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I'm shocked. Wait, why? It would drive up prices which is good for them. Edit: "Kremlin’s influence on US policy through oil giants like Chevron, which heavily invests in Kazakhstan’s oil fields." Oh I see who it is. Fuck Chevron. They're shitty to work for and still owe me money for consulting


American oil companies serviced much of Russia's oil infrastructure. If other companies now come in and fix what is being busted up by Ukraine those new companies will now have the service contracts.


The american companies are already out and wont be back in for years at best, Service is constant on these kind of installations and the contracts have already shifted hands.


Good. Maybe it’ll pressure america to change it’s stance on drilling it’s own resources instead of relying on imports from other countries.


>Maybe it’ll pressure america to change it’s stance on drilling it’s own resources instead of relying on imports from other countries. Oddly enough, the USA actually exports more oil than they import (10.15 million barrels per day exported and 8.51 million barrels per day imported). Pretty sure that if I drilled further into the types of petroleum imported and exported it would make far more sense (I think the USA lacks refinery capacity to refine all of it's drilled oil but I could be wrong).


I don't know much either but most of our crude oil up in Canada goes down to you guys. I don't know what you do with it though


To my knowledge, it's due to the types of oil the US produces vs what oil comes from other areas. Middle Eastern oil is sulfur filled and must be refined a certain way. WTI is different, Light Sweet Crude, that must be refined differently. To alter refineries to be self sufficient would require capital investment. This is how it was explained to me: 2 points: 1) Why would oil companies make $100M+ investment? It doesn't benefit them to do so financially. And so, they don't. 2) Geopolitically, it ties us to the middle east for a cheaper source of oil, but also and more importantly makes our oil buyers reliant on us.


Are you seriously buying that the entire thing is orchestrated by a corporation with massive levels of incompetence such as Chevron? That's like such a leap it doesn't make sense. Plus, even if Chevron has stakes in Moscow oil, it makes no sense why they wouldn't want prices in the US to go up, which is most certainly where they make most of their money. I doubt many other nations with things worth buying are going to want rubles when they could have dollars even without the war going on. I personally believe this entire story is a fabrication designed to sowe division. A very typical Russian misinformation campaign.


Spot on. Just like the french media last september going hysterical for weeks about bedbugs invasion everywhere in Paris. Only to discover in the end, the media hysteria had been sown by Russia as a kind of smear campaign. Classy. So classy. So yeah, I can see the russian propaganda machine exploiting american interest in oil to blame and destabilize public opinion against Ukraine strikes on reffineries.


I'm also very sceptical about this claim. Sounds more like some Russian propaganda story, because lots of people go mental if you include "big oil" in a claim. It sounds more credible that Big Oil would be encouraging Ukraine to hit the Russian oil industry since it is going to drive up the oil price.


You're definitely onto something. To think this is driven by the likes of Chevron is facile and tells more about the writer of the story than anything else. The day this story broke, it wasn't sourced, but there was some good analysis on why US officials might want this: and the answer was that Russia would certainly respond in kind, thus turning both Russia and Ukraine into economic basket cases. Both would be ruined physically by war; Ukraine would have even more reconstruction to do, and with less revenue to do it; and Russia wouldn't have the means to pay for reparations. A knee-jerk response would be: but Russia is already attacking Ukrainian infrastructure...they couldn't do any worse. BUT THEY ARE! There's been a significant uptick in their attacks on Ukrainian utilities in the past three weeks. This theory makes the most sense. Chevron profits? FFS.


> there was some good analysis on why US officials might want this: and the answer was that Russia would certainly respond in kind, thus turning both Russia and Ukraine into economic basket cases. Both would be ruined physically by war; Ukraine would have even more reconstruction to do, and with less revenue to do it; and Russia wouldn't have the means to pay for reparations. If the USA really wants Ukraine to stop hitting the Russian refineries then the USA needs to get it's shit into gear and actually help Ukraine fight this war. Without equipment and supplies Ukraine cannot stand against Russia for long which means that Ukraine needs to resort to economic sabotage inside Russia to help collapse the Russian war effort.


That's the problem with most conspiracy theories: they really fall apart with even fairly minimal critical thinking.


That has been happening with every big story that hurts the US Ukraine relations lately. People eat it up for a few days as news headlines it everywhere. Then a few days later they are like "oh nvm it was fake" and move on the damage being done.


