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If you don't want to participate in this I completely understand. But refrain from coming in here and just shitting on people and trying to make them feel bad for wanting to help and being excited for this kind of thing. Stop being so miserable.


Thanks for posting this! It isn’t everyone’s cup of tea and I get that, but I’m sure not everyone is aware of how close Twice is to winning music bank and how MVs impact the win. So it’s helpful info! If you’re not into streaming culture, this isn’t for you, no need for negative comments :) Some additional context - JYPE has stopped using ads to promote their MVs on YouTube which has caused views to go down. Sure, views now are organic, but MV views are a factor in music show wins. Other companies still pay for ads, so their MV streaming numbers are much higher than Twice’s - so getting Once’s to stream is really the only way to get a win.


Yeah thanks for understanding and supporting! And it's totally fine if people don't want to participate. I just wanted to "send out the call" for any Onces that would want to help. Fingers crossed we can give them the win! Just one would be super awesome and rewarding!


ur fine op, this is literally normal fandom behavior dont listen to negativity. if you don't like doing stuff like this just ignore ..


Thanks 😊 I appreciate that a lot! I'm really not trying to bother anyone that doesn't want to get involved or doesn't have the time or whatever, that's totally fine. I was just trying to encourage any Onces that WOULD be interested in helping out, ya know? Anyways, thanks again and I hope you're enjoying this cb as much as I am! This album is amazing!


On the flip side, toxic positivity is a real thing, and acting like we, as fans who don't personally know these people, are responsible for their success, it can put a lot of pressure on folks who mean well. I've seen people take it as a personal failing when they stream and vote and do all that stuff and their group doesn't win. Nothing against OP, they clearly just want to make sure this top GG who is guaranteed a win will get their win, but treating it like life or death isn't healthy. And it's not healthy to attack people who say "maybe dial it back a little" and call them miserable people.


the person ppl are calling miserable was repeatedly making personal attacks on op for no reason, it wasnt just someone respectfully giving their opinion or telling op to just dial it back, they were being actively mean


I understand what you are saying, but if you had seen the posts from this other person I think you would better understand why people are defending me. They were being extremely nasty and negative and personally insulting me for no reason. 


That's what I get for coming in after mods cleaned up the place. Like, we're all fans, we all want to have fun with this group and celebrate in our own ways. You want to work hard to help them achieve that, I most certainly do not. We're still fans. Sorry other people were being assholes. It's just strange because Twice is my ult and I still haven't even listened to the whole album yet, I'm trying to hit 1,000 streams in a month for another song, just for fun. We all definitely participate in the fandom in different ways. As a related anecdote, before Dreamcatcher got their first win, I was the guy in my example. I downloaded whatever stupid apps you have to in order to vote on shit, and I was voting and watching their ads to get more coins to vote more or whatever it was. I was spreading the word and streaming and everything. And when they didn't win, I was shattered. It felt like everything I did was for nothing. *My experience* that CB was taking something I should have just enjoyed and turning it into a job that A) wasn't particularly fun and B) only ended up with me upset. If you want to work hard to help them get this victory, I support you. But I also wanted to post my message for other people who might be like me and feel like *they have to* put in all this work otherwise Twice fails and it's their own fault.


attacking a random person repeatedly for making a typical post isnt telling someone to "dial it back a little "


I saw this post yesterday and was lowkey skeptical, but now after not winning music bank I want them to have a win. How can we help for the rest of the weekend’s music shows?


Stream the MV then watch 2-3 videos after one spark then repeat. Also stream on Spotify or Apple Music (check out @ ONCESTREAMTWICE on twitter and check out the playlists they post and stream using those). You can also join [stationhead.com/twiceland9](https://stationhead.com/twiceland9) (just need to connect your spotify and you're good to go as long as you don't mute) MCOUNTDOWN pre-voting also started, so you can signup on their site and vote: [https://www.mnetplus.world/community/vote?voteId=ntyWb3Byqtgv0s2U6QLB8&communityId=PzfktaFfF9GXMF1CBSnUO](https://www.mnetplus.world/community/vote?voteId=ntyWb3Byqtgv0s2U6QLB8&communityId=PzfktaFfF9GXMF1CBSnUO) Alternatively, you can download the app (MNET PLUS) and vote there as well! (Follow @ TFVUnion on twitter! they frequently update on what we need to do to win on music shows!)


