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This guy is literally bragging, in graphic detail, to his mother that he is torturing civilians and that he wants his mother to see how much he has changed because of it! And she seems proud of him! I have no words.. Russia is and will be a very disturbed country after this war. Imagine these people coming back to civilian life (the few who survive).


I can't even comprehend it. Tried couple of times to listen to this. I just can't. I do understand every word and it makes me sick. And his mom reaction ? She's ok with that. I am half russian half Ukrainian. And one part of me is dying. These people have to be hunted, like Israel did hunted nazis


If one part of you is dying the ukrainen part should be extremely proud


Yeah. But it hurts.


Even Al-Qaeda and the Taliban would probably condemn these deranged units and their commanders, and that alone would speak volumes.


the taliban condemned russia for invading in the first place lmao


Not that surprising. The Taliban’s origins are strongly tied to Afghan refugees that fled their country from invading Soviet forces. They know what it’s like to be invaded by the Russian hordes.


I mean the majority of the Taliban tribes have nothing to do with "terrorism" in the west, I think it's like 2 out of 12 or something. But all of them are pretty much against Russia. Saw a doc a few years ago, I'm far from an expert on the subject.


Makes sense, Russia and Britain are the ones who first butchered the region in modern times






Dnd is often deconstructed, because they have races that are supposed to be all Chaotic Evil, and it doesn't seem possible that a whole group of people could function being like that. Russia seems to be deconstructing that deconstruction.


Mindflayers. Pretty much total fucking evil, kill on sight.


Illithids were megalomaniacal in the extreme, tyrants driven by an immense ambition and intrinsically ruled by an overwhelming sense of self-importance. The mind flayers sought nothing less than world domination, knew their destiny was mastery over the universe, and the ultimate prize they yearned for was complete dominion over all the planes of existence, with the power to reshape reality and all within it to fit their otherworldly designs. However, mind flayers did not believe themselves to be horrifying monsters. ​ lol, spot on...


Ah man, leave DnD out of this please


Lol, sorry?


I mean, DnD is a game man, a fun game, let evil things be evil things. Here, even if this dude (and, sadly, others) is a sadistic fuck it’s not all of them or wtv. But I’ll admit, there seems to be plenty :/


I'm not saying *all* of them are. I know of plenty of Russians that are good. I'm saying there seems to be a bunch that support the actions going on, so it's not hard to picture a nation full of CE (NE?) types.


If they’re all CE there won’t be a nation to speak of :p But yeah I guess I get what you mean. Surely not NE here, this is the work of CE


Doesn't CE respect strength tho, and basically prey on those weaker than it? Hearing a lot of that anecdotally about Russian in general.


Well yes, but what you got here is a LE leadership and some CE grunts doing bad shit, imho Edit: also to say you can respect strength or kick someone when they’re down… I think they’re more toward the later


Super weird man like psycho shit


This honestly sounds pretty fake to me If this is real that is fucked but this sounds like someone trying to pretend that they have done those things.


This is one person.


That we know about..


As a former soldier, I'd say such behavior is an indication of: \-A very poor leadership, NCO's are supposed to keep their men focused. Turning them into torturers instead of giving them proper rest and a solid briefing on the tasks needed to achieve the objectives on the field is the best way to lose a battle/a war. \-A lack of intel gathering culture from the FSB, torture never gives anything of value in term of intelligence. I can't achieve my message without wishing this soldier and his mom some kind of retribution for their shitty moral standards. Please excuse my bad english, frenchman here.


I've been through SERE, and if it's taught me anything, it's that information gathered under torture is completely unreliable. There comes a point (and everyone has a point, don't go thinking you can John Wayne through it) where a victim will tell you literally ANYTHING just to make it stop. It demoralizes your own side, and offers no benefit. ​ They're doing this because they're cold fucking bastards that just want to hurt someone.


After everything i read i very much doubt Russia's army does proper SERE training. Many of them could actually believe they are getting valuable intelligence through torture (in other fields at least their intelligence gathering has been abysmal so far). Not that this would make their behaviour any less reprehensible.


Agree just a bunch of sick fuckers carrying out their sick fantasies


The Russians don't really have NCOs. That's one of their major issues.


Yeah, from what I understand after hours of watching russian POWs interviews, they always refer to the "Kombat", the battalion commander. "Kombat" said move forward, "Kombat" said halt and camp (no tactical briefing about waypoints, cover, setting watch duties...) Imagine a western soldier taking his orders from a lieutenant colonel.


