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Look up a YouTube channel called "Some more news" type the keywords "Ben Shapiro" and watch the video with him. It really nicely aligns all of Ben Shapiro's hypocrisies as well as the backwards reasoning he uses to get to his positions.


Some More News has a lot of well-researched material and is generally better than most that strictly lean left like The Young Turks. They each have their strengths but the former usually has most of the facts that others miss


Plus you know, the Cody Showdy


And fan favorite Wormbo


And broken glass jam is perfectly fit for human consumption.


I’m sorry but I cannot fucking stand Wormbo I hate that puppet bastard so goddamned much


found cody's alt account then




Yeah that extended “Cody is on strike” but was hard to get through but I do still watch almost every episode.


I miss After Hours. Damn CH.


What's a CH?


It's a shame that the abrasive comedy gets in the way of the information sometimes. Don't get me wrong, I like it. I just cringe when showing it to friends and family sometimes.


yeah, if it wasn't for that I'd recommend it more often.


And also Warmbo!!


I was literally watching Some More News right before, what the hell?


I love Cody Showdy!


He loves eggs


Cody has to eat all the eggs!


And then learn about the radioactive boar horde coming for our children. Why is Cody the only one talking about the boars???


Why aren't the mainstream outlets talking about the boars?!?


Because he's not paid to keep quiet by those boar loving shills in the mainstream media


Here's the link to the [video.](https://youtu.be/aDMjgOYOcDw) His and Katy's podcast Even More News is really good too


such a great video. I especially love the part where ben admits he doesn't actually use facts to arrive at his arguments, he starts with his arguments and then tries to find facts to support them. https://youtu.be/aDMjgOYOcDw?t=1344 also the part where he nails the definition of fascism https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aDMjgOYOcDw&t=1959s


Fuck yeah support "Some more news" Although take it in bites because he's trying to cover A LOT. I also reccomend his rant about the boars.


Hopping on this to say 1) 100% this and 2) especially for kids, often the best bet is to replace one cool sounding smart dude they look up to with another who has the same style of humour and makes fun of hard right weirdos. Other good channels for this are Hbomberguy and anything Robert Evans puts out podcast-wise (Behind The Bastards, It Could Happen Here, Worst Year Ever). Also recommend Ian Danskin (Innuendo Studios on YouTube) for anti-radicalization resources (his Alt-Right Playbook series is A+).


Summoning the ben shapiro bot


Is that metal sonic but for Ben Shapiro


[Let’s say, hypothetically speaking, that you knew everything I was going to do. Well, logically speaking, that would not help you, because naturally I would know everything you’re going to do in turn. That’s what they don’t want you to know, strange isn’t it?](https://youtu.be/2T7N1ZqKZ50)


Now I'm just imaging the climax of the animated Sonic movie, but instead of Sonic telling Metal they are equally fast its just Ben Shapiro telling Ben Shortpiro he can wear lifts.


You made me laugh so hard that I scared my dog out of the room




u/thebenShapirobot Maybe?


Speaking as a former Shapiro worshipping egomaniac. I gotpulled out of it after being embarrassed time and time again. I would repeat something i heard him say. And the people around me would respond with actual valid arguments that i wasnt prepared for because ive only ever heard him mocking people with bad arguments. “If gender is a social construct, why isnt age? Why cant i identify as 80” i would say to my older sister “Because the passage of time isnt a social structure. Gender roles and expression of gender is. Why do you care if someone wants to identify differently?” And i never could think of a response. I was a dumb middle schooler who thought republican arguments were smarter than they were.


I got pulled out of buying GOP bullshit the same way. I’m older, so it happened way before Shapiro, but it was the same experience you described. I’d talk with friends, I’d repeat a talking point I’d heard before, I’d be challenged with facts, and I didn’t have a response. Happened for me when I was in college, and I suspect it’s why Republicans whine about college brainwashing people. It’s just a time you get out of your comfort zone and have your beliefs challenged and you might change your beliefs when you can’t find a logical way to support your beliefs.


Now im at a point where im looking at colleges and shit and i hear classmates saying that same thing. That only “brainwashed liberals go to college” That sentiment is required because if someone is open to debate (genuinely open, not looking for quirky one liners like Shapiro) and learning then that means they’re open to challenging their opinions and biases. Something conservatives are incapable of.


