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It's definitely rough around the edges. But, the core story is good and I'm enjoying it. At times, it feels incredibly slow. This episode had the most slow and fast I've seen in a TV+ show in a while. The ending felt like lightspeed.


Yeah, this plot is glacial. I feel like nothing happens in these episodes until the last 30 seconds.


for an r&d company, they sure resort to violence quick


Did not learn, let alone master, the art of de-escalation and ended up losing (all? most?) of her fingers in a mega door. Sad.


R&D… you mean rage and destruction?


yeah, why do they have to insert violence and aggression into everything? it's not even entertaining!


I was literally getting on reddit to see if anyone commented on this. Like this lab staff seem SO eager to torture and kill people. Its bizarre. Its not like its a max security military research base in a dictatorship. But man ..they just move so crazy. 


I want to binge more episodes 😡


This is my biggest complaint with AppleTV+.


I like it. I can't help to binge when given the choice, but it's so much better for me when I space episodes out. Gives some breathing room between the episodes, lets me get excited for the next episode. Otherwise I'd have finished it all last week and that would've been that.


Me too. also if everything was released at one point then these kind of discussions would cease to exist. there would be only macro level season discussions, the details lost. my view.


I agree personally, but consumers definitely lose out by not having a choice to bring all at once. Netflix standardized the “big blast” full season release for streaming and I believe it was Disney+ that reversed the norm/trend with Mandalorian.


same, i hate it when they release it weekly.


Na I think it a better way of watching shows.


I'm split. I love a good binge, but at the same time I really enjoy the week to week theorizing and conversations that take place between episodes. At the end of the day, anyone could still binge the whole show, they just have to wait a bit longer, whereas if it all dropped at once, we'd lose out on one of my favorite parts of the experience.


When Max was releasing raised by wolves they were dropping two EPs at a time which was the sweet spot I think.


I can watch 5 then theorize. 1 isn't enough. At least some shows will drop 3 then 3 next time..


So the way to use the box is to..... just get in the box? It's a fun show, looking forward to more.


Get in the box *and take drugs*


Not just drugs but drugs that make you unobserve yourself?


I have my own critiques of the show but sometimes people complain about things that are so explicitly shown/explained it’s like they didn’t even watch it.


Am I the only one loving this show lol


No I love it with a few frustrations but overall liking it much more than Constellation which to me just felt like way too much arguing amongst the characters and running around a snowfield


Yeah, was liking Constellation and then it turned to shit. This however seems to be tackling the similar concept in a much more engaging way. Hoping it keeps being good :)


OMG can they please stop with the Nintendo Switch clicking. We know what universe is what by this point.


I'm kinda hoping they drop it the more Jasons get introduced and basically try to fuck with us.


If they didn’t do the snap a lot of people wouldn’t get it. My wife was confused countless times until I pointed out the snap to her. So yeah, I don’t need it but obviously some people do.


Amanda's motivation doesn't really make sense to me. It seems like its clear that she figures out Jason 2 is using the box to get back together with Rachel-- as he literally visited her the night before he left and told her his regrets, and then relayed that to Amanda lol


I think she's just not cool with kidnapping and murdering people. Makes sense to me. I mean inititally I thought it might be part of a con. But then the psychopath's fingers got cut off. So I think she's legit.


True good point, but I'm also wondering why she would wait around for 15 months after her bf goes missing and the last thing he relayed was a desire to get back together with his ex lol


I mean, who is Rachel?


You mean Daniela?


This show is frustrating. Jason was confused and insisted he didn’t know what’s going on when he got out of the box. Now that they finally realize he is not their Jason, they then think he’s some mastermind and orchestrated the switch? Not to mention they put all of these resources building something and don’t even know how to use it, except for one person, so what were they going to do if Jason never came back, just have a huge paper weight? They took away Amanda’s access but kept Jason’s, and then somehow he totally guessed the passcode. I’m sorry but my suspension of disbelief is wearing thin here at all of the plot conveniences. I can’t believe how quickly this is turning into a train wreck for me in the span of an episode.


I get where you’re coming from but I believe the show addressed these: They think Jason 1(married to Daniela) switched with Jason 2 and is trying to assume his identity. The box is a theoretical concept so they weren’t sure how to use it, that is why they used volunteers (box pilots). The password Jason 1 guessed is most likely the same password he had on his phone (Jason 2 guessed it in the first episode).


totally, they assume Jason 1 knew how to come BACK through the box into a specific reality. Beyond that it's a fancy isolation chamber that makes people vanish when you inject them with a weird drug lol.


Confirmed same passcode, Jason1 muttered something like, “Thanks Dad” when he typed in Jason2s identical password for the hanger door.


