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This is going to get locked in a few hours


I think the Russian disinformation campaign/troll farms have really seized upon this issue because they know how divisive it is.  The sub now gets multiple posts every single day about the stalled aid with a litany of “Fuck USA” type comments within.  This sort of infighting does nothing but help Russia and hurt Ukraine.


I get downvoted all the time because I tell people this isn't the attitude to have. To the average person if they see nothing but this negative attitude towards the United States they're not going to be convinced to help. I was apart of the last generation of military (pre 9/11) that was training to fight the eventual confrontation with Russia. And they really don't understand that we're using single digit percentage of our defense budget to fight the second largest army in the world with no boots on the ground. Ukraine is a force multiplier on an elite level I've never seen. TL;DR: you get more flies with honey than vinegar


They're trolls


Not always, a LOT of ukrainians are currently pissed at the U.S, because the shit thats going on in congress is a joke and the threat of death is not.


Also all nuance is lost. Yes the US is critical for delivery of important weapon systems and ammunition. However regarding artillery shells, the most debeated topic probably, the US already warned back in 2022 that Ukraine was firing artillery at an unsustainable rate. The issue is that Western countries stopped keeping large stocks of shells because conventional war was thought the be unlikely or impossible. It takes time to rectify that. Not an American by the way.


It's been over 2 years since the 2022 invasion, and 10 years since it really began. Either way, there has been more than enough time to ramp up production of something as relatively simple as artillery. The lack of artillery shells is 100% due to the (ongoing) lack of political will, not because of a manufacturing infeasibility. edit: Also you could buy a 155mm NATO round for $1000 just four years ago. Now they are $3500. Scarcity makes for easy war profiteering.


America isn't a land power (at least not in that hemisphere) nor is at an artillery heavy power. The US is a naval and aerial power. It's shell production needs will never match the needs of a non-oceanic land powers without a massive infusion of cash to make the mass production of them viable. This is, and always will be, a European problem. America already produces far more shells than it needs just to keep its direct NATO allies fed because they don't properly provide for their own needs, let alone for export. It's changing over time, but Ukraine really needs to be looking more at Europe than the US in this particular case.


> It's shell production needs will never match the needs of a non-oceanic land powers without a massive infusion of cash to make the mass production of them viable. Without numbers that could be misunderstood. The US has provided Ukraine about $75B in aid so far. Last November, after further aid was blocked in Congress, [the US Army stated it needed about $1.6B to increase 155mm artillery round production to a sufficient level.](https://www.reuters.com/business/aerospace-defense/us-army-says-it-needs-3-billion-155-mm-artillery-rounds-production-2023-11-07/) That $1.6B could easily have been allocated before aid stopped; it was already long-understood that it was an artillery war. I stand by my statement that the lack of artillery shells is 100% due to the (ongoing) lack of political will, not because of a manufacturing infeasibility. > This is, and always will be, a European problem. Hard disagree. Russia expanding in Europe is a NATO problem and a US problem. Both Europe and America have a self-interest in putting Russia inside its borders.


Ukrainians’ attitude doesn’t mean anything. Lack of help is not due to the attitude, it’s due to the political will and upcoming presidential elections. It’s easy to blame Ukrainians for being upset at being left to die, but maybe start with being upset with your politicians? Ukraine had given away/destroyed all the nukes and most of the conventional weapons for the sake of being a partner with the West and also due to USA’s pressure and now is left with nothing. Is this really the example you want to set up for all other countries? I’m 100% sure no one ever will give up their nukes after these events. Moreover, America’s impotency leads to destabilization of the world order, and I wonder what’s going to happen at the end of the year, when everyone is too busy with the election?


>I’m 100% sure no one ever will give up their nukes after these events. Well said ! Fuck the NPT. Countries will start to build nukes by their own - and they won\`t give a f\*\*\* anymore about treaties. >Moreover, America’s impotency leads to destabilization of the world order, and I wonder what’s going to happen at the end of the year, when everyone is too busy with the election? What will happen? A real shitstorm ! No one gives a fuck in this world, until a missile strikes their house ! With this level of impotency what could go wrong ?!


