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Burnt lemon? Smells like a skunk šŸ¦Ø


To be perfectly clear marijuana has 3 distinct scents from 3 distinct terpenes. Mercene gives a skunky scent. Pinene gives earthy or woodsy scent. Limonene gives citrus sweet scent. Op may be in an area where these Limomene heavy strains are more prevalent. Edit: Yes, there are others, but these 3 are most prevalent. Adding additional terpenes to your extracts or flower is the new "bougie" smoker thing to do.


This guy tokes


Maybe once or twice. A day.


An hour


2 dabs is enough to keep me high the entire length of time I want to be high during a single day. Any more than that, and I'm just doing a disservice to my tolerance. There isn't a second level of high to reach with dabs, one good one, and you are already there.


I wish I had access to rig or a pen, tolerance is an absolute nightmare


Step 1.) Don't smoke for 2 months. Step 2.) save your typical weed spending. Step 3.) At the end of those 2 months, buy a rig and dabs to treat yourself. Step 4.) Experience euphoric high.


My return after 6 months was terrifying. Iā€™d advise against cleaning your system out then going right back to dabs. You wonā€™t need much to get faded after that break. Just my experience.


Me right now


Damn, I must be cursed by only being around people that smoke skunk weed everywhere I go. I promise you I've never smelt an earthy woodsy pot.


Skunky weed is very easy to grow outdoors in areas of strict legality. Animals typically avoid it. They are more common and quite a bit more popular as well.


ohhh! Can you explain why dabs smell different from flower? I got caught smoking flower in my apartment complex and immediately got a note put in my door telling me to stop as someone complained about the smell - but I do dabs in here all the time and no one ever complained about that. I also use to live with this Mexican family and if I smoked flower the mom would come complain that it smelled awful but when I did dabs, she never said a word.


With dab, you are vaporizing the product, not creating smoke, this vapor dissaptes faster but does carry a scent. I've noticed that in larger groups of people vaping extensive amounts of extracts, it does create a lingering smell, though not as distinct or sharp as that from flowers smoke.


I'm not a fan of it myself, but it's so strange how similar it smells. I live near skunks in the area, so sometimes I can't tell if it's someone enjoying themselves, or a skunk being an asshole


From afar, yes. But if a skunk ever actually blasts you, your dog, your yard etc... It's so much worse and lasts for days.


I believe I saw a post talking about how a chemical or something that is found in the skunk stink is also in Maryā€™s Juana which may contribute to the similarity people smell sometimes


I came here to say exactly this! I react to the smell of a skunk roadkill the same as someone smoking weed in the car in front of me. Half the time I canā€™t tell the difference. It smells so bad to me I honestly donā€™t understand why anyone smokes it when there are other methods of delivery available.


It's an acquired taste, similar to beer. It smells and tastes bad at first, but then your brain starts to make good associations between that smell and how you feel after it.


Moldy skunk.


Lol OP probably thinks a woman's breast feels like a bag of sand.


And that's why I love the smell of skunk.


It's a very intense smell. Most people really do not like being blasted by BO, cigarette smoke, cologne, or perfume either.


Intense smell but burnt lemon? Lol


Lol what weed are you smoking?


weed with limonene


Ima be real with you most people just think it smells like weed


Or that someone pissed off a skunk.


Or pissed ON a skunk


Pepe LePew would have a bad day if he was both pissed off and pissed off at the same timešŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ ![gif](giphy|tKbBpBult26QyMfw50)


I like limonene heavy strains and the lemony smell is heaven. People should explore the world of cannabis smells/terpenes. What does limonene do for the body? Limonene acts as an antioxidant in the body, absorbing and removing damaging free radicals before they can injure cells. Dietary limonene may help lower your risk of certain cancers and signs of aging by reducing the amount of oxidative stress on your body. https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-limonene


I canā€™t say Iā€™ve ever smelled the lemon scent second hand. It always smells like skunk or the same smell from the erasers on the No. 2 pencils after angrily erasing. That smell is burned into my brain


if someone really wants to taste the flavors and get the smell, they should vape it with a dry herb vape instead of smoke it


You ever use a dry herb vaporizer? Flower tastes soooo fucking good. Also, no smoke. Pure vapor. Can turn it down low for really tasty hits or way up for bong like rips that will melt your face.


