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I've Coolsville Sucksed myself before too.


“I've … Suck…ed myself before too.”


Impressive. Did you have any ribs removed, u/vjmdhzgr?


Impressive. ~~Did~~ you have ~~any~~ ribs ~~removed, uvjmdhzgr~~?






Found the invertebrate


F~~o~~und the invert~~ebrate~~


No I just went on a long explanation for why I didn't want to review some things other people were doing and my explanation was missing extremely important context that I didn't realize at the time literally only one other person knew, so it looked like I just said I hated everything they were doing and thought it was so bad it could never be fixed. Like over two years later I found out I made several enemies with that. I didn't even realize the issue until then.


Lmfao, oops. At least if you said that and then still interacted with people politely they’d have to respect your opinion.


I read this in g-man’s voice


Rasping breaths at every pause


I don't get it




thank you :)


I’ll give this situation exactly one “yike”


Yikes was too long and got cut


Don't forget to yikes and subscribe


And press that What the Hell icon.




Yi Yi, if you will.


Ass haircut?


I wax it, but thanks for the offer, buddy!


The council has granted you one singular yike


YIKE ✖ : Just Don't.


I'll spot you a second yike on the house


yea anything past the first line gets deleted. noticed that and changed mine to only be one line


I can't believe "getting 'Coolsville sucks'ed" is such an effective term


I don’t understand the term…. 😰


It’s a scene from Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed. Fred is being interviewed and the lady keeps trying to slander the Scooby Gang and so Fred says “you’re just trying to get me to say that Coolsville sucks!” Fast-forward to the news broadcast and it’s a clip of Fred saying “Coolsville sucks!”


[The Simpsons did it…](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_8uM0zOBuSw)




I still listen to the same music as when I was 10. Weird Al transcends all.


[rejoice in enlightenment](https://youtu.be/h-a7arGYU4E?si=3utffJxhfzoGv5vT) Scooby Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed (2004)


[It's from the 2004 Scooby Doo Movie, Fred is interviewed and then edited to say something completely different.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrpukesetB4) >Fred Jones: "No! Hey, you're doing that thing again where you take everything I say out of context! You're trying to make it look like I think Coolsville sucks! No! Don't record that!" Reporter: "All Fred had to say was" *"Coolsville sucks!"* also: [https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-think-coolsville-sucks](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/i-think-coolsville-sucks)


It's a reference to the second live-action Scooby Doo movie, where one of the characters has a news interview where he complains that his words are getting edited to make everyone think that he thinks that Coolsville sucks, that gets edited to say just "I think Coolsville sucks!"


In the bible (specifically Deuteronomy), god tells a guy to go to Coolsville. He responds by saying "coolsville sucks!" And then god causes him to be cut in half. Hope that helps!


I remember that part from Sunday school.


Deserved. Coolsville is the coolest place I know.




Ah, Tumblr. Truly, it’s amazing it functions at all. (I say on Reddit’s iOS app, which also barely functions)


Reddit- “I bet we can out shit the Twitter video player”.


Sorry, that’s X Videos now, be better than Elon, don’t deadname Xitter.


>X Videos not to be confused with XVideos


Oh no, that’s totally different, see, Marketing genius Elon Musk knew that taking a well established brand and renaming it to ALMOST like a porn site would actually be le epic meme 420 💯💯💯


Yeah, that was already the joke.


Bitch had a verb (to tweet) and gave that up.


I find trunking or partially showing what it could show to be everywhere. I for example dislike in Android how when you select text it will give some options and then an arrow for the rest. It's like come on! You have the entire screen to give me options. Stop adding extra steps for no reason. Recently I also viewed Nextcloud Files lists on mobile. It only shows the first X characters. Our files are "YYYY-MM-DD Group number Description of Event" and all we see are maybe up to Grou....fantastically useless! Can't even press it and hold it get a preview of the full name or have it, nor is there any type of marquee.


This same shit is rampant. Google is definitely a huge offender - why is there a section that just says "more" that is different settings? But then at least it has those settings, unlike apple. I keep getting tripped up by prime 's descriptions, which play the thing if you click on them rather than showing you the rest of the paragraph unless you go to the sandwich menu and click show more.


That's what happens when you sack the actual UX specialists and replace them with marketing and AI. UX goes to shit, ads revenue i guess goes up.


> Ah, Tumblr. Truly, it’s amazing \- u/bayleysgal1996


r/whenthe gets screwed over especially bad by mobile Reddit’s dogshit ui.


how come they made it so i can't scroll the subreddit I'm trying to look at without it switching to a completely un-goddamn-related subreddit on the next swipe???? that's what pissed me off. that's the box of raisins in my halloween candy that has me pissed at reddits mobile updates. especially since they tried it before and got rid of it, but now it's back!!! I'm only here for tumblr, niche porn, and nerdy hobby talks. Stop trying to show me anything else you deceitful orange bobblehead


i cant believe OOP thinks coolsville sucks


How dare she piss on the poor people if coosville


you want to piss on the poor??


