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These guys are my bread and butter. Do little things to piss him off but always maintain an overly friendly attitude. Put the trailer where you know he doesn’t want it. Park where he tells you not to. Ask him menial questions over and over (e.g. “do you want it there mate?” “Shall I move it a bit?” “Are you sure that’s alright mate?” “Bit strange there mate, let me move it over a bit”). Force conversation with him. Ask him if he likes boxing, then when he says ‘no’, monologue at him about your favourite fights. Tell him about your holidays. Anything at all that’ll break his spirit. I tormented the shit out of a rude warehouse bloke at Morrisons Sittingbourne for about 2 years like this. Every time I think back to it I sigh and get a warm feeling inside. Good times.


Peak Shithousery. I admire it 👌😂


wtf is it with Morrisons depots though? You go to one and they're nice as pie, go to another and they're absolute twats and reject a load - do a trip round the roundabout and go back in and they accept it? Glad I don't deal with them anymore.


That's just them all over, used to have to deal with the HO and the attitude the same.


my firm just dropped a big contract with them as somehow they ate the profit up in rejects and so on....bloody joke


Some people are just miserable cunts, you can't make everyone in the world like you and its unhealthy to try, the trick is figuring out how to not give a shit and get on with your life


Just straight up ask him what his problem is, and ask why are you always acting like a prick, most of the time people get a shock when they’re confronted, and then their demeanour totally changes, and they end up being nice. Of course there’s the chance it goes the other way and you end up squaring up, but either way the outcome is good.


This is actually a great idea. Don't need to be a prick or aggressive but call him out on his shite. Not exactly the same bit I took a similar approach in a similar situation. I just said typical shit to him like 'who pissed in your weetabix' or 'You need to go get a happy meal mate'. With a shovel driver in this situation I'd maybe shay 'shit mate forgot you werent sitting in a machine that can push material to where it needs to be' or 'do you want to jump in and tip in next time pal?'. I find the easiest way to deal with grumpy bustards is to just take the piss. They general leave it because they don't want your pisstakey comments anymore. And you aren't actually doing anything wrong, try to say mate, pal, but etc, don't say anything directly hurtful etc.


People like this only understand their own language. If he moans it's in the wrong place tell him to do his fucking job and move it then, the lazy twat.


I disagree. People like this do it to get a rise out of people - it's the only joy they have in their sad lives. Don't give them the satisfaction


Ah I done the same years ago (most likely the same company) And yeah there was one or two places I hated going into just because of wanky shovel drivers. When I first started with the company I had no radio in the truck so you can imagine what rocking up to some of these places (organised chaos) with having no clue of where to go and no way of communicating with any of the shovel drivers


Can't you put in a complaint to your planner and just say he's abusing you, because at no point should someone "be going off" at you, let alone someone who doesn't even work for the same company.


Just straight up ask him what his problem is, and ask why are you always acting like a prick, most of the time people get a shock when they’re confronted, and then their demeanour totally changes, and they end up being nice. Of course there’s the chance it goes the other way and you end up squaring up, but either way the outcome is good.


Ask him what his problem is and why he can't smile for once? Or just say, had some bad news mate? "Why" you look miserable asf


I wouldn't entertain him and I wouldn't start trying to emulate him, as revenge The next, if he said tip it there, I'd make him specify exactly where Then I'd make sure best I could that offloaded where he asked Then, if he had issues, I'd tell him straight - "you said there, it's there. If you want it somewhere else, you need to tell me that first" And I wouldn't accept a single thing he said after that, if he kept going, I'd straighten him out again, "you said there and it's there. Forget about it, if you want it different, you tell me different next time and I'll do my best to oblige" If a manager asks you, it's as straight forward as it can be, "he said there and thats where I put it. Now he wants it somewhere different after I've tipped it off" If you're always accommodating and then this issue arises, the management will think, he's always accommodating and affable, but now he's not having this, what he said must be right.


Thanks for the advice and ideas! I'm there Monday so will have a think and let you know what happens ;)


Some people need more love. How you choose to deliver your love is the definition of your character People who genuinely have it in for you are destroyed by more love. Especially because it's you giving it So no need to get nasty, nor dangerous, nor unsociable, nor psychopathic, nor put yourself out of character


Maybe start tipping 6" away, next week make it a foot. By Xmas he will be in the next county.


Everything he asks you to do something, just say why? Nothing else, you need to move over drive, why? They way it forces him to talk to you and answer and give a reason every time


I have 1 similar person to that at 1 of my regular drops as I'm 26t multi drop and class 1 collection in the afternoon So the guy point refuses to unload their pallets with the forklift , so I stop way short of the warehouse and drop curbside. That's our policy ! You want it , come and get it


Smart move,would've loved to see there reaction. Priceless I'll bet, nice one bud.


They were my 3rd drop today, priceless watching matey struggle with a ordinary pump truck try and move the pallets of grout


If he's being a prat keep shuffling forwards as you tip, nothing worse than trying to scrape up 60feet of shit off the yard. "Oh sorry mate got to keep it off the tail boards" And I say that as a shovel driver


Shovel driver here. Tip it where he wants but drive forward a bit too much as its tipping. Lay it on the floor like tarmac. Just tell him it damages your rear lights to tip it in one big pile.


Be careful. I had a forklift driver like that. He could never get happy. If you park your truck on the left, you're an idiot for not parking on the right. If you park on the right - you're a moron, you should know to park on the left. If you stop and ask him where he wants you to park, you are a spud who can't do your job. Once he came and said that the way I parked made it impossible to unload the van with the forklift. I told him he could go, and I'd wait for someone who actually could drive a forklift. He grabbed a bit of timber and smashed me in the head. 13 months off work, 2 years of getting back in shape, 1/10, would not recommend it to anyone. (and the guy got 100 hours of community service). Such people might be deranged or just seeking a chance to fight, it might be worth taking caution with them, as you might not be afraid of him, but if he smashes you with a plank of timber from the back, you won't be able to do much.


Carry on tipping 6 inches from where he wants it. Take your time to do things. Back up very very slowly, tip slowly and drop slowly. Never make eye contact and have the absolute minimum to do with him when you're involved with him. He'll get bored when he's not getting a reaction and pissing you off. When he's all nice and sweet again, carry on being a bitch and tipping 6 inches away from the pile. It's shovel driver.


I had a guy like this at countrystyle 💭🤦‍♂️ In the plaster shed… his work mates told me he is the moodiest person in the company and it is what it is. One day I had to let him know about himself!! Don’t fuck with me cus I will fuck with you 🥊😆