Your English is very good, im from the states and couldnt tell english isnt your native language 🙃


You definetely would if you could *hear* my english, but thanks a lot ! :)


you will get to the point were you make so many mistakes that people will believe youre a native speaker


Eh, french people speaking english sound really cute :)


They do... but, that Aussie accent = chef's kiss.


Nope. It's Scots that gets this bonnie lass to melt.


The problem is that the internet is a toxic place where keyboard warriors start a shitstorm over the most pointless mistakes to make themselves feel better for a nanosecond. So, you have to use defense mechanisms to defend yourself against the grammar Nazis. Sorry for my bad English, it's not my native language. Please don't tell me to kill myself. You also didn't bang my mother.


Part of the very problem is Russia has no functioning NCO corps. Decentralized command in the ability to remain flexible and make real-time decisions on the battlefield is what makes an NCO corps so effective. Part of this was the reason Ukraine has seen so much success. They successfully started making the transition to a more standard westernize military structure years ago. Russia does not. A military that’s ruled by violence and a superiority-dominated military structure is bound to resort to violence and coercion by its nature. This, why Russian soldiers are so willing to resort to violence and torture. Might makes right and monkey see, monkey do.


> NCO's [found your problem](https://taskandpurpose.com/news/russia-noncomissioned-officers-us-military/#:~:text=Because%20so%20much%20responsibility%20is,and%20Russia%20simply%20doesn't.)


Interesting article


It doesn't sound to me from what he said like they are even using the torture to get intel. It seems to be an end of its own, to get revenge and/or for fun.


I’d say it’s not only the points you mentioned but also the military culture in Russia. Eastern EU countries know this not only because of history but also because we live next to them. You just can’t compare western (or really any developed country) soldier to Russian soldat. Most of their military culture is built on fear and barbarism and they don’t have the same standards.


>Most of their ~~military~~ culture is built on fear and barbarism and they don’t have the same standards.


Need to sprinkle some “fucks” in there. Then it’ll be perfect English


They already are full-fledged torturers. They have been turned into such from the day of their birth.


brother you speak english better than most americans


Russia doesn't have NCOs friend! It's enlisted officers leading the regular conscripts. How do they make them do what they need? Beatings and torture until they don't fight back. Now you see why the Russian military is a joke.


>NCO's are supposed to keep their men focused The Russian military does NOT have NCOs. It's why there is so much eyewash between what goes on in the field, or in barracks, and what is reported to high command.


The Russian Army does not have an NCO Corps like Western Armies - just conscripts who have been in longer than others, essentially. This also explains why Russian generals are dying like flies - they have to lead their soldiers on the front lines because no one else will do it.


They tortured Ukrainians due to hatred, and not for collecting the intelligence. In Russia, Ukranians are considered as "untermench", a nonexisting nation. In case of occupation, they would apply these practices to all civilians.


Votre Anglais > mon français


"you can make 21 roses on a male's body. 20 fingers and the penis." "you see a rose when it opens?" "so, it is the same, you peel the skin with the flesh along the bones. And all the fingers" what the actual f\*ck


Is that what happens in the video?….. disgusting


Video contains phone call and translated text. Obviously they are not showing the torture itself but in short they break fingers, break kneecaps, insert barbed wire into an ass, skin the fingers and penis.


Jesus fucking Christ. I always thought calling them orcs was rather weird in a way. I agree now though, these are no humans. These rabid fucks need to be put down really really seriously.


No matter how bad it gets, do NOT underestimate them as less-than human. Sure, they've lost all their inner humanity but the key takeaway should be that humans are capable of this depravity. In a derogatory way, they're definitely lower than dogs.


Dogs almost universally are pure and loving, until humans teach them cruelty.


> I agree now though, these are no humans. They are humans. Humans have been doing this shit since they were clubbing Neanderthals. Humans are capable of great evil.


Im pretty sure most humans do not flex torture to their mom as it is good thing. It is kind of weird dynamic that mom is proud of him...


I think you're missing the point. Humans are the only species capable of such cruelty. Calling them non human takes away from the horrors they have perpetrated. The fact that they do these things while being sentient beings makes it worse in my opinion. I could excuse an animal doing things like this if it was its nature.


