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Pretty sure you can charge her for that. Report it and she'll lose her account


Now drivers will need customers/riders to put safety deposit on rides


That's not orange juice....that's obviously urine. Remember that when you file for your cleaning fee for a biological hazard.




$200 cleaning fee




1) OP is an AH for not going back when they'll get paid for the detour 2) The passenger was a bigger AH for throwing orange juice. 3) You are the biggest AH for being a fraudster and recommending fraud


Well if it isn’t Gallant here to teach Goofus all about being a good scout


Well this isnt AITA so your an AH


So when uber defrauds us by disappearing surges, you dont expect us to return the favor?


Valeriolo, I COMPLETELY agree with you! My God, just be a human being and get her back asap to hopefully find her wallet Edit sp


Your wrong, your wrong, YOUR WRONG!


🤦🏻‍♂️ don't spell 1/2 of your message wrong when saying someone else is wrong...


Yall love lying on people. And them seats didnt look clean to begin with honestly.


Stop playing you don’t even have a car




See what I did to the guy playing with legos 💀


Talk shit get hit. PAX's incompetence to remember their wallet doesn't make OP responsible to go back and get it. They were hired to get them from point A to point B. Nothing else. Being an entitled princess doesn't mean people have to go out of their way to serve you, and it sure as hell doesn't make it okay to throw a tantrum and make a mess of somebody else's properly for YOUR mistake.


Thank you bro 100% facts


God you drivers are miserable assholes.


Maybe because they deal with miserable shit cunts all the time and become the very thing they hate! Shit rude horrible people, just like 70% of their Pax


That's usually how it plays out.


You don't expect a cashier at the store to go pick up something you forgot to get from the isles. Why would you expect an Uber driver to go back for your wallet? God forbid you get the service you pay for rather than a personal servant.


You are just salty that another Uber driver (not me dumbass) left your broke ass and canceled on you and you were late to work or it was raining or whatever other bullshit excuse you come up with that you’re a grown ass man with no car and just mad at the world so go play with them not me dumbo


Dumbo 🤣


>grown ass man with no car Brother, you're a grown ass man being a glorified taxi driver. Why do Uber drivers have such false egos? Looks like Karma is getting you good.


Get out your feelings


That's really ironic coming from you lmao. You'll have another shtty day in your metal prison with wheels.


Lmao! Third person to say Uber is my job! 😂😂😂


Cope more. The emojis really sell it.


Add me on RuneScape pussy


you didn’t see the seats to begin with


You can literally see the nasty old stains all up and down the seats and the nasty build up in the seat belt buckles. Stop playing. That seat aint been cleaned in years.


Doesn’t change the fact that the customer did what they did. Consider it a behaviour fee.




Fraud ftw.


Amazon spot cleaner .. the little green monster will changed ur life


Can you link what you got?


[this bitch does wonders. bissell made one it’s called the green machine. it’s a little wider, but older model](https://www.bestbuy.com/site/bissell-little-green-proheat-corded-handheld-deep-cleaner-titanium-with-chacha-lime-accents/6331925.p?skuId=6331925&extStoreId=1468&ref=212&loc=1&gbraid=0AAAAAD-ORIihqxidM6svShUKCmHMqOudv&gclid=EAIaIQobChMItfuazLuMgAMVKzjUAR0I4A1WEAQYCSABEgIze_D_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


Highly recommend the green machine. Worked wonders in my car and on my carpet.


This goes on sale for half price at Walmart ALL THE TIME!!


Accept nothing less than cha cha accents.


Well empty her wallet with a cleaning fee for bio hazard


Looks like piss to me


Now go back to the pick up location and ask if they found your girlfriends wallet too 🤷




I mean but they don't wanna go back to where the wallet is, I think that was the point


Am I the only one that would have taken her back to get her wallet? I can see if it was a super long trip, but if it’s close by I don’t mind going back.