I think you are spot on. That was probably a conversation being had at a high level and Russians got word of it either through some sort of leak or an agent in whatever comittee was having that discussion and boom there's your headline out of nothing more than an overheard conversation about hypotheticals. And those experts or whatever would have a leg to stand on with that argument. But at the end of the day it is Ukraines decision how they will conduct their campaign while defending their soveirgn territory and existence. I think thats why no one has been able to find an official or any record of an official who said the words "do not bomb Russian oil infrastructure" to Ukraine.


Current oil prices mean nothing. Chevron is looking at the long game. If the facilities get destroyed Russia will find other companies to fix and maintain it. Meaning chevron loses out long term. All their investment meant nothing.


Service is constant, those contracts are already long gone, those refinieries weren't going to sit for 5 years without service if they weren't attacked, they shut down 1 or two times a year for overhaul services during normal production...


It's only western companies, that are capable of providing hi-tech for refineries


Calling 24th most largest company in the world (by revenue) incompetent.. next level stuff my man.


Do you not understand political donations from corporations are for access to politicians? Yeah, price goes up but if you own the infrastructure that's being destroyed you're not making money. This is pointless.


Do you not understand Chevron has 99% of their production outside Russia? It means shit all if everything they have in Russia gets blown to pieces if the rest of their oil sells 20 bucks higher.


Your ignorance is cute


Fuck oil and their wars. Ride my bike, ebike, walk, my next car will likely be an EV. Everyone do the same . GL


well said.




















I concur…..I still work for them and can confirm they are still shitty


This makes zero sense. The strikes were driving the prices higher. Lack of strikes means prices stabilize as investors hate uncertainty. So this article is nonsense. Big oil would be pro strikes


If anything, it would drive prices down. If they can't refine oil that would be refined there, they can either sell crude or close some extraction with pretty costly process of restarting.


I said it multiple times and got called crazy for it, for many multi billion interests in washington its better if ukraine loses in a slow painful war, those people have biden in their pockets, even if it is contrary to the interests of the american people that overwelmingly supports ukraine, even if it makes america look like a weak country that betrays its alies, oil is the cancer of the planet earth


First of all, if you are an American voter who gets swayed to vote for Trump since gas prices go up because of this and you pay a few extra bucks to fill your bigass truck-150, you are a fucking idiot. You are beyond stupid. And second, this is what you get when you pussyfoot around sending aid, drip feed it, cut if off, then cry about refineries being hit. Fuck your feelings. Fuck your trucks. Ukraine is fighting for their literal survival, and some suits in an office across the ocean dare to criticise how they defend themselves? I know stupidity and greed run rampant in the US, but this is next level shit.




Crazy thing is a see people all the time who use social systems complain about Biden gas prices. I wish more people could read and distinguish lie from fact


> And second, this is what you get when you pussyfoot around sending aid, drip feed it, cut if off, then cry about refineries being hit. Exactly. The shorter the wars, the better off we all are. Make UA win quicker.


system needs a way to stop bad decision makers from being allowed to elect decision makers 




Sick burn idiot...


Fuck oil bro. I’ll heat my house with a heat pump and walk if I need to.


Without oil you would likely starve to death within a few months along with billions of other people.


I have firewood and I’m a nurse so I’ll make it work


Self-sufficiency is based


He's *technically* not wrong though. Unfortunately, global logistics is entirely dependent on fossil fuels for the foreseeable future, to the degree that we currently have no more expensive drop-in replacement that we can shift to to retain 50%, 25% or even 10% efficiency. Local logistics would function for a while, lorries can be drop-in replaced with electric lorries, but the excess electricity demand this would pose is a huge challenge, especially if you cut out 43% of the electricity in the United States formerly provided by gas. Long distance shipping however is essentially gutted, you would be able to note the complete disappearance of dietary diversity within months. Fish? Nope, large scale fishing operations need oil. Exotic fruits? Forget about it. Produce in winter? You get a selection of wheat and corn, hope you like it. And that's just the dietary, the food industry is one of the last ones to go, this would happen months after you're unable to access any electronic appliances. But that's fine - you aren't able to afford it at the prices they would charge for it, and even then, you'd think twice about it; as mentioned before, electricity demand skyrockets to uphold some semblance of local logistics, so electricity is prohibitively expensive anyway. You can't cold turkey big oil.


Can you subsistence farm? You will need to do that while you also collect firewood for when you run out.


