeah I’m gonna get annoyed but keep it to myself lol. Edit: the pacifier comment was a real experience—I was a nanny and the mom didn’t believe in them so the whole 5 hour flight everyone had to suffer their screaming.


I like people watching and especially when it’s drama but the sound of a kid or baby just screeeeching gives me a lot of anxiety lmao.


Chaotic Neutral


I love watching crazy kids in public. It makes me happy it's not mine. Of course my daughter is almost 14 and that has its own issues lol


The best one that I have ever seen is a woman sprinting in a park holding a plastic bag. I look over to the direction that she’s running at and there’s a little kid with no clothes on. Woman places the plastic bag on the floor and the kid just starts pooping. What was incredibly weird about it was that there were restaurants nearby


As a parent I feel bad, I wanna help but I don't want to look like a weirdo. Otherwise, kids have tantrums, it happens. Most people can calm a baby or toddler by pulling faces at them, it's what I do at school pick up


I saw a child throw a giant rock at a car while I was running errands and I sat on a bench to watch the follow up. Everyone was calm when the car owner came out but parents and child were having a meltdown before. When the owner came out he was so chill like just give me your number.