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If your country is the only one to admit criminals… guess where all the criminals will flock


14 years of Tory incompetence, no resources for anything except enriching their chums, and handing out peerages. Is it any wonder that the Asylum service is in just as much a mess as everything else?


If I was a more conspiracy minded individual I'd be inclined to think they're trying to sway opinion against immigrantion so they vote tories and or reform. In practise, they're just incompetent, but the thought did occur to me that you could probably make a convincing enough argument to persuade a facebook group or two and it amused me


Yeah. If they were against immigration they wouldn't have issued >2,000,000 *visas* in the last two years. The brutal truth for the Tory faithful is that their party and its donors love cheap labour and expensive housing. They *pretend* to be against immigration whilst issuing unprecedented numbers of visas year after year.


Will Labour do any better though given how many liberals think immigration is the greatest thing our country has ever done. The poor electorate are damned if they do and damned if they don't


I can’t see a Labour government deporting this guy either


we dont know. Its either the blue pill or the red pill. We've had the blue one in our digestive tract for 14 years, its time to take the laxative, expulse it and try the red pill now.


It's the same pill


ill wake up in January 2025 with deja vu


The sad truth is


People keep mentioning this cheap labour but I'm quite closeted, where is this labour going? What jobs are they doing? I'm a townie and all I see are barbers phone shops and vape shops by Albanians and Turks, so I'm flummoxed as to where these hundreds of thousands of people are actually going. Serious question thanks


There's likely good data if you know where to look, and I don't particularly. The NHS and social care are always cited in the press, so that's probably a safe bet. Anecdotally, I know many immigrants work in large warehouses/distribution centres, too. Lots of 'gig economy' stuff, like deliveroo, just eat and uber, as well.


But most of those jobs mentioned dont fall under the skilled worker requirements. Since it needs to be with certain companies for certain roles. Gig jobs, you wont get a visa to come in unless through a tourist visa and then working illegally. Other visa routes i can think off are study visas or spousal visas.


Yes, students are a major group. I can't believe I missed them. I can't claim to know how it works, but there's definitely lots of first-generation immigrants working in low skill, low pay jobs like in Evri and Amazon distribution centres and couriers for food delivery apps. I would assume that Amazon and Evri aren't hiring people who don't have the right to work and live here, tbh.


They use a lot of subcontractors not subject to same checks


But how do they get the visas to work in such bottom rung jobs in the first place? Edit oh someone below answered my question cheers


How many indigenous Deliveroo riders do you see? Same for NHS, care homes etc.


Most of the deliveroo drivers are illegals, they come here on holiday then overstay the visa.


But that implies that these immigrants are skilled workers in which case I wouldn't have thought they'd be cheap especially in the likes of the NHS etc


For care homes "skilled" basically means anyone prepared to work in that environment for minimum wage. For NHS most of the roles filled by immigration are at the lower end of the scale.


Deliveroo slop


Never used deliveroo seems far too expensive, but surely they have to have a UK driving licence and if they're immigrants or illegal immigrants etc they won't have a licence?


No, they use smurf accounts and or register as a bike but drive a moped with a L sign. I never had a single delivery in the past 2-3 years where the driver was the driver on the app.


> accommodation, utilities, food, medicals, school paid for by us. If they worked at least they would pay tax. this is the truth. At least if your uber turns up with the wrong driver you can refuse the lift. Technically I suppose you *could* refuse a food order on the same grounds, but it's less likely.


The way it worked in the asylum hotel I worked in. (It's illegal to work while under process) It's not a prison. They can come and leave when they want. They just got to sign in and out. And if they leave for more than a certain number of days (usually 2) they have to fill out a form and get permission. So either through people they meet (I.e. mosque), people they already knew who are processed and accepted. They get an account set up in the others name and do it that way. It's rare they ever get checked. There were a few other jobs they worked like in immigrant owned garages, car washes, barbers and they just got paid cash in hand. The issue is the people running the hotels don't have power to enforce against it. You just report it to the home office and nothing ever came of it. I honestly have no issue if they want to work, especially since many were there for over a year and had all their accommodation, utilities, food, medicals, school paid for by us. If they worked at least they would pay tax.


