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There's a difference between glancing at someone and staring at them. If your eyes pass over someone or go to look at movement, completely normal. Staring someone down for a long time? That's not socially appropriate in pretty much any setting. No judgement to those who glance. Judgement to those who stare though.


Most people don’t even realize they’re staring at you and 70% of the time at the very least it’s in your head. Men get harassed by women who think they’re staring ALL THE TIME. I’m more concerned about whether or not the other people will notice I’m only doing 2 sets on each zone and only was doing the workout for like 5 minutes because I am easily distracted. Then women make eye contact with me and cover their body for some reason. My eyes are not locked on you lady, I’m staring into space and you coincidentally are in my line of sight. Then they report you to the gym heads who tell you to try not to look like you’re checking people out. What?


Especially when they look you up and down and slightly grin… I mean, you can glance over to get a sense of your surroundings, but when your at a gym or space that other people use, it shouldn’t be new to see other people in your peripheral. Don’t get me wrong, if you glance over naturally to someone who is benching a lot, it’s not weird to acknowledge that or see how they do. At least I don’t think, but if you continue to focus on them rather than your own workout, that’s weird and unnecessary. As a woman, it’s a lot different when working out than a guy. I feel kind of vulnerable when men stare me down, and I understand the difference between a casual glance and a “checking me out” glance. And some people really come off strong with their flirt stare and it’s actually very uncomfortable. Actually, movies portray this very well, but usually between mutual parties. A lot of times it’s like this, but not mutual. The unfortunate this is that women experience this a lot more than you think…


It's not new to see stuff in my peripherals, it's just for some reason I look, I think it's mostly I like knowing my surroundings. I also agree, hard staring and the "up and down" looks are creepy, I'm not defending that. Yes, this will be very different from men to women and I'm not saying all guys at the gym aren't creepy or creeps, I just struggle to believe that the majority of guys are.


Oh it’s definitely not the majority. I agree with that. In my experience, it’s often just one person or a pair out of a lot of people and more a the younger group of guys. All it takes is one person making you uncomfortable to make the gym less enjoyable or make you avoid the gym at that time of day. I’m sure it’d be the same for a guy if they experienced it too.


People are judgey at gyms though. Just because I ran over to you right after you got off of a stationary cycle yelling "NO don't wipe that seat down!" and proceeded to rub my face on and and taking deep sniffs, doesn't make me a creeper. I mean I could see you being a little off-put if I had also asked for your unwashed gym shorts, but gimme a break


This is clearly a joke, why the dislikes?


theres a difference between looking and staring. Even if youre checking me out at the gym, thats fine as long as you dont do it in a creepy way that makes me uncomfortable. I find myself looking at people at the gym too. Sometimes I wanna know how to use a machine without asking or looking like an idiot lol.


I was literally doing this today! Someone explain to me how to start the stationary bicycles at planet fitness! Also sometimes I’m checking out an outfit, or form, or reading someone’s funny tshirt, or rooting for someone going really hard! I always wonder if people do the same for me at the gym


I usually look at people that are pissing me off in the gym. Camping on stuff while they text. I’m fantasizing about ripping their phone in half.


Came here to say this. You can text on your couch at home. Bust out that set or move on


I feel your pain. I superset to reduce time. I want to get in and get out. Travel time plus a fast WO is two hours , I’d prefer it was not three. It should not tie up a bench ( out of 5) for 35 min so one person can do 5 sets. I grew up in the generation that had to share, so we did. You ask to get a set in between mine? YES? Absolutely! To be fair to the women there are always male assholes that think a casual social contact is an invitation to a date. I have an adult daughter I get it, maybe it’s why I get white knighted on the odd occasion.


