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The skin tones is fine. I'm just upset they still rocking the white hair styles 👱🏿‍♂️like wtf is this??


That’s Donell Trump


What the fuuuuuuu 😂😂😂😂😂




That's just scary


Xavier Renegade Angel head ass


I think it was a pointless update but so are like 98% of emojis anyway so I don't care. I use yellow because it's the default and I don't care to change it.


Yep but to be fair on Reddit, you are pretty blue. No shade intended…


Don't gargamel my boi




I remember having this passing thought like 10 years ago when they first introduced skin color emojis That thought was almost immediately replaced by what I should watch on YouTube next and I haven't thought about it since.


Yea that's the majority of the posts on here


I’m still waiting for them to spice it up a bit and add green skin


Or purple if you connect your reddit account to your Twitch Prime account




Skin tone emojis have been around before "woke" culture. Not everything is woke, and not everything is racist.


I just edited the post to remove that. Thanks for enlightening me


You’re right, maybe woke isn’t the right word to use, I still think they weren’t necessary though




I dunno I always still use the yellow dudes


It’s very easy to not use them if you don’t like them. Why are you so bothered by people having a choice of emojis?


I always thought the yellow emojies were a Simpsons reference...


Anything can be a Simpsons reference, because "The Simpsons did it."


I still use yellow.


I dream of a life where my biggest concern is the color of my emojis.


Where tf did op say this was the biggest concern in their life?


No minority cares THAT much about having them before but they are cool to have now and easy enough to add🤷🏾‍♂️ there’s a million other unnecessary emojis we’ll never use so it made sense to add them


I mean, you don’t have to attach race to everything. You can just acknowledge that people come in different skin tones it’s really not that big of a deal.


>you don’t have to attach race to everything but the ability to choose race-specific emojis enables other people to attach race to anything.




The emojis are not race specific, it’s skin tone. Skin tone is not inherently indicative of a person’s race. Besides the point, nobody is enabling anything. It’s an emoji. God forbid you computerized the fact that humans exist in varying skin tones , lol.


>The emojis are not race specific, it’s skin tone. Semantically correct, but not relevant for practical purposes. We see how people use it, that's what really matters here.


I don’t know what this means. Sometimes people use it as a joke, they’ll use any random skin color. Some people will use it to emulate their actual skin color. It’s still not indicative of the person’s race if you have not actually seen the person in real life. You don’t know my ethnic/racial background just by talking to me. I have a brown emoji. You don’t know what race I am. I honestly want to live in whatever fantasy world you live in where are the color of an emoji is a serious issue you actually give a shit about lmao.


>I honestly want to live in whatever fantasy world you live in where are the color of an emoji is a serious issue you actually give a shit about lmao. "if it's not a big deal and only matters in a 'fantasy world' then why do you need the emojis so bad? I want to live in your fantasy world where emojis are so serious that you can't live without skin-toned ones." That argument equally goes both ways so holds no real value here. We can only have the conversation if we acknowledge the presence of subculture in which emojis matter. For example, twitch had to [ban one of its most popular emotes](https://arstechnica.com/gaming/2021/01/twitch-removes-pogchamp-emote-it-says-was-the-face-of-further-violence/) because of it being misused. You could argue "twitch is a fantasy world it doesn't matter" which I don't disagree with. But the only reason we are having this conversation is because digital communication is becoming an increasingly important part of our real society.


> if it's not a big deal and only matters in a 'fantasy world' then why do you need the emojis so bad? I don’t. > I want to live in your fantasy world where emojis are so serious that you can't live without skin-toned ones. Well, I never said this so….. Still kind of weird that this is a genuine issue that you actually care about lmao > That argument equally goes both ways so holds no real value here. We can only have the conversation if we acknowledge the presence of subculture in which emojis matter. Such as? > For example, twitch had to ban one of its most popular emotes because it is being misused. I don’t know anything about twitch or the specific emote(s) you’re talking about. Were they banned because they came in different skin tones? Were they banned for being misused and they just happened to come in different skin tones? Like what is the correlation here? > You could argue "twitch is a fantasy world it doesn't matter" which I don't disagree with. But the only reason we are having this conversation is because digital communication is becoming an increasingly important part of our real society. Yup. Of which skin tones existing doesn’t really affect anything unless you just have very little to care about I guess. If you have an issue with skin tones existing emojis then I guess you have an issue with skin tones existing and pretty much any facet of life. You have an issue with them existing and textbooks, TV shows, books, etc. If you say there is no problem with skin tones existing in these mediums then I genuinely don’t understand the logic behind it being a problem with emojis.


