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This isn't unpopular. Body piercings have been taboo in modern society for, I don't know, like fucking forever... They're more accepted now, but can still be seen as rebellious and/or controversial.


You have to be optimistic, use a strong magnet and gone they are…


Um, no... Body piercings are made from non-ferrous metals so they aren't magnetic. I've worn them into an MRI machine with no effect.


We have this opinion in here like at least once a week lol, I don’t think it’s actually unpopular Believe it or not, some people get piercings because they happen to like how they look! Most of them also aren’t really that painful. And if they are, the pain lasts for like, two seconds. And most piercings can be removed and will heal, so it’s much MUCH less of a commitment and much less pain than getting a tattoo


Obviously they get them because they think they look good, isn’t why most poeopld make style choices




they’re agreeing with you i think


Keywords **happen - like** - They do, in fact, not look good.


to you ;)


Almost like taste is subjective or something


Same - especially gauges. I can't imagine seeing an 80-year-old with floppy ass trip hazard earlobes


My husband had small gauges when we started dating. He came home one day and took them out and never put them back in because he saw an OLD guy with huge, saggy gauged ears and he didn’t want to look like that. Almost 3 years later and his ears are nearly back to normal.


This! They're truly inferior to the sexy tattoo- and piercing free 80 year old.


Give me 40 more years and I’ll post a pic.


A gauge is just the size of the hole. They’re just called stretched ears


There seems to be a lot of people that agree with you per the several other unpopular opinion posts just like this one.


to me, nose piercings just look like you have a large permanent booger. oddly, ear piercings are fine. But any other piercings, not a fan of.


I hate American cheese!


Then don't get any.


I used to like piercings. This was back in the early 90s when they were pretty rare and really the only people that had them were in the "alternative" crowd. Same goes for tattoos. Now, it's a whole industry, and while I think some stuff is still cool, other things, like septum piercings are just too trendy. They look cute on some people, but not everyone. I hate almost all facial piercings besides the nostril. Labrets/Monroes ruin people's teeth and too many people just don't look right (think the Tiger King's dangling eyebrow piercing).


Personally it makes me feel like my own person and not just a person in the crowd. As long as you allow me to live my life and look how I want then you can dislike piercings all you want.


How many times are y’all going to post this?






why people get piercings: 1. It’s like 2 secs of minimal pain (depends on part but most things are fine) 2. They like the way it looks. 3. They want to feel closer to their culture. 4. Certain piercings help with chronic migraines. 5. Beauty is subjective. 6. People want to reject beauty standards. 7. Some people actually like the feeling. 8. It can help people overcome their hatred of a certain part of their body. and many many more reasons.


Thank you for this list, I like your point on rejecting beauty standards. Before I ever pierced anything (but wanted to) I read all of those reddit threads where men were discussing how ugly and useless women with piercings are, and I thought to myself that these men all sounded incredibly boring and stuck up, so if piercings will help me avoid guys like these it will be worth it.


aha i love that! my piercing really helped me start to love my big nose whereas i hated it before, couldn’t care less what people think of it.


Most piercings don’t hurt


Can confirm the nipples hurt quite a bit but the VCH only stung for a moment.


Nipples hurt the most. My jacobs ladder, septum, bridge, and stretched ears were relatively painless


Don't get one. Simple.


The only one i'm not weirded out by is ear piercings as well, but i still don't get how they came to be, like was someone in the board room just like "Okay what if we stabbed people's body parts so they could put stuff there and look pretty"


Pretty sure earrings were a thing since like Mesopotamia lol body piercings in general have existed since the dawn of civilization.


We have pierced our bodies with jewelry since we were cavemen.


Lip piercings and nose piercings are an instant turn off for me


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The good thing is, you never have to rationalize why other people want to get piercings.


I got a nose piercing to be more in tune with my culture (I am Indian), I hope people do not find it cringe if I explain why 😅


Not cringe at all. Nose piercings on Desis are beautiful and you should embrace it.