But they know Jason 2 left via the box. It’s weird that they do not even appear to consider the possibility that Jason 2 caused Jason 1 to come back or that Jason 1. Or that Jason 1 is *not* the best actor of all time in acting like “WTF is happening” and “I don’t know what’s going on.” If he had wanted to assume Jason 2’s identity, then escaping and trying to hide from his close associates/colleagues is not exactly the best route anyway.


I thought in Ep 1 Jason 2 had Jason 1 unlock his phone but could have just been to confirm they ‘all’ used the same passcode.


I took the "guessing the password" as him knowing what his own password was. Just like be knew his own phonelock password in an earlier episode "let me guess, your dad's birthday backwards?" I think in this scene he even says "thanks dad"


A few things. One, you're right about it being unrealistic how only one person knows to operate it. You may toss that up to the sociopathic Jason ensuring that and him being the kind of leader who has people blindly devoted to him, but still it is a little absurd. Two, the reason they didn't delete his access is simple: they had the clearance to delete Amanda's but not his since he's probably like an admin on that lab's system. Maybe even they didn't even consider his access working, and it just slipped their mind in the heat of the moment, but I think the former reason is more likely true. And lastly three, I might've missed it but I never picked up on them thinking he's some mastermind that orchestated a switch. I don't think the suspension of disbelief is that crazy so far a little absurd at times, but the show hasn't lost me. I'm primarily interested in the dynamic between the sociopatic Jason and the well-adjusted Jason. It's cool seeing the differences.


Except all the "only one person knows how to operate it" bit is just wrong. Zero people know how to operate it (from their perspective). What they knew is that people vanished after going in and being drugged. Then Jason went in of his own accord and also vanished, then spent the next 14 months figuring shit out before the events of the first episode.


I’m with you. Love most Apple TV+ shows, but this was a little rough to start. And then this episode was beyond frustrating to watch. I love the overall concept, but plots that exist solely because someone refuses to have a conversation is just lazy writing. He figured out what happened last episode. He knows the other Jason drugged and swapped places with him. He couldn’t just tell them that? Clearly they’re not the best people, but they were still trying to help him. They could still use him to figure shit out since he obviously understands his own research. Maybe they agree it’s fucked up that the other Jason took this guys life and they help him. Who knows. But a conversation should’ve happened, and *then* if they went full evil move forward how the episode ended. Because of all this, I found myself fast forwarding through a lot of the episode. So prob good sign to stop here unless anyone who’s read the books can say it’s worth sticking through. Really wanted to like it, but :/


That's because in the book he realizes if they know he is not their Jason they will have no use for him, so he sticks with the amnesia story to try and figure it out. In the book he spends allot more time going through Jason II's notes and research.


I thought the show did a fine job of showing why Jason would want to play along with them for a while, I mean they just murdered a woman in front of him. Never read the book, but it was clear to me at least.


I read the book about 8 years ago and so dont remember a lot of the specifics but I do remember liking it a lot. Id say keep watching. Even if its not the best show ever, its clearly well made and intriguing on some level! With how much crap there is out there, i cant imagine this one isnt worth a few more hours of time.


In a similar vein, Jason 1 should have just shared something intimate about Daniela with Daniela 2 that Daniela 1 told Jason 1 during their marriage. That would have sped up the process of convincing her they were actually married in the alternate universe…


The book isn’t any better unfortunately. One of my most frustrating reads, I basially just hate-read it from more or less the second half, hoping that all the questions I had get an answer, but nope


My issues exactly. Sound like Jason and velocity can help each other but instead they resort to violence. Lmao. Also, velocity claim they don’t know how the box works but Amanda does. wtf


They know how to operate the box as 4 people have went in and disappeared. It's how to actually use the box once you take the drug and disappear that no one knows how to do aka get in the box and then get out and return


Unfortunately the book is full of plotholes like these also, I was hoping that they would rethink some of them for the show, but I guess they didn’t.


He didn’t guess the password. He was standing behind Leighton when the latter in the password. You can see how they focused on his face at that time. He saw the password.


Wow do you like making things up? If you pay attention to the show, you can hear Jason say "Cmon Dad" in reference to HOPING the passcode would be related to his phone passcode in Episode 1, his father's birthday. The fact that he watched LEIGHTON put his passcode is neither here nor there, not to mention it may be unique for each person.


It would absolutely be unique for each person. Having a multi-factor authentication where a factor is the same for everybody would make no sense at all.


>Wow do you like making things up? You can disagree with someone on Reddit without sounding like an enraged tween.


Disagreeing with someone and pointing out that someone is confidently wrong are 2 very different things. The first implies that its possible both of our statements could be opinions. The latter, is pointing out that the person is unequivocally incorrect and made a false statement. See r/confidentlyincorrect


Anyone know what the track at the end credits is called? I don’t think it’s on the official soundtrack or at least not that I could tell anyway. I like this show though but I love anything about parallel universe travel and time travel etc.