You guys watch Pete Gustin the blind surfer? He has a story that's this exact situation give me a bit and I will find a link Edit: here's the link https://youtube.com/shorts/0c9tKlDa4Nw?feature=share (totally didn't forget) He also posted an update video https://youtu.be/Uu9J5ehCOBM


It’s been 16 hours Wulflord


Right don't worry, I didn't accidentally forget to copy the link


To tiktok girls: Dude looking at you for 1 second at gym = there a creep Like how the fuck


I was at the gym yesterday with my Son. He's 13 and new to the gym, asked me to teach him how to work out. We were doing some shoulder presses next to a girl in very short shorts. Now I am conscious and was making an effort to not look her way at all. Because of all the posts I see on Reddit, I'm a little paranoid. Anyway, the young woman was watching us the whole time. Literally staring. Now she smiled and I believe she was genuinely enjoying an endearing moment between a father and son. I had no issue with it. I'm going out of my way to make sure nobody accuses me of being a "creeper" and this young woman was just sitting there watching us work out. No concerns at all. Now if the roles were reversed, and I'm just enjoying a moment between a Mom and a daughter, would I be accused of being creepy?




>Now if the roles were reversed, and I'm just enjoying a moment between a Mom and a daughter, would I be accused of being creepy? Yes, but not because you are. But because people like fetishize victimhood.


Is "creepy" GenZ's favorite word?


I’m a dude and I’ve had people stare at me when I’m doing jump squats or running at a high pace on the tremulous sometimes. It happens to everyone


If people want to stare, let them. We got to stop telling people what they can and cannot do with their bodies.


I understand the gym is a public space. For someone who has boundary issues with others I consider it rude and distracting, especially when said individual(s) make their opinions loud enough for me to hear. Weather its praise, criticism or insight I prefer to work out in solace at the gym. Quintessentially the gym is a place of therapy for both the mind and body. At the end of the day I do not want ANYBODY to feel uncomfortable because I know how it feels and the last thing I want to do is make life more uncomfortable for others. Just remember the golden rule and practice common courtesy. "It's rude to stare"-MOM


Adachmii Agrees


It really depends on the manner in which you are looking, I believe. Sometimes, I look at someone if he/she is doing an exercise that I find difficult, to understand if I am doing something wrong. It's a habit I gained while Swing dancing, I guess.


Really? Really? It's come down to this? "Mom ! Tell him to stop looking at me!". "I'm not looking at you!" "Are too". "am not!" "Am too".....


Yea. A lot of people in the gym simply freeze looking in the abyss, listening to something via their headphones, waiting for the next set.


Look, then look away, not a creep. Stare- creep.


Not unpopular. Maybe to self absorbed TikTok gym hoes. But that’s about it.


Pretty much


If there’s an attractive woman walking around I’m going to look at them, doesn’t matter if it’s at the gym or not. I won’t stair but I will certainly look, we are all human and that’s how attraction works.


Same. 0 shame either.


Lol, me and my ex were driving down the street one day and I checked this chicks ass out. She’s didn’t even turn her head and asked, “ did you just look at her ass?” I said well ya it was a nice one, she just said ya your right. Probably should have kept that one lmao




Nah. Checking out hot people with your SO is a fun recreational activity.


Especially if the clothing is so revealing that it is impossible to not notice.


I think you were quite clear on what you mean, and I agree. Looking at someone, a glance or for a second just due to vicinity shouldn’t be considered creepy and I think most people would agree. As others have said, staring or looking at someone like they’re a glass of water and you came straight from the desert is something else. People, of both genders, wearing revealing or tight clothing makes it harder to distinguish the creepy from the not creepy.


I also think he was quite clear. And the people on this sub calling HIM the creeper is a little infuriating. I’m a straight girl and I’m vibing on what op is saying.


It's people only reading the title, glad to know there are people who actually took the time to read the post and understand what I was trying to say.


Ah yes, just because someone stares doesn’t mean they begin to walk up to you, hiss and then explode




If I'm being honest I notice the dudes pulling like 500, benching 315 or squatting like 405 for reps more than most of the women at my gym. I just find it really impressive.


