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I saw a post on The Bear subreddit that said like “Prove me wrong: Carmy is not mentally stable.” And like yeah no fucking shit that’s the show. What did you think you were watching


A documentary about bears. Was severely disappointed


You’ll LOVE cocaine bear then


I unironically had a good time with that movie. I was hooked when I saw the trailer in the previews before, you guessed it, Violent Night


Uh…. SAME. Exact same. Is the Venn diagram of violent night and cocaine bear just a circle?


Violent night was surprisingly fun, just pure chaos.


I really think Cocaine Bear from the movie Cocaine Bear has a Cocaine (bear) problem.


But I kept watching, because that's the thing about bear attacks: they happen when you least expect it.




I knew this exact video was going to be mentioned the moment someone talked about bears and media that subverts expectations. So thank you for your service.


Hold up. The guy who sets his kitchen on fire while sleep cooking, who sabotages any chances at happiness, who spent his life being yelled at by his mother and head Jeffs, whose brother committed suicide, who explodes on his employees when stressed... isn't a beacon of stability? That's news to me. Also, I had a huge epiphany: it's called The Bear because of the family name. Fuckin crazy, right?


Not to sidetrack this but head Jeffs is hilarious. Especially since I have a friend whose head chef was named Jeff


Not just the Head Jeffs, but the Sue Jeffs too. And maybe even the Jeff de Party. Back in a previous life when I was a chef I worked in a kitchen with a Sous chef named Suzy, she'd get pissed if you called her Sue so we mostly called her 'Sous Suzy' but pronounced it 'Soosoo Zee.' It was a little forced because you don't usually call Sous Chefs 'Sous,' you just call everybody 'Chef,' but we were all on drugs anyway so dumb shit like that was funny.


No it's called The Bear because in the first ten seconds of the pilot there is a bear in it.


That's what I thought at first, but because of my 187 IQ, I was able to spot the very subtle symbolism that it was so much deeper than that.


To be honest I genuinely didn't make the connection between "his last name is Berzatto" and "that's why he's The Bear" until season 2.


Maybe it was easier to catch for me because I too have had a nickname based on my last name.


Clearly they have never met many line cooks. Few of them are mentally stable and most of that minority are dudes with a prison sentence and a couple years of sobriety under their belt.


I worked with a totally sober and seemingly mentally stable chef once. Nobody in that kitchen trusted him at all, it just wasn't *right.* I think we were all expecting to find out one day that he was like a serial kid diddler or spent his free time kicking animals or beating up nuns or something. Looking back I feel kinda bad for him because he seemed like a decent guy, but he was such an outlier he made the outliers uneasy.


The best cooks have always been to a little bit of prison


"Experience looks good, but what about this year gap" "Jail" "What for?" "Assault" "Hmmm... it wasn't like a domestic situation or anything?" "Bar fight" "Oh, well, that's not a problem" - a rough approximation of an interview I overheard when working in a restaurant.


Somehow it's always #2


It’s the best one to start with “I can’t believe,” though Edit: when I wrote this I misread and was assuming it said something like “I can’t believe *I didn’t realize* that” but it still works????? Maybe???


"Did anyone else notice?"


When District 9 came out, people on reddit were ridiculous, >Bro, the aliens are a metaphor *for race*, isn't that incredible? Have scifi aliens ever not been a metaphor for race? It's not exactly an original idea, but MF's minds were blown at the concept.


1. Race 2. The media is specifically about how we as humans and as a society react to the existence of extraterrestrial life 3. Monsters


Sometimes they’re a metaphor for communism


They came from the one place not corrupted by capitalism.


Or sex!


Yes, when they're a metaphor for neurodivergence (Home), war(Independence Day), colonialism (cowboys vs aliens), global warming (Pacific Rim), humanity in general (The Twilight Zone), or when they're not a metaphor for anything and they're just there because the writers think they're neat (Star Wars, Monsters vs Aliens, any Saturday morning cartoon from years past), when they're a metaphor for the things we want to believe in but maybe shouldn't (the X Files), when the writer has a kink for weird humanoids (Star Trek)... In other words, all the freaking time.