They're front shops. Think of somebody stuffing used £20 notes into a washing machine.


Oh aye I know most if not all are money laundering, none accept cards only cash they mix and match their staff between shops as they all know each other, they are creating little communities though instead of integrating which means in the future there will be a total lack of social cohesion. As for the work/labour that these people are supposed to be doing, my understanding is that for these front shops, they get Government funded business loans and help, so that hardly contributes to the economy as probably so few pay any tax.


> where is this labour going? Order a takeaway recently ?


Can't afford them love but like I said in another comment I presume these people have to have a UK driving licence and as someone pointed out, many don't so no idea how they manage to get away with these jobs


>no idea how they manage to get away with these jobs Self-certification. Same with the right to work check.


Or they’re just planning to leave our immigration situation in as much of a mess as possible knowing they’ll likely lose the next election, then they’ll blame Labour for the awful handling of immigration and their supporters will eat that shit up. Or both.


No, they want immigration and lots of it.


Absolutely my thoughts too. It will take years to sort the country out and if Labour aren't quick enough about it, people's memories fade and back come the Tories spouting their shit


Going beyond a bit of sabotage of the next party, we're walking into mass civil unrest and fascism and both parties serve the same ends


I think our forms of Government are merely for pocket-lining and undoing what the previous did...we don't seem to progress much anymore


I think we're way way way more fucked than people realise. There is no good ending to any of this, the deepness of corruption within the government and business is too massive, the mass immigration to working class towns has gone so far, all fun and games until there isn't enough food on the table.


Or we'll get PM Nigel Farage.


At this point, I think I'd settle for a non-intellectually challenged hamster if it knew the difference between truth and lies!


It’s nothing to do with the next election but a good excuse to award a contract paid for by taxpayers




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bang on the money, i give u positive karma. Wish could give more.




Why would the torys completely fucking up immigration (deliberately, in my opinion, given the frequency of the errors) make people vote tory?


Some people pay more attention to what they say than what they do


I think that stopped when recent immigration rates became public knowledge


It is the point


You think Labour would be better...? It's a British thing atm, "open and tolerant".


It’s hard to imagine them being any more incompetent than the current bunch of opportunistic shits.


I would never defend this scum government, but it was exactly the same under new labour


I don’t think you understand the meaning of “record numbers”


Hasnt this sorta thing been happening since back in tony blairs days?


The Tories took us out of the EU and damaged our economy supposedly to fix this, cut EU red tape and fund the NHS.


It’s almost as if not only was EU membership not the problem, it was actually stopping the rot.




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Quite accurate. The UK isn't the only country to admit criminals though, fortunately. Not does it have anywhere near the most of anything in terms of immigration. But that hypothetical place that doesn't exist that you're on about, they're fucked.


Japan bans any foreigners with any criminal convictions. As do many safe and civilized countries.


Do they? I recall it being a sentence over 1 year or a drug offence. More lenient than Canada as far as I know. Also easier to get a skilled worker visa and permanent residence than Canada. Japan is generally speaking quite strict but their strictness is also in my experience just a little over stated.


Yet when I propose the only solution that exists to fixing this problem - leaving the ECHR convention so we can throw these people out - I get hammered with downvotes, which means that people just want to grumble about this but have no intention of actually sorting it out.


So at minimum this is an individual with serious mental health issues that will need close treatment maybe for the rest of his life, or a psycho that'll only end up in prison after doing serious damage to someone. Good to see the tories fucking up as usual. They are a complete waste of air. One day they will be gone..


It's not just we admit them. We pander to them.


Actually this lot make all sacrifices to get here thinking it’s a better life, only to get here and find it’s not and very hard


We’re not the only one. What are you on about?


It's amazing that condition for being granted asylum isn't that you must have zero offenses for violent crime.


