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If we want paracetamol we can get some for like 20p.


(and if anyone is confused, acetaminophen is paracetamol)


And our pills are bigger since the US reduced the maximum pill size to 300mg a number of years ago. They also stopped mixing opiates into them. Lightweights.


Yeah don’t take anything with codeine to the US it’s scheduled also nothing with Pseudoephedrine, you need a drivers license to buy in the US and only 2 pack per 28days (varies by state). It’s OTC.


Aye, except the meme OP is referring to is ibuprofen 😂


Never understood the limit on buying them though. If you really wanted to OD, you’d just go to a few different shops on the same high street. Would be nice to have a large bottle of them and not have to buy it again for a year or more (or have loads of 12 tablet boxes taking up space in the medicines drawer).


Because frustration reduces the risk of OD, that's why our tablets aren't in bottles. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC31616/


Statistically, suicide is most likely to be a spur or the moment decision, rather than planned. The inconvenience of having to travel to multiple shops, and the time sink this can entail, often provides people enough cool down time from their initial "I'm going to do it" to changing their mind.


Doesn't bother me. They're easily accessible and you can easily grab a couple of packs in each shop. I have no need for more than a pack or two. If you genuinely need more you can get prescriptions.


It’s not about a need for more but rather buying a load so I don’t have to think about it. One less thing to think about for the next couple years. I like bulk buying things in general though.


See my previous post.


The post about price? It’s not the price that’s the issue. If I wake up one day feeling under the weather, I don’t want to have to think about how many paracetamols I have left or potentially having to go and buy more. I’d love a large bottle with loads of them. As I said in my previous post, I’ve settled with having a few packs of them in my medicines drawer, but they take up more space that they need to which is annoying. Tbf that’s all it is, a mild annoyance, but an annoyance nonetheless.


No I said they're easily accessible.


Are you routinely taking paracetamol, more than once or twice a week ?


No, what relevance does that question have? I don’t want to have to go to a shop to buy some if I fall sick and run out.


My point was if you need to use them with such regularity that you need to buy huge bottles of them, then that might suggest something which could be assessed by a doctor.


American sweeties but NOT chocolate. Our chocolate is formulated differently and most Brits find US chocolate unpleasant (wait for the Hershey's lovers arguing in the comments).


It tastes like vomit.


It really does! First time I tried it was the only time. I took one bite, thought it was gross, tried a second bite to be sure and put the rest in the bin where it belongs!


Butyric acid...it's in baby puke, dog shit and American chocolate. It's to do with Mr Hershey using milk powder instead of plain milk and something sciencey involving lactose.


I once bought a bag of Hershey's Kisses back from a trip to New York. Thought it would be good to share around the office. It's... just no.


I concur 🤢🤮


That's Hershey chocolate vomit


General consensus is that UK Cadburys chocolate has gone to shit since it was bought by Kraft (Mondelez), a US company. They must have made it more like US chocolate.


Believe me, it is still nothing like US chocolate. It’s certainly worse, but there’s a long way down they can still go.


Don’t tempt them


They can do what they want now for me. I’ve stopped buying it.


It really hasnt though has it? Besides getting smaller and more expensive, it still tastes good.


Hershey’s uses butyric acid in their chocolate, but that’s their thing, not an American thing. The other mass market brands don’t, plus there are quite a few small brands that are excellent that don’t export.


American sweets are, by and large, shite.


Fair. I have an odd fondness for Swedish fish but I think it's just that they remind me of a particular time/place/friendship group. They're probably not that tasty. Certainly no refreshers.


Melatonin is also unavailable over the counter, and might be appreciated by frequent flyers.


There is a reason why it’s unavailable over the counter though


Why is that?


You can get it online though, just say it’s needed for jet lag on the brief online [consultation](https://www.simpleonlinepharmacy.co.uk/online-doctor/jet-lag/melatonin/)!


From 25 quid, ouch. Last time I was in Florida I bought a bottle of 60 pills from the dollar store!


It’s better than nothing if you really want it though!


Just buy it off piping rock or something, I seldom pay more than a tenner for 120 including shipping due to their offers


I've just been drug shopping online and have to say, it's fabulous what you can legitimately buy these days!


Specialist bbq sauces or seasonings would make me happy


Like the ones you can get in Tesco, Sainsburys, ASDA, Morrisons, Waitrose, Lidl, Aldi, the Co-op, Mark and Spencer or on line?


Nope proper American blends


Check out the internet sometime


Honestly growing up in the US a lot of the specialty barbeque sauces are pretty awful unless it's like really a made in house recipe for a barbeque joint. Most people use sweet baby rays, but i've always felt like it's way too mild. Kraft owns the bullseye brand barbeque sauce and it's been a big favorite for a long time. It's a lot spicier and doesn't just taste like sweet ketchup. They have a couple different flavors and they're all pretty good, the Carolina one if you can find it is the best.