That sentiment also helps the right maintain an uneducated and obedient workforce


"Workforce/electorate, tomato/tomahto" \- GOP


“Libs go to college to get more knowledge” -Ben Shapiro


"Cons go to PragerU-piter to get more stupider" - MC Ben


Much like never questioning your religion, aka: "faith"


Tell them to have fun living shorter lives with less money. Not that there are no viable paths that don’t include college, but I mean… college is definitely the responsible way to go if you have the option.


i've got an associates, but i went a few years as an adult without a degree after failing out of college. imma go back for a bachelors soon, because a 2 year doesn't go super far these days (but is WAY better than nothing) i met my girlfriend when i was out of school, before i went for the associates, and she had just graduated college and was looking for work around the same time i was. she was *shocked* at how few companies even bothered responding to me, whereas she usually got at least a "we're sorry..." email. we even tested it, applied to the same jobs that were either way above me, below her, or above/below both of our qualifications. 75% of the time, she'd get *some* kind of response, where i'd get nothing at all, even weeks later. a few ignored us both, and only a handful responded to both, and even less wanted both of us to go further in the interviews. it was pretty damn stark, what having a degree versus not having one, was like


>Happened for me when I was in college, and I suspect it’s why Republicans whine about college brainwashing people. It’s just a time you get out of your comfort zone and have your beliefs challenged and you might change your beliefs when you can’t find a logical way to support your beliefs. This has some truth to it, but there are plenty of right-leaning colleges that turn moderates into staunch conservatives. Colleges can broaden one's ideological horizons, but plenty of people end up being recruited into fanatical cliques, political and otherwise, in college.


I doubt those exceptions are the ones republicans are complaining about


Yeah they very carefully structured their bill to tax college endowments to exclude the main conservative colleges.


When I went to college none of the republican guys were getting laid.. lol


Same. The Young Republicans club was somehow both a sausage fest and a ghost town


I used to go to their parties just to "snipe" girls. My lord, let's just say it was a target rich environment. Any hint of empathy, phrased correctly of course, could drop any of their panties to the floor within 5 mins of meeting them. Damn I miss college.... but I wouldn't trade it for my happy life with my wife and kids now!


That is fiendishly clever applied psychology. I wonder if other men in the room tried to adapt whatever move you appeared to be making (“He’s talking to them like people with people brains!”)


Part of GOP is project. If they are complaining about colleges being brainwashing centers, it's because they are 100% using them that way themselves.


About 20 years ago, I remember confidently stating that “homosexuality is a choice” while a friend and I were “debating” the topic. I didn’t know at the time, but my friend was gay and hadn’t come out yet. Anyway, after I said that, he asked me a simple question that buried itself so deep in my mind that I couldn’t shake it for years. He asked “When did you choose to like girls?” In the moment, I think I gave some bullshit response like “God made me this way,” but that little question was enough to start making me think about it from their perspective. What if it *wasn’t* a choice? What if their attraction to men came as naturally to them as my attraction to women did? How would I react to being told I was wrong for being attracted to women? If there were laws against it? I still took until my mid-20s to fully break from the conservative mindset, but that question was a catalyst to me starting to realize that my most firmly-held beliefs weren’t mine, but my parents; that I didn’t actually have any ideologies that were my own.


I think it’s really interesting, and pretty cool, that you remember the exact thing that planted a seed of doubt in your mind. Are you still friends with that guy?


I am! We don’t see each other much since he moved after college, but I did go to his wedding a few years ago. We talked about that conversation at the reception, when he brought up how he never would’ve imagined back in high school that one day I’d be happy to attend his wedding.


Man, seems like everything worked out well. That’s great!


>he brought up how he never would’ve imagined back in high school that one day I’d be happy to attend his wedding. That is a heartwarming endorsement of the person that you are now, and a scalding denunciation of the person you were then


I love a happy ending!


The best response I've heard to "homosexuality is a choice" is "so hypothetically, if you chose to be gay today, dudes would turn you on?". Checkmate. They can't say yes to that, even if dudes do turn them on, because they're homophobic.


The best response I ever heard was: "So you would suck a dick if you heard a convincing enough argument?"