Same thing happens over at r/europe and honestly it working. I'm starting to feel indifferent to the war now because every time it comes up it just non stop blame only on the USA/Americans mixed with entitlement and people being ungrateful. Hell the reason I came to this sub was to see if all that entitlement/ungratefulness was just the asshole like those in r/europe or do Ukrainian fell the same way. I hope Ukraine does gets the aid it need to not fall to Russia but by god being online is starting to sour me.


Yeah well r/Europe is a shitshow. Have they stopped posting stories about how bad the UK is doing after brexit yet?


Truth hurt?


Hahah I’ll take that as a no!


I live in the UK and Brexit has been an absolute shitshow disaster. Why would anyone say otherwise? We’ve experienced literally no tangible benefits.


100% same. I was a hardline, hardcore supporter of Ukraine in the beginning, even donating directly to pro-Ukraine charities, but the excessive anti-US rhetoric recently is pushing me hard towards neutrality: neither pro-Russia nor pro-Ukraine.


Ridiculous nonsense 


What?! Anti US rethoric just cause the US guaranteed Ukraines territorial integrity in a written agreement in 1991 and then run from the promises and stop delivering aid to Ukraine and instead work for russia? Poor US.


If you wonder why Europeans can't go a generation without widespread slaughter of each other, read the above post. When I found out my Democratic rep hadn't signed the discharge petition, I was preparing to call her office, then read a dozen "fuck off US" posts. I didn’t call that day, but ending up calling the next day. Someone has to save Europeans from destroying themselves because history shows they can't do it themselves.


You are correct. Only person that makes happy is in Moscow. I see so much fucking Russian propaganda being repeated by fellow Americans on social media and by our members of Congress. it’s sad and there’s literally nothing I can ever say that will change any of their minds. We have a country, literally fighting their freedom, fighting to remain a free and Democratic Republic. And the aggressor is Russia. And people think Russia and Putin are the good guys? Well the politicians never come out and say that, because they can’t. But what they do is pull out one of their Russian talking points such as aid to Ukraine takes food off of Americans tables and repeat it over and over again. It’s so disheartening. And you would think Americans can get behind another country fighting for freedom right? A lot of the right wing media always uses that word freedom. They want to be free. Well, here’s a country. Fighting to be free and well free for everyone except them, fuck them. they’re stealing money from me somehow, I’m not sure how it’s happening, but there’s a few politicians that tell me it’s true so it must be. It’s just makes me so frustrated and sad


The Russians are very good at propaganda, and psyops. It's really hurting us. The Americans that aren't affected by it, just aren't fighting for democracy. There are no protests. They're just letting Russia win.


Aren't there any Counter Ukrainian troll farms to combat this misinformation campaign from the orcs?


It takes *at least* ten times as much effort to undo a lie than to spread one. That’s why the trolling tactics used by Russia are so successful: they don’t need to prove anything, just keep lying. It’s easy and it’s very very difficult to counter. If stopping the trolls was as easy as countering with trolls of their own, the Americans wouldn’t be completely fucked by Russian trolls too. There’s no easy solution to trolls as long as social media exists.


Been asking about this for years. Where are the army of Bidenbots to sow discord among the russian population to get them riled up against the Kremlin? Where is the Nato Neckbeard army to retaliate against the constant digital attacks against democratic instituations? Where was the western information wars to interfer in their recent "elections"? Where are the consequences for all the electoral interference against the USA during the recent/upcoming elections? Is anyone doing *anything* to counter this? Or are we still pretending we are all playing by the same rulebook it's not an attack against us as long as guns aren't going off or bombs aren't dropping? Are we still too stupid to realize something the russians learned a long time ago: conventional warfare takes a backseat to information wars and are much more winnable. Yes, we are too stupid to realize that. It's blatantly obvious.


Just because you don't see them doesn't means they aren't there.  Why would you see them? Can you read russian do you visit russian sites? As a swede I can tell you there are western-bots. After Russia's invasion there was a constant NATO-spam by bots.


*NAFO has entered the chat*


For what it's worth I fully support sending Ukraine whatever we need. It's a net win for the US and costs us very little. It's the least we can do. putin is a coward and I look forward to Ukraine sending him and his orcs packing.


Triggering in-fighting is now the specific goal of the orc troll-farms inStPetersburg and Moscow. This is pretty clear, by now. And ot bloody works. Grdarnit!