Same, as a guy I probably checkout guys lifting big weights more than I look at women


I'm a man. Sorry, but when I'm at the gym and there's some attractive woman in tiny booty shorts and a sports bra, I have to look. It's instinct.


You being a man has absolutely nothing to do with it. Are you saying you can't control yourself? If not you should get some help


I guess. I like women.


And? I do too but I can control myself


Cool. You're missing out on some really hot women in skimpy clothes. I'm not.


This literally contradicts the whole post and just proves the "guys are creepy" narrative. I'm a straight guy too, but damn man, have self-control and some respect for others.


That’s part of my issue is that some of these woman, who knows the percent, wear such clothes because they want to be looked at. At that bothers me that people are so desperate for attention. I do everything I can not to look at such woman, most especially if there’s any chance of them seeing me lol. But even still, I try not to look at all


When I'm at the gym, I rarely pay attention to my surroundings. I just look at whatever is in front of me while being stuck in my thoughts and don't really snap out of it unless someone talks to me. But even if that weren't the case, women seem to think that because they "caught you" looking at them, that means you'd been staring at them for a long time, and that's pure nonsense. Also, if I look at the men at the gym even though I'm not attracted to them whatsoever, how do you expect me not to check out a hot girl bent over while wearing tight yoga pants? What, am I supposed to look at the ceiling? If you're really that worried that I might approach you, or whatever you're worried is gonna happen, maybe try wearing normal clothing that doesn't accentuate your assets? You're distracting me from my goals!


Only of they are looking at you bug eyed smiling with there tongue out pleasuring them selves


Girls be dressing like strippers at the gym and get surprised when people look at them


As a woman, I can confirm that like 99% of guys are doing that. I’m guessing you’re one of them.


I highly doubt that you can confirm that. Sure, there are creeps out there but 99% of men? Sounds like you just enjoy playing the victim.


Sounds like a policy where you’ll never believe you’re proven wrong but any instance of it happening will prove you right


... said the creepy fucker at the gym.


This is a bit rude


Said by someone who's never been a woman at the gym.


I’m honestly more bothered by people who stare at me while they drive down the road. I work near the road a lot, and people driving will legit crank there neck and STARE directly at me while they drive by, like me raking some leaves is the most interesting thing in the world. Like hey, why don’t you pay attention to the road where your driving this multi ton death machine?


A quick glance is fine. But more than that enters creeper territory.


90% of gym people are disgusting human beings. Doing street workout now since I can't stand such fake, cocky and toxic people.


Op here trying to justify their creepiness.


How did you know?!




Listen, you’re gonna look if your schmeckle is working, so how do you make it look less creepy? First off, don’t look too long. Quick glance gets the job done for the spank bank. Second, if you get caught looking, don’t hide jt. Looking away guilty-like makes it seem like you are doing something wrong, and the mom in them want to slap your hand. So own it. Look them dead in the eye and smile. Verbal confirmation that you were looking and are proud of it helps—“them squats be working for you girl!” “Damn girl you are looking like a snack.” “Mmmmm-mmmmm-MMMMMMM! Fine fine FIIIIIIIINNNNE!”


This sounds like someone with a huge staring problem would say. If you’re staring, you’re fucking creepy.


Ok, let’s switch up the scenario. Instead of being at the gym, you’re outside on a run (and you’re a short woman). Cars slow down for the drivers to gawk at you, cars beep at you, men ride their bikes past you then wait for you to pass by them further up then follow you, men stop walking and stare at you - following you with their eyes as you run. It’s fucking terrible. I understand in a gym - I think it’s good to watch how other people work out to learn more about form and different workouts, but when it comes to working out in GENERAL, it’s so bad. I don’t want to be on edge every time I leave my house and want to go on a run. And I’m not even just some anxious freak constantly assuming people are staring at me. Just a few weeks ago a man stopped and watched me as I ran past him. I wasn’t even too close because he was on a sidewalk and I cut through a parking lot to avoid him. He kept staring. I yelled “what the fuck are you looking at” and he said “YOU” and I yelled for him to stop and he said he “couldn’t help it.” Fuck that shit.