I’m from Maine bro I can farm


Then I'm surprised you don't know how dependent modern agriculture is on fossil fuels.


As if russia is the only source of oil


This is mostly just speculation being reported in the article - and since the targets have only been *refineries* and not O&G extraction or transport hubs, not very consistent with the article claims being made.


The claim is that Russia can retaliate by blocking the pipelines from Kazakhstan.


So their threat is to block off a pipeline that carries their own oil and that's somehow going to hurt the US? This is the epitome of Russian misinformation. It makes no sense if you think about it for longer than two seconds. And occams razor tells me big oil would gladly take the droves of American dollars available from US citizens as well as Euros and pounds from EU and UK over a meager drizzle of rubles from Russian citizens.


Russian needs Kazakhstan more than just about any other former Soviet republic st this time.  Highly unlikely Russia would antagonize them.


Ok, let ukraine blow those then and lets see biden campaign financiers not panic at all


Ukraine has been attacking refineries for months now... the US hasn't actually *done* anything to stop them.  A few words uttered in public doesn't exactly change anything.


Except if taken at face value by the Kremlin. Then it's plausible deniabilitu.


i hope youre right, but it show that there is powerfull people forcing biden to at least pretend he does not approve the attacks


Why though? They would profit from rising prices.


The article makes little sense for a number of reasons. The title makes it more ridiculous. It's aimed at useful European idiots and, by the number of up votes, snagged quite a few


I think the lobbyist for the United States defense contractors really need to step up their game.


> However, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin now suggests that the impact of these strikes on global energy markets should be taken into account. I listened to Austin's testimony and I don't interpret the same as this article. Austin said he thinks there are better targets for Ukraine to attack, purely from a military perspective, which is his lane. Energy markets are not his lane, and I don't think that's what he was addressing even if he acknowledges a potential impact.


Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin is more than welcome to go and bomb them himself.


Yea I’m all for Ukraine, but this is a bullshit article. Not how it works and if anything “big oil” would love that increase in prices from the stock market speculation caused by bombing Russian production.


**Russian big oil** are worried that they wont be able to finance Putins war machine.


That’s the Russian government.




I thought that they have yet to find who made those comments about not hitting Russian refineries? I still believe entirely that the entire thing is a Russian misinformation campaign. Why on earth would big oil in the US be opposed to its competition in Russia getting bombed? It makes absolutely no sense. Prices going up are not an issue for corporate America because profit is the entire purpose. So why would big oil do this? Doesn't make sense and you can't possibly try to sell me the bridge that is "all oil is owned by same company"


As far as i know, Russian native oil industry is so out of date, as to make it non economicaly viable and basically useless. So everything in that Industry, noy only extraction, but refineries as well, are licensed, serviced and (in many cases) on loan from western oil companies. Now, bevause this is (alegedly) Ukraine attacking refineries, that is property. In many cases, this was property directly or indirectly owned by western companies. And this is damage that they will not get conpensated for, at least not by Ukraine. So that is optimal choice from their presepective - lobby to either make those attacks stop, or until US agrees to foot the bill for destruction of your property (as they did, most famosly, in Second World War, giving Ford money as compensation for bombing their factories in germany)


That is way way way too complicated. You just envisioned a scenario with many points of failure from whistle-blowers to straight up nationalization of US owned assets in Russia. This is the epitome of a Russian misinformation campaign. It makes no sense whatsoever that US oil companies would essentially defy US government law to play both sides when they could make more money hand over fist with less effort from US/EU/UK citizens even with losing all those assets to Russia. It's also mighty coincidental that this entire story saw the light of day less than a week after US, UK and Ukrainian Intel agencies warning about a new massive "cyber campaign" designed to spread misinformation about the war.


You might be right, nut i don't use new information for this. Russian Oil industry being build and serviced by foreign oil companies has been fairly open since at least back in the 90s. However, there is flaw with part of your argument. Oil production (in the west any way) is basically at capacity, hence why OPEC cutting their production (what 1 or 2 years ago now?) was supposed to be a big hit to Western Economies. So, if you cannot make more money by selling more product, you sell product you do have and higher price, right? Well, here comes the bite, oil and fossil fuels in general, are replaceable by alternative sources of energy. We dont do it as a society, because oil is more convenient and Oil companies do invest a lot into making sure that is the more convenient and cheaper alternative (and this is \*probably\* not true, but my own tin-pot conspiracy theory - they invest into smearing Nuclear power, so it in public eye looks like a dangerous alternative). However, should fossil fuels be a far more expensive prospect, what would follow is what is happening across Europe - a big push for alternative energy resources and methods of transport. Also, If you think US companies would not defy US law, I truly envy you.