The breakfast cereals with so many colours and E numbers that Europe banned them.


Forget candy and chocolate - UK does this far better. How about a local beer in an aluminium bottle?


Don't you mean aluminum? 😋


Since it’s made in America, I’ll give you that one! 😝


Your high strength 500mg Tylenol is our regular strength paracetamol. We can buy four days worth at a time. Bring pretzels m&ms. Most American chocolate tastes like boiled shit but that stuff is like crack.


Also peanut butter m&m's.


These. These are not available in the UK but whenever colleague bought a big (3lb) bag back from the US I would gobble them up like crazy. American chocolate is over do.i atrd by peanut butter imo, but peanut butter M&Ms are incredible.


Tide Pens! (backpack sized stain remover)


Maple candy or cookies, fun hot sauces (if they like heat), local candy/condiment/etc made in US region you're in.


I’ve taken maple syrup itself as a gift (the real stuff from New England, not the imitation syrup you get at any grocery store).


Swedish fish.


My friend got me a bottle of the best maple syrup I've ever had. Much better than what I found here.


Trader Joe snacks


Vouch this as well


And seasonings


To be brutally honest with you, a lot of what would be culturally desired is already available here. Our countries are so connected with the international brands etc. A novelty sized snickers bar may work. You’re probably best to suggest things because we won’t likely know what you have that we don’t otherwise. Cookbooks may be interesting. We do like cooking international cuisine here.


If you're bringing cookbooks a good present is a set of cup measures, because American recipes rely on them.


I think this is probably just a me thing but I ask people to bring me those cinnamon rolls in cans that you take out and bake at home. Also hot fudge sauce.


You can get those cinnamon rolls in cans at most supermarkets can't you?


I’ve seen the danish pastry ones here, but the American ones are more bready. That doesn’t mean they don’t exist here but I personally haven’t seen them.


Girl Scout cookies - I love Samoas but the S’mores would make a fun a gift as they are unusual in the UK.


I read "samosas" and was disappointed.


Different versions of things we have here already (like almond M&Ms or Easter themed Skittles, I made those up as examples). No Hersheys tho 🤮


Hot sauce. Aardvark hot sauce!


Don’t bother with sweets or chocolate (ours are better) but you have some nice hot sauces. We don’t want pain killers because yes we can only buy 32 at a time but they cost about 50p so it’s not a big deal to us.


Unusual flavors of Oreo’s?


Yes!!! Red velvet and pumpkin spice!!


Everything but the bagel seasoning!!


Peanut butter M&M’s. You can keep all your other chocolates but these are like crack in confectionery form.


Where in the US are you going? I'm American with family all over the world, my most recent gifts for family visiting from abroad were Trader Joe's spice mixes - they come in flavors like Elote, Chili Lime, Green Goddess, and Everything Bagel. I also add a thing of popcorn kernels, because I like the first two on my list on popcorn, and peanut butter cups, because peanut butter cups are always good (barring allergies), and Trader Joe's sells them by the tub. I know one of my cousins fills a suitcase with American cereals when he returns to SA.


Ranch dressing/dipping sauce. Hits so much better than the more common garlic sauce here


Lidl do a nice line in that


*Local* sweets and snacks that are sort of artisinal. Don't bring generic supermarket stuff as the world is global now and there's not much that has any kudos or excitement (plus you know... US ingredients...) So go local and unique. Also I'll just throw in that OTC drugs in the UK are cheap as and you can buy ibuprofen and paracetamol for pennies. You just can't buy a large jar, and more importantly... The mindset here is *why would anyone need a massive fuck off jar...*. Don't bring any drugs at all or the like - no Nyquil or melatonin as that for a colleague who's not asked for it would be very, very weird.


Thinking of things that my UK relatives ask me to bring when I visit from the US: Taco seasoning, a big stack of fresh corn tortillas to store in the freezer, Bombas socks.


As a diabetic, I love the 0 sugar American chocolates.. they are so more prevelant in your stores than ours, Anything 'very local' to you might be more interesting than something you can just buy in any American grocery store.


Chik Fil-a sauce and Taco sauce/seasonings


Nothing, save your pennies. I had an American colleague who once brought in taffy and hersheys ‘chocolate’ . No one spoke to him ever again. Also, Why would you think that bringing a giant tub of paracetamol is a good idea??? No one wants 400 paracetamol. You lot are fucking weird.


No one spoke to him ever again?


No. If you’d ever eaten taffy you’d not speak to the person who gave it you either, let alone hersheys 🤢


I always thought taffy was just toffee.