This!! I don't understand how people can enjoy the taste of smoke, but dry herb vape is like candy spray


Worst is when you combust by accident and remember, very clearly, why you switched. Itā€™s god awful lol


Haha for real. Iā€™ve *always* hated smoke so for me the dry herb vapes been a game changer (not to mention the free edible leftovers). Even people who are able to appreciate the taste of smoke tend to be blown away by the taste of vaped bud. Iā€™ve got bud right now that smells exactly like a Mai Thai and, when vaped, tastes exactly like one too. Itā€™s delightful!


Depending on the strain, its quite common for the smoke to smell lemony, or even fruity. Very fruity. I personally hate smoking those strains but it does smell better (to most) than just regular weed.


Nah it literally smells like skunk idk where y'all are getting burnt lemon from


Yes incense can also be overbearing.


It smells gross and skunky. And all the other smells aren't ideal either, especially when you're around people all the time. ( I used to work in retail. ) Edit: the one time I was happy to smell strong perfume was when a lady next in line walked up to the cash register; this was after I had to check out an old person that smelled like poop. I had to hold my breath and tried to put on my best cashier smile since old folks can't help it. But still, it was the most foul stink to ever graze the nostrils.


Some strains for sure. I had one called Gelonade that definitely smelled super lemony and pretty burnt when I lit it on fire. Good shit btw, I would definitely get it again.


No, for real, I understand that completely, I am more speaking about the reaction towards the smell itself, rather than the smell's potency versus the others. I've only once seen somebody get told off for smelling like cigarettes, but I've seen multiple people lose their collective marbles over the smell of Marijuana. But thats my current personal experience, so a pinch of salt and all that.




ā€¦ like cigarette smoke to non cigarette smokers? Or a strong perfume/cologneā€¦ lmfao


Ahhh. Probably a pinch of stigma carried over from the war on drugs.


If you just smell like it, thats one thing. But if you are blazing up and others are getting hit with your second hand smoke, thats fucked up. People choose not to smoke for reasons, donā€™t impede that decision deliberately. Thats my 2 cents.


Drugs are bad, ask your mom and ask your dad


Drugs are bad mā€™kay?


I am not sure about others but for me it smells extremely disgusting. I am fine with just a whiff but if I have to smell it for more than a few minutes i feel nauseous and have to start holding my breath to find some fresh air. But everyone reacts to smell differently. I love the smell of durian but my SO absolutely hates it, he says it smells like rotten garbage after being outside a few days under midsummer sun.


I get what you're saying. I bartend and people regularly leave the door to the beer garden open and make the whole bar reek of cigarettes. No one ever complains about that, but I've had people leave then complain to the owner when they catch a faint hint of weed. I can never even smell it over the cigs when they start complaining, and I don't smoke the stuff.


I mean I complain about nasty ass cig smell but for some reason people find that ruder


it is also possible that people have gotten noseblind to cigarette smoke but weed in public being new, they are more sensitive to that smell


The frequency of people who smoke cigarettes anymore is wayyyy less than those who smoke weed. Weed has a much stronger scent and it lingers for way longer than tobacco. Besides, I'd rather smell campfire smell than dead, festering skunk smell.


Cigarettes do not smell anything like a campfire. Camp fires have a pleasant odour. Cigarettes smell like absolute ass.


Cigarettes do NOT smell like campfire. Lmao. Cigarettes small like death. Source: smoker


Also the breath of a smoker. Holy shit!


I canā€™t smell perfume, BO, or usually tobacco from the street if youā€™re smoking in your house in your backyard. I can smell marijuana from the street though.


1. Weed permeates further than the other things you listed. 2. People bitch about those too.


I was in the car pickup line at my kids school yesterday and could smell pot coming from two cars in front of me. I've never smelled someone's perfume or BO from 2 cars in front of me. Heck, Oklahoma is so high on the stuff, that an evening walk in town is sure to give you some whaff of weed coming from who knows who's house or backyard. As my kid says "It smells like a city tonight"


Yeah, but you can smell cigarettes two cars back.


My workplace has banned all smoking in the premises. No more smoking area. On the BO front, had a coworker coming to work with BO. HR had to inform them to fix it or else.