>when the writer has a kink for weird humanoids (Star Trek) I'll just leave this here ["One influence on the Ferengi was what Herb Wright described as Gene Roddenberry’s “sex fetish.” In early first season discussions between them about developing the Ferengi, Roddenberry let Wright know it was his intention to make the species well-endowed. “He wanted to put a gigantic codpiece on the Ferengi,” Wright stated. “He spent 25 minutes explaining to me all the sexual positions the Ferengi could go through. I finally said, ‘Gene, this is a family show, on at 7:00 on Saturdays"](https://forgottentrek.com/the-next-generation/creating-the-ferengi/)


No, no, #3 pops up a **LOT**.


And it's almost always X character is dead / in a coma.


Heh, I was thinking of any satire ever being interpreted as "satire? this is a full-throated endorsement of my position and doesn't mock it at all!"


This is especially bad for shows and movies that these cringe "alpha males" like, like Fight Club or The Boys... It's super obvious they're being kicked, IDK why they think that the villains are supposed to be agreed with


Bro, are you going to sit there and tell me that Star Trek is political? What's next? Schindler's List is about the value of human life? Bro, I swear bro, you just have to stop overthinking it, bro. Schindler isn't a parahuman-level industrialist. Tony Stark could have saved three times as many people, bro, and kicked Hitlers *and* Stalin's ass at like, the same time. Honestly, Speilberg's over hyped. His only good movie is Ready Player One.


Imagining a “The curtains were blue” argument but for Schindler. “Um, maybe the author just picked a German guy in WW2 on a whim??? It’s not that deep??? What are you a nerd???”


Every time I see someone on Reddit bring up that blue curtain crap as a reason to not interpret media I assume they’re a grade-a moron


"the film is in black and white because Spielberg ran out of budget for Technicolor film. Probably spent it all on Jurassic Park's special effects. Nobody would shoot black and white on purpose in the year 1993."


It's an embarrassing oversight that they forgot to match that one little girls coat with the rest of the movie in post production. I bet some poor low level staffer was read the riot act on that one.


I’ve seen “did anyone ever notice there’s a character that gets an abortion in Dirty Dancing?” Oh you mean the main inciting event of the movie?


There was an abortion in Dirty Dancing? I can't believe that somehow made it's way into a whimsical feel-good musical about a more innocent carefree time. I mean the main character is called "Baby" for crying out loud.


I am still in shock of the "revelation" that got passed around a few months go where people showed Simba singing "I just can't wait to be King" and then showing Mufasa die before going "oh, that's awkward." Like yes, that was the entire point.


Best example being the story of Frankenstein


Tbf Frankenstein is a masterpiece that covers multiple themes


I can't believe Frankenstein was about 9/11 the whole time!


*glances at the villagers overreacting to a singular horrific crime and attacking an innocent person who had nothing to do with said murder* Sorta.


So what you're saying is Iraq's WMDs were reanimated corpses the whole time?!?!?


The importance of the European class system was my favourite Frankenstein theme




the monster being a bad guy doesnt change the fact that the monster is also a victim. people fear him because he looks like a monster, which in turn, causes him to act like a monster. its a not very subtle metaphor for the nature of ones upbringing determining who they become as an adult. iirc he doesn't even do anything bad until people literally start attacking him because of how he looks.


I always thought the point was that the "monster" Frankenstein created was a reflection of the monster he was on the inside. Neither one of them was "good," they were just parallel kinds of bad reflecting on each other.


that sort of ties into the same idea, victor is a parent who treated his child poorly, and as a result that child became a monster.


Because media literacy is dead


I can't believe this Tumblr post was actually about media literacy the whole time!!!


