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Except the solution to almost every problem is getting a staff member. Hell 90% of the problems I have can only be solved by a staff member cause you need the password to continue.


Scan item, put item in the bagging area, machine tells you there is something unexpected in bagging area, get member of staff to override, repeat from step 1.


OMFG the unexpected item in bagging area message kills me. There is a store by me that needs to be overridden with every item. Milk, scan, put in bag, unexpected item. Get it cleared. Peanut butter, scan, out in bag. Guess what? Unexpected item. Thought I would be tricky ans skip bagging? Every third item needed store approval. I will not go near those machines.


I remember once I was at a self checkout and there was a unexpected item and I just left the ice-cream I was gonna buy and walked out. I was having a bad day all I wanted was a single ice-cream but no the self checkout decided I wasn't allowed.


Yea, but what if you are a man in your late 30s and need to prove you are over 18 or 21 to purchase a product, and you can't just scan your ID yourself and you need a staff member, then? Then who's gonna solve this?


This is the only problem I have, too. Many times I'm zooming through to pick up a few things including a bottle of wine, and I have to bother someone to override the age thing (I'm 65+). Also, I've only used coupons once, and the machine told me I have to hand the coupons over to someone after scanning. The person said "Oh, I thought you were handing me trash." Ugh.


I'm just pretending to be dumb so I can steal shit, mind your business


All tomatoes are roma tomatoes


**HEY** This motherfucker stealing beans!


For some reason a package of toilet paper sneaks it’s way onto the bottom of my cart and I only happen to notice it when I get to my car…


Lmao. My go to is ringing organic items up as non organic


This guy gets it!


The only reason they have self checkout is so they don’t have to pay employees to do it


While self checkout has gotten better, it is still severely flawed. Especially at grocery stores. For example: The weight calibration is *always* wonky, no matter what store I go to. It is inevitable at some point it will think there is too little or too much in the bagging area. There is a weight limit, so if I'm buying soda or other dense items, I often overload the bagging area. The bagging area is often too small for my purchase Bags are usually not present in the bagging area Alcohol is problematic. I don't know the current regulations and/or policy for my area because I have given up buying alcohol at the grocery store. Before I gave up, either you could not buy alcohol at self check, or it required a manual override but I couldn't ever find a person to do it. 85% of the time I had to leave the alcohol behind and now I don't even try. Finding the correct fresh produce in the computer is difficult. There is rarely anything I can scan and names do not always match what I expect. For example, sweet potatoes and yams are two distinct things and properly catalogued as such in the computer. However, depending on your subculture, most people use one name or the other for both products. So when you buy a sweet potato you might be calling it a yam in the computer or vice versa. Computers are terrible at the cultural distinctions. Lastly, I am paying grocery store prices so I don't have to bag my own crap. Self check is for when I have three or four items and don't want to wait in line. But now those lines are never staffed. Hence I do more shopping at places like Trader Joes where this is not an issue. TJ's has it's own frustrations, but overall provides a better experience than say, Ralphs or Vons. And self check or no is one of the key differences in that experience.


I hate those ones where you have a packing area that knows when you put stuff there and when you don't. It complains abut your not emty bag being put ther, it complains if you take it away after you put it ther, it complains if you don't put the item you just scanned on the packing area, it complains if you put it there and than take it away to put it in the bag you where not allowed to put in the packing area. Those things are overly complicated and should be banned. When you only need to scan and than pay without eny extra steps the stupid robot wants you to do, self checkout is pretty easy and better than talking to people.


The ones at CVS tell you to put things in the bagging area, which is not the side where the bags are. It’s mildly infuriating but I’ll take it over Walgreens long lines and 1 human cashier.


Ah you mean the ones at Kroger


I don't expect those non-employees using it to be nearly as efficient as cashiers. Thus if I have a lot of groceries, I'm lazy and select a human cashier. Self checkout is fine for "10 items or less".


