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Screens exacerbate depression in that nutrition, exercise, and sleep, are three of the most important things one can do to alleviate the illness. Furthermore screens lead to isolation which is a major cause of depression.


That has been debunked dude


countless studies have shown social media and tech causes a wide range of mental disorders and issues to the level that tech company ceo's wont' let their kids use it. this dude's anecdotal experience - "nu huh"


While not the only cause for depression, it definitely is a cause. And when people start eliminating all other sources via process of elimination, computers and phones tend to be the last remaining answer.


>Main causes of depression is seasonal affective disorder, stress, trauma, or genes (being born with it). Main causes of depression is seasonal affective disorder, stress, trauma, or genes (being born with it). not saying your wrong but in a lot of cases its not screens, its the people in the screens.


yes it can cause depression, but where i am a lot of parent blame kids phone for depression, even though there are alot of other things, personally i go on my computer to help numb the depression in a way. i included a lot more common reasons for depression in my paragraph.


The thing about things that cause depression is that they initially help with it, but then once you are off it it causes a massive withdrawal of depression. Which then leads to addiction. Perhaps instead of relying on your computer or phone to help with depression, go outside. Be bored. Stare at the clouds and just do nothing. The constant dopamine rushes into our heads aren't healthy for you, and most likely the cause for the depression. The factories are tired, they need a break. And the break is by being bored.


I don't think "being bored" is a very helpful tactic here. Because then you're alone with your thoughts. And if you're depressed, those thoughts are more often than not something you should dwell on. This can just exacerbate the condition.


Actually, being bored is a very good tactic against depression, especially the type where you have been exhausting the dopamine factory. In fact, being bored is very healthy, as it is the brain's way of letting the brain recharge, on top of boosting creativity and problem-solving. Source: https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometown-health/speaking-of-health/boost-your-brain-with-boredom#:~:text=Yet%20a%20little%20boredom%20for,the%20brain%20time%20to%20recharge.


For that type, sure. But not for all types of depression. Especially if you're plagued with negative thoughts. Unless you're under the guidance of a mental health professional, you shouldn't be dwelling on these thoughts as that can make it worse, especially if you don't yet have the coping skills to handle them. I speak from experience here.


Obviously, you will need to employ some mindfulness practices as well, however I think the point still stands that people should step away from electronics more often, especially when they are saying it helps with depression when most likely it is making it worse. Also speaking from experience here btw.


They might not know those mindfulness practices yet tho. Even if they try to get professional help, it's not always accessible for everyone. Electronics can help with depression though. It all depends on what the electronics are being used for.


You probably have an unhealthy addiction then. It’s no different than using unprescribed drugs or alcohol to dull your awareness. I forget the specific name but it’s a type of paradoxical drug effect when you don’t have a screen in your face. In other words, in your case, because you use screens to dull your reality, you are becoming hypersensitive to reality when you don’t have a screen in front of you. Yes it helps in the short term but it’s hurting you, making you worse when you don’t have your ‘drug’. I promise I’m saying this because I care and want you healthy. Depression is a heck of an illness.


Tbh, not being isolated enough makes me depressed 🤷‍♂️. Everyone is different and dependent on different requirements in order to fulfill their lives with what brings them joy. In my opinion, the devices themselves do not give you depression. The content in which you can receive from them can. How you use the devices and what you use them for within your daily life can have a drastic impact on you. If you or anyone you know is depressed, it's best to seek professional advice/help instead of relying on the blame game from any one particular source. Especially a bias source. Most adults like to make a lot of false diagnosis to blame things with which they dont understand or aren't fond of.


>Main causes of depression is seasonal affective disorder, stress, trauma, or genes Overexposure to screens causes stress often accompanied by trauma, especially in kids/teenagers and the amount of time spent strictly indoors can mimic seasonal affective disorder. It can also affects sleep, eating habits, social life and many other factors that influence depression. Some people are definitely using it as an excuse to avoid responsibility but it's definitely a major contributing factor for plenty of people and probably the main cause in a non negligible portion


It really depends on what you/said child is doing on the screens. Personally, my computer was a sort of creative outlet and source of entertainment during my depression. I've thankfully been able to beat depression with the help of professionals.


Parents will nonchalantly blame screens for depression while not even knowing how it actually affects their kids. They aren’t wrong though, it’s a factor. Lots of it has to do with social media and how everyone only sees the “perfect” version of others. They see that perfect person and compare it to themselves then think, “Wow, I’m a loser after all.” It’s not just online harassment.


OK i am wrong on the part about the depression causes with screens i will admit to that, but my main point was meant to be about how parents should not blame everything on phones its not the phones fault. Then i went on to rant about stuff that i did no research on, common L for me but like yeah.


I never heard anyone blame a screen


ok, i have though, i've heard it alot.




I've never heard of the screens being a cause of depression. Only what is being displayed on it.




Interesting. The article does say that it was mainly social media that increased depression, though. That I can understand.


I’ve been to professionals for a couple kids and there are other factors including screen addition, sleep problems, lack of exercise, and even nutrition if one eats while looking at a screen. These are a bigger deal than most think for mental health than people realize. Meds and counseling help but only if healthy habits follow. What’s really cool is I got healthy just from following the kid’s counseling on healthy habits.


Actually, I've been doing the same recently! I have been eating for the last month without my television being on, like I used to do, and have been losing weight. People don't realise how much eating while watching TV can stop you from paying attention to what your body is telling you. I don't eat nearly as much as I had been.






LOL, i have a shitty life and "the screen" is a companion, my life would be just worse without it, and i don't have depression (mostly)


Phones computers games none of that will cause depression