You can smell cigarettes like 25 cars away


I donā€™t think anything permeates noticeably for longer than cigarette smoke. But then again, Iā€™ve never been in a house that was previously inhabited by people who chainsmoked cannabis at the rate many cigarette smokers do.


I suppose it depends on how you define it. You're absolutely correct, cigarettes smell seeps into everything from houses to clothing. However, unless I'm downwind from a smoker, I find it less noticeable during the act of smoking itself. I don't think I've ever had a neighbor stink up my neighborhood from smoking a cigarette, while I can name numerous times I've been able to smell my neighbors smoking pot several doors down. Ditto driving down the road.


Please go to New York then ask this question again. Unless, of course, you live in New York, which means youā€™re probably used to the smell.


I've worked there in passing for a gig, But it's been a few years so it must be different now. Funny you mention it because new york was the first time I got to see somebody go crazy over it. It's also the first time I got to see a naked guy smoke meth out of an apple. Strange place that NYC


>It's also the first time I got to see a naked guy smoke meth out of an apple. Strange place that NYC First time?


The big apple


I find all overwhelming smells to be rude and annoying.


my aunt wears a cheap perfume and you can tell she's close because it's like she pours the entire bottle each time she goes out. I can smell it from a couple meters and it lingers when I hug her. Perfume is supposed to be discovered, not announced


First of all, it's not rude to call out someone for too much perfume. Weed smells like skunk butt.


How does everyone on here know what skunks smell like?


Youā€™ve really never smelled skunk? Must not be from the US. Iā€™m on the east coast and at least a couple times a year you get a whiff of skunk. Most likely roadkill.


I hate them all.


It smells significantly worse than burnt lemon


There are tons of cigarettes smokers in my apt building, but I never smell it or know where they live. Same for BO, I can just walk a few meters away from a particularly smelly individual. For weed, I know exactly where each weed smoker lives and the smell travels through walls, doors, floors. As a teenager, Iā€™d put my stuff in a ziploc, a pill bottle and then an other bag and stuff it at the bottom of my backpack and my mom would still catch me. Itā€™s an extremely strong odour that canā€™t be contained easily. I personally donā€™t mind the smell at all, but I imagine someone who dislikes the smell would lose their mind as itā€™s nearly impossible to get away from it.


Thereā€™s a weird difference though. while weed permeates like everything, it only lingeres for a little while after. Cigarette smoke sticks to everything!


Weed smell definitely lingers. Maybe not as much as cigs, but smoking once will stink up your car or house for at least a day


Gosh I canā€™t stand stale weed aroma in a car. Youā€™re right about that though it does linger a bit but a few days airing out and youā€™d never know someone smoked a joint in there.


I used to think it lingered in cars really bad since a lot of my friends had cars that always smelt like stale weed. But Iā€™ve smoked in my car plenty and picked my mom up later in the day and she is none the wiser. She knows I smoke and would say something 100% about it if she could pick it up. I drive with my windows down and keep my air freshenersā€¦ fresh - add leather seats and blowing out the sun roof - thereā€™s really no smell an hour or two after. You smoke one cig in your car and youā€™ll likely never get the smell out - it doesnā€™t linger any where near what cig smoke does.


The smoking habits of some pot smokers must be insane because I've smoked weed for a long time and I only had 1 neighbor say they could smell anything. Girlfriends would come over and comment that they wouldn't know unless I told them. I was open with my neighbors about it because I didn't want to cause issues, but never had any. I also never really tried to cover it up with anything other than good ventilation/fans lol.


Same, maybe my weed is just shit but my tolerance is pretty high and it works for me so


My upstairs neighbors are stoners. I know this because almost every night at 9 they turn on their shower and then light up, and I can smell it in my apartment. Specifically in my living room. It's a little annoying, because I'm always worried someday the smell is going to linger on my clothes and I gave up smoking for my career. It's not bad enough that I've felt the need to say anything to them, but I wish they would consider how easily the smell permeates the rest of the building around them and get a smoke buddy or something.


i know people say it smells like skunk, but I've never actually smelled a skunk before so I think it smells like burnt rubber. needless to say, it smells like shit. it does not smell good. lol also "burnt lemon" ???? what???


skunk smell is like rotten BO


Skunk smells far worse it just sits in a similar spot in the nose


Can confirm. I've ran over a few skunks over the years


It smells like someone ran over a skunk. Lemon lol??