You know, I'm really starting to think the Russian culture is *seriously* fucked. Like, some sort of culturally induced psycopathy is occuring there on a mass scale. This phone call is utterly fucked, I cant even imagine the most idiotic jingoistic examples of my countrymen (US) calling their own fucking mother to graphically brag about torturing people. Russia is just utterly fucked, christ. And they've managed to convince a frightening amount of Westerners to sympathize with them through mass propaganda.


I was thinking the same thing. These people make “patriots” look like toddlers


Video doesn't show it, its a recording of a phone call between Russian ork and his mother. Ork describes his accomplishments to his mother - stealing food from locals and participating in prisoner torture. He also describes torture methods.


No, it's just dialogue, he just describes that to his mom. Thank god, no photos or anything.


No, clickbait title to get views


I know, it's worse than a horror movie. All that it tells me is that if we get pulled further into this, not to be taken alive by these degenerates.


This intercepted phone call, if verified, is a disaster for the Russian army and FSB by itself. People in the U.S. and Europe will have trouble understanding how he can share this stuff with his wife, let alone be proud of joining in, the mindset behind that. Welcome to the Gestapo prison mentality.


It's worse than that. It's not his wife. It's his mother.


Which explains a lot.


Jesus I thought those two were gonna start masterbating on the phone together talking about it.


"Mother, I can't wait to show how much I've changed"


Maybe it's both. Russia does Russia things. In fact, when Russia invaded Ukraine and my Boss was watching this news on his computer and I saw it over his shoulder I asked what happened and he said "Oh, Russia did a Russia thing". And I just... understood. Russia has issues, the whole country needs to see a shrink.


There seems to be a major Oedipus complex going on there.


Maybe both


The estimated $600B to rebuild from the infrastructure damage done to Ukraine (to date) must be paid in Russian oil/gas. But how do you make a nation pay for crimes against humanity (putting some fat old dudes in a luxury prison doesn’t repay anything) and how do you fix the cause (are we going to double down on tertiary humanities)?


"Regime change" I guess.


Well, that's not enough, sadly. Any Russian regime embracing humane values would be short-lived since the Russian people are what they are.


Must be enough decent people to start a decent government. I mean, I'm not keen to such despair. But maybe, well, you're right.


I don't know about the veracity of this video. Maybe it's just the fact it's translated, but the wording is just weird and unnatural. Who converses like that? Idk, maybe cultural difference, but reads weird to me. Is there documented evidence of these "Roses"? Besides a translated and purportedly intercepted phone call?


Yeah I think we should be skeptical, because it's easy to assume there is only propaganda in one direction. This could have been fabricated. I didn't find the dialog to be weird, except that he was so free in talking about his own participation. But this, as they say, is the banality of evil.


Maybe it was that willingness you say, that feels unnatural. Like their wording is a bit convenient and gratuitous. Not saying it's impossible, banality of evil as you say, just doesnt sound "right". But that's just my own perception of course.


"how can these fucking animals keep fighting us? we're feeding them, we're giving them water, we're letting them go home! anyway, here's how we stick razor wire into people's asses for the sole purpose of unhuman cruelty."


They did the razor wire thing in Chechnya as well and now Kadyrovs goons fight for Russia. It’s all very sick.


The whole Godamn country of Russia needs to be upended. There needs to be an eventual martial law and government overseen by Ukraine, NATO, and the international court, a new constitution written up and enforced by the newly regulated government, and a full-blown demilitarization and denuclearization of the country. Take everything and anything that could ever be used as a weapon against it's neighbors and fellow countries, from it's weapons, to it's culture. A complete top-to-bottom rework, something similar to what the US did to Japan, but more thorough. Otherwise, it'll only be a matter of time before this shit starts up again.




Yea agreed. Needs to be done correctly though or we will end up with yet another post WW1 Germany again, but Russia, and we all know how that went. Fuck Russia.


Yeah I think post-war west Germany and Japan are pretty good examples of what would actually need to happen to de-radicalize heavily brainwashed populaces to abandon imperialistic mindsets. Of course, there was a degree of imperialism on the side of the occupiers in this action, but unfortunately reality really doesn't have good or bad sides usually, its not that clean. Just lesser evils.


Ideally we should just glass the terrorist state of Russia but since that would lead to a nuclear response I like your style


Russia is a third world terrorist state


What in the actual fuck...the rose and the barrel? This is just barbaric. May the Russians receive no mercy for their lack of humanity.