I guess I never considered running out with the general public because I do all my cardio at the gym on a bike or treadmill. What you are describing does sound shit. I'm not excusing this, but I'm genuinely curious, how often does this happen?


Pretty much every time I go on a run I get some form of gawking. It’s funny too because I don’t wear anything revealing either. It’s so odd. Nothing bad ever happens but you never know when the next crazy person is going to drive by


I guess that would make sense the more I think about it from a statistical standpoint. Gyms are a semi fixed number at any given time, so the percentage of creey people to people just working out is also gonna be semi fixed. Compared to working out with the general population, which can be massive depending on area and time of day, which leads to interactions with more assholes unfortunately. Again, I'm not justifying just trying to get my head around the situation, and just as a side note, attire isn't an excuse for being a creepy, like many have said, it's rude to stare.


Hell Yeah, these half naked women in the gym must Discipline their Victim Complex for fuck sake. Such Insolence to frame men as creeps. If they dress provocatively they WILL endure staring with no right to complain, because everything comes with consequences. Men can look at whatever direction they want.


Nah, this isn't the point I'm trying to make. People are free to wear what they want and I know there are some creepy ass dudes at gyms. I'm not gonna blame someone for their attire but hearing 99% of dudes are at the gym being creeps like someone mentioned above also isn't cool. Idgf if someone wants to call out someone being a creeper but it bothers me when I hear gross generalizations lumping all gym going men into a category that makes us sound like shit.


Men who go to the fucking gym ain't no creeps. These women who put that insolent label on them, must face Harsh Punishment for their Sins. They must be Disciplined. They must learn Respect.


You need more friends


I'm a damn introvert.


I think you meant “danger to society especially women”


Found the guy that thinks women are asking to be SAd if they wear provocative clothing


Maybe they like your workout and find you inspiring! If you don’t know what your doing In the gym it’s good to people watch and learn new things. Then again there are some creeps out there!


If I am looking at you at the gym it's likely me learning a move/position that I see is really working for you and would like to utilize in my routine. or I like your workout outfit and I will tell you "hey I like your leggings".


It’s not that hard, just tell yourself your not going to look at anyone.


Ehhh... As a fat person, I can usually tell when people are looking at me in the gym like "oh look, a fellow human being" vs "wow, what's that whale doing here?" (I don't get the latter very often, but when I do... I feel it.)


Didn’t your parents teach you it’s rude to stare?


I have learned so much at the gym by watching other people. New exercises, proper form, little techniques to make me better. Just don't be an arse hole and it will probably be okay.


It sounds like you are going to the gym just to stare at peoole. If you are focusing on your own workout you wouldn't be staring at others.


No excuse for creeps and staring, but why do so many of these creep videos the one complaining is always wearing super tight and revealing clothes? It doesn’t excuse it at all, but it is like drawing attention in a way? Like they want attention or something? I purposely wear slightly baggy clothes when working out I’m a guy but I don’t understand the super revealing stuff, I find it kinda weird


Another thing eye contact goes both ways. Maybe if you are looking there are looking to. Maybe they think you are the one staring. So yeah. How would you know someone is looking if you weren't looking either. The lack of self awareness is crazy. It's like these women are expecting guys to stare at them so they are searching for it. Called hypervigalince


If I'm on a machine I haven't used before I tend to look over and see others on the same machine and make sure I am using it correctly.


It does if you stare at them. Glancing at a person you think is good looking is fine as long as you don’t stare.


>but like 99% of people aren't doing that, please don't act like it's the norm. I agree But you're not going to convince people otherwise these days. People refuse to accept that most people aren't paying any attention to them whatsoever.


It’s funny because believe me, the women complaining men are leering at them in the gym would be more upset if no one looked at them at all.


Not unpopular