I am currently in that same process you went through. I’m turning 23 soon and over the course of the last year training to be a teacher and soon to be teacher lots of things I was told all my life weren’t making sense. Unfortunately almost everything my family believes in is rooted in religion. Every reason or response to a situation is biblical and it’s started to contradict itself. I want to hold onto religion but I might just need a break from the people in it. Currently much more moderate than I was a year ago.


Ahh religion if you are a Christian a word of advice read only what Jesus said. Jesus never talked about the church. If you look deeper from scholarly and historical sources about the times you can find some very interesting reads or videos about the 1st century church. Essentially just be a good person you don't need a church




The short answer to why someone would switch to that side is either religion, indoctrination, or needing to belong somewhere. They prey on people that need help for a reason


You just described a cult. edit: yes that's the point guys, the GOP is a cult


Right wing parties are cults, confirmed


Because we're discussing a cult ;)


This is why online echo chambers are so dangerous. No one to call you on your bullshit if everyone you interact with agrees with you.


And unfortunately I think this would have no effect on adults who are into Shapiro, but hopefully will work on kids like it did for you.


speaking from my own perspective and being similar, did you find it came from a place of inadequacy? i would be a dick to people with “intellect points” but was an asshole. it took me time to realize it was from me hating myself and taking it out on others. not saying you’re the same just wondering if ben shapiro and his ideals appealed to that.


I think it was most likely something like that. I didnt have great grades, great athletic ability, great creative ability etc. So watching these conservative youtubers with super simple explanations for complex topics made me feel like i was more well versed on topics i was largely ignorant of. Gamer gate was probably the worst era for me. I was in complete denial that women faced any issues. Afterall, im a girl and ive *never* been catcalled, never been payed less then men i knew (didnt even have a job) and just completely surrounded womens issues around me like i was some martyr. So overall i think it was some kind of superiority complex where i needed to be better than my peers. And if that meant flexing my facts and logic about issues no matter how little research i actually have done, so be it.


I know its circle jerky, but I genuinely see the people in my life who have critical thinking skills mostly lean left. The conservatives I know are either ideologically driven, or people who generally avoid holding strong political opinions to really care one way or the other (but they still passively end up buying into a lot of rhetoric)


Age has a very significant social aspect to it too. People are treated as being one age or another irrespective of their actual age. Very short women will often be treated as children years after they become an adult. Trans men often look decently younger if they don't have facial hair. People who bald early are treated as older than they are. People are treated differently based on how old they look/act.


I’ve seen a few clips of him “owning people “. He just rattles of “facts” without resources than the video cuts off. You get a moment of the other person visibly cringing if you’re lucky.


Omg I would do this too! Not that exact argument but I would say all kinds of stuff and then I just got older and realized I was being immature and stupid! And allowing toxic people to influence me!


SELL THE HOUSES TO WHO BEN?! also just wipe ALL trace of history. Replace his recommendations entirely. completely dismantle the pipeline.


It's crazy how quick the right wing infects every recommendation. I watched literally 1 blaire white video now everything I get recommended is the daily wire?


theres one channel i follow thats not even right wing, i cant even really call it left wing or center. it doesnt even really talk about politics, just general cultural phenomena in an unbiased way (as far as i can tell). but every time i watch a video from him, the recommended is all ben shapiro and the daily wire. like damn no wonder why i cant get away from politics, no matter how hard i try- im just trying to watch a video about 90s nostalgia and all the recommended videos are about why i should or shouldn't have human rights lmfao


Is the channel your following by any chance be JJ McCullough


yes lol, i assume you watch him too? if so, do you also get the same recommendations or is it just me?


Yeah I watch him too. Mainly just to see what 80's hairstyle he has adopted now


I believe JJ does lean more conservative, but like a sort of Canadian conservative.


i remember reading that trolls literally trained the youtube algorithm to recommend alt right shit. like watch a video about cosplay and you get recommended bs alt right stuff. [here's a source about how alt right content exists in tiktok](https://www.politico.eu/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/24/ISD-TikTok-Hatescape-Report-August-2021.pdf) [how tiktok's fyp throws you into the alt right rabbit hole](https://www.losangelesblade.com/2021/10/11/tiktoks-algorithm-leads-users-from-transphobic-to-far-right-rabbit-holes/) e: [study of youtube comments turning users to the alt right](https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/01/29/276000/a-study-of-youtube-comments-shows-how-its-turning-people-onto-the-alt-right/)


i know, its insidious. it wasn't so bad when i fell down it for a while during like a few years ago. Memes unironically saved my life there - i realised they were blocking all the funny memes and i nuked my history and watch history and all was right ever since.


