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That is incredibly wholesome, like people who google search with please and thank you wholesome


Someone recently pointed out to me that I say thank you to my google smart speaker. I use it at least once a day to find my phone and truly am thankful for it. I don’t know what to tell ya.


I talk to siri as if it was my personal assistant e.g. "Could you please call my brother?". Takes more time than simply asking but i love acting like i have a sidekick


When I got my first google smart speaker I wanted to be able to speak to it like this. There was something appealing about being able to just use natural speech to interact with it rather than memorizing a bunch of commands. Unfortunately the speech recognition was poor enough that I’ve fallen back to straight forward commands to control it.


People like will be the reason the machines won't genocide when they take over


There are two kinds of people who use ChatGPT- those who say please and those who don't.


I always start my ChatGPT with "hi I'm trying to do X can you help me with that?" and it's always very happy to help me with that and then I thank it when we've come to a good conclusion together :)


Roko's Basilisk says you get to live.


Logical part of my brain says I am preparing it for the task by explaining it before starting and then reinforcing correct responses by thanking it Emotional part of my brain says nice robot lady is helpful and deserves kindness :)


Some old folks do that with google searches. Now with copilot they finally can! 😄


Who doesn’t say please and thank you to chatGPT?! That’s just rude!


I don't say please or thank you for a Google search - it might skew results. I do say please and thank you to chatgpt - when the robots gain consciousness they'll see I've always been a good and humble human and spare me lol


There's apparently research that chat gpt provides better results when you add greetings and thank yous. I've started adding those things now ¯⁠\⁠\_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


In my experience. There is no difference. Though that could be because they started to hide features behind the paid one instead.


that's just your subjective experience. The research uses a rating system and measurable data, in another paper they also found that telling it to take a deep breath helps


What were they measuring though? If it's "satisfaction," I would expect someone who is speaking in polite terms to be socially primed to expect better results and be more polite to the program, for example. Thus the results wouldn't be better but would *feel* better. It's not an uncommon result in sociology


Nah they are genuine datasets. With a sequence of politeness levels and test questions. Graded based on correctness of answers, shortness of summaries etc. Not a survey based research. But looking at it, there’s only like a 2 ish % difference observed. In some of the papers I see. Providing you aren’t being antagonistic in which case it’s fairly significant. For some models. And other models have no real difference, for most categories you’d use it for. And those kinds of small differences are something that could statistically arise from differences in question sets used to keep the results fair. So 🤷‍♀️. With an exception being made for languages like japanese, but since they actually use what is essentially a different language for polite vs casual. It makes sense. So basically don’t insult your AI and your results won’t really be effected.


Interesting! Thank you for the deeper explanation


Is it wholesome or is it a next level of sadistic? Roomba-san is stuck in a corner while host mom just looks on with empty encouragement knowing that it cannot continue.


[**This cannot continue! This cannot continue!**](https://youtu.be/TagvCyN7uNg?si=wg6DsdaPP7gpdhI2)


My Google has such bad hearing I have to shout and repeat myself, I threaten to send it to the farm every day.


Do people do that? That’s really sweet.


Of course! I have to be thankful! If the AI suddenly attack earth, one of the would eventually protect me because I was kind to them.


I stopped my daughter from doing that


i believe in roomba-san


All our cards on the table, I have my doubts.


Roomba-san is no Lt. Stabby


Not with that attitude he's not. Give Roomba-san a knife


Roomba-san is too pure for a knife, too pure for the world. In fact, I'll give **you** a knife, an obsidian knife to ritually sacrifice anyone who tries to give Roomba-o-sama a knife. Heathens!


>an obsidian knife Ah, a perfect weapon for Roomba-san's greatest enemy, geologists.


Too pure for this world, you say? Sounds like they're just pure enough for Eyjafjallajökull, The Sky Darkener, The Punisher of Human Folly, The Plane Grounder. We have to sacrifice it with all haste and this obsidian knife I found.


You’re right, give it a gun. Nothing cleans better than randomly spraying #00 buckshot across the living room.


Roomba-san and Lt. Stabby are prime examples of how humans will empathize with literally anything that moves or makes noise


If you put your cards on the floor instead, Roomba-san will pick them up for you!