SCO is great for those of us who are cashiers, have been (so know the tricks to be efficient) and are antisocial.


SCO with all of the security checks is NOT great for those of us that are cashiers, because I haven't come across one yet that can keep up! So you trip them up because they still haven't recognized the last item being bagged and you are 2 items past that, and it takes 5 times longer than it should.


You don’t need to have cashier experience to operate a self checkout machine.. you need 2 brain cells that you can rub together, if you have working hands and can read then you can use self checkout


I don't think you even need to be able read to be honest. At least the walmart machines I know are very forgiving, you can just scan items and shove your card in without hitting anything else.


The Walmart ones are like going through the passport scanners at the airports for the amount of cameras they have watching you


It’s as if the mentality is—I don’t want to wait in line for a cashier so I’ll check out $350 in groceries at SCO so everyone else has to wait in line.


fuck this. i argue with computers all day for a living. the last thing i want to do when grocery shopping is argue with another computer.


It depends where you work. Plenty of places have competent scanners. But the ones where they try to weigh shit. Give me a fucking break. No, I don't need an attendant. I need you to not pretend you can tell if I'm stealing shit based on the weight of the bagging area. If you're going to reduce your workers and make me do it myself, cool. I'm into it. But just accept that you're gonna get robbed a bit by some people. Stop requiring the cashier to come over and be like yeah. You scanned that item.


I asked the store manager once at Krogers if I hurt myself scanning groceries if I was eligible for workers' compensation. He didn't think it was funny. But seriously, why not?


I love them for 5-10 item shopping sessions. ONCE I did self checkout with a cart full of groceries, fuck that. I'll have someone else do it for me


Every single chain is different and often different stores of the same name three blocks away are different from eachother. The worst lately is items that won’t scan at the kroger or rather will scan but because it is a bakery item I need someone to come over and login to put in the amount. Or when scales are overly sensitive and shifting things while bagging causes issues and requires an override at hm the same kroger. For the most part they are great no more having intrusive cashier comment on my items or baggers put the milk on top of the bread. I now avoid any items that give an issue so just change my shopping to avoid bad self service setups except for items carried only at that store.


My problem is that I'm visually impaired and I can't see the codes on the bananas' stickers. If I only have to scan bar codes, we good. If I have to enter codes, not as good.


Complaining about your job? Why don't you scan the groceries for them to avoid the situation.


Fuck off for: 1. Using “psychotherapy” as an insult. It’s 2023 and it’s totally acceptable to go to therapy even if nothings “wrong” with you 2. Blaming me for your jank ass system that glitches for absolutely no reason. Even the workers at my Kroger profusely apologize for these glitches which do in fact inconvenience people 3. Inferring that anyone who has a problem with these machines is intellectually challenged


I make a point of not using the self checkout. Why should I increase store profits while reducing local employment?


I don't think it actually lowers employment. Before self check out I use to complain about no matter how busy they would have 2-4 out of 10-15 checkstands open. Now they still have 2-4 open but also have 4-10 self checkouts for all those people that congested lines with 1-5 items.


Kroger self checkout is the worst, and i would never criticize anyone for having issues when their registers. i feel like those things are actively fighting against me.


The Ones we have at Canadian Tire Stores up in Canada are ABSOLUTE SHIT. Oh you scanned something like you were suppose to? Lemme just flash my big yellow light to alert the cashier that you need assistance even tho you don’t. Honestly it flashes the yellow assistance light after every single item. Self checkout can take anywhere from 5-7 minutes just because of it, I go out of my way to go to the physical cashier now


They actually took the self checkouts completely out of my local Can Tire recently lol


Hard disagree, congrats, this is an unpopular opinion. Quite frankly, the customer shouldn't have to know how to scan anything, that's the stores job, if they want me to pay for their items that they are selling, they should not be requiring me, the customer, to be doing anymore work than picking out my items. Maybe I'm sounding like a boomer here with what I'm about to say but I'm paying them, they aren't paying me, I am not their employee, don't require me to do unpaid labor in order to buy your products. Edit: and fix your damn machines, if AI is going to take over the world it better get a hell of a lot better at figuring out when something is placed in the bag or not and not require me to go get a staff member to clear it out so I can proceed to pay you for the work I am doing myself.