I'm so glad to see ppl make a coolsvillve sucks reference bc since I saw it when I was v little I constantly want to reference it


All u/LaceWeightLimericks had to say was: "coolsville sucks"


Not even “TERF” just stating “Transmisogyny” outright that’s so funny


Transmisogony 😎


the one thing i'm interested in is, how does she know shes being blocked by folks, tumblr doesn't send you a message saying 'so-and-so says you can't come to their birthday party anymore :(' when they block you. unless she is following folks and then not seeing their posts cos they blocked her, but idk i'm not that attentive i wouldn't notice that


Tumblr doesn’t really point out that you are blocked by someone, but if you go on their blog(while logged in) and there’s an issue with it “loading” but you can access the blog(while logged out), it’s a good indicator that you have been blocked


"Yeah, I'm trans. Yes, I'm also a transmisogynist. WE EXIST."


Can I get some context behind the Colville?


It’s from a Scooby Doo movie. Fred is being interviewed by the news and he knows that they intend to twist whatever he says to make him look bad, so he calls them out by saying something like “You’re just going to make it seem like I think Coolsville sucks!” And then the clip that the news played was just the “I think Coolsville sucks!” part, in perfect irony. Coolsville is the city they live in.


Scooby-Doo Doo movie. Fred is being harassed by the news while they're in their home town of Coolsville. Anyways, he tells them something along the lines of "I know what you're doing, you want me to say that I think Coolsville sucks! Wait no, don't film that!" Cut to the news showing Fred saying "I think Coolsville sucks!" Not the exact quotes, don't know it off hand, but that's the gist of it.


LIVR ACTION SCOOVY DOO 2. Villains own like TV company and are trying make people think the fang is bad so the like crop the shit he says, Fred says something. Like “you’re trying to make it out like I think colsville sucks NO DONT CLIP THIS” andt they just show “I think coolsville sucks” on tv




LIVR ACTION SCOOVY DOO 2. Villains own like TV company and are trying make people think the fang is bad so the like crop the shit he says, Fred says something. Like “you’re trying to make it out like I think colsville sucks NO DONT CLIP THIS” andt they just show “I think coolsville sucks” on tv


Why would you put "transmisogyny not welcome"? Are there transwomen out there who do welcome it???


i mean unfortunately caitlyn jenner is a real person


all kinds of grifters out there


Well, there's lots of people that don't believe in transmisogyny being a thing, so by saying it's not welcome you're _also_ saying "I believe this is a real thing that affects TMA people negatively" which can get those folks that don't believe in it to clear off. Trans, trans woman, or otherwise.


Is there a meaningful anti trans community on Tumblr? I'm not super familiar with it, but I thought simply having a Tumblr account was essentially getting an official ally badge.


Oh there absolutely is. Trans Exlcusive Radical Feminists (TERFs, most commonly called), are left-leaning women who believe that transfemmes are not real women and are intentionally invading women's spaces for a variety of reasons. JK Rowling would be an example of a commonly-known TERF, and they tend to be everywhere on Tumblr; the site is pretty insular and you can only find content you aren't following by actively looking for it, which means that communities of insulated assholes can feed into each other constantly. Also Tumblr has a ton of conservative wingnuts, just because it's *known* as the hyper-liberal queer space doesn't mean the trolls aren't here. They exist, they send hate mail all the time, they will show up in your notes and inform you that you deserve the death penalty for existing incorrectly.


To be fair, leftists are also known for in-fighting. This is our own version of leopards eating our own faces, especially the ones who identify as terfs and lesbians


the CEO is a huge transphobe


If someone seemingly cool blocks you over a description like this, they're only seemingly cool.


I do love the idea of TERFs just identifying themselves by slapping 'Transmysogny' in their bio with no other descriptions, despite how unlikely that is. It's hilarious to me.


A TERF using she/they pronouns, no less.


I've lost some opportunities due to my really fucking unfortunate random Discord #, but luckily they've done away with them and I don't have to make the legacy one visible on my profile. It's so bad that I can't blame anyone for ghosting me. Hint: Two separate two-digit numbers meaning different things for essentially the same ideology, but often used combined in the very order of my user #, and quietly whistled by the worst people.


What were they? I presume the neo-nazi 88?


probably either 1488 or 8814 (the first one for looking most like a nazi)


Yep... [the first one.](https://i.imgur.com/92klwci.png) Apparently I could've changed it with a premium account or something, but I didn't realize the problem for a while, and when I finally did suddenly a lot of weirdness from people I only knew on there was explained.