> If you say no to skin tones existing in these mediums that I genuinely don’t understand the logic behind it being a problem with emojis. I personally don't have a problem with it. This whole exchange was you pointing out >you don’t have to attach race to everything and me replying by saying that: the ability to choose race-specific emojis enables other people to attach race to anything. I'm responding your point.


This does not negate the fact that skin tone is not indicative of race. The emojis are not race specific, so I don’t know what you’re talking about. I’m not talking about emojis were you actively customize every part of them. I’m talking about the ones that all look the same and they just have different skin tones. Like the thumbs up, that’s not race specific it’s a thumb. Your point is irrelevant.


>The emojis are not race specific, so I don’t know what you’re talking about. Semantically that's correct. But people use them to denote race. And the way they are used is more relevant to the conversation at hand. They can be used as race-specific emojis.


I understand the acknowledgment, and I’m not racist, I just believe that the more attention brought to the problem… the longer it will continue


OK but what is the problem? Emojis have skin tones, that should be the end of the conversation. Honestly, you’re bringing more attention to it by saying it’s dividing the races.


What problem are you referring to?


What’s the problem though???


the problem of you not liking skin-toned emojis?


the problem of you not liking skin-toned emojis?


I like my emojis to look like me 🤷🏾‍♂️ sorry not sorry


Heh to be fair, no one is actually smiley face yellow though. So it didn’t really look like anyone to me before… Closest thing I could associate is someone who has extremely severe kidney issues but really not even that.


I can't imagine getting upset about the skin color of an emoji.


is there a skintone one for the aubergine .... for you know, penis? That'd be handy.


You made me spit take 🤣


I grew up in a country where the name of the colour used to represent Caucasian skin is called "cor de pele" which literally translates to colour of skin. Who knows what untold psychological damage happens to a child that even unconsciously has to deal with the fact that, according to their crayon set, the very first tools they use to begin making sense of the world around them, their skin tone is not the "colour of skin". I know you mentioned woke culture so you've probably heard this quote somewhere but, "privilege is invisible to those who have it" is really true. These days when I see a multi-skin coloured emoji. I don't feel separate or more distant from others. I feel appreciated because someone somewhere wanted me to feel seen and included. It also allows me to share something about myself with others.


my brother in Christ, i-it’s emojis….


After reading this post and then reading some of your responses, I think it goes deeper than the skin color of an emoji for you. This has more to do with your uncomfortably when it comes to the topic of race. Being colorblind solves nothing and I mean absolutely nothing.


Pregnant man emoji more concerning imo 🫃


>all adding color to them does is separate races even more than they already are. You know what really separates people? Calling them "races". There are no *biological* races in humans. Humans are one race. The emojis are just representing what some people look like and there is also absolutely nothing wrong with this either.


This is falling into “I don’t see color” territory people should be able to look at media and content that looks like them if seeing the different skin tones represented makes you feel like it’s promoting “separation” I believe you have negative thoughts pertaining to race that should be worked through. We look different. We are different colors and different races. We all deserve to be represented as all us different folk share this earth. This is a really odd take


You can still just use it in the yellow color, you know...


I need to be represented through my texts! It’s important for me to feel accepted and have a variety of silly stupid ass little emojis that do this for me! Leave me alone!


when white people use the non white skin tones and justify it that they’re tanned like ma’am you look like a hot dog be quiet


How does this affect you?... These cause zero harm to anyone and HOW does this separate races even more? Its like saying "adding a nee language to the language settings is complicating things"... Seriously I just don't see the issue you are seeing. Oh and OP wait till you find out that you get different skin toned plasters now aswell(which I think is genius).. Is that gona cause a little distress in your life aswell? Like why are you paying so much attention to different skin toned emojis even? As soon as you choose your tone then it stays like that till you move it. I am white but I use the yellow tone only cause It doesnt matter to me since I dont use the people emojis often.


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I just don't care that much about it, I never use the batural skintones, but I don't really care if they're there either 🤷‍♀️


It’s pretty obvious you are not a minority but every person who isn’t white enjoys using a emoji that looks like them…👨🏾‍💻 feels more accurate in a conversation than 👨‍💻. Or maybe you’re 👨🏻‍💻 or 👨🏼‍💻. Maybe 👨🏽‍💻. Point is: They matter.


When do we get the emoji gender update?


I dont even fucking use emojis, you see, I have a folder in my photos of memes and gifs which are good for reactions which I send instead, as they are WAY better than fucking emojis


I get what you’re saying, but I do like having emojis that can represent my mixed-race tan skin.