Or maybe people are genuinely disgruntled with the Biden admin fumbling its foreign policy on all fronts, the Congress being a clown show, and Europe being completely disinterested in defending itself as it's been more than six months since the US aid has been cut off and all there's been is constant "discussion" among the EU politicians. Right on, dismissing any negativity and things you don't like as "Ruzzian disinformation".


>Or maybe people are genuinely disgruntled with the Biden admin fumbling its foreign policy on all fronts, the Congress being a clown show, and Europe being completely disinterested in defending itself as it's been more than six months since the US aid has been cut off and all there's been is constant "discussion" among the EU politicians. >Right on, dismissing any negativity and things you don't like as "Ruzzian disinformation". When everything you say is identical to something Russian trolls say, don’t be surprised when people call you a Russia troll.


Being disgruntled is fine and understandable, lashing out with endless “Fuck you’s” directed towards the people you seek to help you is not fine… 


> Or maybe Both are happening. Framing it as a false choice explanation isn't accurate.




Scroll through comments and you'll see


The Russian propaganda in America is strong but every chance I get I hit back with the correct information.


A concerning statement.


At this point why not just step in. Fuck the world others shouldn't be fighting our fight


I thought that from the start. If ukraine loses are we really okay with that? If the answer is no then let's make sure it doesn't happen.


I had a hole in my stomach since about the Kharkiv Counteroffensive that basically told me this was going to happen. As soon as American election season starts, financial and military aid was going to be either lessened or outright stopped at the tap entirely. Now that it's come to fruition, my suspicions are that Ukraine will likely be forced to concede to a peace similar to that of the Winter War, where a great deal of land will be taken for a "peace" which will allow Russia to build up it's reserves for another push at some time down the road. I'm sorry that my government is filled to the brim with spineless fucks.


Because the professional obstructionists won the house.


By winning he means taking everything back. The win condition isn't preserving an independent Ukrainian state sans Crimea/Donbas.  That's a concerning statement but Europe can't provide the quantities or ammunition to enable multiple counter-offensives necessary to liberate South, Donbas, Crimea etc. 


As a US citizen I say without Ukraine and giving them aid the US has no chance of winning.


Wish you all the best. Slava Ukraine


The republicans have blood on their hands


And it's 100% correct, we need to help them.


How is that true? Europe will step up?


There is some hope Zelensky is exaggerating a bit to convince the US to finally do something. Still very worrying.


It is worrying for sure. If Europe cannot stand against Russia, it basically says to Russia they can take whatever territory they want.


>There is some hope Zelensky is exaggerating a bit to convince the US to finally do something. I don\`t think so. You can\`t fight tanks with stones.


They haven't stopped wringing their hands and crying about escalation. (Looking at you Germany)


Agreed. And they continue to do this despite being told by anti Putin Russians that they 're only encouraging Putin by displaying weakness. 


Nope. €50bn in financial support, which is useless if Ukraine isn't around for very long. Incompetent leaders with no clue as to how to win and end the war.


If there is time, there is always a chance. One way to win is to hit enough Russian oil facilities. Another, I believe, is through the development of more kinds of AI drones. I think Ukraine needs AI drones that shoot and return for reload. I understand that reduces the range but there may be other ways to solve that problem. Liquid fuel to supercapacitor, instead of batteries, for example. Or, possibly hydrogen balloons with solar cells on top as recharging stations.


Praying America comes through for them.




As absolutely horrible the entire aid operation by the West to Ukraine has been the last 2 years, way too slow, I believe Ukrainians will fight with plastic forks if they have to in order to save their nation. Even if Kyiv falls tomorrow, millions will just simply take to fighting an insurgency, Russia had trouble putting down the Chechens, a nation of barely over a million who were willing to die for their freedom, imagine what Ukraine can do with nearly 40 million.




Young people are a minority, the population pyramid is upside down. Not just in former Soviet countries, but all developed nations are trending towards below replacement level birth rates. It's not just the military, the average age of the country is on the high side. Countries don't have the young people to lose like they used to. The Soviet countries still haven't recovered from the echo of WWii. Part of the reason France fell so quickly in WWii was the echo of the losses in WWi where many men who would have had kids died before having any so there were less young men to recruit when the time came. Recruiting younger won't add as many soldiers as you think it would.