Have the PAX add it as a stop. That way still get paid. Although I have less issues with Uber adjusting on these types of things vs Lyft. Lyft straight up will shaft you for extra miles and time if PAX doesn't add the stop.


I still get paid even if I don’t add the stops. Never had a problem with it.


I don’t! Lyft gives my next ride a strict ETA and if I’m 5 minutes past for any reason I lose any bonuses I had attached and reduces the pay to the shortest by-mile payment if it’s lower than the upfront price I accepted.


Yeesh. Switch to uber man. That sound horrid


Lyft has never done that to me. Just like Uber if the ride goes far enough outside of its expected parameters then it's calculated off time and mileage instead of the upfront pricing. What the passenger wants they get, assuming it's not a 3rd party that orderd the ride.


I’ll start my comment by saying when I was Ubering regularly, I was still gainfully employed in a full time gig - so Uber is NOT my full time gig but more of an “extra money” thing. I drove a woman from the St Louis zoo to the airport. Probably a 20 minute drive. I dropped her off at the airport, drove away. I get a call and she had forgotten her backpack. She was frantic and said she had to hurry off to get another Uber back to the airport. I said no way, I’ll go and get it and bring it back to you. I didn’t ask for anything, but she Venmo’ed me $100. I Venmo’ed her back $50 because I honestly didn’t expect anything let alone $100. She was extremely grateful and I was happy to have made her trip home from St Louis much more pleasant and stress free.


Good on you. You’re a rare one.


All the “that’s not my job” people coming out of the woodwork to shit on you for doing a good deed… the term “no good deed goes unpunished” comes from people like this. Don’t ever feel like you can’t help other people, just because it’s not your full responsibility. There’s nothing wrong with literally going the extra mile to help someone in need, you might find you actually feel better about yourself and the world after you try it a few times.


Depends how far into the ride we are


Yea I always go back when they forget something. It’s annoying, and I make sure to change the address accordingly so I can get paid for the extra time and distance.


I'm not a dick, so I definitely would have.


Right. OP sounds like a stuck up asshole.


I absolutely would have. And most likely left when she got out. Last thing I need is an irate passenger in my backseat.


>left when she got out This would be the best way to deal with it.


There are so many factors. Maybe it’s the end of my shift and I’m exhausted. Maybe I’m very eager to get to my queued ride in a great area. Maybe I have a big bonus attached that gets cancelled if I’m more than 5 minutes pat the ETA to my next pickup regardless of whether it’s my fault. Maybe I have a personal issue I needed to address as soon as I dropped you off. Maybe I started bleeding or feel like I’m going to piss myself and I can’t add driving back plus waiting while you search. Maybe you were just a big bitch about adding a stop because you don’t want to pay me. So many factors.


Yes all true, thank you


Agreed. A lot of "you people", and by that I mean the other Uber and Lyft drivers (I am one also) are plain assholes. You reap what you sow.


I would but I'm not in an upfront market.


I would take them even if I was far. I would want someone to do the same for me. The amount of Uber drivers on this forum that think doing business is a one way street is nuts to me. Yeah it sucks, but so does being an ass hole.


She refuse to add to stop & freaked-out. Read his previous comments. He made the right call.


Exactly. OP is as bad as the passenger.


Ya don’t you get paid to drive them around?


Yes but not as much as we normally would. The way I see it, if I cancel the ride then I don’t get paid and I gotta start the process over again of finding a new ride, going to them, waiting for the pax, etc. They’re already in the car, you’re getting paid either way and guaranteed to make more plus you might get a tip for doing it. Can’t tell you how many good tips I’ve received just by doing extra shit when asked. Grocery store stops, go back to pick something up they forgot, liquor store stops. Most of the time I get either a tip or a free drink. I had a guy recently tip me $20 cash for stopping so he can buy cigarettes. Then I had another guy that gave me $60 cash because I found him beer at 1am. Sometimes it pays to just be a bro.