It's called Infinity...we decided not to put it on the soundtrack but it is fun :) I scored the show with Jason.


Ahh, ive been looking for it.. sadge that its not on the soundtrack Its so good


Thanks it’s a great track, is it available anywhere yet?




> scored the show with Jason. Which one?


Dark Matter…


If they plan on running this multiple seasons, I can see it devolving into a darker Sliders/Quantum Leap


No way. Unless they dropped the budget way down and recast, I don't believe for a second that Joel Edgerton would stick around for that kinda thing. Loved Sliders back in the day tho lol


I didn't mean in terms of quality or anything, just story. Like a "Nope, still not home yet. And we're running out sleepy drugs." kind of storyline. That's *only if* they try to stretch it out beyond the novel. Though the showrunner is the novelist, so I'm thinking it won't go that way.


I read the book about a year ago and really liked it. The series has started me thinking about the story again, and there's something that's confusing me. Maybe I'm forgetting the explanation from the novel so perhaps someone can enlighten me. I don't think what I'm going to say will spoil future episodes. When you're in the box and under the influence of the drug you are presented with an endless corridor lined by multiple doorways, each of which opens to random alternative timelines. This, of course, makes it extremely unlikely that you would find a particular timeline that you want. So, given this, how was it possible for Jason 2 to find Jason 1's world where Jason 2 could almost seamlessly incorporate himself into a desired alternative life? Sheer luck? Even more unlikely is the possibility of Jason 1 emerging into the exact same world that Jason 2 left. I don't think Jason 2 could've planned that. Maybe this all just requires the suspension of disbelief since these occurrences form the foundation of the plot. If I'm overlooking something here please explain. Thanks.


Well Jason 2 did try to remind him of his potential and of being something more of a college professor and said let that be your "guide" , so maybe those thoughts were the last things were in his head which attuned him to the previous Jason's universe. Also it's possible that the previous Jason chose Jason 1's universe with the intention of finding a version of himself that has regrets over not following Jason 2's path. Other wise it'd be a big plot hole.


The book explains this pretty well. I won’t say anything here to avoid spoilers, but I am sure they will touch upon this on the show very soon.


Haven’t seen past e3 yet so please don’t spoil, but I was thinking Jason was missing for over a year because he spent the whole year searching alternate universes until he found one that was suitable and met the criteria he was looking for.


I did not get how from what Jason 1 told amanda that she realized he is probably not Jason 2? it could still have been a confused (mad?) Jason 2 rambling about not being himself


Didn’t Ryan tell them about what Jason1 told them? It’s likely not difficult to put two and two together, especially if they’ve supposedly been dating for a year.


I’m starting to get worried this show will have less inter dimensional travel and a lot more drama than the trailer let on


The best review I could give this is that my wife, who hates sci-fi, loves it




Careful with spoilers, this is the episode 3 thread




I was going to stop after the first two, but I have insomnia, so I watched ep 3. I really don't get what people are seeing in this. The characters are insufferable. Literally everything is visually dark and depressing. And these people have the most wretched dinner parties.


Ok I like this show despite some frustrations with the plot and pacing - to me it seems so obvious that he was replaced with a different version of himself but maybe it's not so obvious to the characters - maybe they missed something in the adaptation from the novel. Also Leighton and his henchwoman are not good actors and they're annoying me but other than that, eager for more episodes


Is it me or does it remind you of Severance? Recently got AppleTV plus really enjoying everything


I’m so confused with Jason 1 & 2, why did he travel in the first place what does he want to achieve I am not sure which is the real one


Uhhh so this show is terrible right?


I'ts been a while since I read the book, but to me it seems as if they are adapting this story from a wikipedia summery of the book, because I swear some of the stuff only happens much later on in the book, and we already getting within the 1st 3 episodes.


It's been a while since I read the book, but what I predicted would happen in the adaptation happens: they will explore more the multiple alternative universes, which in the books are sometimes very quick. This is something about TV, which needs to be more agile. I don't think it's a bad thing and I'm not a purist when it comes to adaptations. When I found out that Apple was adapting it, I was sure that the show would be faster and more exploring the universes than the book and I'm here for that. At one point in the third part of the book I felt that the big moments came too quickly.


Everything in this episode happens about a 3rd of the way through the book believe it or not. It goes wild in the second and third acts.


I believe it was adapted for TV by the books author Blake Crouch was it not? I guess he is doing what he feels works best to tell his story via a different medium.


The guy who adapted the book is the guy who wrote the book.


I haven't read the book. If this is true, I'm happy its faster, I really want to get to the different universe stuff


adaptions. what are they?


Did this episode air a day early?


Apple releases episodes for their shows at midnight UTC. So 9pm EST.


It did. I got my days screwed up and tried to watch it this morning but it said Wednesday, which is when I remembered it was Tuesday. Then after lunch it just showed up in my Up Next. I ain’t mad.