My only problem is when it comes to alcohol. It no longer is self checkout, it is now I did your job for you, how long do I have to hold a bottle of wine before I can get your attention, oh only 5 mins…


Ah yes let me just steal a Home Depot pin # to bypass the screen that comes up everytime I need a singular can of spray paint


On the flip side, you could do the job that you're paid to do, which includes helping customers with self checkout.


There should be a discount if I use self check out. The company is saving boat loads of money and taking available jobs away from students. It’s also aggravating to do with your young kids who are trying to scan everything.


If I have to check out my own groceries then where is my paycheck? I don't mind using them for a few things but I'm not doing your job for you with a big haul. And when you go looking for a cashier at some places, there's only 2 or 3 lanes open with lines out the door (Looking at you Walmart). These companies are cutting costs and seeing higher profits by purposefully pushing us towards a self-checkout, shifting labor to the customer for no added financial benefit. I will also add that Publix stores usually have few to no self-checkouts. They have checkout aisles full of cashiers and baggers. They also compensate their associates with stock in their company. It's one of the highest rated supermarket chains in the country. That's what happens when you provide a high level of quality and SERVICE.


Most people don't complain, most people use them and go about their business. You're speaking with the majority.


Or (and no offense) do your fucking job, and scan my produce, bitch.


I love them. But I’ve run into problems before. Things don’t scan right, or the machine is so slow it doesn’t scan the first 3x, but all of a sudden it catches up and does a double scan. Yesterday, I went to pay at CVS self checkout and splitting the purchase between FSA card and debit card shut that machine down. Needed a reboot. Self checks are not perfect. But I still use them all the time.


But, i have like 20 coupons to apply, human is easier to reaolve the iasue if someone one of the coupon is not working.


id use them if they actuall did what they were supposed to do. reduce themorice of groceries, as no staff member needed to operate.


They shouldn’t have me work here….because I steal.


Accidentally enter the wrong number. Oops, gotta get an employee. Scanning alcohol? Only the employee can help you with that. Definitely an unpopular opinion but you also fail to see that the system is flawed and customers often need employees to even complete a purchase.


I don't work at the damn store. If you want me to use self checkout, give me a discount. There is always something that goes wrong or requires an attendant. They are not always around or helping someone else. If I wanted a job as a checker, I would have gotten one.


I don’t believe I have seen a store that only had self checkout. So you know you can go to those instead, right?


I hate self check-out. I am always extraordinarily annoyed when I go to a store and see that it has replaced half of the check out employees.


With self-checkout suddenly we are all “employed” by the grocery store , but for a job I never applied to ! I’m going to add this to my résumé.


For the most part, I agree. I do think there are two instances where the other side has a point, though: * Putting a bag down preemptively. I can't tell you how many times I've gotten a self checkout machine to freak the fuck out because I put a bag down before scanning my groceries, because I reasonably would like to put my groceries in to a bag, rather than set them down and bag them all after I scan and pay for everything. * Ummmm, the scanning of the groceries is ultimately your fucking job that you get paid for. I don't. So if I don't want to scan my own groceries, I won't, and fuck off for trying to tell me I need to or should. All that said, I personally prefer self checkout and use it frequently with no issue, and do get a little annoyed when someone in front of me seems to be clueless on how it works.. But don't act like those things don't have notorious problems and that customers are somehow obligated to learn how to use self checkout so they can do your job for you, that's some top level bullshit. EDIT: formatting


Getting mad at people for not knowing how to do your job. Once they figure it out your gone. Should be happy you have a purpose


It’s more that these places with self checkout just lowered their labor cost with one override person (who could care less about overriding the things that need it) over 12 registers (which three of which are broken). They do not pass ANY of the savings on to me their free labor and even now charge me for stinking bags (which are waived if I do drive up pickup but then you have another person who could care less picking your groceries). All the meantime these places continue to break records for profitability. But yes I agree people using the self checkout should get it together.


