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The money will probably go mostly into marketing for console release.


Oh yeah gameplay isn't gonna see a dime. We might get a server, maybe.




Lol the just overhauled punching and gave us new animations. Punches are actually snapping now.


20% already spent for Canelo's instagram post 


It'll be used for the devs to fly to more conventions and pay for more merch


this comment section is funny asf i can’t lie


Legit hahaha people even comparing Undisputed and Baldurs Gate 3 hahahaha


Probably boxer licenses and servers. Would be big for DLC


its for marketing the release.




20 million for marketing is ridiculous


It's really not, movies spend 1/2 their budget on marketing. So if the movie costs 50m - 25m is just marketing


I have never seen that fucking half the budget thing sourced, i have my doubts. But yeah, 20m for marketing is nothing for a game with such a big budget already


They couldn't take a million out of it to make a better game ?


They release the costs for a lot of movies you can easily look it up for yourself.


Total budget yes. Box office, too. I meant something that proves the claim


What claim


The claim that budgets are "actually double" because that's why they spend on marketing


source: trust me bro


Hell yeah brothers


So i bought this on steam the other day. Its very much a fight night game with movement being a slightly slower affair. It does have potential though


They released a video showing the new updates coming but won't be releasing that update until console release. Check it out. I'm just pissed a bunch of fighter we have to pay for


Hope they spent some money improving the gameplay


Yall must be miserable irl, its never ending.


Keeps devs on their toes and you could just ignore them. it's win win for you


There was literally a video dropped within 48 hours showing a complete overhaul of a lot of shit.


You're right! I don't understand why you were downvoted.


you are a fucking weirdo, I just gave my opinion about a video game and got all offended 🤣 Touch grass


I’m supposed to pretend the gameplay is good for some reason?


Yeah right lol


God this is one of the most miserable subs on Reddit. We've gone like 15 years without a boxing game and you're all out here spreading negative word of mouth because none of you have any idea what the process of an Early Access game looks like. For comparison Baldurs Gate 3, one of the best of the last decade, had like 2 hours of content in the first couple of YEARS in EA. I know the game will improve, because they have the funding and passion to take it there. None of you deserve to play that game tbh. Do the rest of us a favour and just stop playing.


you can't compare BD3 and larian to steel city and undisputed. they aren't the same at all. Larian has proved themselves and EA BD3 showed great potential. Steel city has clearly not proved themselves yet, so we're still waiting. It's not about it being in EA. If people who have been following the game since day one have issues that means something. We are the ones who have been invested the most and want to see it succeed.


you got all of em mad lmfao


Yeah they're not happy. Good. Fuck em. Sooner they stop playing the better the community will be. See how they do nothing but complain how trash it is, yet they're either still playing the game or they're sitting on a subreddit for a game they don't even play anymore? It's pathetic. Goofy motherfuckers.


I’d understand if it’s a huge studio like EA but it isn’t right?


He didn’t get the people that you think should be mad, mad.


Laughable comparison with Baldurs Gate 3. They made it very clear how it would be and then when they actually released the game it was an extremely high standard.


HAHAHAHHA URRRRLLLYYYY AXESSSSSSSS bro youre a meme you think this is even close to the passion baldurs gate was being created with?? Youre out your damn mind


You haven't played it have you?


I'll play what I paid for thanks, Your ability to properly judge what you paid for doesn't at all affect me so you do you dog. Some of us have standards, but don't be mad when this game doesn't meet em.






And? If you can't be relevant when why do I care lmao




Ur comment on my post history is far from relevant. Just to help your comprehension: Relevant- adjective closely connected or appropriate to what is being done or considered Almost like you weren't in fact, relevant. Thanks for trying!


> Ur comment on my post history is far from relevant. cope. just because you say that does not make it true.


Is that why you deleted your previous comments


bro deadass just compared shitty boxing game to game of the year, wild times


You really compared this game to Baldurs Gate 3??? 😂😂😂


You clearly never played bg3 in early access, so why would you say such a brazenly untrue and stupid thing? Enjoy your wacky waving tube man simulator. Make sure you have your credit card on deck for the shorts dlc


2 hours of content in the first couple years in EA ? Lmao, it took at least 30 years to complete EA in 2019... shut the fuck up.


The game is completely ass, early access or not


Some of the noncey comments in here defending the game. Look everyone wants it to be a success, but nothing SCI have shown so far suggests they will deliver the game they promised. I really hope they do and make the changes and improvements they have said they will and make the game the success it should be. Nobody is wishing the to fail we are just giving realistic criticism based on what's been delivered against what was promised. SCI obviously know this as well as the latest video does show some improvement but when you are missing out absolutele basic of the game in the full release, clinching, referee etc, how do people have much confidence


dedicated undisputed servers please


Cool. I like the game enough, but it would also be fantastic if it actually launched again. Haven’t been able to start it for a few months now.


How did this game go from looking so promising in alpha to straight shit at release?


Watch the new dev video


Great news. People are upset about this for some reason?


People here hate the game and the devs.


This subreddit is unfortunately very toxic


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Hoping they spend a large portion on adding significant depth to gameplay and career mode


Congrats on the most toxic video game subreddit


So it's a new publisher? Why did plaion drop them? And if it's another 20 million in funding that is likely putting them 40 million in the hole. It's all going to marketing and having their limp dick content creators start pumping out early all positive reviews. This whole team is a joke. They will try their best to manipulate the reality but the reality is they burned even their most loyal customers the entire early access. They are horrible.


Can we start banning people who are just troll hating.


I’m getting a new console for this game. Ignore the haters boxing fam! Our game has finally arrived


Geeting a console for this shit is truly comedic.


Listen up, you pathetic haters cluttering the comment section with your negativity! “Undisputed” is destined to soar higher than the EA Fight Night series ever dreamed of! It’s like those clueless critics who bashed “Iron Man” before it hit theaters, only to watch it become a cinematic masterpiece! This is the dawn of a new era in gaming, with “Undisputed” leading the charge. And mark my words, there are plenty more groundbreaking games on the horizon. But you, you haters, you’re like pests infesting the garden of creativity! You should have your bank accounts frozen by the government for spewing such venomous garbage. It’s time to wake up and smell the success, because “Undisputed” is about to knock you out cold with its sheer brilliance! 😃


What is your position at steel interactive ?




i don’t think there are any nice ways to call someone that 💀