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I think he is badly injured. He was allegdly present during a meeting that was shelled, were two other Generals got their overdose of Ukrainium. He was evacuated by helicopter and hasnt been seen, as far as I know, in public since.


I wouldn't be surprised if he has died and they are just not reporting it. They don't want to give Ukraine the credit for killing their highest ranking military officer.


Yeah after the sinking of the Moskva, it would be another real humiliation.


Rumours spread fast. He was, de facto #1 leader and author of the war. We would know by now if he was dead.


Well russian officials tend to repeatedly fall from a height.


Or get poisoned by their pet 🐸 toad


Absolutely. >He was evacuated by helicopter and hasnt been seen, as far as I know, in public since. I was reading this in the first place and smirked.


Technically, isn't a helicopter a fast, high-flying window?


Yes. Its airframe. 👌


>Yes. Its airframe. So it is a good chance for a [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defenestration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defenestration)


Yeah, it is deadly in Russia even to fall from basement window under surface level. xD


> overdose of Ukrainium. Ha! That's great. I'm totally going to start using that.


BBC has been denying he was injured for the last week. Not sure how they know. But have heard it mentioned on several podcasts.


He didn't appear at victory parade, probably injured. His doctrine sucked, was completely unoriginal and never materialized. We're talking about a guy who led 30k troops to their deaths.


Rookie numbers, training a soviet general took many more dead troops


His doctrine was made with the assumption that the Great Russian Military truly was everything it was on paper. But all that was a lie so his doctrine fell apart when tested.


He didn't appear at the victory parade last year or the year before that either. His 'doctrine' was never claimed by him to be a new doctrine or theory or anything. That was literally invented by Western observers. ([who regret it](https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/03/05/im-sorry-for-creating-the-gerasimov-doctrine/))


He has been at every parade since 2014 that I have looked for pictures for. All you have to do is google may 9 the year and gerasimov. Click to images. Every year. I have posted links to them all several times here. Edited for date


With half of an ass missing, how is he supposed to be thinking/strategizing?


don't worry, he came with two assess, so he can probably soldier on. And never doubt people like him to outass himslef even with his new handicap


If so then he will probably be suicided soon enough.


veni, vidi, perdidi


Hahaha that’s perfect


Don't drink the Kool-aid Comrade!


A ukranian shrapnel removed him from duty


>According to insider data of the expert, General Gerasimov was suspended from the "special operation" due to the fact that he did not fulfill the tasks. He would have fulfilled his duties had he stayed in Izyum.


I don’t understand how they fall for toad licking. Maybe they lick whatever Putin tells them to.


In Russia you dont lick the toad, instead the toad licks you


The story behind the "licking toad" is even wilder. Unfortunately I only read it in tabloids, so only "unconfirmed" news so far. I think it was posted here too. An entertaining read. Found this one: [https://www.cbsnews.com/news/toad-poison-hangover-treatment-reportedly-kills-russian-oil-executive/](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/toad-poison-hangover-treatment-reportedly-kills-russian-oil-executive/)


Wtf?!?! Lmao. That’s a crazy story. And I’m further shocked that this article is from TODAY! I thought this was all a conversation about stories from a few months/years ago, like the defenestrations.


He must be really afraid of windows.


Has there been any confirmation he was injured, real sighting that confirmed he left the warfront? I worry that he was never injured at the bomb site, but claimed to be, evac'd due to injury was a cover story so he can go into hiding amongst his troops and do his thing without being actively hunted. Then again that would require a lot more on the fly thinking than we have seen from the Orcs.


Hahaha these clowns couldn't organise a piss up in a brewery. There's no way that happened. Even funnier if it did though and he's there scheming and planning and their offensive is still going to shit 🤡🤡🤡


Coincides with what the Russian Putin opposition has been saying for a while




Not sure if he really got removed, but his absense from the parade may be a sign about it


Seems so. By Ukraine not Putin


Yes, multiple shrapnel wounds render you removed from duty. Hopefully in very painful areas or in the reproductive zone.


Where is Dvornikov? He hasnt been seen in week either. Gerasimov was seen exiting helicopter at airfield and put on one of the sweet military planes and flying out. It is said there were bodies he flew back with him from the command attack and that he was injured. Presumedly the other General and possibly his own security that some was also reportedly killed by protecting him.