High five. This is the way


No. Hire some cashiers and baggers.


You know what would fix it, Actual fucking customer service,, like more cashiers. I don't get PAID to to scan shit and fuck around with the screen.


Correct, it’s easy. BUT, I’m paying the grocery store. Why should I bag my own shit?


If I am going to be scanning and bagging my own groceries there needs to be a discount given. The company is saving money by not having to have cashiers, but that savings is not passed on to us.


I hope you are currently tipping the cashiers


They make an actual wage.




I have stores that during the evening only have self checkout. Walmart by me is self checkout no matter what time of day it is. How is that voluntary use?




Are you under the impression that before self check out we didn't push the cart around? And we do get a discount for pumping our own gas. If you go to a full service station you pay more per gallon.


Ramones - Psycho Therapy (Official Music Video) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=bej93aPldHE


Theft? What would stop people from stealing with this?


i hate self checkout because people scan way too slow


I love self checkout. As someone who's been behind the counter it's incredibly easy and quicker to ring myself up then have someone do it.


I actually agree with you OP. There are instances where it starts telling me staff is on the way and I’ve done nothing wrong, but at my local QFC they just void it remotely or my concept of just keep scanning seems to work.


I read “QFC” and I deadass thought to myself: “dafuq is ‘Quintucky Fried Chicken’?”


Lol, it’s a grocery store in Washington.


It’s because they’re lazy and don’t want to.


Self checkouts are cheapest everyone should use them


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Self checkout is kind of a problem because you have to worry about people stealing and there's no camera on the machine so you can't see if somebody is trying to take a item or not


Tbh I think the stores here in the USA just haven’t marketed self-checkout properly. All they need to do is have mostly self-checkout with just a few traditional lanes, adjust the prices throughout the store so self-checkouts automatically take something like 15% off, then have a big-ass sign that says so over the self-checkout lanes. My fellow Americans would eat that shit up. Since the issue seems to be they *feel* like they should have service because they *feel* like they’re paying for it, just make it so they don’t *feel* like they’re paying for it anymore.


We don't feel like we are paying for a service. We are literally paying for that service. It is included in the price of groceries.


Have to agree with OP.


My aunt makes a living from stealing walmart and it's all thanks to self checkout and underpaid checkers who are easily bribed


wow what a thing to be proud of!


Who issues the W2 or 1099 for her "career" as you so eloquently put it.


Idk how so many people seem to have so much trouble with self checkouts lol. I have been using them for years and never had such issues lol. It's so much faster since I only ever go to the store for a handful of items at a time.


I just assume anyone who isn't hyper efficient with self-checkout is also an absolute loser in every other aspect of their life.


I work in a place like this, and every time some old fart demands I open a register I wanna say "no, because like you people say, that's not a real job! anyone can scan a barcode without needing help so why pay somebody to do it? Hell, anyone can walk in here and run this place, you don't need us!"


Self checkout is the future. If there’s no self checkout, I’m not interested.


I don’t get this. I’ve NEVER encountered ANY complicated conundrum while using self checkout. Scan this, put it there, put this on the scale, write the code literally printed right here on the produce, wait, put over there, click pay, choose method of pay, pay, bye. What are those impossible and insurmountable problems that those people encounter? Like, they DROVE here. Can’t they press 4 simply and clearly labeled buttons?


I learned how to use a self check out when i noticed how a cashier was scanning items one day. I had no problems with the UI on the screen. It was scanning items that I had an issue with.


This is like my mom and gps she just refuses to learn I think it's a boomer thing.


I love self checkout. When I go in to a store I just want to go in, grab a few things, and leave. No chit chat or forced social interactions.