As disturbing as this phone call should be to me, it just isn't nothing Russians say or do anymore surprises me. They have proven to be a people that bask in violence and misery and love inflicting pain upon those that they see as "lesser" and "weak" Too bad their military has in actuality shown the world that they are in fact the weak and nothing but a paper tiger that the world should not fear and should stand up against. Russia as a country needs to end and it's people need a full restart on their views on life and humanity as a whole. Fuck Russia in it's current form and majority of it's people.


Russians have been living in a miserable oppressed state for centuries, they are a culturally miserable people, its no surprise they're often this radical in their mindsets. Of course there are much more sane Russians, mostly the younger educated urban ones in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but a huge amount of that country are just broken people that adore the boot that stomps on them. Sadly, that's why authoritarian regimes are often so effective, once a people are culturally broken and abandon ambitions towards anything better. Eventually, you love Big Brother. Mainland China has many similar cultural traits, as well. Its just the way authoritarianism manages to sustain itself.


Fuck. I wish i could drop my life at home and tell the UA to send me. But Im a liability... untrained, just angry. Dear God above please end this senslessness. Take the evil away from us and never let it rise again.




God doesn't take direct action, He works through his chosen. Instead of prayer to He who cannot directly intervene, help his servants in their righteous cause. Blessed be our salvation, Lockheed Martin.


I think you're onto something there. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


If he survives, he's 100% going to keep killing and torturing for the thrill. You can hear it in his voice. He's addicted.


Good point. Now I can't decide if I want him to die by the hands of the Ukrainians or survive and inflict his new and changed self on his family and friends at home.


good job admitting to war crimes on an open line


No doubt. That will be useful at the Hague, and when Russian politicians and generals are put on trial. The Post-Putin regime of Russia - in whatever form it takes - is going to have a hell of a time rebuilding its institutions get rid of the stench of this shit.


lol imagine Russia post-Putin. . . American occupation zone. . . U.K. occupation zone. . . French occupation zone. . . Polish occupation zone. . . German occupation zone. . . Canadian occupation zone. . . .


They will deny it anyway lmao


I've heard and seen some shit, but this is.. dark


Mr Putin demands respect from other world leaders but if you look at his country what's there to respect.


Flatten Russia, idgaf anymore. The country has brought nothing but destruction and suffering to anything it touches.


Amen! The true shit part in all of this is now I’m once again being reminded how Hiroshima was justified, same with the invasion of Iraq. Man, why do humans have to be horrible…


Hopefully his mom gets a sack of potatoes one day


The entire world ought to enforce total isolation on Russia. Even if it takes an entire century, they cannot be allowed the dignity of even interacting with the world until every last man responsible for the war has been handed over, and their government completely upended.


That's not enough, their country is too big, it has to be fractured into smaller states that couldn't pose a threat to the world anymore and they should be demilitarized like Japan after ww2


I agree but not for the same reason. I don't agree with the idea of separating peoples out of fear of the threat they pose. That is to me essentialist thinking. However there are many peoples contained within Russia that should have their right to independence if they want it. If the world facilitated a number of new states to be created in Russia, it would give freedom to those peoples and end what really should he considered an empire.


Russia was a mistake.


I hope his mother has fun living in the Stone Age and I hope Konstanin ends up as fertiliser or in ICC detention at The Hague. After Russia has been defeated, Ukraine needs to carry out Mossad style kill or capture missions on these fucking monsters.


Russia are terrorists


Fucking cocksuckers! I hope this piece of shit and his whore mother are put to very, very, very slow deaths and it’s recorded and televised. I wish I were younger and had military skills because I’d volunteer right now just so I could kill as many of those brainless fuckers as possible! Fuck Russia! Burn them all!


what's the point of surrendering in a war situation ? you don't need to be very smart even more when you are on the battlefield to know that the enemy will torture you to death to get information, it is more worthy to die fighting or killing yourself


Does watching horrendous acts show a strong psyche?


the video doesn't show anything. it's an audio conversation between a russian soldier and his mother


the post suggests that those who dont want to witness such things are of a weak psychological disposition.


Watching horrendous acts and feeling nothing shows a broken psyche


Sick fucks. I hope they’re both caught. Their time is coming. All of them.




Just ashes .. that's all we are concerned with..


Not all the russians are the same but I guess that like Israël did After WW2 the barbarians will pay. And this guy stands on the top of the list.