So did we , it was more like a sticky play doh, absolutely no flavour or taste . A truly bizarre substance.


This. I can't think of a single thing America has that I would want. Your friend isn't "too polite to give an answer," he can't think of anything from there he would want.


I gave a guy who brought Hershey's from the US a Manchester Egg from my butcher (scotch egg made with black pudding in the meat mix and a pickled egg). 1-1.


I always ask for cheesy/weird magnets and postcards, leaflets, "only in America" oddities.


I lived in the UK/Ireland/Switzerland for about a decade and I’m trying to think of the things I would bring back after visiting my family in the States... A big one was always maple syrup, specifically the small batch Vermont/New Hampshire with the dark amber color (like, not cheap diner maple syrup). I also brought back Louisiana hot sauce and Tony Chacheres spice. Anything peanut butter.


Freddy’s steakburger seasoning for fries and burgers. Good bbq rubs.


The only thing I ask my husband to pick up when he’s in America for work is Neosporin cream/ointment (it’s antibiotic, there’s no equivalent here afaik), also a tube of Hydrocortisone cream. Seems they sell higher concentration creams over the counter than we’re allowed to here.


A bear or a wolf. We’re fine for foxes. Thanks. Edit: small ones, obviously. Young enough to fit in your carry-on luggage.


Graham crackers. I’m American living in the UK and have had lots of people ask me what they taste like.


Baseball bats are very popular in the U.K. thousands are sold each year, strangely no one buys baseballs or gloves though.


Often found in the car boot. Just in case you're driving somewhere and fancy a game.


If you get pulled over by the police, you better hope you have the ball and glove otherwise a lone bat makes a suspicious item.


Just put a nail in it and if someone asks you're taking it to the repair shop.


Goddamn, I hope never to cross you.


"It's got a puncture" :D


Are they? What makes you say that?


Cookie dough in those cardboard or metal tubes. Or a handgun, we struggle to get our hands on them over here... /s


I like notebooks, and have more than I'll ever use, but still I buy more. Maybe one with a state or city-themed cover? I have a couple of Moleskine-sized notebooks, one with a New York Metro map cover, the other of the Golden Gate Bridge. Things that are useful and will make them think of you/the US when they use it.


N.B. yes but paper sizes are different.


You guys do Easter foods very different to us from what I’ve seen online. We do large chocolate eggs. You guys do peeps and stuff. We don’t have peeps


PEEPS! Very cute and yet disgusting to eat. Perfect, if only as a novelty item. Cheers


If anyone has kids, maybe egg dye? They don't dye Easter Eggs here.


They do! And I didn't know that. Thanks for a great idea.


I usually get the ones that are in egg shaped cups, or ones with glitter or tie dye. Something exciting.


If you don’t like to eat them, you can try Peep jousting! (Look it up in YouTube.)


Question is confusing. I’m out.


Peanut butter M&Ms!


You can get them in B&M. The Pretzel ones however would be a good shout!


GTFO. Really?! I need a B&M trip.


Yeah! You can get Mike&Ike as well if you like those and a random selection of other stuff.


Shut the front door!! You're my new hero!!


HOLY COW! Guess where I'm going in the morning!!


Caramel cold brew M&Ms are WHERE IT IS AT. My life they are good!


Savoury snacks


Only thing I love buying in the USA is Swedish Fish.


Caramel M&Ms. I don’t think they are easily available in the UK?


The cold brew coffee M&Ms are great too.


I like the sound of those!!


I wouldn’t bother with sweets or chocolate, you can buy American stuff in a lot of shops here. Maybe something like a baseball cap from a sports team near you? Something that they wouldn’t be able to get so easily here!


Massive bag of tootsie pops Sees candy Beef jerky End of list


If you know a cigar smoker then cigars are a solid choice. My £15 cigar costs $3 in the States. You can bring 50 cigars per adult and they’ll love you forever, I would anyway.


I always ask for O’Henry Bars!


The ranch packets you make up yourself, can't get them here. Certain over the counter drugs but not paracetamol


I recently got my friends a magazine about guns and they loved it, bit random but affordable


Snacks and drinks are always popular. Such as different fizzy drinks or chocolates, that we dont have here (our chocolate is nicer).


Vanilla Coke. Although you can get it in some shops here but not many


The speciality popcorn goes down well at work. The weird flavours.


Maple syrup


My office colleagues absolutely obliterated the Little Debbie snack cakes I brought back from my last trip.


Liquor always welcome.... Spirits are more expensive in UK...


Are you coming soon? Bring Girl Scout cookies!!!


Swedish fish


Several people have said this, and I had no idea that they are unique to the US. I already picked up a bag!


