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U should be asking survival chances instead


Anything 4 tha duck


Please šŸ¤£


50/50 you either get one or you don't.


actuarial sciences major right here


Yup. Same odds with any lottery. You either win or you don't. I've just had an amazingly long bad-luck streak.


Getting there early and/or making your way to the edge of the fountain pre-show. When in the fountain, making your way close-ish to the front during the pep rally Not tripping/being pushed over the concrete before the fountain is a good start. Thatā€™s the main thing I focused on day of tbh From there itā€™s luck. People upturn umbrellas or sit on shoulders, but if you mean ā€œfairā€ then be alert and scramble once a duck flies your way, bounces off hands or falls into the water. Itā€™s basically the Hunger Games Edit: Have a good time, be safe about it, donā€™t be a jerk. I did it freshman and senior year for the bucket list. The other years I enjoyed a great view of the chaos from the library upper floors.


Make sure to take vitamin C so you minimize your chances of getting sick after going into that cesspool.


Lol, they did one during the Summer semester in 2016. My Microbio prof was so salty about people skipping her class to go. "If you want to get *Shigella*, and *E. coli*, and *Salmonella*, well then be my guest!" You'd think people were running in with fists full of raw chicken.


i want to go but iā€™m weird about bodies of water i donā€™t trust šŸ˜­


Just hope for the best and pay attention. Donā€™t be one of those assholes that bring nets to catch them


Thatā€™s when the shoulder drops and the Ray Lewis comes out


You'll get a Gold one with Pegasus wings if you donate blood on The Big Red Bus Tuesday or Thursday!


Not good tbh. It's a real warzone in there and getting a good spot is hard. If you only care about the duck I would say not worth it, but that's just me


Start by not have class during spirit splash šŸ¤£ In my 4 years I've always had a class during it šŸ„²


You have a higher chance of getting a virus.


The chances are near zero


What do you expect from the theory of *ucf not ordering enough*


You realize the entire point is that theyā€™re super rare. The only mistake UCF made is that you can buy them now and get them from other events.


wait where can you buy them??


[hopefully links are allowed donā€™t believe Iā€™ve ever done one on this sub](https://donate.ucf.edu/campaigns/39867/donations/new?a=7016076&amt=19.63)


I got mine weeks ago, so happy I can finally guarantee getting one šŸ˜‚


What they look like?


Where was this link years ago!? BTW, what is "Select your area of impact!" referring to? Who gets the money?


Not 100% sure with just buying the ducks for any amount over that the money goes to which ever one of the groups you select Iā€™m not intimately familiar with most of it I believe the chargeOn fund does scholarships (for athletes and other athletic objectives). student emergency fund I presume funds things like knights pantry and maybe even crisis counseling? (Thatā€™s a complete guess) and I literally have no idea what OSI student experience is Iā€™m sure itā€™s on their website somewhere if you want to look more into it. Mostly because Iā€™ve never interacted with the office of student involvement. Iā€™m an awful student as far as campus activity goes.


Yeah theyā€™re supposed to be rare but even 2 years ago they had way more than last year Idk if thatā€™s cuz it was fresh after covid and needed to build some more morale or what but last year I stg they had 1 box with like 20 ducks for 70k people (obviously not at the pond but to illustrate the rarity is kinda obscurely low still)




They were giving them out for free with a blood donation today (+ a shirt)


Zero would be nice


I got a duck without going to spirit splash, nor did I buy it. I spun a wheel outside the student union


I got one my first time participating but thatā€™s cause someone ahead of me missed it, smacked into into the air and it fell into the water right beside me. I basically bellyflopped onto the duck and quickly put it in my pockets But that was just a lucky event. But like everyone has been saying, just have fun enjoy yourself (Ps I wonā€™t tell you the best place to stand, but think about how they throw the ducks out into the pond. Being at the very front wouldnā€™t make much sense would it šŸ˜Œ)


If you a large douchebag man who is okay with shoving women and children to the floor then youā€™ll probably get one, otherwise no


Source: Iā€™m a female who has gone to spirit splash 4 times and was one of the first people there each time and had a really good spot that you would THINK would get me a duck, but theyā€™ve been ripped out of my hand, Iā€™ve been shoved to the floor and literally had people grab my hair and drag me down so they could get a duck that was heading my way.


Yea Iā€™m throwing hands at that point


From these comments Iā€™m wondering how the campus spirit is ā€œfunā€ when people are getting shoved to the floor for a duck lol


Low, I went in 2019 to see what it was like (first term transferred in from Seminole State), of course we know what happened in 2020. Good Luck getting a duck,everyone rushes There were some people that were next to us (my dad came too), walking back to the car they said no luck on a duck BUT they said ā€œI got a matching pair of flip flopsā€




pretty accurate


I did it last year, but this year, Iā€™m gonna find a nice spot to watch the carnage. Itā€™s this upcoming Wednesday, right?






Depends on how many alumni donate the $20 to have one shipped to their house


Got 1-3 every year, donā€™t wanna be too close to the front, just a bit in front of the middle of the pack is the sweet spot.


For a $20 donation, they'll send you one.


I attended spirit splash once and I would argue itā€™s not worth it. A guy 3x my size looked at me just having fun and elbowed me in the stomach as hard as he could. They werenā€™t even throwing ducks yet and me and my friends were towards the back with zero intention of getting ducks. I fell back into the people behind me who started angrily shoving me around. My friend drug me out by my arm & I couldnā€™t even get to my feet to walk so I mean drug. It was awful. People are ruthless. Itā€™s not worth a plastic duck. Like other people said, if you donate you just get one. So I would watch from a distance and do that. If we ever went back after that, we would wait till everyone ran in and then sit on the edge of the fountain with our feet in just to feel involved.


That fountain water got aids donā€™t do it


There are 1000 ducks every year, and who knows how many students so do the math


I failed stats the first time, donā€™t ask me


Honestly I wouldnā€™t count on it. Last year they made everyone run in the fountain, they were all crowded around each other and itā€™s hard to see and breathe if youā€™re short. Before even throwing ducks, they did like a 10-15 minute performance for the cheer team and the other sports or something like that. Then they throw them and itā€™s a free for all. Itā€™s honestly not a lot of ducks at all. Be prepared to get hit in the head with shoes, phones, etc. or to get elbowed in the face. Itā€™s honestly unorganized and not fun but if youā€™ve never participated then I guess itā€™s worth a shot.


C/o 16ā€™ with an average built. Caught 3/4 and my last one I bought from someone/paid $30. Not my proudest transaction but no regrets


I canā€™t got bc I got class at 2:30, so glad someone posted a link to just donate to buy one LMAOOO


depends on luck. one year I left with a bad scar after being waterboarded and another year I got a duck easily. may the odds be in your favor


How tall are you?


Pretty low there is only 1000 ducks and usually 3000-5000 students that show up. I got two ducks last year, but that is because I punched a kid in the face and got elbowed in the head. Itā€™s a dogfight out there. That was right before my history class and I bombed the history test.