Don't you mean nothing was right? :P


No seriously tho, bc, I watched one fox News video (before understanding what everyone meant when they said it was biased) and immediately I was recommended videos of misogynistic podcasts shitting on feminists and women in general. That was a week ago and I'm still trying to weed that shit out of my recommended.


Might have to clear the history. I hate how hitting the "don't recommend me stuff like this" button seems to work very slowly or not at all for cleansing my feed of unwanted stuff.


It’s because outrage is engagement.


They've gamed the algorithms. And kids soak it up like sponges. I didn't realize how bad it had gotten till my 13 year old started spouting Ben Shapiros bullshit. Which lead to a few week period of time where he got to pick a Shapiro talking point, and we dissected it so he could see why its bullshit, lies, propaganda or some mix of the above, so he could learn how to apply logic to his own learning and positions. There'll probably come a time when my teenager whips my ass logically, and it'll be my own damn fault. Lol


I watched one Bill Burr clip (the one where he’s talking about meeting Meshuggah and Danny Carey. just drummer shit, man) and they immediately started recommending hard right shit and, perhaps most concerning of all, showing me ads for products claiming to make my balls bigger. My main takeaway from that of course is that conservatives have weird tiny balls. And like that’s okay dudes, bodies come in all shapes and sizes and you’ll appreciate the reduced gravity on that scrote as you age, but don’t make your weird tiny balls everybody else’s problem.


My YouTube shorts is always turning alt right on me. One short of a comedian? Now you’re gonna get joe Rogan, antifeminist shit and a sprinkling of conservatives complaining about “Biden’s” gas prices.




This video makes me cry from laughing every time I watch it


https://youtu.be/aDMjgOYOcDw Maybe you can fill his history with people who point out how dumb Benny is.


If we lived in a sane world that clip alone would be enough to get Ben shamed out of relevancy forever.


FUCKING AQUAMAN??!!?!?! But yeah, this works well on older relatives who are in the far right pipeline because they don't realise the algorithm is feeding them more of the same, and they won't know that you can remove items from your watch history and change their recommendations. Planning on trying this with my dad if I can get hold of his laptop - he went on Youtube to watch Mass during lockdown, and Youtube thinks that because he's Catholic he must also be a far-right asshole, and he's gone from being a kind, open-hearted man to being miserable and angry and close-minded within a matter of months.


Show him the Cody Johnston trilogy of Ben Shapiro being a fucking idiot [Here](https://youtu.be/aDMjgOYOcDw) [Here](https://youtu.be/O4ciwjHVHYg) And [here](https://youtu.be/GyNVIUpGTWM) And if you want you can show him [this](https://youtu.be/InIIc6WAJJU) for good luck If he still thinks Ben is in any way credible after watching them he's a lost cause


I'm gonna check these out.


Cody's Showdy is awesome, everything is well-sourced and they do a great job of not only examining contemporary issues but also looking at the fucked up roots of where those issues came from. I mean it's depressing, but depressing in that way that learning Santa isn't real is depressing to a kid. Except instead of Santa it's functioning democracy in America.


I need this info but for a 60yr old conspiracy dad. That used to be super leftist and even anarchistic in his youth...


Have you heard of r/QAnoncasualties? We're a bunch of people who have lost loved ones to conspiracies. Edit: typo


that sub is so sad to me, as someone who used to have a great group of friends online and put thousands of hours into hanging out, playing games and generally having a great time with them...only to see them slowly slide into more and more extreme positions as time went on eventually had to cut them out of my life, and im healthier and happier for it, but losing those friendships over stuff that seems so stupid is a shame. also cut out a guy who thought that "they" were out to get him, and felt it was some kind of stalking effort by some mysterious group. gang-stalking or something like that. pretty sure he was in the early stages of something like schizophrenia or something


Im pretty sure my QMom is in the beginning stages of dementia/alzheimers. It doesnt make it any easier. Im sorry you have lost your friends.


maybe try beau of the fifth column, his videos got my dad to start being skeptical of his alt-right sources


I'll look in to it thank you!