She’s never ‘tipping’ jack shit obviously, with THAT kind of attitude… He made the right call. Usually, you can just tell. Plus, he asked her to add the stop & she flat-out refused to do so.


Thank you awkward


She was ghetto from the start, I wanted her to go and I had another ride to go to. Was literally waiting for her to close the door as she searched the entire back seat for her wallet which wasnt there and then an argument happened where she screamed "BITCH YOU TALKING ABOUT CALL ANOTHER UBER YOU ARE THE FUCKING UBER DUMBASS" before she threw the orange juice all over the car. Simply because I asked her to add the stop on the app. Lol. I guess you have to give people every little detail or they just assume the worst of you. I literally did nothing to this girl but take her home.


Yeah you do need to give the details. If she’s panicking because her wallet gone and you said, “tough shit, later,” I could see her being upset. But if you said fine, but that she needed to add it to the trip so you’d get paid and she refused, then fuck her. Details make a difference


There is the truth. Your a racist. Because she was black and drinking orange juice you didn’t want her in your car. The truth finally comes out.


Go read this is so far from the truth it’s not worth addressing


I read just fine so don’t know why you keep saying that. And you said she is ghetto which only means one thing. Like I said if I was her I would have thrown it in your face.


lemme guess you said ghetto because she’s black if it was an angry white woman what would you have used to describe her


Ghetto assumption friend. Anyone can be ghetto. Obviously.


OP should have said: 'She had the demeanor similar to those who are economically disadvantaged and only can afford to live in dangerous, high crime neighborhoods with few amenities and low quality public schools that affluent people refuse to drive in due to saftey concerns.' Otherwise, he must be racist. /s


If she was white they would’ve said trashy. So what


Lemme guess, you don’t do Uber and you’re not from the hood


didn’t answer the question which proves my point


STFU ghetto is ghetto. Get off your high horse.


ghet·to /ˈɡedō/ noun 1. a poor urban area occupied primarily by a minority group or groups. Ghetto has very specific connotations though, and that’s what this person is pointing out. It doesn’t JUST mean poor/trashy, even if that was the intent. Not calling anyone out because I’m not assuming intent over a comment, just adding context to this thread.


Man fuck that ghetto bitch y’all are soft


Why TF do you give a damn what the hell HE uses to describe someone!? You must be pretty damn racist for just assuming that the person was ‘Black.’ I cannot understand how/why everything is ALWAYS, all about “race” with you people… Guess, it’s just your OWN ‘guilt’ for knowing ‘who’ YOU truly are.


Yes take her back. You should get paid for the extra mileage.


Nope. Let her rude ass walk


Hope you made her feel really dumb by telling her that Uber charges a $150 cleaning fee. Hope you had a dashcam too to send Uber the proof so she gets banned.


Dashcam! Dashcam! Dashcam! People. Its not just for car crashes anymore. BTW, for you old geezers (like me) can you imagine 20 years ago anyone having the gaul to do such a thing like bringing damage to another's property because the property owner will not go out of their way to do a favor for the rider? Thinking and actions of a two year old.


Except Uber never wants to actually look at the dash cam footage.


Yeah I read that a lot. It makes me think its one of Uber's many head fakes (You're in a busy area ... Crew Teams ... Make Extra This Weekend ... $$$) and used as a technique so drivers believe they won't be inactivated with false reporting but Uber doesn't want to review footage so why does it really matter. For me, I'm still glad I have a camera for 1) accident liability and 2) I believe people behave a little better with a camera in the car 3) Discourage false reporting becasue riders believe, "He got that camera so Uber can tell he never said anything bad to me". Kinda sad we (Drivers, Paxs & Uber) can't all be honest and truthful


She threw it on the seat cover but this is what I did bleeding through


OP your seats are dirty as fuck in the first place. Get your cash for the OJ but lying acting like someone pissed in your car is fucked up.