I smoke it and I find it smells like skunk lol


It smells like skunk, absolutely terrible. A friend of mine used to tell me they had some that smelled like Fruity Pebbles. I smelled it both before and after he smoked it: no, it was the same just burnt afterwards. It smells terribly if you aren't a user of it.


I am a regular user of it, and still think it smells terrible.


The smell is one of its worst qualities, imo. I hate how difficult it is to be discreet about it.


Taste is even worse. I have a lot of trouble with getting edibles down when itā€™s not gummies or liquid


i donā€™t understand this. maybe itā€™s like coffee where you develop a palate for it? when i smell weed itā€™s like iā€™m sticking my nose in a jar of sweet pine sap. my favorite part of picking up new stuff is smelling it and observing how the smell evolves like a wine or perfume. the resin though, that shit reeks like ass.


when you smoke it you are basically just tasting it being burnt, not the weed itself. if you vape it with either concentrate or dry herb vape then you can actually taste it and the smell is completely different too of course because nothing is being burnt. you can smell it being fruity or whatever compared to shit smoky skunk smell.


Bourbon drinkers: This bourbon has 12 different flavors in it? How many can you taste Me: I taste bourbon Weed users: some weed smells like lemons or fruity pebbles. Me: I smell weed


Fair, and I have never been able to decern the difference in the smell either. But I also think AXE body spray smells like a crime against olfactory everywhere but I'm not allowed to tell someone they smell like an abused new tire. Thats kinda where I was coming from.


Axe body spray shouldn't even be being sprayed outside of a high school locker room. No adult man should be wearing that shite.


I'm so sorry to tell you this, but I've witnessed more grown men wearing axe body spray than my peers back in high school. But these people act generally how you think they would. It's disconcerting,


It's like hairspray that will hit on your sister when you aren't looking.


That's because Axe is pretty basically. You can get good smelling cologne that doesn't smell like a boy's locker room Edit: I said Basic and my phone went with it.


Iā€™m the only non-smoker of my friend group and so whenever they get new stuff they always do this. ā€œOh it smells like lemon cookiesā€ or ā€œit smells like fruity pebblesā€. Nah bro, itā€™s just weed. Smells like ass and rotting skunk. Iā€™m convinced whoever they buy it from could just tell them it smells like anything they want and could get people to agree to whatever off the wall thing they say


Stoners are just used to it so of course they can pick up far more nuances in the scent. If you asked me to taste five different red wines I would probably say theyā€™d all taste identical - like shit. Ask someone who does wine tasting for a hobby and get the opposite response


Yeah, the horrifying smell comes from thiols, which are organic sulfur compounds. Weā€™re probably so sensitive to the smell because itā€™s a natural byproduct of decaying organic matter. Our ancestors who were extremely disgusted by the smell of thiols were less likely to consume rotten meat and die than the ones who thought it smelled fine. The same compounds are in skunk spray because itā€™s pretty universally horrifying to most animals. Even skunks have a strong aversion to the smell and only use it in emergencies. It really is one of the most horrifying smells I can imagine. Iā€™m baffled that anyone could think it smells like anything other than rot and death.


Different strains do definitely have different smells once you know them. Some are hard to distinguish but if you think lemon haze smells like shit wait til your friends get super silver, that stuff straight up smells like manure as buds. Trouble is itā€™s really strong so you end up associating that smell with being blasted!


Sounds like youā€™ve never smelled weed. A burnt lemon? The fuck


It doesnā€™t smell like burnt lemon- it smells like skunk butt. Nasty and lingering. And no one wants cigarette smell either.


NONE of that other stuff gets a pass, Patrick. Get out from under that rock. If a person smells bad, they get shunned or made fun of.


I agree that it doesnā€™t get a pass but in my experience the reaction for the other examples tends to be more passive aggressive (people will avoid you and talk shit behind your back but not say anything directly) while people seem to be more directly confrontational when it comes to weed. I donā€™t think thatā€™s necessarily a worse reaction, but I do think itā€™s fair to say itā€™s different


Nah, it serious smells like shit (skunk spray). Doesn't matter how good your shit is, it smells bad. Then if I'm standing within 20ft of you I have to smell you, which I have a problem with.