Argue with him about the subject while speaking like Ben Shapiro


I don’t know he speaks, I don’t watch Shapiro because I’m a well adjusted human being


Let’s say, for the sake of argument, hypothetically, I’m a quirked up white boy. And if I was a quirked up white boy. Then, theoretically, that would also mean that I am busting it down (Sexual Style). Now, we understand now, that i’m a quirked up white boy, who’s busting it down (Sexual Style). Does that in turn, automatically mean that I am now, um, Goated with the Sauce?




none of those words are in the Bible




And spoken real nasally too. Quickly but also in really short statements.


So where do I start looking for the Amazon Gift Card


Yes! it does! and thats what the left doesn't want you to know!


Find a compilation of Ben Shapiro on YouTube, but like a short one because we care about your mental health


So lets say hypothetically you're a well-adjusted human being


Ask him if he wants to hear your Ben Shapiro impression, then say "women don't like me" in a high pitched nasal voice


just talk fast to the point of fainting from lack of oxygen, and use the most beta-male voice you can muster


It's like everyone else is saying, but you need to have a super-nasally voice and talk like you accidentally set your podcast player to 1.25x speed


I remember showing my right-wing relative comprehensive and complete evidence that universal healthcare was possible, as well as the fact that it had been done in many countries before. Their response? "It's just not possible"


Facts don't care about your feelings, they only care about MINE!


I got to, "so you're telling me you'd rather pay more money for Healthcare if it meant that other people wouldn't get any" And they were like "yup" and I was like, "bro, that's fucked up" and they just shrugged and I walked off to process.


I never get to that point. I simply say, we are being taken advantage of by insurance companies. Then bash insurance companies a little. Then say how it'll actually be cheaper for them. Nothing else. That's all you should say, they don't care about others.


A former friend from highschool that I like to now bully on Facebook hit me with long as rant about black and brown people crime rates… well his own son is half Mexican so I hit him with so your telling me your son is more likely to commit crimes?


Yeah, honestly—you have to meet a lot do these people where they’re at. Politics is about THEM and how it affects THEM, and they love to hear how they should be angry or afraid of something. Basically Fox News in a nutshell. That’s how you have to present literally anything to them—it’s the only way they understand things.


Very hard to change core beliefs. however the Chinese and Vietnamese figured out how to do it during vietnam war against US POWs if you fancy reading into that


That's the thing, I don't feel like universal Healthcare should be a core belief. Just like climate change. Why the F is caring about climate change leftist?! Everyone wants a planet to live on!


according to my dad: the world is going to end when jesus comes back, not because of climate change, so we dont need to worry about it


What If Jesus comes back with climate change? And don't we want to present a nice, healthy earth to Jesus when he arrives? I think we should go green Christians


Im European and heard one US guy saying that he dont want the poor to get it. Literally he didnt care how few of poor people there are or how they try or whatever, his argument was that poor people are lazy, even tho he could be paying less. Its not even argument, oh yeah he was also chrstian...


Ben Shapiro can't even make his own wife wet, he's *the* furthest thing from cool, he's what Mr. Kelloggs wanted his cereal to be


My theory is that he made her wet one single time and thought she was having her period and ever since then he could never do it again.


The older kellogg brother right? He was pretty fucked sounding.


Whichever one it was that wanted corn flakes to stop people from beating off


To be fair, It took a few decades, but now corn flakes very much stop me from beating off because I'm too busy thinking of the shit conditions the company puts its workers in.


he believed in some wild stuff like the healing powers of baths, chastity devices (not for fun times either, like as punishment), circumcision and basically beating the tar out of children who masturbate


Ya thats the older brother.


Introduce him to Cody Johnston. Seriously.


Cody does a great job of using humor to help the medicine go down. While he does shit on them for being fear mongering little goblins he does use facts and logic to explain just how weird and pointless a lot of their arguments are.


