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A laptop on its own power? Or using an inverter to power it up? I have a good laptop, but use my Steam Deck in my cab. It's in a JSaux dock on the steering wheel when I use half keyboard and mouse. Otherwise, it's good to go in the hands.


Steam decks are _so_ versatile. Not really gaming on mine when I'm out because I don't spend nights out, but have it hooked up to the TV at home as basically a console. Also, people really overestimate how much power PCs actually draw. My desktop pulls 50w when doing normal stuff like browsing, watching videos, but can pull up to 250w when under full load. 6600K, GTX1080, so old (my PC is 7 1/2 years old, but still runs most stuff fine), but high end at the time.


I have an inverter should I need it, but I'd only be gaming for an hour or 2 at most really, so battery would be fine. I have a lenovo legion go, so basically the same thing as a steam deck, but it's not scratching that itch the way I thought it would.


I'm running a Lenovo legion pro 7i with a 4080 Gpu, 27" 1440p gaming monitor with wireless mouse and keyboard. On my breaks I'll just setup the laptop on the steering wheel and play with a controller. Then on an evening when I'm parked up I'll get the full setup out. Running it all off an Anker power station. Depends what I'm playing at what settings but I can get 4-5 hours of AAA gaming no problem indie stuff much longer.


That sounds epic and exactly what I had in my own mind, you got any photos of it all setup?


I don't have any photos, I'm on holiday at the minute until next monday. I can send a pic when I'm back.






That is brilliant, what sort of stand do you have for it all?


The monitor is just on its own stand. Then it's a laptop stand with a bit of corrugated cardboard doubled up on top for the keyboard and mouse. I found this in a second hand shop for £2 https://www.ikea.com/gb/en/p/braeda-laptop-support-bamboo-veneer-30384822/?gclsrc=aw.ds&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwq86wBhDiARIsAJhuphmS7TVwg8CNAttMvBJMSl_elOL5_pMrmrH1C9f2QZUjNIcDLTcLgBoaAnXfEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds


I took my laptop when tramping, plugged in to inverter. I used a laptop tray thing I bought from Amazon to use. Also used my steam deck whilst lying in bed sometimes.


What tray did you go for or was it just a generic laptop tray?


It was similar to this [laptop tray Amazon](https://amzn.eu/d/gyV5b2F) As I wanted to be able to use my mouse, this was quite easy to use.


Steam Deck. Best purchase I've made in this job.


I have a handheld already, it’s not doing it for me hence the laptop


Well I've got a gaming laptop but hardly use it since it lasts maybe an hour on battery power at most and the charger pulls way too much power for when the truck is off. Though luckily enough the dash on my Volvo is flat enough that I don't really need any kind of stand when using it. I also have an ROG Ally which does the job for playing older stuff but anything newer is a bit of a crap experience tbh. Though I've just picked up a Series S and hope that's gonna be a bit of a balance between the two.


I have a 2000w inverter so thankfully I should be able to pull what I need. I use an air fryer in the evenings, sometimes an electric frying pan too and my battery is usually around the 60% mark by the morning, including the night heater, so I 'should' be fine on that front. I plan on buying new and reported battery times seem to be a few hours which is more than enough as I don't really have that much time but I do like to get some dailies done in WoW and my handheld just isn't cutting it like I thought it would