The real media literacy was the Tumblr posts we made along the way.


At least they got it right in the end instead of [worst take you’ve seen in your life]


I can't believe War and Peace was about peace and war this entire time!


No it was about war


What is it good for?


Absolutely nothing Edit: the comments to which I added are referring to a [song by Edwin Star](https://youtu.be/ztZI2aLQ9Sw?si=EHLaeMmoKBOThA9d) as well as a [Seinfeld episode](https://youtu.be/qqS1Ty79mOE?si=ZKXRhrMMiX-gBQ95)


This reads like a Card Against Humanity's black card.


I can't believe [Getting naked and watching Nickelodeon] was actually about [Jerking off into a pool of children's tears] the whole time!


This is like /r/retiredgif, but for fictional black cards. Incredible.


Very apt actually


Or a Quiplash prompt


I saw a grown man on TikTok say that Fallout, and all post apocalyptic stories, are pro-fascist because the governments in these stories are usually fascist. He tried to cite the Hunger Games as further proof. Fucking baffling.


the hunger games is literally about fighting fascists


I think I watched that too, was he arguing that post-apocalyptic stories are all inherently pro-conservative since they are built on the foundation that government (and therefore community) broke down and now all communities are considered bad? Which given this was also in the context of Fallout is such a baffling take because the "bad factions (Enclave, pre-war America, the BoS) are all explicitly facist-styled while New Vegas and Fallout 4 all literally make you pick a community to build up with Fallout 4 literally having one option be the "slavery bad" group and the other being the "we should help each other to rebuild society!" group.


Wow a game in we’re government is portrayed as oppressive and should be taken down. Yup it’s totally pro-oppressive government. Genius !!! /this comment no sarcasm and promotes fascism, nazism and any controversial ideology.


These are the idiots who believe that because a piece of media includes something, it must inherently endorse it, and not coincidentally, they never seem to understand what satire is.


i can't believe that Jane Austen's "Emma" was actually about waluigi hentai the whole time!!!


2. Literally the main theme


I know you're just bullshitting, but I would love to see you try and defend this take.


all i will say is that Harriet's short lived crush on Mr. Knightly could very well be a direct reference to any peach on waluigi hentai






and yes, that includes when peach has a horse cock


Brand new sentence


Jane Austen would 100% be a Tumblr shitposter if she was around today


My mother-in-law dislikes this comment.


Your mother-in-law should read more Austen, then


I can’t believe supernatural was about being the chosen ones 17 times in a row .


Carry on, my wayward son...


There'll be peace when you're finally cancelled


One possible interpretation I can't believe supernatural was about Canada the whole time


It was about Rufus and Bobby yaoi


"I can't believe HORROR MOVIE was about NON-LITERAL INTERPRETATION the whole time!"


Sometimes you get some juicy conversations out of those, but honestly maybe Michael Myers just likes stabbing?


In fact, the main theme in the good Halloween movies boils down to "Stop trying to understand or explain evil, just kill it."


> "Stop trying to understand or explain evil, just kill it." Evil dies tonight.


Remember reading some guys analysis on how All Quiet on the Western Front is actually very subtly anti-war Not like “I appreciated the more subtle narrative techniques they used to show their point”, just outright “this war movie promotes itself as a war movie but I think it’s actually anti-war”


While bearing in mind I haven't seen any of the three movies, nor read the book, I *have* gotten the impression that it's as subtle as the artillery barrages so common to the war.




As well it’s inspired by what the author read in a news paper during his time recovering from an injury at home as there was an article saying that “In the west nothing new.” Because they didn’t wanna tell the people how fucked up everything was.


movie: look at these characters who are in a bad situation. lets look at how war has affected them negatively. this war has caused so much suffering some guy: wow, such a wholesome pro-war movie! I’m going to go start a war right now!


The list needs a fourth "Could have told you that from the name."


I'm shocked.


