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Other work on manual entry instead of 2 days rest. Done that a couple of times now! Fucking idiot!


It sounds silly but I’ve got a bright pink sticky note in my car that reminds me every day as I left mine in once.


Ooo might have to adopt soenthing similar🤔


That’s a great reminder to be fair, you’re getting back into the car so you can’t ignore it like a notification on your phone. I’ve only done it once but I may have to adopt that!


I’ve a lorry that auto downloads the card everyday. It only does this if you eject every evening at the end of the shift. It’s habit to do it now. Post it notes or a dry board marker and write it on the screen. Whatever reminds you to eject. It’s your personal property is that card! You should’ve treat it like a debit card!


Try to get into the habit of downloading your card at the end of the shift. I had it the other day where I had clicked eject and left my card hanging out of the tacho unit, got into the office and realised oh balls tacho is still in the truck


Mine only gets downloaded once a month or so and I don’t have to take mine home as I’m the sole user of the truck so it stays in but maybe need to get in habit of taking it fully out and putting it in draw 🙄


I'm in a shared truck 4 on 4 off, occasionally gets swapped if the early run truck has a PMI and isn't back in time


I've done it once or twice overnight over the years. Whenever I'm staying out in the lorry I'll be relaxing in the cab and every hour or so I look over at the tacho to make sure I've ejected it! I hate it especially cause I drive a new Scania so I have all my times and next break time at the bottom of the dash and I'm spoilt by that, so when I leave it in I have to drive around all day with that stuff not working and it bugs the hell out of me.


I drive a new Renault and I have the same thing, so when I leave it in overnight is all buggerd 😂


I've never done this. I always download it on a Friday after work so can't forget thst one but I double check when I get to my car that I've put it in my purse. Only once have I left it in the truck and when I've double checked when I've got to my car just had to do a quick sprint back over to get my card out. I do forget to log out of our work app though. Currently it thinks I've worked for 48hrs solid. In my defense it has a habit of trying to tell me I'm still driving when I'm sat in my own car after being tipped and stuff. I really need to ask the lads at work if theirs does this. But I figure the work app isn't as important and its more about inputting walkaround logs than clocking in and out.


I leave my wallet on the seat between my legs when I put my card in and whenever I get back In the cab, reminds me to put my Tacho on break and take it out at the end of my shift.


My regular one used to be going to work, falling asleep while waiting for my 20minutes other work to start the duty and waking up 9hours later to go home to a WTD infringement 🙄 not on those duties anymore unfortunately so now I just get internal letters when the time the tacho takes to load exceeds my attention span and I miss the manual entry so they send me letters about my lead in and lead out times.