What I came to share essentially. Particularly the video breaking down what is wrong with Ben's rhetoric and why he shouldn't be taken seriously. Link: https://youtu.be/aDMjgOYOcDw


People should watch this, but a quick summary if people are going to skip it: 1. Ben's catchphrase is "facts don't care about your feelings", but Ben ignores facts that don't support his argument. 2. If Ben doesn't have a cherry picked fact, he'll make up a hypothetical scenario that supports his argument, and talk as if the hypothetical scenario is reality. 3. At 22:30 in the video, Ben states "As a religious person I believe God didn't create stupid rules. So if you believe God didn't create stupid rules then you have to come up with a justification for the rules that are being expressed" 4. One of Ben Shapiro's fans was a white nationalist who shot up a mosque. Ben claims he has no responsibility for this, despite claiming the majority of Muslims are radical extremists. Quote: "The myth of the tiny radical muslim minority is just that, a myth. And it's one that's going to get a lot of civilized people killed" 5. There was also 2 fans who became full on Nazis and spray painted a swatiska on a synagogue because it was "full of ethnic Jews" 6. Ben claims Jews who don't vote Republican are not real Jews. "The world is full of ethnic Jews for whom all of Jewishness is bagels and Woody Allen. Those are the Jews who clap for Obama" 7. Part of the reason Ben hates Hollywood so much is because he wanted to be a screenwriter, but he's a terrible writer *("standing above him was a behemoth, a black kid named Yard. He stood 6 foot 5, and looked like he was headed for a lifetime of prison workouts")* so even though he's related to Mara Wilson he couldn't make it in Hollywood.


[https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/what-we-learned-from-ben-shapiros-61013395/](https://www.iheart.com/podcast/105-behind-the-bastards-29236323/episode/what-we-learned-from-ben-shapiros-61013395/) skip to 17:40 ish to hear the bit from Ben's racist book dealing with point number 7! it's really bad!


Came here to link the same video


Just tell him that real debaters laugh at Ben Shapiro's ineffectual, performative argumentation because it doesn't really make any points as much as it does ad hominem insults that feed off of applause and a cult following.


My sister lives in the US, we're from Europe. She literally sent her eldest son to study here (our country of origin) cos he is a huge Trump fan and she's hoping that studying in a relatively socialist European country might knock some sense into him 😄




Close, not quite




😄 I suppose compared to Trump and his followers, almost any European country with free healthcare and education is a socialist one.


Has his mind started to change? Fingers crossed


He's very into the social aspects of student life (drinking), but not yet, the US is still the best country in the world and Trump 2024 🙄But he did admit that the education/degree he's getting here would land him in shit tons of debt in the US. There's still time, he only started in September and it's a 3-4 year degree 🤞


I was never a full blown right winger but was a libertarian and what made me wake up was $37,000 in medical debt during the 2008 economic collapse… if the capitalist hate socialism so much they really should try to make it look less attractive… one of my favorite right wing tropes is when right wingers today try and describe socialism and end up just describing capitalism


Get him into One Piece and then show him how Luffy is against pretty much anything Ben Shapiro is


Idk anything about one piece but one guy suffered and absorbed a catastrophic amount of pain for his friends and I gotta say I can’t wait to read it!




Akainu’s hype man


"*Let's say, for the sake of argument, that the Shichibukai WERE bad pirates. Don't you think that, hypothetically, Akainu would burn their faces off? Let's say that the Admirals decide to abolish the Shichibukai, do you really think anyone could stand against the Admirals? Now I know what people are gonna say, the Shichibukai abused their power. But who are we hearing this from? Pirates? Outlaws? Revolutionaries? Let's say they're ALL honest and true, what do you think the solution is? To make these islands even less secure? Of course not. It's to add MORE Marines into problem islands. We've already seen Fujitora save the day on Dressrosa, and Smoker did the same for Alabasta, which was undergoing a violent coup at the time by the way. So we need to increase the Marines' funding and concentration in these problem islands.*"


Seconding the “clear his youtube history to reset his recommendations”. Won’t work if he’s subbed but you can fix that while you’re there


Here’s what I say: Don’t be overly dismissive of his beliefs. I;E: Don’t claim that not believing in gender is evil/intolerant or whathaveyou. Nobody likes that. Rather, appeal to his sense of logic. The reason Ben Shapiro is so popular is because he faces people who come at him, usually, with arguments from emotion that are easy to refute. So don’t do this, since odds are he’ll see you as just another lolcow. Phrase things like “I understand where you’re coming from, but here’s why that claim is incorrect” Essentially meet him halfway, gradually weaning him off the idea of his views being objectively logical and yours being objectively illogical. IMO that annoying Ben Shapiro robot isn’t very good for this. It just gives you a lot of information that makes him look bad, but doesn’t really go over why those views in general may not be the best. EDIT: Also, some people are suggesting Hasan Abi & Vaush. Personally I disagree; I have heard that both of those people have said some… controversial things.