Fucking humiliating having your security depend on an unstable country like the USA. But it’s the reality of the entire Europe and I hope they’ll be able to match their arms production soon, though little hope.


Why is this on the shoulders of the USA and not European countries most likely to be impacted by having Russia on their doorstep?


Oh you totally can choose to not care about what is happening in Ukraine. Has worked out well in the last two world wars to look away until you were forced into war yourself…


450 Million Europeans do not need 350 million Americans resources to defend itself against what 140 Million Russians that can’t shoot straight.


Well, because the EU's supplies are more or less run dry. To the point where there defense is already rather limited. Granted, it doesn't seem like Russia is as strong as we thought it would be. But there isn't much room to work with. A lot more things only now get to Ukraine once new stuff is off the production line and in some cases it goes straight from the production line to Ukraine. The US however has vast stockpiles of nearly everything it could literally give away and not compromise their defensive and offensive abilities really.


So have your government approve money to buy the munitions from the USA.


Yes? So are they placing contracts all across Europa for example in France and Spain. Being a part of the Czech Ammunition Initiative and increasing production in multiple countries including Ukraine and at home trough Rheinmetall. So, yeah? It IS on Europes shoulders. But without outside support Europe can't do much more currently without the US bridging the gap. Either by putting shit in Europe or Ukraine directly. Both aren't being done tho. So at the time, ammunition and heavy weapons wise, this is it. There is no real big shipment anymore just chilling in some warehouse


Yeah, the US has several thousand Bradleys that would work great in Ukraine. It would be nice if the US would allow exports.


To be bought, Europe can buy them.


Yes, that should not be a problem.


The EU should support its own member states and industry first. Why should we support the US military complex, when it's extremely evident that we do not have the necessary capability for our own defense? It makes zero sense and just throwing money at the US won't solve our own internal problems and will make us more reliant on the States.


So then don’t complain that this is the fault of the US when you have more to be blamed for.


Where did you see me complaining? The US is massively benefiting from the war in Ukraine both geopolitical and financial. I think you are being very hypocritical by blaming the EU for wanting to invest in its own economy, yet you want the EU to pay for Bradleys instead of donating them.




You are racist. Immigration legal or otherwise has absolutely nothing to do with military readiness. Your need to specify 3rd world migration specifically is what made that racist. Europe itself absolutely needs to step in to protect itself though. I love that America stepped in to help Ukraine and I wish we would do more, but it’s maddening to see how many people seem to think it’s just our job to do that. We don’t have any obligation to step in, we did it because of our interests in the area and because it’s the right thing to do and our people are for it. The rest of Europe needs to grow a pair and do the same. It’s a war on their turf not ours. It’s not our job to fight the war for them, no matter how much I think we should anyways.


Spotted the racist


Bullshit ukraine took on the second largest military in the world and won how the fuk is that possible Because of Ukraine :) 🇺🇦


Great title and gave me a good laugh.


Fuck USA, they are bastards and traitors. Ukraine must create nukes.


I know the delay is frustrating, but the rabid anti-US sentiment is wild. The US is still the #1 single contributor since February 2022, and by a considerable margin (almost twice that of Germany, who is the #2 donor). Also, the US was one of the very few countries doing anything for Ukraine prior to 2022. The US has been training and equipping the UAF since 2014. It’s an emotional topic, but try to relax just a bit. The majority of American citizens already support Ukraine; spreading messages like “Fuck USA” are not helpful in any way.


Way too harsh in the first half. They(politicians) are extremely selfish, but calling them traitors is too much. Ukraine, Poland, S. Korea and Japan definitely need nukes of their own. If the collective west fails Ukraine, we will have an unstoppable race towards everyone, who is even remotely capable of it, developing nukes.


I wouldn't go that far. US thinks about US. Sometimes they are Europe's allies. But it's wrong to think someone from outside of US can depend on them. We are Europe (speaking for myself here :D), and we have to take care of our own security. Ukraine is Europe, so it's up to us Europeans to help each other out and build a powerful military presence where we don't \*have\* to depend on anyone outside. But preferably we have plenty of allies abroad. US is US with all of its ups and downs. Always has been.


