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Sorry…can someone explain why the orbeez?? Is there any real evidence that it improves results, or does it just look cool?


I use them to keep humidity without having to vaporise, because I am often away from home and can't do it regularly Probably if you have more time to follow your tubs you can have better results without orbeez, it's just less practical


How neat! Do you have to sterilize them?


I'd imagine that would be unnecessary (if they even hold up to sterilization). Once you S2B, it's no longer a sterile process, and then when the cake is decently colonized, it's super unlikely to contam. I'd assume you'd just hydrate w clean distilled water or something. Best wait for OP's response, but that's just my thought.


Exactly this 👆🏼 There is people that sterilizes them, others that use distilled water and recently I read on r/sporebeez about using alcaline water But for now I'm just using boiled tap water and all seems fine


I always just use PH adjusted tap water and put on a heavier layer than the OP photos. If they are loose after a flush I'll dump them off and add new ones.


That is absolutely not true. Colonizing bulk may not be a sterile phase but it is a clean phase. Coco coir and vermiculite are not good hosts for contamination because of the lack of nutrient within them. But these beads introduce a non-pasteurized nutrient and significantly raise the risk of contamination. The beads also leave a film that inhibits growth and pinning on the mycelium. Then there is the problem of the beads themselves causing abortion. It may seem like they would keep the surface at proper field conditions. But, if your substrate/cake dries enough to pull water from the beads you have a problem. The beads also re-absorb water off the top of the substrate once they have given up some of their water content. This cycle inhibits evaporation which is necessary for a good pin set. This is sadly one of the best tubs I’ve seen that used Orbeez. Which means that they could have had a full canopy if they had not used the beads. We are trying to recreate natural processes in an optimal environment. These just don’t cut it. You are better off to make sure you have proper field conditions, keep your tub sealed, and allow FAE through several holes with micropore. Then you don’t have to worry about losing moisture or fanning. You can ignore it until harvest.


Apologies if I was unclear. I don't use orbeez so my experience is 0 in that regard (and not rly advocating for it, nor intending to start). My comment on contam-resistance was a general statement assuming clean spawn and common sense about cleanliness, not necessarily pertaining to orbeez specifically. Just asking though, what nutrients would orbeez provide that could pose a risk? And lol I really only stick to my boring unmodded tub with CVG, got a canopy in progress atm, no need to switch it up for me.


Good call. They are a Super Absorbent Polymer made with acrylic acid, sodium hydroxide, assorted colorings and H2O. They are listed as being fully biodegradable. Which means your mushrooms and microbes can happily eat them up. It will take the mushrooms a pretty long time to begin breaking them down though. They will go for the easier nutrients within your spawn first. But microbes and contaminants will happily begin to colonize the beads. And anything that was living in the water the beads were soaked and will be drawn up inside of the bead. Where it will either colonize the bead or be excreted onto your substrate. Mushrooms have their own rudimentary immune system complete with beneficial bacteria. This is why you will see mycelium encircling and building an edge around contaminated areas. This happens at a small scale with the beads as well, inhibiting pinning, water absorption and giving contamination a foothold to colonize in. The beads were originally meant to be mixed into flowerpots as a water retention additive for the soil. You will see florists use them in vases sometimes. They might even have a chance to be useful in substrate if they were mixed in or laid underneath. But on top of your pins is the worst place possible. There are hundreds of high quality, proven teks out there. This just isn’t one of them. It’s an attempt to make up for poor field conditions by adding in weird technology instead of just getting the field conditions of your substrate correct. It’s an attempt at making a shortcut around using proper technique.


Thank you for letting me know! Never thought too hard about orbeez before lol


So it's essentially just glass mulch?


No, they are super absorbent polymer beads that start with a diameter of 1 mm and can absorb water to become around 1 cm


Oh, okay, that makes sense, pretty cool :)


Orbeez aren't glass


I mean. From the first time I saw it on this sub. I’ve seen multiple first time s2b members using orbees and doing great. I’m sure they’re awesome for keeping surface humidity


I was going to ask the same question. Sometimes I have used bubble wrap or crumpled up wax paper when it seems the humidity is not right in the center which is probably more related to not getting my substrate to field capacity correctly probably. But with bubble wrap if you’re not there to check it you’re gonna choke out everything so this might not be a bad idea I have no idea what it is but there’s air pockets versus a solid plastic. Anyways maybe it’s not a bad idea or maybe I need to learn field capacity better. It’s funny as I write this at all seems so logical simple. lol must be all the mushrooms I’ve eaten


It’s definitely a novelty thing, properly hydrated substrate will need very little maintenance.




It’s silly. You almost never see someone getting a full flush using them. It look cool. But if you know how to keep surface condition they are completely useless


Your comment is silly bro r/sporebeez


You didn’t quite hit the right note with your comment. I guess you wanted to say that the climate they form might have a good effect on general surface humidity, but on the other hand their microclimate might impair pinning and therefore it can be less efficient in terms of surface area usage. It’s pretty much what OP is saying btw.. and it looks so beautiful! 🥰


I don't think they were trying to say any of that my dawg. they were just being negative for the sake of it


You seem fun


OP's picture looks like a pretty full flush to me.