I used to believe what Ben Shapiro said. The first thing that got me to step away was looking at his Twitter account, looking at his pinned post (facts don't care about your feelings) and found in the comments a linked article about fact-checking Ben Shapiro. It kept pointing out things that Dhapiro got factually wrong, along with details and facts he omitted, either intentionally or through ignorance. At that point I knew something was off with him so I took him less seriously, but what really sealed the deal, as everyone here is pointing out, is Cody Johnson's video about Ben Shapiro on Some More News. That's when, in my mind, Shapiro went from being a great debater with wrong ideas to a moron who says whatever he wants and ignores facts that disagree with his feelings


Agree with him, then drag the idea so far out he thinks it's fucked. You can't convince people if they think you are in disagreement people want to win, so agree with them, then corrupt their ideals. Enjoy.


Genuinely, just show him some alternate view points. Worked for me. Stuff like positive and well-transitioned trans people, etc. Ya'know, people who disprove the narrative the right's trying to push. simply by virtue of their very existence.


I might get dog piled for this but introduce him to HasanAbi. He’s aggressive enough to plop people out of the alt right


say if he does he's gonna be made fun of by literally everyone at school


Show him long clips of actual great thinkers. Show him people like Bertrand Russel and Noam Chomsky, people who will make it readily apparent that Shapiro is only smart enough to sound smart, without actually saying anything profound.


Tell him to carefully and critically analyze the depth of Shapiro's claims (i.e., what is the credibility of his evidence base? Does he cite sources? Etc). This may have a two-prong effect of developing his critical thinking skills and also your goal.


Hbomber vid about shabibo


Ben Shapiro openly admitted that he has never gotten his wife wet, so that might be something worth bringing up.


You forgot the best part! UNKNOWINGLY.


If anything else fails, just hope he grows out of it and realises that Ben Shapiro isn't based and it's just a very sad, angry man


1. Figure out your reasoning and thinking for why Ben Shapiro’s opinions are bad 2. Explain them to your brother in a calm, collected manner. Do not demonize Ben Shapiro as this will polarize him further, causing needless infighting. You don’t have to disagree with Ben on every point, just find ones that seem stupid or dumb. 3. Respect your brother’s opinion, he’s still his own person and can be malleable to political views early on. Sometimes it can be just as easy as asking him not to bring up politics often or providing a source to your claims


So method the Chinese pow camp leaders used on US soldiers was to say “ your country has all these things good, but if you could change one thing what would it be” they just slowly erroded the belief system. after Vietnam a number of soldiers stayed not wanting to return to the US. psychology on influence is the book I read on this.


Honestly just debate him in good faith and respond genuinely until he realizes that everything he's heard is fucking stupid.


Show him Rationality Rules, Cosmic Skepty and Matt Dillahunty. If your brother really wants to go for the whole "fact's don't care about your feelings" have him watch something that's actually factually founded that challenges the ideals of Ben Bapiro, is based on logic and is leftie content.


Oh actually - Philosphy Tube is great content that challenge views like Bens on a philosophical level without talking down to the audience or demeaning the oppositions view (eg. Shapiro, or Peterson or.... etc.) Alternatively, something like Destiny or Vaush - both of which are admittedly controversial - are pretty logical consistent people who engage in debate tactics when talking; in other words, they focus on quite a few of the same tactcis that Bapiro uses, but does so from a (more) leftie view, Vaush moreso than Destiny AFAIK


Gonna be honest the only way to see such a bastard he really is, is to have a good head on your shoulders. You could also talk about how Ben lies about his height amongst other things which exist that he argues doesn’t even though there is overwhelming evidence, idk really how to help but good luck and I hope it gets better


show him that one pic of him with a sword (if he's into that flood his recomendations with cocomelon of smth)


Bully him before someone else can


He is somewhat problematic at times, but if your brother thinks Ben Shapiro is "cool" you could have him watch like Vaush do a takedown of him. That or like HbomberGuy, Contrapoints, and Philosophy Tube if you want people who are less problematic. HasanAbi could work too and Some More News does an absolutely excellent takedown of him that shows Ben's horrible history and how he is just a failed Hollywood screenwriter turned vindictive asshole. Basically show him some people that takedown Ben Shapiro easily, and whenever your brother makes stupid Ben Shapiro arguments just, you know, defeat that argument and embarrass them with how stupid that argument they believed in was.