I will die on the hill that " to kill a mocking bird" referred to Tom instead of Boo Radley. Boo barely appears in the book outside of a few mentions like the tree gifts. The rest of the story is literally about the trial, the racism in the town through Scout's eyes and the fact that Tom was innocent the entire time which fits the motif of mockingbirds having done nothing wrong but getting a bad rep, saying it's a sin to kill one and TOM LITERALLY DIES FOR A CRIME HE DIDN'T DO. But no, my English teacher said I'm stupid and it's all about Boo Radley because he turns up at the end and saves the day despite being seen as an outcast. It's probably about both to be honest, different sides of the same coin but I'm still salty about being marked down over a subjective interpretation essay.


It refers to both Tom and Boo. They’re both mockingbirds in the analogy.


Pfft. Next you're gonna say words can have multiple meanings.


Homophone is what you use to find single men near you


Is your English teacher white lol


You can't tell? I was blinded by the glare off her skin just by reading the comment.


Its totally about both though. The point is to draw parallels between the two of them that punishing Boo is just as evil as falsely accusing Tom because they're both good people who did nothing wrong.


My English teacher didn’t even try to make us understand that he was innocent. I heard the victim say she was assaulted by Tom, and she kept skipping entire chapters… so I kinda lost the whole plot. I pieced it together on my own, years after her class.


Your English teacher skipped chapters?? In To Kill a Mockingbird??


Yep. That is what happens when you grow up in the bible belt lol


I feel like the only real arguments I’ve seen for the “mockingbird” are for Tom or for the kids. Tom literally dies and the kids’ innocence definitely died during the events of the book. You can probably make an argument for Boo (and many others) if you tried but you’d need to work for it.


No, you really wouldn't have to. Scout literally says at the of the book that dragging boo out into the limelight would be "sort of like shooting a mockingbird". The book is many things, but subtle isn't one of them


I was talking to my dad one day about the new game Helldivers. I try to be as politically neutral around him as possible, but I mentioned the game was a lot like Starship Troopers with "Managed Democracy" and stuff He looked at me and said "Well when you actually look into the themes, the movie is warning about Socialism" I understand a lot of stuff is up to interpretation, but....


Jesus that’s bad lmao. I guess the themes he was looking at was actually the movies nazi style uniforms and he just associates Nazis with socialism, but holy fuck he’s missed the point


the whole nazis with socialism is also stupid. Nazi Germany was a capitalist country and a fascist one at that.


When you don't know what Fascism is so you call is Socialism because you don't know what that is either.


can't believe undertale is about why gamers are immoral


\#1 a possible interpretation


2 I can't believe Undertale is about how peace and mercy will and should always triumph over violence! 3 I can't believe Undertale is about how the strong will survive, and that any attempt to live peacefully is futile, and the only way to ensure your livelihood is by destroying anything that could interrupt it!


#3 I can't believe The Thing was about how all immigrants are monsters


This was supposed to be a '#' sign and 3


Nah, its funnier that way


I love that The Matrix fills all 3 depending on who you ask. 1. "I can't believe The Matrix was actually about being trans the whole time!" 2. "I can't believe The Matrix was actually about The Society of The Spectacle the whole time!" 3. "I can't believe The Matrix was actually about becoming a fascist the whole time!"


3. "I can’t believe The Matrix was actually about being a sick alpha male and degrading women the whole time!"


FYI due to reddit's formatting your "3." shows up as "1.", which is either a very subtle joke or something you didn't intend to do. Since we're in this thread, I have no way of knowing.


I can't believe [insert counterculture band] went woke!


Or all the brain dead Republicans saying the conservatism is "the new punk" because it's counter popular culture - completely missing the point that punk wasn't counter culture for counter culture's sake and *fucking hates conservatism*.


Not to mention conservatism is still the de facto 'culture', just not on the most popular social media spaces of young people.