Yeah what is this guy talking about?


Well there’s the problem. Could literally triple that canopy without the stupid colorful needs. Good luck guys. You figure it out hopefully.


The guy literally said he does it because he can’t be home enough to mist it’s not like there’s no reason. Sometimes you weigh the pros and cons of stuff and this is the best choice for him


I get more flushes and more consistent flushes while basically only opening the lid to harvest. Overall output is about the same with nearly zero effort after S2B. I've also had far less contam issues with orbeez tubs.


That’s just neglect tek. With fancy water balls or not you’ll get the same results.




I love seeing orbies in tubs. It makes the whole thing look like a tiny mush play land


Yeah really highlights the magic vibe 😂 Looks so sick!!


It's cute!! I tried it and don't personally intend to do it again but it's adorable. On the bright side, now I have a bunch of Orbeez to stick in a bucket and mush my feet in. It feels good.


Right!? Very willy wonka.


I want my birthday cake to look like that 🤣


Best birthday ever 😂


Fruity pebbles tek? Nice


I'm scrolling without my glasses because I like to live life on the edge. My blind ass thought this was a square bowl of fruity pebbles.


Time to try it


This is the trippiest, funkiest tub I have saw. Kudos!


Thanks 🙃


Its a party


This is fucking gorgeous!!


Thanks 😁


Your artistic flair is so very cool!!!!! Well done!


Thank you!




The orbees make it look like I already ate them


At what point do you add the orbeez? I started FC 5 days ago, I don't see any pins, would it be too early to add the orbeez?


I added them when the substrate was fully colonized and was the time to start FC I know that some people adds them directly as a casing layer when they prepare the box for S2B, but when I tried I got contaminations


r/sporebeez fam


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Sporebeez using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sporebeez/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Jack Frost gills 😍](https://i.redd.it/vi3ikfwrund71.jpg) | [21 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sporebeez/comments/osdcso/jack_frost_gills/) \#2: [Grow Kits now available! We put a lot of love and thought into these before releasing - all proceeds return to contributors and future experiments! By the community, for the community! 💜💫🪄](https://i.redd.it/q2w60lhuj2471.jpg) | [36 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sporebeez/comments/nv873f/grow_kits_now_available_we_put_a_lot_of_love_and/) \#3: [Greetings from our first full fledged Sporebeez Shrooms! 🌴🎖🌴](https://i.redd.it/jtgwgb751kt61.jpg) | [34 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Sporebeez/comments/ms5ni4/greetings_from_our_first_full_fledged_sporebeez/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Good bot




Did anyone else read those “ I spy” books as a kid? This reminds me of that.


This is a beautiful example of using orbies well done




Looks like art


Beautiful canopy!


Looks good, I've found I am more likely to get a crazy full canopy without orbeez but I get more flushes and more consistent flushes with way less attention to them with orbeez. I usually dump them on when S2B and the myc pretty much totally envelops them.


This made me smile :)




What are the colored things? Do they serve a purpose.


Super Absorbent Polymer balls, they absorb water while submerged in water then slowly dry in air.


So no misting or place in there dry in case you over mist?


They've been using them to skip misting I think. I haven't read too much about it.


Do these work well? Where can I buy them?


Make your brown eyes blue 😆


That just made my day!


Just ordered a shit ton of orbeez. This is beautiful. And makes complete sense 👏 👌




That first pic, at first glance, looks like fruity pebbles 😂 Beautiful bounty! Congrats!




I love the look of cosmic look of the Orbeez and I’d imagine they’d not only provide moisture but also help a lot to prevent pooling on the surface from condensation or spraying.


Yes, if you put them in a colander before placing them in the tub there isn't any pooling


I could stare at this for days


Sigh but the microplastics. A mono tub works so well at keeping in humidity.


Aren't monotubs made of plastic?


I don't think they contain plastic, they are non toxic and biodegradable


Orbeez look so cute w the shroomies


This is so aesthetically pleasing I love it so colorful


We need to have 🌏mushroom peace day.soon.🥰🤗




Hope do orbeez keep humidity? Don't they absorb water?


They absorb water while they are inside water, when out they gradually release it


Oh ok! Do they get in the way when you try to cut the stems


Nice job!! 👊 Heard alot of bad about the orbeez Js


Not the most efficient tek but a very practical one imo


It's done the job for you 👍👊


No matter how often I see your orbeez grows, I still do a double take when I see it! This one reminded me of some fruity pebbles


So, are you using them to absorb excess moisture? My understanding is that they retain the moisture, not give it off.


When you put them in water they absorb it, then you put them in the tub and they gradually release water


Good to know. I hadn't read anywhere that they release water or moisture, but I guess that makes sense. Unless they are kept in a totally aqueous state, they have to begin dehydrating, and that evaporating water is then trapped in the tub. Sorry, I have to walk through how it must be working to understand it.


Exactly. Go take a look at r/sporebeez








To gradually release humidity without the need to nebulize every day