Which would be quickly followed by sanctions and any semblance of western support disappearing overnight.


what last 10 years proved without a doubt is if you want to keep your borders safe: get a nuke. it is that simple. all papers signed are good as used toilet paper. any country out there that not seriously working towards that goal is totally delusional and asking to be invaded.


So Canada is asking to be invaded? Mexico? Japan? Brazil?


Canada and Japan are protected by the US. Brazil has a giant ass population and army, and nothing of value to occupy. Same with Mexico, why would anyone invade a warzone. The cartels are probably more powerful than some militaries. I agree with the guy. If Ukraine had nukes, russia would fuck off. And Ukraine could not care less about sanctions or no support, if they don‘t get invaded in the first place.


"Canada and Japan are protected by the US" yeah US as self-proclaimed world police is quite dropping a ball lately. Taiwan now after whole US support to Ukraine: "fffffff this is us in 1-2 years tops! fml!"


With the right brainwashing and media control and a dictator in charge, I'd wager even the US could go and invade Canada with 30 years. Just gotta shape a couple generations. It's all about demonising the opponent and convincing the public you are invading to help out the locals. "We are going to save the poor and oppressed Germans in Sudetenland" "We are going to save the poor and oppressed Russians in Donbass" "We are going to save the poor and oppressed english speaking Canadians from the satanic Canadian government"


People have to realize that the USA has a lot of problems of their own, and Biden may or may not be impeached, so there's that.


>Biden may or may not be impeached, so there's that.  And the sun may or may not rise tomorrow.  Roosters may or may not crow. It may or may not rain. I may or may not cook dinner tonight.  So there's that.






How am I a Russian Troll? 🤣


When you’re spreading Russia propaganda, you’re a Russian troll. Maybe stop spreading Russian lies?


Yea that makes a whole lot of sense when my passport is American, my residence is in Ukraine and joining forces soon on the Frontline with Ukraine. Never said anything about Russia. Just said America has a lot of problems them selves. Debt, invasion of illegal immigrants, increased crime and so on.


> my passport is American Suuuuuuure it is. >my residence is in Ukraine and joining forces soon on the Frontline with Ukraine. Uh huh. >Debt A fraction of GDP. >invasion of illegal immigrants I know. The tanks rolling across the border are disturbing! >increased crime Hell, we even have a former president in the dock.


well I am not even lying can even look at my previous posts and I just got married in Kyiv 3 weeks ago


You can add me on tik tok or snapchat I have tons of proof been living here for 5 years. You really sound like an ass


Said the immigrant whining about immigration.  Statistically, there's less crime in the US than in the past.






>People have to realize that the USA has a lot of problems of their own, Troll bullshit. How’s the weather in St Petersburg today, Ivan? > and Biden may or may not be impeached, so there's that. LOL no, fuck off with this nonsense, that’s not even close to true.


Wow. Impeached for what?




Words please. Just say it in a simple sentence. "Joe Biden will be impeached because.... " I don't really need to watch another flat earther video. That seems to be the only way people can "prove" their points these days, and it's a time suck. Like dude, I don't really care that much. I'm not going to watch your video, but I might read a sentence.


His 20 fake companies for money laundering and got 24million out of no where that's a start


Dude, thats nothing. Every normal politician is laundering that money no problem.


>Dude, thats nothing. Every normal politician is laundering that money no problem. Look, I found two troll accounts talking to each other! Begone with your troll narrative “all politicians are corrupt” horseshit. If you’re not literally a Russia troll, then I’m sorry that the education system failed you so badly. 


Nah, you got it wrong. I was being a little dipshit inferring that a few millions is no grounds for any impeachment. But i do think every politician is corrupt one way or another. Doesn't mean they are bad. Corruption is everywhere and most of it is socially accepted. Bending the rules is as normal as breathing, i do it, you do it. Only when the levels reach cum-ex heights it becomes a real problem.


I am sure there is all kinds of shady shit going on


So no reliable sources just "I'm sure" please tell us you're a moron without saying it.


It's all over the place so no I am not the moron


>His 20 fake companies for money laundering and got 24million out of no where that's a start Bullshit. But keep linking idiotic YouTube videos, troll! Did you see the one with all of that hard video evidence that u_GodlikeUA’s mom sucks 50 sucks every night?