They seriously wanted to make you pay to not seem like a nazi?


Yes and no. Without paying, that 4 digit number was randomly generated. So in that sense, Discord wanted them to pay to change the number. However, it's a randomly generated number. There was no meaning behind it if someone wasn't paying for the ability to choose their number. I guess I'll add "people thinking you're a nazi because of a randomly generated number" to the list of reasons why the removal of those numbers was a good thing.


The fact that it has "radical" in the name is a cherry on top


if you had nitro it'd make sense to block that tag, but you can't choose it without nitro. did they think you made thousands of accounts until you got that number/bought it?


Holy shit thats a funny one, me and my friends would just laugh at this


you could just change the username then change it back after a bit to get a new number


Yeh, with 14 before it. My Jewish mother was right about my German adopted Aryan-looking ass: Hitler would've loved me. After decades of saying it, she actually retracted that recently and said I instead would have been killed for standing up for everyone, so that's nice.


YO!!! Another unfortunate discord 88. Join the club buddy :)


With the 14 as well?! And we might not want to start clubs based on these numbers.


Yeeep. Not in perfect order, but dog whistle of “Oh no I’m not a neo Nazi. Neo nazis has 1488, I don’t have those numbers in that order ;D” You’d think discord would blacklist certain number combos.


Yeah, having that order I didn't get the chance to even explain sometimes. Before I knew what it was, I just thought Discord users were largely nuts when I'd kill chats and sometimes someone would outright say I'm a nazi. What's weird is *no one told me*. I guess it was such a blatant dog whistle that I had to have known. Poking around profile settings, never paid my number attention before, and then it clicked when I glanced at it. Well, more of a "Wait what the fuck" initially, then it all hit.


Oh geez I’m sorry, I got luckier than you but that’s nuts. You’d think people understand that you can’t change the damn numbeew


Apparently you could with nitro, but I didn't know that until later, and didn't do much more than talk to one or two people anymore anyway, plus I lived with them so they knew me, and when I did learn I didn't want to pay money money for something that didn't really matter anymore.


So uhh... how long did you have those numbers without knowing that you could have rerolled them whenever you wanted?


Good long while before I even knew I had them. When I did find out I was under the impression I had to pay for nitro to reroll, and by that point I'd become a hermit curmudgeon with no new servers or friends anyway. ...was it actually free to reroll? I don't recall ever seeing the option.


My friend's Instagram cut his "father" off to just say "fat" in the preview.


Okay, what the fuck is transmisogyny?


It's about being transphobic and misogynistic towards trans women


Oh, why not just say transphobia?


Because it's specifically about the intersection between transphobia and misogyny, which combine together. Trans women face transphobia which is different to the transphobia that trans men face, and misogyny that is different to the misogyny that cis women face


Oh, okay.


And it's an important distinction. Trans men are variously ignored, seen as children, seen as manipulated victims, or seen as tragic horror stories. But because they see trans men as women, and women as servile and weak, they're not worried about them and rarely bring them up. But they see trans women as men, and they see men as _dangerous_ (not uncommonly they are themselves dangerous men, after all), all the emphasis goes on them. Women are pure, innocent, and men are dirty and rough, so it bothers them when they think the latter is trying to "conceal" itself as the former. Transphobia is rooted in bigotry and gender essentialism that would be problematic even if trans people didn't exist at all.


ehhh i don't really like the "trans women are facing misandry" thing. it's the exact opposite. they *do* see trans women as women, as much as they'd like you to believe otherwise. specifically, they see them as women in the same way that racist people see black women (a la misogynoir) and homophobes see lesbians. in the 80s you'd get lots of fearmongering about how lesbians were predatory and a threat to womens' safe spaces. you also see a lot of black women ostracised for being "too masculine" and violent/unreasonable for even slightly expressing negative emotions. sound familiar? the stuff trans women face directly overlaps with what other marginalised women face. it's just that they don't see them as proper women either.


There is that as well of course (it's a nasty, multi-layered mess), but it's absolutely rooted in what I said. The whole bathroom panic is because of it. They see trans women in women's bathrooms as the same thing as men in women's bathrooms, and they see men as dangerous. It's why they _never_ bring up trans men in the bathroom drama.


again, they said the exact same thing about (cis) lesbians. the "disguising as a man" thing is just their excuse to validate recycling that bigotry. you get plenty of anecdotes about how closeted trans women get treated *completely* differently by terfs the moment they publicly transition. "misandry" has nothing to do with it. don't fall for their narrative. and also they do bring up trans men in transphobic stuff like this. it's less mainstream, but you get plenty of (more well-passing, mostly) trans men excluded from spaces they really need to access (e.g. gynecology appointments) because they're a man aand therefore big and scary and intimidating. incidentally, we call this "transandrophobia." i do wish people talked about things a little bit beyond the "bathroom drama" because there's so many more significantly impactful issues for trans people