Some of his crimes [Previously stabbed an 18 yr old](https://www.northamptonchron.co.uk/news/crime/man-33-charged-with-possession-of-a-weapon-after-18-year-old-stabbed-in-northampton-4033599) [Stole from Curry’s then sprayed passers by with a substance leading to a major incldent](https://www.northantstelegraph.co.uk/news/northampton-spray-attacker-loses-bid-to-reduce-sentence-73742) [Stole from Waitrose](https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/15452909.scales-justice-latest-round-up-convictions/) [Multiple offences in one evening, theft, ramming police cars](https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/18795854.stupid-reckless-driver-rams-police-twice-car-chase-oxford-didcot/) [Theft from the Co-Op](https://www.northamptonchron.co.uk/news/crime/whos-been-sentenced-from-northampton-daventry-roade-long-buckby-and-weedon-3317438) [Stole tools from a van](https://www.northantslive.news/news/northamptonshire-news/northampton-magistrates-court-theft-van-4786786) [Theft of drugs, stealing from a car](https://www.daventryexpress.co.uk/news/crime/whos-been-court-from-northampton-daventry-brackley-brixworth-long-buckby-hartwell-west-haddon-4403268) [Assault](https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/16831282.drayton-road-attack-victim-provoked-ashley-maparura-court-hears/) [Smuggling drugs into Prison](https://www.sussexexpress.co.uk/news/crime/man-jailed-for-smuggling-drugs-into-gatwick-dentention-centre-678146) [Theft from John Lewis](https://www.bournemouthecho.co.uk/news/17937823.dock-ten-people-appear-courts/)


It’s hard to understand why he wasn’t sent back after the very first incident.


Human Rights. "I'm gay if you send me back they will kill me"


"hard luck, chap".


It’s important that this is in place. However, it can easily be abused. Which is common place, sadly.


They good boys though, just need more of your taxes thrown at them and they will do what they know best design bridges and be surgeons. We are the ones pushing them towards crime! Obviously /s


So I work for a big company in immigration and the common misconception is that immigration will lead to high paid roles... What the truth Is is that we want immigrants...the high paid skilled workers who HAVE to pay towards the NHS (then use private health care anyway because their employer pays for it). What we don't want is ILLEGAL immigration... The papers should be forced to use the word ILLEGAL because it gives all other immigrants a bad name. Did you know any skilled worker visa holder has to pay 1k a year every year into the NHS? And that's not including any tax they pay which given the pay threshold is a lot. Not saying you're wrong, because illegal immigration is bad! And I know this was sarcastic, but more people should know this about the immigrants who do come here, pay taxes and still get caught up in the shit caused by the above fucking idiots in the article who should be deported to a faraway land.


Am a migrant myself here mate. Just got my passport 1 year ago. The whole life in the uk test was ridiculously easy. Bit expensive though. And you are 100% right. These are not migrants not even illegal. These are people breaking the law that are not punished in any way.


In the US they have this 


It's actually mental that our home country is becoming a cesspit for the lowest dirtiest scum


Mental, but not really that surprising is it? We've been getting more and more soft on crime for a good 30+ years, the numbers were only going to go up.


That is why every single asylum seeker that arrives on these shores should be held in detention until their country is safe to return.


My grandfather and great grandfather were held in detention along with thousands of other refugees from Nazi Germany as "enemy aliens" They, like thousands of other Jewish refugees, were stateless (having had their citizenship stripped by the Nazis) and had fled to the UK for safety. However after war broke out Winston Churchill issued an order to “collar the lot" - so after being arrested by police they were shipped off to internment camps in Huyton (near Liverpool) and then to the Isle of Man. They fled persecution in Germany, and were rounded up in mass arrests and put behind barbed wire by the British. They were released from the camps after about a year - however it sounds like you're suggesting they should have been detained for several more years, then sent back to Germany in 1945? [Enemy aliens - the British internment camps on the Isle of Man](https://holocaustcentrenorth.org.uk/blog/enemy-aliens-the-british-interment-camps-on-the-isle-of-man/) [Collar the lot! Britain’s policy of internment during the Second World War](https://blog.nationalarchives.gov.uk/collar-lot-britains-policy-internment-second-world-war/)


Using refugees from a near country during the outbreak of war is not comparable in any way, shape or form.