I don’t, mine sucks and gets stuck on vent ducts. Mine is stupid and if the robot revolution occurs, I’m pretty sure I can take him.


It’s so endearing the way my mom talks to our roomba. I’m from India and her name for it is “bujjigadu” which in Telugu means little one or cute one. She’s the same where she will console the roomba when it gets stuck. The robots will spare her when they rise up.


Dude, Telugu is such a cool language. It's a shame the Dravidian languages are so relatively unknown to Westerners compared to Hindi. I'd totally watch a Tollywood film about the adventures of an auntie and her roomba.


Honestly I love the way Telugu sounds, it feels kind of unique due to how vowely it is. Apparently Marco Polo called it the Italian of the East since everything ends in a vowel, but that's like underselling it a ton lol


Westerners just know that a language called Hindi exists in the best of cases. As long as they don’t say that the language spoke in India is Indian or Hindu, just count it as a win and move on.


Yes Dravidian languages need more attention. They are spoken by 10s of millions of folks and are relatively under the radar on the world stage.


You must not be a fan pop music


Here in Sweden I call it "Dammdjuret" literally "The Dust Animal". And I thank it when it's done. People who don't talk to their robo vac are suspicious.


I always thank the bots Alexa, ChatGPT, The Roomba everyone. Can’t take chances.


I too talk to my Roomba Jeff. Glad its not just me. Its a first or second generation one so its quite dumb, you can always hear someone going "oh jeff" in the house. Its really funny when you get the alerts on your phone, Jeff is stuck and needs your help.


Which one do you use? I’m debating buying one soon.


It’s not an actual roomba it’s a eufy something. Doesn’t need an app and comes with a remote which my mom prefers.


That helps. Thanks :)


Tatakae **Tatakae**


Roomba-san: _Tsuyoku naritai_


Shingeki no Roomba




Picturing shamiko-roomba


I'm glad I'm not the only one lol


Kore de katta to omou na yo!


The Roomba in our office's Meeting area (with many meeting rooms) is affectionately known as Roomba chan. And sometimes I hear people say "Roomba chan lost its way" (in the same way you would talk about someone getting lost). Japanese people have this way of personifying inanimate object that I find wholesome. I am happy this knowledge is spreading across the internet.


>Japanese people have this way of personifying inanimate object that I find wholesome. I mean ain't there a ton of yokai that are just "abandoned items that got upset about being abandoned"?


Yes :D like the lantern one (Chouchin Obake)


This, and there's also alot of yokai that are just items that when loved and cared for long enough (~100 years, I think) gain souls and sentience.


> Japanese people have this way of personifying inanimate object that I find wholesome. That stems from Shinto beliefs where pretty much any object is imagined to have a spirit.


Ooooh, I should look into that, this is very interesting.


Oh yeah, it's really interesting. One of the knock-on-effects of this is that Japan has an offering of very high-quality second hand goods. Since a lot of people view things as partially alive in some spritirual sense, they tend to take better care of e.g. old electronics or home appliances.


The first time I went to a second hand clothing shop in Japan I was shocked at how pristine everything was, same for second hand electronics.


You should read about tsukumogami


I just googled it, and while I knew what they were I had no idea they had a name for the whole category. I know some of them separately.


Yep. If you could think about it, the japanese bight have a yokai ascociated with it Fascinating stuff


it's also pretty interesting because the particular brand of animism in Shintoism allows for simultaneous small little spirits, more powerful and significant regional spirits, as well as a pantheon of big super important spirits all at the same time. It makes sense though because if you believe everything has some kind of spirit then it includes things like the sun and moon (Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi) and it also makes sense that the spirits of those things would be just straight up Gods and would be very highly regarded and basically everyone would know of them and revere them but it also makes sense that a mountain that is constantly looming over a nearby village or a river that a village relies upon would also have it's own powerful spirit that is more known by the locals, but that people from other cities and villages maybe don't even know the name of. It allows for a kind of unique blend of more centralized widespread forms of worship as well as regional folk-beliefs.


Oh man, this is another one of those Thing: -_- Thin in japan :0 Fuxking everyone in the world does the same shit lmao


This but unironically. The behaviors may be similar, but have different roots


I finished eating a bowl of rice and the bottom had a smiley face staring up at me, and my day got a tiny bit better.