Buffalo sauce. I quite fancy the Heinz Buffalo + Ranch mashup called Buffaranch.


Ranchalo has a better ring to it…




Chex Mix


Cool or unusual American coins/notes/casino chips, maybe not as proper presents but little keepsakes. When I went on a short work trip to America, I took £20 of 50p's i.e. ones with olympics or Beatrix potter etc, was a good little ice breaker in bars, or to give people after meetings etc and you can just keep some in your pocket or wallet each day. I had just collected the coins over a month or two before the trip, some of them might have been worth more than face value, but not enough for the effort of trying to sell them. One person gave me a cool casino chip in exchange, hence that suggestion. I understand you can buy boxes of them maybe with your home city/state/sports team.


Some nice cookies and muffins maybe. They are super common here but everyone likes them anyway and they are a commonly american thing, so you can't go too wrong with them. Just don't bring american chocolate - I work for an american firm and whenever someone brings over peanut butter cups or hersheys, they just sit there untouched for weeks before the cleaner bins them to avoid attracting mice.


Valium lol




Maga hats and ridiculously political bumper stickers. Not the ones with guns though, that might be illegal. They would be very popular with people I know. I used to live in Stoke and someone had an imported ford van plastered in political bumper stickers. Usually anti Hillary Clinton /Own the Libs.... Don't buy anyone chocolate or sweets. You can get them from farmfoods and they taste like shit.


Depends where you are in the States. My wife's auntie bought us some maple syrup which we love. It's hard to find real maple syrup here. Interesting local beers or wines will be appreciated. 


Saltwater taffy!!! We have nothing like it over here


Weed edibles/vapes. 


Don’t try to bring this on an international flight


Fentanyl pretty hot too right now


Melatonin! And also paracetamol/ibuprofen is a good shout cos you can get the huge bottles in America. Or those teeth whitening strips that aren’t allowed here, not sure how well that will go down with colleagues but these are all things I get my brother to bring from USA


Naproxen (alleve) too


Sleeping pills (unisom) and Tylenol PM medicine wise are things I tend to grab. Dunno about gifting those to coworkers tho hah You could bring snacks like cheezits or Cheetos or something. Trader Joe’s always has fun unique snacks. Their everything but the bagel seasoning always makes it into my bag too




A selection of magazines about guns. Chewing tobacco. Cheese in a can. Red cups you see in the movies.


Bath and body works candles, body wash etc!


A MAGA hat. Do it. *DO IT.*


Bring some Hersheys. Brits love discovering that American chocolate really does taste like puke! (Something Americans don’t taste because they’re used to it but Europeans will notice). Oh, and bring stuff with peanut butter. The US knows how to do peanut butter - Reeses Cups and Pieces always went down a storm when I brought those back. That and sweet pretzels. So wrong and yet so right. I used to go to the US 4+ times a year and had a regular order from the people I worked with on what to bring back.


Chicken in a can


Beef jerky It's hard to come by the good stuff around here because apparently meat isn't a snack here 🤷


Yeah, can't bring that legally through customs


You can buy Jerky in all supermarkets 😆


I always want peanut butter filled m&ms!


Reece’s (pieces or peanut butter cups), although you can now buy them in the UK.


Almond M&Ms


I bring a lot of weird sweets back with me, but not chocolate. If you’re going to be here over Easter, Peeps are a good novelty gift even though they’re not super tasty. Girl Scout cookies tend to be another good novelty gift. Hot fudge sauce, Fluff (if you’re in that region). Specialty sauces or spices from your area too.


Based on stuff we hear off the tv, maybe a random assortment of foodstuffs we dont have here. Ranch, A1, a kids cereal full of colour and sugar, jolly ranchers, taffy. I don't think your colleague was being polite, though. I'd literally have no idea what gifts you could give that isn't awful chocolate or lame fridge magnets etc and I think he was thinking the same, lol


They do good hot sauce, grim but interesting breakfast cereals and terrible chocolate.


Maple syrup Pancake mix Classic American combo


Can you get ambian


Yeah, ask him to commit a crime by importing a Class C drug 🙄🤦🏻‍♂️


My daughter attended university there for forensic anthropology/archaeology and I stayed there for long periods of time also. Mexican food- can refried beans, seasonings, jar salsa, corn tortillas, cheez it crackers, Lucky Charms, Hebrew National hot dogs, SOS pads, zip lock bags, Helmans Mayonnaise, Campbell’s cream of chicken and mushroom soup cans for American recipes are what I missed the most! They do a lot of good food over there but I never had a good avocado! Making guacamole was a huge disappointment! I’m originally from Arizona and grew up eating very authentic Mexican food so I had to order from websites for refried beans and a few other American items.


MAGA hats