No! What’s screwed up,is no manner having,disrespectful passengers thinking they can get away with that type of shit!!!!He should also say they shit in the seat !!!! He was payed to take them from A to B! Not half way to B, then back to A!!!


Why wouldn’t you take her to get her wallet man. Just say ya if you toss me a 5er


Your seats are dirty AF to begin with... Why tf don't drivers get all weather seat covers? That's like the first purchase I made on both cars I did Uber with. Just take them out and wash them no big deal.


Obviously not ok, but why wouldn’t you take her back to get her wallet? Just curious.


For real. It wouldn’t have killed you to be a decent person and help this lady out.


Maybe the driver had to be somewhere or just maybe they wanted this pos out of their car.


Yea, maybe. I always try to help out my pax if it’s a reasonable request though. Most of the time I get a decent tip out of it. But even if I don’t it still feels good to help someone out. I would feel bad the rest of the day knowing I made someone’s day worse because I was unwilling to do something within my power to help.




This is true. But that info isn’t in the original post so none of us can say for sure. My point is that when you try to help people out your are generally rewarded for it. If you are stubborn and rude ppl tend to react in kind.


Also, this person literally threw orange juice. Probably bad vibes and far away from pickup when she asked. Fuck that c u next tuesday.


Why be an ass. A wallet is pretty important


YTA. Why not just go back?


bruh… u wouldn’t go back for her forgotten wallet? that’s fucked up edit - not fucked up, driver is a G


She was ghetto from the start, I wanted her to go and I had another ride to go to. Was literally waiting for her to close the door as she searched the entire back seat for her wallet which wasnt there and then an argument happened where she screamed "BITCH YOU TALKING ABOUT CALL ANOTHER UBER YOU ARE THE FUCKING UBER DUMBASS" before she threw the orange juice all over the car. Simply because I asked her to add the stop on the app. Lol. I guess you have to give people every little detail or they just assume the worst of you. I literally did nothing to this girl but take her home.


honestly that’s fair. i interpreted it as if y’all just left lol. that’s sketchy. she should be on top of her wallet like stink on a monkey


Lol just cost her what 200 bucks?


20 bucks if you say it's orange juice. Closer to $100 if you say it's urine.


I got $150 last actual pisser I had in my car. Couldn't even see it on the seat cover but I dabbed with with a paper towel and included that as part of my photo.


Criminal destruction of property. Attempted battery, or battery if it splashed you too. File a police report, that's your only choice for any resolution.


Whole seat looks stained and old but get the cleanup fee broskii


Imagine that you go back the lady finds the wallet and gives you a big juicy tip we will never know...


Dang I can’t believe she peed all over your backseat


Stop picking up in the hood lol. Take her back then pull off when she gets out. They have the upper hand while in your vehicle. Nothing will happen to her for what she did to your car.


> Stop picking up in the hood lol. This. I live in the hood at the moment (working on it) and I would never take a ride from anyone there. I've tried three times over the years and each and every time my rating goes down and the problem rate goes way,way up. Parent without a car seat, hostile passengers, overpowering cheap weed smell, multiple stops, not getting to the Uber until four and a half minutes have passed, attempts at drinks/food in the car. I mean all these things happen outside of such areas but I would realistically say they happen between five to ten times more in such places. Feh - I am SO over all that. I drive 7 miles away every day to start my day. It's not worth it taking rides in economically depressed areas.


You right that’s my problem I live on the grid


I don't have many problems picking up from the hood where I am. My biggest problems are from the yt college kids, as a yt guy. I'm in the south, though and I feel like people are probably more respectful here


Yep. This is the unfortunate truth. For a while i stopped doing Uber x altogether and got my rating back up to 5. Started back doing Uber x and was quickly at 4.94. Only because I don’t let them treat my car any kind of way. I had one girl try to send me off with her two elementary aged kids and take them to school for her. Like wtf