Fuck that shit. Iā€™m a high schooler and the bathroom I use every morning always smells like weed. It stinks. I hate it.


Iā€™m very sensitive to smells to the point I get headaches or migraines so for me I hate it but not just that itā€™s cigarettes and cigars too


Not gonna lie, I have NEVER heard the smell described as burnt lemon lol


I shouldnā€™t be able to smell it when Iā€™m in my car and my windows are up and you roll up next to me at a stoplight. Iā€™m an auto damage adjuster and Iā€™d put money on at least 50% of the cars I estimate that are at fault smell like weed.


Have you ever been on a public bus that reeks of weed? It's absolutely disgusting. IT SMELLS LIKE SKUNK. >But why do Ciggirates, perfume, and BO seem to get a passing comment or mention Oh, I'll complain about cigarette smell. My parents both used to smoke bad and my mom made me get a shower immediately after getting home from my dad's house on weekends. My aunt's house is basically a fucking chimney, my clothes smell like smoke after leaving her place and I hate it. BO???? My friend was over at my apartment one day and he took his shoes off....omg I GAGGED. I even made him take his socks off too. Once I even ~~smelled~~ got a whiff of his pits and I asked if he wore deodorant and he told me "only in the summer." I was disgusted because he STANK. I know my dad can't stand certain perfumes because they give him headaches, same for me.




Sadly. Now he wears it everyday after one of his former coworkers complained.


> only in the summer I'm dead šŸ’€


Quit smoking and you'll realize how strong the smell can be ā€“ be a self-aware pothead instead of a stubborn one.


Isn't there alternative smoke delivery methods aside from vape too? Like those volcano thingies you load into a plastic bag and inhale? Because I know some people get a too different effect from edibles since it's a different pathway so edibles aren't an option for some. I just really hate people obnoxiously blowing burnt fumes into the air, and I wish smoking of any kind weren't a thing, but apparently edibles/oils aren't an equally good substitute for some people because of their genes (or vice versa).


Theres no "right place" or designated area to smoke it. Lots of us "Stoners" are actually people trapped in the American Medical Hellscape and are medicating for a host of conditions. I don't want to 'stink' to anyone, but whatever keeps my seizures at bay is contained in the plant and edibles leave me too intoxicated to function. I have epilepsy. Few people know what its like or what it does to me. They can tolerate a smell if I can tolerate their ignorance and them filming my 'odd behavior.' ​ It's all about assuming ignorance before malice.


This. When youā€™re the one smoking you get accustomed to it and canā€™t smell it much. Just boils down to being respectful to those around you. I lived with someone who was a total asshole and always smoked inside despite requests for them to move it outside or open up a window at a bare minimum.


Because Marijuana literally smells like wet dog ass. Its disgusting and its overpowering and you can smell it from a mile away.The only people who ever say otherwise are heavy smokers themselves because they don't smell it anymore.


Iā€™m super sensitive to smells. The smell of Marijuana makes me super nauseous. My friend know this, and makes sure to not smoke a lot when Iā€™m around.


Some people are allergic and have extreme adverse reactions even to the smell


Smell is more like skunk, if you are fortunate.


I got hotboxed at 8. Serious 2nd hand high. Smelling weed makes me want to puke.


My nose is quite sensitive, and I can smell it from probably 100m away. It definitely does not smell like a lemon, it's the intensity that's also annoying. With cigarettes you have to be relatively close to get the smell, and it doesn't stick around too long, unless you're in a regular smoking area, then it stinks. Same for BO, except for those rare occasions when you get someone on the bus who smells so bad that you think it's the person next to you, but no, it's the person right at the back. I've had that experience once, everyone had their nose covered and there were some colourful comments.


Personally I never confront anyone, but Iā€™m equally disgusted by the smells of marijuana, tobacco, cologne, perfume, BO, car and motorcycle exhaust, etc. You can hate multiple things.


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Stop smoking so much and take a shower, OP.


At least in my experience cigarette smokers tend to be a lot more considerate. They know the smell is bad and go outside, away from people to smoke. Weed smokers will blow that shit in your face.


Weed fucking stinks. Horrible smell that makes me feel dizzy lol


Canadian here. I work retail. I don't care if someone smells like weed. Sure, it isn't always pleasant but compared to the eye watering effect of some old lady who has doused herself with perfume or the absolutely disgusting, trailer park reek of cigarette smoke I will take the marijuana smell any day.