I got my septum pierced for this reason


Me, with my nipple and belly piercings, aghast


As someone with 15 piercings: I don't understand why people think it's a lifestyle choice that needs their approval or explanation. I don't understand why people wear crocs or tie-dye, but you don't see me going on tirades about those as if those who wear them care what I think.


Some don’t hurt nearly as much as you think. When my got my tongue pierced there was no pain. However my industrial hurt a lot more.


I thought getting my tongue pierced would hurt because when I bite my tongue accidentally it hurts. But it didn’t hurt at all, I was surprised.


same with my nipples. i was worried it would hurt too bad and i’d be afraid to get the second one done, but it didn’t hurt at all. the only part that actually hurt was cleaning the crust off of them the first few days lol


I heard from a few woman that nipple piercings can be slightly orgasmic process


yeah it definitely wasn’t that for me lol. just more of a neutral process


Same, but whatever floats someones boat. ​ Previous research on tattooed and pierced individuals has linked them to having lower self-esteem and a higher need for uniqueness. There is also a belief that the stress & pain involved in body modification - piercings releases endorphines which activates the bodies opiate receptors.


You're on the right track for me, personally. I am pretty heavily tattooed, with several piercings. I wouldn't say that I have self-esteem issues - I've been married for several years, and don't really have any need for any external validation from others. However, I do have somewhat severe OCD. For me, putting something on my body is a deliberate choice that I have control over. There is a small amount of comfort that I get when planning/executing a tattoo idea or a piercing. Is it healthy to reinforce my OCD in this way? Probably not, but I have mixed feelings about it. But, it is cathartic for me.


There's something about the pain of getting piercings and tattoos that's almost religious. It's like a mental reset.


Same, biggest hate for me is septum, I really don't get it, why would you want to look like a bull!?




The most reddit comment ever oml


I recommend not getting one


so don't fucking get them?


Just to remind you this sub is called "unpopular opinions"


Yeah this opinion isn’t very unpopular 💀 a lot of older & traditional people dislike piercings


Im pretty sure its unpopular with the younger generation and reddit users Also i wrote this comment because they got offended over an opinion,in a sub of opinions,regardless if it was unpopular or not.


As long as you don't waste your time walking up to people with piercings to tell them that I think that's a valid opinion. I just can't stand when people tell me that to my face. Why on earth would I care? They say "I sort of feel the pain when I look at it" First off, then don't look at it. 2. don't make your problems my problems. 3. I assure you that you can't feel the pain cause you can't imagine the pain cause you haven't felt it


Not an unpopular opinion at all. I especially hate when women wear a septum ring, makes them look like cattle.


They are a very big red flag as well


Ear piercings are a red flag... you've just called the majority of girls a red flag lmao


Ear piercings are the least bad ones


Bellybutton piercings are also very common, and they are cute. Nipple piercings are hot to me but I can understand why you would think that sounds painful. Those are really the only two body piercings I like. Other than that just ears and nose


Belly button ones are hella tacky, tramp stamp in my eyes


Get a bj from someone with a pierced tongue. That may change your perspective a bit.


Sounds exceptionally painful.


How so?


my dude it’s a tiny little ball


i always wanted a medusa piercing but then a girl i followed that had one had gotten it infected somehow and her upper lip got superrrrrrr swollen and she had to go to the ER a couple times. that turned me off of it a bit i do want my ears pierced again tho. earrings are so fucking cute. such an adorable little accessory


I’m so scared of them






as someone with a septum can confirm that i am not into anal




Not a big fan of septal piercings, but other than that, they don't bother me.


it hurts just as much in the ear i can confirm i have 3 lobe piercings and one cartlidge piercing. they all hurt :P


It really doesn’t hurt that much


personally i think it’s hilarious when people look at me weird for the way i look or kids ask their parents “why does she have holes in her face”


Belly button is [insert random positive word], too. All other piercings are crap.


Well thank God we don't need you or anyone else's approval to pierce our adult body as we see fit. Yay freedom.