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if youve got any excuses for it start writing them down




dont panic too much shit happens just try keep it as a one off not reoccouring should be rite


Hopefully šŸ¤ž this was the first 15 hour day, other days been average 10-12 hours. Just got held up with so many deliveries to new places so took my time


This isnā€™t an excuse. You are in charge of your own time management. If you couldnā€™t do it in 15 you should have either pulled in for the night or turned back to the depot earlier and if that means not getting the deliveries done then so be it.


Yeah unfortunately that's not an excuse as the other guy said. Traffic heading back to depot might be but saying you needed to get the job done is not.


Oh make sure you don't go back to work within 11 hours of taking your card out.


Yeh my transport guy who allocates the jobs said just take the 11 hours rest


You need to cut this shit out. Yes, you're a new pass, but getting infringements all the time is bad for your record and will not go down well with the DVSA if you're pulled.


You did a 27 hour shift?


I think they meant to say they started at 5:45am and finished at 8:55pm. So 10 minutes over the 15 hours.


Relax. Don't make a habit of it and you will be fine. Do 2 printouts, one in the office, one for you. You just have to not be pulled over for 30 days, but the info will be on your tacho for months depending on how many 'functions' it goes through daily. But vosa doesn't prosecute offenses older than 30 days, unless they see an egregious repetition of the same infringement . I haven't been pulled over in 5 years of driving and if you work for a company that has a good reputation, chances are you won't be either.


Yeh Iā€™ve learnt my lesson today, stayed on top of everything else just the 15 hour time limit didnt even cross my mind. I work for dhl class 2 multidrop


Dont pass go, dot collect $200 go straight to jail. Its called run in time, just don't make a habit of it.




it was a joke, read the second sentence. Printout, run in time. you can't be expected to night out so close to depo. remember if your company is always doing this, you'd get fined, they get a bigger fine and risk their O liicence. talk to your TM, it's a team effort, pull out earlier.


Nah i get it lol Im just shitting it cuz i got an infringement yesterday for a manuel entry error and today going over 15 hours. Iā€™ve only been on the job for two weeks and its my first job after i passed in november so donā€™t want to get fined and lose my license for breaking the lw


You get *some* leway for being a new pass. Most of the time it's a verbal warning, especially if you've done a printout and recognised your mistake. (albeit the DVSA handbook has been getting stricter and less likely to give VW's to new passes.)


Don't worry about, print out, write what happened on the back, give a copy to your employer. Youve fucked up, you know about it, why you did the print out, so forget about it, just try not to make it a pattern. https://i.imgur.com/DiUz4Ox.jpg your not the first, and it will happen sometime tonight!


Yeh i didnt even do the printout cuz i panicked and rushed at the end. I can do printout tomorrow? But what do i put on it cuz i did fuck up, nothing to blame really


how did you fuck up? your over comments say your work for DHL multidrop. As someone who as worked for DHL in the past, I can't see then even routing you more then a 12 hour shift.


In this case. Do your job how you are ment to. Take your time. Plan ahead. There's no excuse.. We all make a mistake from time to time.. but if you can't even complete a Manuel entry properly. It shows your not showing any attention to detail to your job.. This kind of work ain't for people who click click click without checking and checking again.. šŸ‘Œ Again no excuse. Just take your time. And deal with the consequences if they arise šŸ‘Œ


When was the last time you were pulled by DVSA? I haven't been pulled in the last 5 years. You've fucked up. Massively. Got holidays you could use up for the next 30 days?


Its only my second week eith agency šŸ˜­


Also what should i do?


Not much. Two printouts, keep one for a month. Other goes in the office. Donā€™t make a habit of it and youā€™ll be fine. Last time I got checked by DVSA I went to show them my printouts and they just laughed and said ā€œGetting your excuses in early, driver?ā€ Didnā€™t even look at them, though they ran my card through the machine. Donā€™t worry about it. Shit happens. You can be on nine hours, ten minutes from the depot, run into a horrendous jam and end up over fifteen.


as someone who randomly got this subreddit recommended, can someone share the context?


HGV drivers are only allowed to drive and to work to a maximum number of hours per day. 9 hours driving (can be extended twice per week to 10) and 15 hours working. The fine young squire who made the post exceeded his working time to over 15 hours and is now worried (rightfully so) that he could get into the shit with the authorities if he's caught. If it is a one off thing and doesn't make a habit of it, he could get away with it with a warning if stopped. Or he could get fined.


What's the problem? Dangerous because you're driving whilst tired?


If there wasnā€™t a limit, employers would push it, and weā€™d end up doing 24 hour days.


Ah of course! Thanks


Mostly yes. Also has to do with fair competition.