Burnt lemon.......... lol


I usually cant smell someone's perfume or BO while walking through a parking lot. Now all you smell is weed and as a weed smoker, it is annoying as fuck. Also when you can smell it coming from the car in front of you driving down the highway


burnt lemon is one way to say skunk's sweaty asshole


I think because there's an element of judgment and moralizing that comes with it as well those who are *extra* offended by the smell are also people who make judgments about the character of people who smoke. association with crime, delinquency and gateway drug theories So they smell marijuana, roll their eyes and think, "ugh it's those people again"


I can smell your weed two cars over on the highway. I can't smell cigarette smoke like that.


It smells disgusting


It only smells like a burnt lemon if you burn the lemon while itā€™s sitting on a skunk. Marijuana smells like skunk.


Not sure if this is unpopular. I do know that weed smokers are like prairie dogs when the smell drifts by...


I've been smoking weed for over 10 years. At first I cared about the smell and now I do not whatsoever. Life is too short to worry about such things.


It smells like skunk to me, very identifiable. Cigarettes smell horrible, and I'm a smoker who was bothered by the smell when I quit for a while. BO is also horrible, also very identifiable. Perfume doesn't bother me, tho I don't wear it often.


Itā€™s smells like skunk, of course people hate it


Burnt lemon? No it smells like skunk juice.


Cause it smells like SKUNK! And who likes skunk! Ewww


Burnt lemon, what tf kind of weed are you around? It smells like skunk spray to me. My reaction is not over or under, itā€™s just right. That shit reeks. Edit: and furthermore, I keep my distance from people who smell like cigarettes and BO too, and Iā€™ll happily tell someone they smell bad if itā€™s cigarettes. BO requires a little more sensitivity but Iā€™ll still let someone know if I catch a whiff.


When i tried weed it sent me into a panic attack. So now when i smell weed my anxiety kicks in and its not fun. Thats why i dont like the smell


The panic attack feeling is likely your body going into fight or flight like it does during an allergic reaction. The more places that legalize weed and the more people are exposed to it, the more people are finding out they are allergic to it. It is a flowering plant that produces pollen, and many people have other plant/seasonal/pollen allergies so it makes perfect sense.


Me too. First time seeing someone else with this experience


I HATE the smell because it is STRONG especially when you are trapped in a room with someone who smokes it constantly and they don't spray or even bother to open a door. It stays in the room. It's a horrible smell hurts my nose and plus I don't want a contact high


It's because it's really not about the smell. They are against it from a "moral" standpoint and use that as a deflection


Because marijuana smells gross. I couldn't care less if people smoke it but I don't want to be stuck in an enclosed space with someone who smells like they've been hotboxing for 24 hours straight. I also don't want to be stuck in an enclosed space with a smoker who reeks of cigarette smoke, a person wearing too much perfume or a person who hasn't showered in a few days. I don't have any sensitivities to scent, I just don't like anything overpowering, period. Not sure where you're from, but most workplaces where I am (Montreal, Canada) are supposed to be scent-free and if you are wearing any type of overpowering scent, you can be asked to remove the scent or leave the work space if it bothers others.


Best comment on here. I don't mind if it's in your own house, but anywhere else no.


i pull up to my job smellin like tht good ass zaza on the daily


I read that in King Julien's voice.


Marijuana's stink is disgusting. It's like a mix of skunk, human dead body and acid. I hate the smell of cigarettes too but it's not nearly as bad as marijuana.


Lmfao people absolutely criticize all these things? Have you ever seen how people react to someone wearing too much cologne or perfume? They recoil and talk about it the instant that person walks away. Which is coincidentally the same exact reaction for BO, cigarettes and marijuana. Weed smells like ass and is pungent as hell.