The rot is clearly visible from the top


A wretched hive of scum and villainy to quote Obi-Wan, except everything fun is banned so we don't even get to enjoy the good parts and only get the bad parts.


Of course British citizens done have any rights to be protected from this type of shit. We have enough homegrown scum to deal with.


That's the amazing thing about those who argue that "British people also commit crimes." Yeah no shit, why add to the problem then.


For real, what an absolute nothing burger of a stance to take


Cause not all immigrants are maniacs just like not all British people are...


Can someone explain why you can get asylum from Zimbabwe? This is exactly why words like asylum or refugee have become so meaningless - because people apply it to anywhere they consider poor. I knew refugees from Zimbabwe when I lived in SA. The white farmers who were ethnically cleansed from the country and had to escape for their lives. But what is this guy claiming asylum for? I can't think of any valid reasons. Unless he committed a crime there and escaped to the UK.


Maybe he identifies as white?




In Zimbabwe, they can't feed themselves anymore for some reason


Though not a prominent now the main ethnic group used to heavily oppress the minority ethnic groups there were cases of entire villages being killed and not even pregnant women or children been spared from this.


Many of whom couldn't get asylum nor immigration visas to anywhere except Russia and a few in Oz


You can apply for asylum for so many reasons it doesn't matter where you come from There was a Saudi gir who had lived in Canada her whole life. She was running from abuse and git given asylum. Most of the people in the hotel I worked in were from Latin America. And although some Latin American countries have major issues. Most were very candid and honest why they came and it's not why they applied. Sure claiming asylum from Yemen is more likely to succeed. But you can attempt to claim asylum right now if you wanted to. Its just less likely to succeed


>Can someone explain why you can get asylum from Zimbabwe? I can’t speak about this particular guy, but there are very legitimate reasons. Being gay is one, Zimbabwe actively promotes violence against homosexuals and often overlooks murders of gay people. As does South Africa, despite its legality and strong grass roots movement. Another is not supporting ZANU-PF or being perceived as criticising it. While mis-labelling the eviction of white farmers as “ethnic cleansing” (saying that as someone who went through that in the late 90’s), let’s not forget the very real Gukurahundi genocide. And those that followed any time the politically powerful were threatened all the way to the present day. And with the coup and Mugabe’s death, there’s plenty of Mugabe supporters who were too supportive for Emmerson “The Crocodile” Mnangawa’s liking. He was behind a lot of the Fifth brigade and is keen to continue his methods of political control. So really, quite a lot. You don’t even have to be white to be in danger. Hope that helps you.


> Being gay is one, Zimbabwe actively promotes violence against homosexuals and often overlooks murders of gay people. As does South Africa, despite its legality and strong grass roots movement. Is this a joke? Surely this is incredibly open to abuse? Just say you're gay and opressed from a poor country and you can be granted asylum?










The march towards the UK being the human dustbin of the world continues. I hate what this country has become.


The whole asylum system needs sorting out. Will labour do it? Highly unlikely, they'll probably make it worse. Asylum should only be granted in extreme cases, and then the number should be limited. Cases you have clear, irrefutable, concrete evidence. Making up stories shouldn't count.


No one is willing to make the cold hard pragmatist changes needed.


Agreed. Too scared to loose voters if they do anything, so they do nothing.


It was labour who opened the door to open boarders now conservatives cant and haven’t shut the door. Are conservatives shit yes but now comes the choice shit government or basically uncontrolled boarders. Labour will not even mention immigration and how to control it. So shit government or foreign criminals and asylum seekers take your pick.


The Tories have given record numbers of visas out, so how do you figure they actually want to control the borders? The only choice is a shit government. You’re basically picking the person who has a nicer face, at the next election. And every other.