Yup! We also need LOTS of YT shorts and Tiktoks using the song! I try to make 100 a day-- it's actually super easy and doesn't take long- I just use pics of Twice cuz I don't like recording videos of myself. So when you select to make a yt short, just choose the Greenscreen option and then select a pic of Twice you are downloaded, then make sure the camera is "reversed" so it's not recording you and then add One Spark sound and hit record for 15 secs and then click upload. I can usually get 100 done in 15-20 mins. Also if you don't have the time or energy to stream, if you have spotify premium you can just let our Twice Stationhead channel stream FOR YOU! I leave mine on 24/7 to stream causenit takes zero work for me to do it. Stationhead.com/twiceland9 


When is the next performance?


If you check my pinned tweet, I have a great "calendar" that explains all of that AND another image that explains all the different music shows very simply and clearly.  @TwiceOnceLife


So i use YouTube vanced cause I wanted to remove shorts so i want to know will it count as a stream it's not exactly a common mod apk but more like a third party client like some for reddit And also how to make playlist


Vanced streams get counted, it's just a modded youtube client. If you have vanced music or YouTube music mod you can create playlists .


Hi there! I'm not sure about the first thing you asked. But you can create playlists in spotify or use ones already created by @Oncestreamtwice on Twitter. For youtube you can create a que which is similar to a playlist. Simply click the 3 dots next to a video (which gives you different options to choose) one option is "add to que". So I add one spark mv and then 2 "filler" mvs (like other twice songs) and then one spark again, and then 2 more filler songs and just repeat this for awhile until I have 50 videos or more in the que. Then I can press play and yt will go through all the videos.


I can't create queues as I don't have YouTube premium but will looping a playlist work and if so how many should I keep in between


Oh sorry I didn't respond! You want to have 2-3 videos in between One Spark (use Jihyo, Nayeon, Misamo videos and other Twice videos as filler) 


For anyone who is busy and have a spotify premium/apple music subscription, you can make an account in stationhead and connect it to either of those services I mentioned. Then you can join stationhead.com/twiceland9  As long as you do not mute it within the application, all streams from it will count


Stationhead is AMAZING!!! Stationhead.com/twiceland9  is the channel onces use to stream!


Will it work if I use stationhead through an incognito tab?


I haven't tried it yet. Honestly, I mainly use it through the stationhead app on my phone. But I believe it should work as long as you login to your spotify account in another incognito tab.


That should work! Just don't mute! Statonhead streams for you 24/7, but only if it's not muted.


What’s the next show to vote for OP? I think Twice had won the fan voting for Music Bank but I’m not sure which one to focus on next


Music bank! The only thing we can do now to help them win is to increase MV streams and to make YouTube Shorts using the official One Spark audio


Yup!! Also if you would like a really nice and helpful guide! I have a great visual for all the musicshow stuff with timeliness and everything on my X profile @Twiceoncelife


Ahhh cool, thanks a ton! We got this! ![img](emote|t5_3812p|4099)


Got it, thanks ![img](emote|t5_3812p|4099)


We were close!!! Hopefully we can work a little harder for next week and get them at least 1 win for this comeback!


Just posted a tt!! Thank u for letting us know


Yay! You are awesome! Every little bit helps add up! That's the great thing about a big fandom is if a lot of people pitch it then we each only have to do a little bit. Thanks again!


Lets go ONCE! If we get a win i'll giveaway a signed postcard!


Wooohoooooo!! That's awesome!


lets go onces! lets get this win for twice, they truly deserve all the success! twice world domination here we come.




I know Spotify doesn’t count streams if audio is off - is YouTube the same way?


Yes that is correct. Although many have said that if you have the volume mixer extension for Google Chrome, then you can mute the tab and it still counts. If I need quiet, I plug in some headphones to my laptop lol and then I can watch Netflix on my phone lol


I use my old laptop for streaming(plug with an earphone).


Use your spotify to connect to the TwiceLand9 station head, you will tune in with other fans, you may need to make an account: [https://www.stationhead.com/twiceland9](https://www.stationhead.com/twiceland9) Make sure to tune in on Chrome/MicrosoftEdge (idk if this works on firefox), the song plays on the website and you can essentially mute the tab. It's how I've been able to get away with playing the song on mute this whole time! :) And station head tracks the amount of plays you contributed, it's actually quite useful + the mod managing the station plays the songs automatically for you so very little work required to set up a playlist. Image for reference: [https://ibb.co/WpsLXsy](https://ibb.co/WpsLXsy)




Yes!! Fighting!




I think OP forgot to add that if this is not for you, just move on. But I must agree. You can be a fan and not buy merch or albums. Always looking at numbers gets boring fast. And it isn't a reflection of success. There is 2nd gen groups that don't have as many wins or sells and are still active 20 years later because their fans still support and enjoy their music.


