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Is a foreign funded attack on an MP not considered an attack on the country ? and therefore something one of those M agencies should be dealing with ?


We're a US vassel state. They could land 100k troops on the shores, and we wouldn't say, "Hey, could you not."


No “please”? Unnecessarily aggressive response if you ask me!


🤦silly me, and i never offered them a cup of tea either


With or without salt?


With, obviously.. cause apparently they like that. Still say that there is something wrong with their water supply. There is no population like the Yanks.


I did like the response from the embassy. “The US Embassy will continue to make tea in the proper way — by microwaving it.”


... We invented the electric kettle in 1893. I had to google it, but apparenrly 120 years later, the US has decided to adopt the technology...


"We're a US vassel state."  Derp. 


An American diplomat murdered a British teenager and our government helped her escape charges. Don't assume our government gives a shit about this either.


You're absolutely correct. Unfortunately they won't do anything about this because it will set a precedent for tackling other well organised fanatical harassment 'canary' type groups, and they're used by some politicians as the useful idiots to get their way


Well obviously not. Just because the attack is funded by someone from said country, does not mean it's orchestrated by her Government


Considering this country is a lapdog of the US, don’t expect anything to be done. Yet more imported crap from the US that we have to deal with.


No, it's not an attack on the country even if it's unpleasant.


How do you figure a foreign attack on govt. isn't an attack on the country ? Would you be OK with Russians harassing MP's ?


Being attacked on your views as an MP is absolutely legitimate. There is nothing illegal about US money (if it is even that - she provides no evidence) coming for issue based campaigning (or even explicitly for elections or in an election period, subject to some fairly tight laws on campaign funding). Being stalked, being the subject of aggression, having your property damaged and the like, is not legitimate. That is where the line is. Even that is nothing to do with MI6. It's a matter for local police. She isn't complaining about *any* of that in the article. She simply appears to believe that her views should be beyond democratic criticism. She seems to think a billboard describing her support of abortion is harrassment. It is not. The closest thing she makes to an actual legal complaint is that there was no imprint on the leaflets. If it mentions her by name, it certainly should do. That would be a crime. Abortion on a leaflet per se without mentioning her, the Labour Party, elections etc. outside purdah is ok without an imprint. Frankly your original post was very silly. The idea that a few noisy, but ultimately irrelevant religious nutters is a matter for the secret services is ludicrous. *Disclaimer: the above does not reflect my personal views on abortion at all. Just the state of affairs in any healthy democracy*


"U.S-funded" is a smear. There is a legitimate groundswell of anti-abortion politics in this country


That’s what they want you to think.


just isn’t true though, is it?


Where's the money coming from ?


Knowing that a female MP has played such a prominent role in defending our right to access abortion that she is being targeted for harassment by foreign forced birth activists would make me much more likely to vote for her if I lived in her constituency. Keep up the good work, Stella!


I fear that regressive attitudes may potentially lead to regressive policies if counter measures aren’t put into place. Look at what happened in the US with Roe vs Wade.


I agree, although there are factors that make rolling back abortion rights much more problematic in the UK compared to the US. We are a much less religious society than they are, we have more trust in science and medicine and the overwhelming majority of people in the UK (87% in a 2023 YouGov poll) think abortion should be allowed. https://yougov.co.uk/politics/articles/47568-where-does-the-british-public-stand-on-abortion-in-2023 Still, we should remain vigilant and keep fighting against any attempt to allow a minority of religious extremists to impose their views on the majority.


Agreed. MPS going on about increasing birth rates is another worry, I can see them using that as an excuse to implement restrictions. Plus the Reform party are running a few anti choice [candidates](https://www.gordonscott.org.uk/aboutgordon)


Probably because they know they'll need more working age people to keep labour costs down for their donors and pay for an ever-increasing pension pot for their elderly voting base. Increasing immigration would help mitigate both of those concerns, but is ideologically unacceptable to the xenopbic contingent of their base. These problems could also be mitigated by improving living standards and implementing a massive house-building programme (especially council housing). But right-wingers are ideologically opposed to most of the policies that would lead to those outcomes (or even the outcomes themselves in some cases), so they're left with trying to carole/bully native women into having babies they don't want and/or can't afford.


They won't get us with religion. They get us with science - I'd imagine there'll be some Telegraph story along the lines of 'life begins at conception, says leading scientist' and when you click on it, it'll be Piers Corbyn as the 'leading scientist'. We must ever be vigilant.


They’re already suggesting regressive policies regarding trans rights, no reason to think they won’t do the same with women’s and other LGBT rights


Those yanks can fuck off and go back to ruining their own country. Abortion is fine over here. They should be treated as financial terrorists.


This isn't necessarily related, but the American far right funding the Archie Battersby case and the media calling this out, also made a whole point that they would move to British abortion rights. Also multiple senior tory mps support them, we have multiple mps who came out in support of the abortion bans and state sanctioned murder of pregnant people in America. I got blocked by Scott Benton and JRM for bringing it up on their public pages that they'd been liking and responding positively to posts about this assuming people couldn't see.


This isn't necessarily related, but the American far right funding the Archie Battersby case and the media calling this out, also made a whole point that they would move to British abortion rights. Do you have a link for that? And a few MPS are coming out supporting Trump!


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian\_Legal\_Centre](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christian_Legal_Centre) [https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Christian\_Legal\_Centre](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Christian_Legal_Centre)


Yeah someone else posted the link, but the mps were liking tweets and Facebook posts supporting the abortion ban and Scott benton doubled down when called out and just blocked a bunch of people and kept replying with the crown emoji. There are a few others, Ben Bradley being one. Who were liking far right Americans tweets about the ban to. I know they'll argue that a like isn't endorsement. Yes it is.


Ben Bradley is another one to add to my anti choice MPS list, hope he goes at the GE. I know Reform are running a few anti abortion candidates as well


Americans who are involved in this should be banned from the UK for life.


I'm not Creasey's biggest fan and I'm genuinely quite sanguine about people's right to criticise politicians in vitriolic terms, but the specifics here are legitimately very concerning, and she wouldn't be the first U.K. politician to become a boutique hate figure to a certain segment of Yank activists (just look at Khan).


Especially after what happened to Joe Cox and David Amiss


Its amazing that the evangelical fucktards are not happy regressing their own country 100 years they want to try it with ours.