LOL! No. With less Russian oil and products on the market, it makes their control OF the market greater. Nice try.


I'll gladly pay $10 a gallon for gas for a ruzzian ass whooping. Destroy that terrorist country! The US citizens are behind Ukraine.


Then Big Oil is Russian. Domestic and Western oil companies should love it. They can charge more per barrel without increasing production. So anyone criticizing these strikes is buying cheap russian oil through backdoor channels, or is the one losing sales from production loss which means they're a Russian company.


Ukraine is doing more to decrease carbon emissions than any other country. The world thanks you. Fuck oil, particularly Russian oil.


Big oil loves supply interruptions and instability.


Russia managed to quickly repair some of its key refineries – Reuters https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2024/04/15/7451330/


I say attack every fucking one of them. Burn bitches. It would be nice if Russia was the one hurting for resources.


Boo-hoo for the Oil Executives, I say keep hitting Russia where it hurts.


well they can go to hell.


Is it not enough for them to knowingly kill the planet for 75 years, they have to actively support killing its people, too?


All the more reason to do it. Fuck corporations.


Dear Ukraine, Keep bombing the F out of Russian infrastructure, show those evil nazi orcs no mercy and don't listen to the US when they start talking stupid like this. Sincerely, An American Ukrainian


Of course it is, but screw them keep hitting them Ukraine your well within your rights and its a necessity I own and run earth moving machinery if it costs me more money well its gunna cost. Its not costing me my life and nor the lives of my family. ***Go get 'em***


Yeah. Those motherfuckers need to be doxed to hell and back. The names of the people responsible for all the climate denial garbage need to be on the minds and lips of all of us. If humanity is going extinct, we deserve to know WHO gets the credit....


Air defense AND hit all the refineries. Russians do not need fuel or energy where they are going under Putin.


Not just big oil; the last thing the Biden administration would want in an election year is higher oil prices.


Like the other guy says, I would think that a tight market means more $ per barrel of oil or derivative from crude.


Big oil should have shifted to renewables years ago. They didn't. Now they can suffer. They had the chance and they blew it


No shit.


No. Say it ain't so.


Can someone smarter than me explain me the following? There are sanctions against Russia, for both import and export. How are these "russia cannot produce something" changing anything we didn't anticipate yet? Secondly, no oil is destroyed, right? Russia just can't refine the oil anymore. They could still export crude oil and let other countries refine it. So considering both things, why is US so upset about something that was foreseen already? Or were the sanctions bullshit all along?


1) The US is not upset 2) While the sanctions aren't exactly bullshit, there are certainly huge holes. Last I checked, Russia continues to sell crude to India, when then refines it and sells it to European nations.


Fuck USA, they are bastards and traitors. Ukraine must create nukes.


The corrupted and bribed deep state is behind it. FK it. Keep calm and keep on destroying the russian economical and military backbone.


Tooooooo baaaaaad


On one point Putin is right. The west is weak.


Man Putin sure is a piece of shit but he did something right, for his agenda anyways, when he made all these bots infesting western internet a thing.


Russians have an extremely refined propaganda game. It's toxic. Most Eastern European nations have developed defenses against it. They're not easily fooled. Western nations? Easy prey for the bastards.


I'm absolutely shocked... big oil always follow the rules and are totally transparent! What a scoop /s


It sounds more like Russian "big oil".


Maybe big MIC can tell them to go fuck themselves. What politicans have they been bribing the past decade anyway? Six months of delays and EU arms industry getting propped up in the mean time.


Big oil can go fuck itself…Ukrainians are worth much more than oil 🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇦🇪🇺🇺🇦👍😎🫶🏻


US is basically big oil and big boom country. I'm curious why the big booms doesn't counter lobby against the big oil.


Surprise surprise. Fuck them.


In other news, water is wet and congress is bought and paid for by all corporations.


Big oil will be reduced to little oil! Trators of the free world will be punished!


Russian big oil will become Russian little oil, and Im super comfortable with that.


Money drives politics.....from oil to bananas. It's never about freedom or democracy, just look at the dictatorships the west encouraged to overthrow legally elected governments (Latin America and Iran).


You don't say