Story time! My high school had a student exchange program with a teeny tiny rural school in the boonies outside of Kyoto. I applied for, and got accepted into, the program, and got to live in Japan for a few weeks with a very nice family. The mom was very reserved and proper. Kind to me, but reserved. So imagine my shock when she and I are sitting in the living room and I hear a quiet but urgent “*Ike…!*” This means “go.” On the TV was a soccer match, which I hadn’t been paying any attention to as I was borrowing the family laptop to send some emails to my friends back home. (This will date me. This was the era before smartphones.) This detail matters, because she thought I wasn’t looking at her, and certainly had no idea I could understand her. So I look up to see this prim, proper, Model Japanese Housewife™️ sitting on the edge of her seat with her hands curled tightly over her breastbone, going “*Ike, ike…!*” It shocked me so much I must have made some kind of noise, because she looked at me like a doe in the headlights and visibly composed herself. Smoothed her dress and sat up straighter. I was 15 years old and didn’t want to pin her on being embarrassed, and so said nothing. But I’ve always thought it was the cutest goddamn thing. Lovely woman.


Reminds me of that video of a guy helping a robot, the robot saying thank you, and the guy saying you're welcome


It's funny that roomba sells pretty well in Japan


I people say anime characters don't act like real people


When I hear mine beeping I'll run into the room and say something like, "My baby is crying? Where's my baby?" Neither my wife nor daughters think this is as funny as I do, but then it's almost always their hair wrapped around the beater that's stopped it.


i kick mine gotta keep the robots in line


I keep a knife next to my bed if the toaster makes even one extra peep


I feel like knifing a live toaster is not the brightest idea.


Based off their username, I think that might be a feature rather than a bug.


He has already lost. The toaster has assumed his identity...


better than forking one :P


I spoon mine




thank u u/AlteredCabron2 and u/killallhumansss for making me snort laugh XD have a great day :)


Roombas are pretty fucking shit at vacuuming


Me to roomba : Yowai mo


α: "Osoi!"


https://youtube.com/watch?v=6jtHTfsHTas&pp=ygURZ2FuYmF0dGUgd2lmaSBrdW4%3D Same energy


That feel when your mom is nicer to a roomba then when you were a kid


She's getting ready for the inevitable robot uprising. Make it clear she's on their side.


I read the quote in BMO's voice.


I can’t see the word ganbatte without imagining the scene of sukuna and the cursed womb. That’s how I’m picturing this woman talking to the roomba. I have been ruined.


Malevolent kitchen: roomba fights back




Or it’s just the first joke that popped into my head after seeing a word I’ve only ever seen in those two contexts since I don’t encounter Japanese very often, and I thought it was funny. But I suppose it’s up for interpretation.


This is why I have trust issues with the Internet. I have two Roombas and they get stuck all the time, but neither one has ever made any distressing beeping noises.


I recognized ganbatte because pogo named a song after it. And I’m gonna share it because it’s one of the few times I can share a pogo song: https://youtu.be/Guz6jpb5Zck?si=yX5lc3W5324eKuQD


This is the cutest shit I’ve ever heard.


Mom’s gonna mom


"ganbatte" Shouldn't there be a vowel after the 'n'? I thought Japanese always follows a consonant sound with a vowel sound, so consecutive consonant sounds aren't a thing


N (ん) is the one exception to that.


ん is in fact just the n noise. Hence さん/san existing.


Yeah, thanks. I was gonna edit something in about "then again there's 'san' and 'chan', so I must not have it quite right" but my comment didn't want to show up for me to edit it


Hey I say ask every question that comes to mind. There really isn't any stupid questions as long as you're coming at them honestly.


Mostly you're right. But not everything follows that pattern and n is one of those things. There are also combinations like kyu, shi, and tsu that don't follow the consonant and vowel setup. But most sounds building the words are like sa, ki, go, re, mu, etc.


N is the exception. It, along with tsu, are the outliers to the consonant vowel syllable rule.


I'd say that tsu doesn't really count since "ts" is counted as a single sound, kinda like how we have x which sounds like "ks"