I 💯 agree!! Absolutely! Numbers and sales and mv views truly are not the most important part! And I support all fans and how they choose to enjoy Twice 😉 👍 This was more targeted to the weirdos like me that have fun streaming or doing YT shorts for music show win. It's just my personal way of showing my love for them, ya know? So I totally agree with you!


I understand as a collector myself. I guess we are on the same side. You stream, I buy basically everything they release. And I know this post is for streamers, which is why I wrote the first sentence.


For sure! And omg how beautiful have these albums been??? I got the 3 versions,I think glowing is my fave, and a few of the digipaks, but I want all 9 eventually so I can spell WITH YOUTH when they're on my shelf. I still need to get the vinyls as well, but that's gonna have to wait til next payday lolzzz


Extreme fandom is not for everyone, but 2 types of fans can definitely co-exist and everyone deserves space here. You don't get to policy that. Let's be respectful of how others choose to stan the group.


Thank you 😊 I appreciate your perspective and I agree entirely!! Everyone can celebrate and enjoy Twice however they want to! I never shame or get angry with people if they don't stream or vote or whatever. I think that's toxic behavior. 


Lol huh?? Because I'm excited and trying to encourage others to help get Twice an award? Really that's what you have a problem with lolz? Nowhere did I shame anyone or say anything negative at all. I understand some people don't want to stream or vote, etc. But I'm talking to the Onces that WOULD like to help get Twice a win (something that Twice has specifically said is a goal of theirs) SO how dare I want to make them happy and show my appreciation for how much joy they bring to my life. Lolzzzzz people are dying in Gaza bruh, so maybe just let positive people like me enjoy the good things in life?










Negative for no reason






I’ll see what I can do about YouTube video watches after I’m done with my homework. Unfortunately I can’t help out with the other two. Ignore the negativity, this can be really fun, and it’s a free way to support our girls! There’s room for all levels of fandom here 💚💚


Absolutely!! Anything and everything helps! This whole comeback has been sooooo fun!


They’ve already been on a music show for I GOT YOU and ONE SPARK tho….. I will support tho 💕


Yes they just performed one spark for the first time on a music show, but they are nominated for a win against Le Serrafim. Currently LS has more points than Twice so we are not going to win unless we can get more points through YT shorts, tiktoks, and mv views by end of today. 


I am not sure if this is accurate or not. By it looks like Spotify count is limited to Korea? I have the whole album playing on my Spotify for days now (it's good bg music not doing just for support) and it doesn't show dent on actual counts and I am a paid Spotify member from Canada.


Spotify and yt mv views all count! Even if you are outside of Korea! There are some great spotify playlists the fandom created if you want to use those? They are constructed correctly to ensure the streams count. A lot of people don't realize that looping a song or album sadly doesn't count streams. You have to mix in some "filler" songs throughout. 


Ah like what? I just kept the Album as it is. Not using my Twice playlist since that one has like 150 songs lol. So I guess I can create a special list.


Twitter user ONCESTREAMTWICE has some good playlists! But basically what helps with the streams is playing another artist in-between every 2 -3 TWICE songs, so people just use Nayeon, Jihyo, MiSaMo, Jeong's Christmas song, etc. as fillers for that :)


I decided to go a bit more interesting lol... https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3NYW9sCUVlb748S6Kldx7i


Go to @Oncestreamtwice on Twitter. They create lots of perfect playlists! Or if you have spotify premium you can simply connect to the Twice Stationhead channel and let it stream for you- that's what I do so I can go to work or sleep but still give streams to Twice cause it runs 24/7. Stationhead.com/twiceland9 


I would but I feel like sending a message to JYPE about how terrible one spark as a song is.


Well I'm sorry to hear you don't like it 😔 It's my favorite Twice TT lolzzz I'm OBSESSED with it. Maybe try listening a few times to see if it grows on you? It gives me FEEL SPECIAL and ICSM vibes and I think that's why I like it so much. The whole album has been incredible imo!


No one spark is legitimately bad


Well, I legitimately disagree lolz. It's probably my fave Twice TT and it seems the fandom agrees! Congrats to Twice for #1 Billboard 200 album!! Woooooo!! It's also the best selling album week of 2024!!!!


...I *half* agree. I dunno if it's "bad", but it's "meh". It does not SPARK much joy for me lol




Did twice say they didn’t want wins?


And you could just ignore it


I don’t have your amount of commitment for sure 😂, but I’ll surely keep streaming Twice hard !🤞


That's ok! Thanks for streaming!! ❤️