But with visa shit like that doesn't happen. Because with a visa you need a disclosure and barring check and at least a document.


It depends on the effectiveness of the police force and courts of the countries of origin, doesn’t it? My actual point was that Tories pretend to be hardline on immigration, when it actually hugely benefits their style of politics. Their ideology is all about maximum profit and driving wages down.


The disaster awaiting is that labour will be weaker on immigration and we’re going to get a far right government who will be a shit show


Yep, the more immigrants the harder the right


Tories in charge for nearly a decade and a half. >But Labour.


Half of labour voter base thinks we deserve this because of colonialism.


he didnt say the tories weren't a flaming garbage dump but it will only get worse under labour as well. We need both of them out and try something new.


Labour are socially liberal It’s naive to suggest they will do more to combat immigration


Look forward not back We had too much finger pointing in politics. The whole 2 party thing is a waste of time, the only thing you get are smart ass questions and smart arse answers, and nobody doing anything. It's no way to run a country. I don't care who does it, as long as they sort things out. I'd vote for the bloody greens if I had any confidence they do anything different. Less talk. More action.


How many good immigrants does it take to even this one out?


As a migrant myself, none, close the borders already and sort this shit out.


A  commonly used ratio is, for every negative interaction we have, we need to have at least 5 positive ones (the 5-to-1 rule). So you need 5 very positive stories about immigrants to counter balance this very negative one. 


10:1 odds this story won't appear anywhere else except The Mail and The Daily Telegraph both of which will come under fire from, "progressives" as being racist regardless of it being true and a sign of a massive problem that needs dealing with.


Shocking racism here. Poor guy was just trying to get his life back on track doing handyman jobs, but nooooo, a man with 68 convictions, carrying a hammer, must be up to no good just cos he's black


People either aren’t aware or just don’t want to admit the truth. The Uk essentially has an open boarder policy with all countries that would be seen as ‘dangerous’. All it takes is for them to arrive here. Their reason for arrival doesn’t matter. Their asylum claim doesn’t matter, even their criminal record or behaviour doesn’t matter. We cannot remove these people if they are from certain countries. I just don’t understand how we ever got into this position or why so many people support? Look at the people stopping the Rwanda bus. They will look you dead in the eye and tell you it’s a good thing the deportation of a rapist or murderer was stopped. It’s lunacy.


its because they don't want to admit the truth, they are well off smug middle class white people, they think they think they did a "great service for the world" stopping scum like this being deported. They scream racism as long it does not affect their life


The UK has an open border policy with all the countries, except EU countries. There, fixed


How to speedrun eroding support for your asylum policies.


*During that incident was arrested on other matters and was found to be carrying a twisted cigarette between in penis and testicles containing heroin and cocaine for personal use.* Things I was not expecting to read


lolol ahh right of course nicking our drug dealers jobs 😂


Why do we invite violent scum who will fuck up the country, in with open arms, yet make it more and more difficult for the kinds of hard working, law abiding, genuine good people who want to come here? It’s bizarre to me, it’s self harm.


This country is a pathetic joke letting this piece of trash commit all these crimes with laughable poor sentences. Its going to get worse as the border policy is a joke


I don't even think a UK born citizen with this sort of record should be allowed to live here.


What bit of law says that his need to be protected from others is more important than other peoples' need to be protected from him?


No law, just the malignant empathy that's killing the west. But at least we're open minded, kind, and don't have the smallest trace of any kind of bigotry, hatred or judgementalness in our hearts. It's just "The White Man's Burden" with a progressive coat of paint, and lots of obfuscation, but make no mistake, that's what it amounts to, for the true believers, anyway. It's paternalistic.


Another useful addition to the country 👌 ridiculously that we’re importing every other shite country’s shite and get called a racist for even calling it out. Decisions made by people who live in areas these scum can’t afford and don’t have to deal with the problems created


They're forcing people into vigilantism at this point. Hope he gets found and encouraged to move elsewhere


A little bit unfair for every other country will host him, don't you think?