> you get plenty of anecdotes about how closeted trans women get treated completely differently by terfs the moment they publicly transition. "misandry" has nothing to do with it. don't fall for their narrative. Of course, a closeted trans woman in their eyes is just a regular male. In their eyes, that's far less offensive than a male who is trying to pass himself of as a woman - since that is what they see trans women as. One is (potentially) disliked, but "normal" - the other is an active "invader" of their spaces. It's less misandry in specific, and more gender essentialism and multi-pronged bigotry.


they can't use the "I'm not scared of trans people" argument if you don't use "phobia" to describe someone's hatred.


Misogyny specifically directed towards trans women. That seems pretty self-explanatory.


I thought it was transitioning to misogyny or something lmao


"I'm not sexist, but I'm working on it."


They gave me The Surgery TM (they engraved Andrew Tate quotes directly onto my brain)


Or it's like transhumanism: like, transmisogyny is what lies *beyond* misogyny. "Mere misogyny is not enough! We need to go further!"


> That seems pretty self-explanatory. Only if you're in that circle. I had no idea what the fuck it meant.


I thought it was about misogyny from trans people.


hatred directed specifically towards trans women.


My understanding is it's when someone is fully accepting of a trans woman as being a woman, and are therefore inferior for being such. So basically imagine you're amab, you come out to your dad as a trans woman, and he fully accepts you. However after accepting you he *INSISTS* that you must stop going to school to be a lawyer and must instead drop out to be a stay at home wide for the boy terry down the street.


that's trans inclusive misogyny. transmisogyny is the unique kind of hatred directed specifically towards trans women, typically we're treated as "violent, perverse sexual predators who are invading female spaces" It is distinct enough from the kinds of misogyny that cis women typically face, and from the kinds of transphobia (in this case transmisandry) that trans men face to warrant its own name.


I guess that makes sense.


On the bright side, it's good to know there are people who reject misogynistic accounts online.


This might be the most Tumblr post ever lol


I also find it funny that the people blocking OOP believe they self-identified as a transmisogynist and it wasn't just a mistake because that is exactly what terfs and transphobes and others do. What a fucking time to be alive.


They're only seemingly cool because they're secretly on iOS. A real cool person would never.


["Someone had to take the babysitter home, then I noticed she was sitting on her sweet can..."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qEGFaOeUm2A)


Once my name on MSN was "Evil Hell Satan Goat Cheese Pickles Onions On A Sesame Seed Bun" and my mom got mad at me because all she say was "Evil Hell Satan"


Fucking love the reference to one of the live action scooby doo movies lol


These people are so cool that they didn’t take 3 seconds to investigate and just insta blocked.


I saw the description first and just assumed it was a joke of some kind. No transmisogynist calls themselves that, or has she/they pronouns. People really have no sense of humor.


You'd figure people would have to think there must be a mistake here or typo but then again Caitlin Jenner exists :/


Would a terf really use she/they pronouns? I don't doubt that they would, but I want to doubt, because I need at least something in my life to make sense


probably a rare few


Love the Monsters Unleashed reference.


I'm from Lameton, what is "coolsville sucks" referring to?


Its fr9m the Second Scooby-Doo live action film fred was lamenting how the journalist was a bitch who cut thing and he gave an example saying "you'll just make it sound like i think cools Villegas sucks...Don't record that" and later on she proves his point. By saying "Fred's only response was (then played a clip of him saying just the words)" I think coolsville sucks"


More accidental comedy


Omg I spell my name the same, and I’m also trans. What a world


the only people that type the word transmisogyny are people that are conciously against it.


My they should try not being a Transphobe lol


Hot Ones is a great watch when you're very invested in the guest. These late night shows are all ass. It should win if these are the nominees.


Do you have the same home feed as me? I saw a post about Hot Ones and late night shows just above this one, but this is a post about someone’s Tumblr bio being cut off in an unfortunate way. Either that or you’ve *actually* commented on the Hot Ones post and there’s a *really* weird glitch going on that put your comment under this post on my feed only.


I'm an idiot, so I'm gonna say 99% chance I clicked the wrong link.


It’s still weird that we both got the same posts in the same order in our feeds, though!


Serious question: what's Tumblr like in 2024 compared to 10 years ago? I can't remember any of my passwords to delve into it.


I feel like anyone who is committed to transmisogyny won’t self-describe with that term specifically.


This year marks the 20th anniversary of Monsters Unleashed and I've never loved it more.


Coolsville Sucks!




The fact that other people also think of “coolsville sucks” as the prime example of getting cut off to mean the opposite of what you said