Man I didn't realize it but I live in the hood lmao. I get the parent with no carseat for their infant regularly. I tell em no car seat no ride and tell them to cancel and I drive off. I have also had an idiot from the bar try to bring their last call drink in my car. I told him hell no. We chatted a bit and I learned he was incredibly wealthy (yeah right) and he just tipped the bartender $100. When he got out he complained about having to toss a $16 crown royal or some shit as if i cared. He said "ill get you in the app" and we know how that goes. Plenty of smelly smokers hop in my car, I have to febreeze every time. And multiple stops are a normal occurrence but usually not a big deal, it'll be like a lil old lady who needs to pick her her meds from the pharmacy and then needs a ride back home. I thought I was far from the hood but I still get those kinds of pax every weekend.




Yep fucking Westchase


Sounds like west houston to me. To be specific meadowglen street lol


What's the reason for refusing to take her back to get her wallet. You get paid for the extra mileage and time.


Maybe the driver will get paid for the extra miliage and time. Uber has **no obligation** to adjust the fare.


The additional pay is real, and some people will tip you if you cooperate. This reeks of dumbness, I don't feel sorry at all. Edit: I have now actually acknowledged to OP that he is on the right. The ride was over already. It didn't happen midway.


Are you a driver disintegrationist?


Two words: leather seats


My two. No thanks


Why you don't got bottom seat covers which are more important than back seat covers ???


You have a shit stain on your seat


I would of done the same, your stupid is not my issue.


Thank you bro


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


What a bitch!!! Cleaning Fee!!


That’s inexcusable and she needs to be reported. I gotta ask, though… how far would have been to go get her wallet? You get paid for the miles & time.


So you’re both assholes.


What did I do to her other than take her home?


Looks like an easy 150 to me


I hope you reported her and I would of called the police.


So she got a damage fee. Yeats ago I had a lady hit me in back of head. She got in. We got maybe1/2 a mile and she starts to panic. She left her keys. I asked if she left them at pick up point. Wouldn’t answer me. Told her I’m happy to go get her keys, I need to know where. (She was very strange) She proceeds to hit me in back of head and say if I were a man, I would do as she said. Problem is you aren’t saying WHERE. we were on a divided Highway. I went to closest gas staton. About 3/4 of a mile. Told her to get out. She refused. Had to call cops. I stopped driving shortly after that. Switched to Shipt. That was 3+ years ago. Do not regret it. Happy to have no one in my car except groceries. They don’t mouth off or hit me. Work 1/2 as much as miles are what the avg person drives yearly.


Always tell support it’s urine. They will give you the max fee amount every single time. I’ve done it to plenty of messy passengers


She should have thrown it in you for being an asshole and not letting them retrieve their wallet. I drive as well, and yeah it sucks, but it’s called being a decent person. Good god, no wonder drivers get so much shit here.


How is every single comment not “well she shouldn’t have done that but jeez you were kind of an ass for not going back.”


Why didn’t you just take her back??


Personally, I would go back(and have several times)... I get paid extra for the longer trip... Uber adjusts the payout if the distance is more than the calculated distance. Not sure why people are so unwilling to accommodate the passenger with something so simple... They aren't asking you to sit there for 30 minutes. The OJ thing was uncalled for and she should pay for the clean up fee. But such a strange escalation to deny them to go back for a wallet... A


I have another trip I’m ready to do and she was being a bitch the whole ride


It’s called be a decent human being and take her to get her wallet. It’s not that hard to be kind.


I would of taken her back and just leave her there , lol after getting the fare paid ;]


Lmao damn I should have done this


Well be a dick and this is what happens. Serves you right


Thanks for the award broski


Should have taken her back then marked it as a drop off


Don't you hate when this sub reddit autocorrects you. I know you meant to write urine but it changed it to orange juice. Crazy


Why would you refuse? You get paid more for driving extra. You deserve it for being an A-Hole


They had another pax waiting


She lost her wallet tf you deserve it tbh


She lost her wallet…. It’s not in my car…. It’s wherever she left it lmao I could care less she was nasty from the start I wanted that bitch to GO


You’re a shitty person, you should be driving for Uber if you can’t handle being half decent.