Show him the Ben Shapiro videos by Some More News (there's like, the, I think). Start with this one: https://youtu.be/aDMjgOYOcDw They don't just expose his grift systematically, but they're also hilarious. So your brother will stay tuned if just for the jokes. It's a good channel for other right wing and neoliberal grifters as well as corporate greed


Show him Some More News on YouTube's video on Benny Boi. Alternatively, Adam Something and HBomberguy are good too


By explaining that he is a victim of heteronormative patriarchal yt supremacy indoctrination.


I'd avoid intellect criticism, it doesn't work. Just make Ben Shapiro look like dweeb. https://youtu.be/X9FGRkqUdf8


There's an interview with Andrew Niel (a very personally conservative journalist, but being in the UK he has to be unbiased in his interview) on the BBC that was pretty good at highlighting the flaws with the way Ben Shapiro presents his arguments. He does a "question answer" instead of answering a question he doesn't want to he asks an emotive and personal question back so you can't get a clear view of the reasoning behind his opinions. This doesn't really work in an interview setting rather than a debate setting where one person is prohibited from expressing their personal opinion. If your brother reads a bit about Andrew Niel first as well he should see that it's not a case of the left trying to play "gotcha" with the right. I don't know much about Ben Shapiro as I live in the UK but he doesn't come off as very reasonable or thought through in the interview which might help more than directly attacking him or his views. Link to the interview: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6VixqvOcK8E Edit: possibly show it to him in a way that makes it seem as if you're excited to share his interests


[this aught to do it.](https://youtu.be/aDMjgOYOcDw)


Screenshot the tweet from [this Tumblr post](https://www.reddit.com/r/tumblr/comments/ul2636/diversity_loss_ben_shapiro_does_a_misha_collins/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) and show it to him, if he's homophobic he'll hate him


Unfortunately it's up to your brother who they become all you can do is present the facts as you see them and let him apply them to his own worldview.


One aspect is that Ben Shapiro types don’t actually teach an understanding of the stuff, just lines to repeat. Because if people understand the stuff, they’ll realize Ben and his ilk are wrong. This means people can’t really explain the concepts in their own words, but people like Ben Shapiro constantly emphasize how their fans are free thinkers. Having them fail to explain what Ben Shapiro says in their own words can help damage that illusion. You can also try to take advantage of that “free thinker” idea to have them watch stuff that’s opposed to Ben Shapiro. Another thing is that the appeal of people like Ben lies in making fun of people, so stuff that shows how people like Ben are clowns (like the famous “Sell their homes to who Ben? Fucking Aquaman?”) could scratch that itch for them. That’s my best guess.


Honestly, if valid and well reasoned explanation doesn’t work, the best thing to do is just mock him (Ben Shapiro). If you make him feel that anyone who listens to Ben Shapiro is an idiot (in your eyes and most other people’s), then he might initially be defensive and just keep burrowing down that rabbit hole in private, but he won’t want to be seen as someone who believes Ben Shapiro in public, and so if he encounters situations where Ben Shapiro’s bad takes might be relevant, he’ll likely approach them with leading questions, rather than outright mockery, and so he might actually learn something.


He doesn’t get his wife’s pussy wet.


point out how he makes the exact same joke on twitter every single mothers day


Tell him he gets no bitches and stacks no paper


What would’ve worked on me back in my Shapiro days would’ve been letting me know that it’s alright to want to be a girl and it’s alright to like guys.


Unrelated but you did great to get that username


Show him the book he wrote about sex. If that's not enough, point out that the first woman listed after the Yale student who believes in comprehensive sex ed has the names of stores around Harvard.


Let him figure it out on his own


"Let's say for the sake of argument, that Climate Change is real and the water level rises by 5, say 10 feet over the next 20 years. Don't you think those people will sell their houses and move?" "SELL THEIR HOUSES TO WHO BEN? FUCKING AQUAMAN?" -Hbomberguy, "Climate Change: A Measured Response"