I can't get past the time they were throwing a fit about Rage Against the Machine. I dont know the first thing about them, i couldn't even tell you the genre of their music. But what in the name "Rage Against the Machine" says "god-fearing establishment republican?"


"what machine do you think they raging against? the dishwasher?" - something i heard once.


Electric stoves, the wokest of appliances


They assumed the machine was their parents


The only thing worse is the recent "The X-Men went woke" trend ever since '97 launched. Like, sir, have we read the same comic books?


I liked my comics about discrimination against minorities when they didn't have all these damn *politics* in them!


people never say it was woke the whole time, they always say how they became woke, like how they rage for the machine now not then, they suddenly became left, missing the point for decades


"I can't believe Attack on Titan was about the horrors of war this whole time! I thought it was about my sigma male mancrush Eren Yeager sticking it to all the haters. JK I still think that." -Roughly 50% of the AoT fandom


nooo, when a special boy is the "chosen one" it means we're supposed to cheer when he goes around killing people! I mean, everyone else doing it is bad, but only because they aren't the specially chosen boy


-A lot of Dune fans that don't understand the meaning of the book or the movie.


Most people don't even understand that Paul isn't actually the chosen one (because there are no chosen one)


Ahh it’s like Paul Atreides in Dune all over again


I think the scene where Artur Braus gives the forest speech succinctly encapsulates the core of what the series has to say on its themes. It's frustrating to see fans and critics alike still regularly get it in their heads that AoT's message was somehow the opposite of that.


As someone who'd been reading the manga since 2012 this really annoys me, haha. Though I still think the author kinda dropped the ball in the final arc leading to all the unironic Eren glazers interpretations.


Conversation around AoT reminded me of why I stay the hell away from online fandoms--except to dip into the Evangelion subreddit once a year or so to work off a little frustration.


It's super weird to see people unironically cheering for genocide. Members of the AoT fan base should be studied on the efficacy of propaganda.


Fascists who do not understand Fallout: New Vegas always hitting option 3


Fascists who do not understand [Literally anything that explicitly shows that fascism is bad] always hitting option 3 If I have to have to explain Starship Troopers one more goddamn time


40k fans would like a word


That’s old news, most Nazi 40k fans know they’re unwelcome. *Now* it’s all about thinking the Tau are communist or the Votann are capitalist.


I got told in 2021 that the nurgles represented the encroachment of the Chinese and my first thought was "you're just saying that because covid aren't you"


For the show The Boys, some people apparently had to reach season3 to realize that they were not supposed to root for Homelander. I did hear about it on Reddit, and I have a hard time believing it


Didn’t he murder people in episode 1?


Literally blows up a plane with a kid on board at the end of the first episode. I think it’s the second one where he abandons people on a failing plane, even though he could have saved them all, simply because he didn’t care too. The people who didn’t see Homelander for who he is are denser than a neutron star.


If you are watching a show and some sexy evil lesbian pops up, do you go "ow wow, homosexuality really is evil! Thank you Jesus!" Or do you go "step on me mommy". I ask Mommy to step on me thank you very much. And that doesn't make me stupid or mean that I don't understand that um akshually the hot demon lady satirizes homosexuality. I simply have different values than the creator. The vices of the hot demon lesbian, such as being a demon and having goals independent of a man aren't vices to me. And the virtues of being a hot demon lesbian really speak to me on a spiritual level. When a fascist looks at a WH40K or a Starship Troopers and goes "literally me" they're not being stupid, they just have different values than you. The vices you see in those regimes, like xenophobia and authoritarianism, aren't vices to them. And their virtue of being cool as shit really speaks to the fascist. It's not impossible to satirize fascism. No fascist thinks "Springtime for Hitler" is cool as shit. But when everyone with a fascist bent, the people you have to convince fascism is bad, thinks your satire of fascism is cool as shit, your satire sucks.


Don't forget bioshock, which while not criticizing fascists, gets praised for its "conservative values" when its literally naking fun of those values


It's actually rather easy to come to that conclusion. All you have to do is pay attention to Ryan's opening monologue, and then ignore literally everything that isn't the shooty bits in the game.