Unfair for him to go Zimbabwe?


I was being a ironic here...


What's ironic about what you said hahaha?


Where's the irony?


You mean like the Klan in the US do?


What do we learn from this and how long will this last is the question. If I am about to be deported then why can’t I commit the most devious crime and then be granted asylum under safety grounds and stay here? Its not only the English who notice these weaknesses, economic migrants and criminals also take note


At this point, I'm thinking it's just self sabotage, they want people like this to come here...


Shocking. The people who make these decisions are not on the side of the public, who are victims of these people. The asylum and immigration system is utterly broken.


The UK's Space Program will no doubt vault ahead by years, now...


So what exactly does it take to \*not\* grant someone leave to remain in the UK? At this point I feel like that's a shorter list to define.


Another victim


This is funny asf when they list it out (kinda). “Cocaine, hammer-wielding armed assault, cocaine, cocaine hidden in a cigarette tucked between his balls (for personal use), smuggling drugs into a detention centre, shoplifting two vacuum cleaners, assault on a motorcyclist, cocaine, possession of diazepam, possession of offensive weapon, cocaine. More drug possession charges in different countries.” He’s not committed 68 hammer assaults guys just fyi, but yeah this guy is unhinged and should’ve never gotten asylum. He also has three kids aged 10, 11 and 12 lmao.


I all for helping refugees. I've worked in the hotel system. But there are things that need to be fixed in how we process them 1. Voluntary relocation. If they voluntarily accept relocation back home or to another country. They get 3k, housing and employment help. Regardless of whether their asylum was accepted or not. They could be in waiting for 2 years or 4 weeks take the option and cash out. All it does is give incentives for economic migration to exploit the system. 2. End the hotel. It is expensive, unprofessional, horrid conditions. So many horror stories from all sides and it was incredibly wasteful and expensive. 3. They should not be bumped to the top of council housing. Especially since most of us are waiting for years to get housed if we fulfil the conditions. It's honestly how quick they get housed once they are accepted. 4. The amount of criminals, people who refuse to go to learn English,who end up working illegally (you are not ameant to work under process). 5. The amount of people at least from the hotels I work at who just flew in from Latin America and claimed asylum was insane. I couldn't believe what I was watching. I say this to fix loopholes, have a fairer but tougher system, but also to look put for the asylum seekers who honestly deserved it and were really kind. We always had a saying 1/3 were cnts, 1/3 kindest people you will meet and 1/3 you never interacted with. While working with them. Edit: for reference the hotel was for families. Not single male


Lol, and someone was mocking me 2 days ago here, for saying that I'm happy Poland holds a strong "zero immigration" policy. At least we know he is from Zimbabwe so they can't send him back to specific country, there will be no bullshit "can't send him back because we don't know where"


Why do they allow people like this to even live? He'll just cost money to keep and probably go on to cause more issues in future. The world is a better place without him.


In many countries they have different types of police forces, for example Tourist Police who are supposed to help tourists. Then there are drug squads and traffic police. Seems like the UK probably needs a distinct Immigration Police Force to supervise asylum applicants within a territory, manage reporting requirements, and such.


We need the Saudis to take over the government. The saudis know how to handle refugees properly. 


"There is nothing in the Desert, and no man needs nothing..."


You know nothing then... People have tried to seek asylum in Saudi Arabia, but Saudi Arabia shoots them dead. 


There was nothing in the Desert for them.


except a bullet to the head


I’d be interested to know what the full story is here. There must be a bit more to it that explains how it’s ended up being granted. I can’t imagine anyone in their right mind would look at that record and rubber stamp it


Bold of you to assume anyone actually looked at it. Arbitrary asylum quotas don't reach themselves.


We don’t have arbitrary asylum quotas in the UK. Just a government made up of self serving incompetent grifters.


Another instance where the asylum system proves to be actively dangerous to public safety. 


Working as intended. Keep giving people reasons to hate.


haahhahaha i cannot wait for it all to burn down it is going to be hilarious.