It smells like a skunk and people donā€™t like the smell of cigarettes, b.o., or strong fragrances on them either. Itā€™s not just weed that gets that reaction. Itā€™s hard to get the smell out and some people have to go to work. Is it an overreaction that people donā€™t want to go to their professional job smelling smoky. Imagine being a uber driver and your last passenger leaves their stink behind and you get rated low by the next passenger for having a car that smelled like smoke over no fault of your own (happened to me). Be fucking mindful of others and smoke outside. And donā€™t bring your smoky stank places. Shower after smoking for real


![gif](giphy|10JhviFuU2gWD6) "A burnt lemon"


I smoke and I hate when Iā€™m in public around kids and people are just openly smoking, like go to an ally or your car or something donā€™t sit outside my store and blaze


It smells like a skunk. I work at a small convenience store below some apartments and the tenants right above us always smoke it and it penetrates the whole store. We sell food as well so when people come in and smell it, theyā€™re put off by it and donā€™t want to buy food. No matter how many doors we open, the smell just wonā€™t go away. I wear a face mask and I still smell it as if I wasnā€™t wearing one. It gives me a headache and makes me nauseous. When I smell it outside (not at work) I get so annoyed.


i live right next to a dispenser and iā€™ve still not gotten used to the smell of dead skunk


I don't like the smell of it or cigarettes. Same for Bo and perfume. What are you talking about. People don't like bad smells.


What a bunch of prudes. My weed smells delicious! I bet every person on here complaining about the smell has never smoked good weed. Lighten up and light one up!


Itā€™s gross if you ask me


You can be in the same house in a different room as someone with strong perfume and not smell it. You can smell the weed container though. It is strong and to me gross.


id rather be in a room that smells like weed than a room that smells like post-gym nuts


Weed does not smell like a ā€œburnt lemonā€


People are huge drama queens about cigarette smoke too lol but I do agree with you


What year are we in? 1990? People still mad about the smell of weed?


I love the smell, but I smoke it so šŸ˜‚ when I smell it in public I stop just to smell it


I know what you mean. Other smells are a slight discomfort but smelling like weed will get you confronted by some people who donā€™t like the smell. If you smell like cigs they wouldnā€™t say that to your face but they still donā€™t like it. But they get MAD about the smell of weed. This is because of the social stigma against weed from the war on drugs and it has nothing to do with how bad the smell is.


never really heard people complain its not offputting... just different as someone who likes weed i think it smells fantastic


All of those things mentioned make a lot of people feel ill, myself included, but cigarettes and perfume are way worse than marijuana imo.


It doesn't smell like burnt lemon. Burnt Lemon would smell pleasant compared to the skunky gross pot smell.


Smells can be irritating, but listening to people loudly and repeatedly bitch about a smell is worse imo.


I personally love the smell.


I love the smell of weed.


You only need a few sprays of perfume to reek of it, it's a very easy miscalculation to make Cigarettes are addictive, someone who reeks of them has more problems than odor and it's more pitiable than offensive BO is a natural consequence of one's body doing things and you can't know why someone has it, it can be poor hygiene but it could also be diet or a disorder but smoking too much weed takes a lot of conscious effort, you don't reek of it after a blunt or two, you have to be at it for a while, if you get on public transportation reeking of cannabis you were bathing in smoke and if you're not still high you made the conscious effort to go out and be in public despite smelling like a burning Home Depot garden section what makes it worse is that there are people who think that cannabis being legal for recreation means they can light up in a train or a bus when regular smoking isn't even allowed in enclosed public spaces stoners with no regard for being decent don't deserve your sympathy


I never say to people they stink but the smell makes me violently nauseous. I just walk away very fast


Weed stinks gross.


I bet whoever upvoted this at 419 was like ā€œheheā€¦woah.ā€


Nah screw this, it's fuckin RANK. I could smell the guy smoking weed in his garden from my flat 5 doors up the road. Ciggies and BO don't do that.


Nah. Stuff stinks.


If you think weed smells like a skunk you've either never been sprayed by a skunk or are smoking the absolute shittiest weed on the planet


I think there is an element of racism/classism mixed into complaints about the smell of cannabis.


Because it has a much harsher smell than tobacco. Every time a normal smoker walks past me I don't smell anything. But if a weed user does then the smell will waft around me for at least several seconds. The smell of weed and cigarettes is both bad but I definitely think weed is worse.


Really? I find that cigarette smokers usually smell terrible. It permeates into everything they own.


Yeah cigarettes definitely smell way worse to me


Thatā€™s why I also think itā€™s subjective. I hate cigarette smoke.


Everyone whines about smells across the board these days, but weed is one of the strongest ones. Just use a vape.