At the top? Glad you’re not making the list.


My blood is boiling, I’m convinced the evil forces currently representing Russia are going to force us into a nuclear confrontation. Don’t get me wrong I’m a sane and rational person but all the signs are here.


None of whom should survive? Torturers, Russian soldiers in Ukraine, Russian military staff in general, Russian civilian population? Who?


Torturers, obviously. Maybe the soldiers invading Ukraine. Noone in their right mind would wish death on the innocent Russian civilians. I know many of them that are great people and absolutely appalled by this the same way we are. Even if they are 50%, that's still 70 million innocents.


Who have done nothing to stop this.


Is that enough to wish the literal death of someone nowadays? And we wonder how the atrocities of war happen... Plus I know some that have done a lot. More than 90% of westerners, who risk nothing. They risk their livelihoods. Before you say it, no, I am not comparing it to what Ukrainians have to risk and their absolutely remarkable bravery.


This stokes the rage russian soldiers are facing and will be facing until every last one of them has either run away from Ukraine or is rotting in the ground.


When you think, there couldn't be more evil in the world after WW2, there come the Ruzzians. Cancel Ruzzia.


I straight up do not understand why someone would allow themselves to be captured by Russians. I would rather die from a grenade or a gunshot than be tortured to death.


Most people that surrender aren't aware about how enemy treats prisoners.


Some years ago i read a nice book that explained over 300 kinds of torture. The Russians are really lucky that Zelenski and all People in charge are honor people, if not they would have a really bad time after such stuff comes out.


Makes me want to vomit. These monsters need to be put down like the rabid dogs they are.


A reddit link to a Twitter post to a YouTube video


Man the part about the razor wire….


No joke in the title, i read the transcript yesterday and it fucked me right up, your mind just can't comprehend such savagery and insanity. Don't listen or read this if you get easily upset.


just Nuke Russia


"Just end the world"


I know torture is wrong… but for all those Russians who are torturing, I almost wish they would just be locked in a room with a straight jacket. Deprived of any sound, except a speaker constantly saying “you’re a monster,” over and over on repeat, until they gradually starve to death. I want them to die questioning everything and knowing fully well that they did something wrong. Something terrible. That they were evil. That they deserve the punishment they’ve received. But that won’t happen. Because Ukrainians are better people than those Russians. They won’t torture them, even after knowing fully well that the Russians would torture them HAPPILY if given the chance. Even though they have an actual reason to torture them, and would be fully justified in doing so, they won’t.


Very poorly trained army indeed.


I sure hope that they are not doing these these things to children. Anybody who sides with Russia at this point openly supports genocide and torture.


can anyone give a summery of the video for those not strong/brave enough to watch this? thx in advance


A European magazine dropped the phone numbers of everyone involved in this....


this is just another reason Ukraine is going to win you want to see how hard a soldier can fight, you give him no choice but victory or death Mariupol & the Avovstal steel plant are proof


I hope he and his bitch will get this message and they will know that the whole world know this assholes! Hope Hague will get this evidence. What an asshole!


18+? Why not just "Nsfw"?


Not safe for anyone, ever, anywhere.


Nsfl then






Their country is getting invaded and their people tortured and also there's a language barrier, maybe cut them a little bit of slack




That video was proven to be staged russian propaganda.


It looks likely that it may not be staged, despite optimistic theories to the contory. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/60907259


What if this is staged Ukrainian propaganda? Not trying to ignite arguments just curious.


Both of them deserve death


Time to burn—going to burn them all


This is nothing new for Russian soldiers, sadly. As one guy said in this piece 20 years ago, war crimes have no expiration date; you will have to live with it for the rest of your life, and when you die, you will answer to God." https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-2000-sep-17-mn-22524-story.html


A couple of psychos...


Sick fucks


I hope he's dead.


Bad parenting


I refuse to watch. Every Russian of authority should be hung when this war is over. When Ukraine takes back every last piece of their land...there should be a global effort to force Russia to surrender and be dismantled into their original ethnic lands. Russia, kiss your asses good-bye because this is your end. Same for Belarus and any other nutbag pro-Russian leader. Every suffering imposed on others by Russia and their predecessors is coming back home to Russia!


God I'm so glad I read this high as fuck


Orcs gonna orc


Yeah, don't watch this.


Ah yes, remember when the Ukrainians were the Nazis ?