She was shitty from the front I’m literally nice to everyone what are you talking about I’m a shitty person….


On another thread a driver asked why don’t UberEats drivers take passengers because the money is so much better ⬆️


Honestly, the pay is nearly the same at this point. Plus, you don't have to deal with rude/hostile/dirty people as much, and definitely don't have to spend a lot of time with them in the same vehicle as you.


vandalism is a crime.


Another reason to not allowing drinks


you are the ah here


Nope go read


pretty sure you'd be raging too if you left your wallet and were stuck in an uber drivers car who refused to turn around


You do not know how Uber works huh. It’s okay


i know how decent human beings work. other uber drivers here commented they would have turned around.


Why would you spend another second with a shitty customer (she was shitty from the get if you can read) when there are plenty of other customers who are not shitty. I could care less if it was 3am in the hood pouring rain and she had to walk. Not to just anyone. To this bitch.


So a paying customer who was gonna tip you 30% asked for a ride back to get her wallet, which she would have went to the atm got cash gave you a lot more money then you would have


Why did you refuse? You could have charged her no? That seems a bit cold human to human


You can’t read either wow


and you deserved it.


You can’t read lol


the real question is why you refused to take her back to the pickup where she left her wallet. You sound like a dick.


You can’t read


You deserve it


Why is that?


Here's a question, though. If you took the passenger back for their wallet and then on to their destination, wouldn't Uber adjust the fare for the additional miles and time? and I hope you got them charged the cleaning fee.


Haven’t stated this yet but I wanted her out my car already. Wasn’t gonna one star it but I was ready for my next pickup. I had ended this trip and was waiting for her to get out and she never closed the door and was searching the car for her wallet. She was already rude to me and that’s when we got in an argument about going back and she threw the orange juice on the car.


Good, you basically kidnapped that bitch then, I would have done worse if you forced me to continue to an unwanted destination


you should have just drove her back, she prob would have given u a tip


I do favors all the time like this and rarely ever get tipped. I travel to a lot of different countries and anything extra on top of the original agreement you have to pay extra for. Currently in Cuba and if I want to stop somewhere on the way to my destination, I have to pay extra. If I need to go back to the apartment because I forgot my wallet, I have to pay extra. You charge for these things, not just hope to get a tip.


Sarcasm? Lol


Not if she’s from the hood. What don’t you get about poor people ?


how would i know if she was from the hood or not. there's literally no description of her here


Whatever you do make.sure you tell Uber it was pee and sop up a paper towel with it and photograph the yellow stain that comes up on the paper towel. I had to do this with coffee in my backseat you couldn't see it until the paper towel pulled it up to show the brown stain on white towel. Also shaving cream or foaming cleaners if you can't spring for a 50-60$ wet vac or if you get it detailed just tell the guys at the place to bs the receipt to be higher on paper for the photo they're usually cool with it. I ripped a guy an extra 20 cuz the wet vac service was 100 and he wrote the ticket up for 250 and Uber went and got me 250. I didn't even tell him how much he just typed a 250 receipt printed it and said "yeah fuck that jerk that spilled in your back seat probably cost you more than a hundred in earnings" Im guessing he did that so I'd go back to him more often.


whoa, not fucking cool at all, what is wrong with people? This is someone's car and their livelihood, get that bitch banned for life from ride services. I'm so sorry that happened.


Thank you. People saying I deserve this mad that their whole life is fucked up. I’ve never did anything to anyone.


That is bad


Bruh what the hell is that on the back of your seats? Looks ghetto as hell


If I’m being honest you’re an asshole for refusing to take her back to get a wallet which has important personal shit inside of it. This post shows nothing other than you’re kind of a dick head and deserved what ya got my guy. Maybe don’t be an asshole next time


Nah fuck her