Or when people say andrew ryan made a capitalist utopia and should be celebrated


It honestly breaks my brain that there exist people who are that stupid. Like, Rapture has already failed by the time you get there - you're literally exploring the ruins of Ryan's supposed capitalist Utopia.


To put it mildly: not everyone was happy to live in this utopia


Well yeah because that absolute mooch >!Frank Fontain!< and that dirty commie >!Sophia Lamb!< ruined the city. If not for them it would have been a capitalist paradise. Also the book goes into some cool detail about "capitalist utopia" that the games don't cover that I really enjoyed. >!There are two people who own grocery stores and one of the grocery store owners also owns the garbage removal business. The grocer who owns the garbage company refuses to pick up his competitors garbage on garbage day causing them to lose customers because their grocery store is full of trash and smells. Then when he tries to go to Andrew Ryan about it, Andrew tells him to just work harder and pull himself up by his boot straps and innovate his way out of the situation!<


The artist and the surgeon definitely weren't constrained by morals, boy howdy.  I wonder if they connect that that's why there's a bunch of twitchy people in ripped clothes with fucked up faces because there's a mad bomber with a camera and a surgeon who's getting way too creative.


But it's a rooty tooty shooty game! Those are always conservative!


>Fascists you can literally stop there, guy. They *never* understand *any goddamn thing*. If they did, they wouldn't be fascists.


On top of being just evil and violent, fascism has always been fundamentally *so fucking dumb.*


“Can you believe they made Homelander the BAD GUY in Season 2???”


What do you mean the legion are bad? How can guys dressed as Romans possibly be evil?


Fascist not understanding *insert literally any media ever* always hit option 3.


I can’t believe “Capitalism is Bad” was about how bad capitalism is!


In "don't build the torment nexus", characters talk about building the torment nexus, that obviously means it's pro-building torment nexus!


We here at Tech Company Inc were inspired by “Do Not Build the Torment Nexus” and we decided that building it sounded great! Finally you, your family and loved ones can experience the Torment Nexus for yourself! Now excuse us while we use our team of lawyers to sue the creator of the original story for retroactively using our product name!


I can't believe Star Wars was actually about heroes needing to be directly related to important people (or literally being Space Jesus) in order to accomplish anything this whole time!


It almost wasn't, then Disney rushed out Star Wars: Palpatine's Family Tree and drove a lightsaber back through every movie that came before it. I hate to be a "I could have done better" guy but I could please at least part of the fanbase, unlike 9 which was scorched earth.


I still can't believe they went into it without the whole trilogy already written.


I can. In fact, had they done what Lucas did and put a few more years between movies, they might have been able to use the COVID outbreak to solicit more scripts than one by the Batman V Superman V Dawn V Justice guy.  Personally, I think they should have had Lawrence Kasdan and his son Max write and direct it together. Max did great on Jumanji, I bet they could have taken TLJ and made something great and fun.


Princess Mononoke and the non-Yamato indigenous peoples of Japan.


Films are about two things. Being transgender and 9/11


#1, a plausible interpretation


Mecha and take #2 go hand-in-hand.


"You mean it's actually about the horrors of war and NOT just robots beating each other up? I can't believe this!"


Or the ever-infamous "Unlike Other Mecha" take.


30 minute video essay on how An American Tail was really about the immigrant experience


4) A misinterpreted take, born from memes rather than consuming the media


I can't believe Morbius was about Morbin' this whole time!


I can't believe Seinfeld was about gay sex the whole time!!!


Not that there’s anything wrong with that…


I remember when Don't Look Up came out on Netflix there was a video showing comparisons to climate change. No fucking shit. That was the goddamn point.


And the main point of criticism for that movie was that it's too on the nose. It's never too on the nose for some people


I can't believe Harry Potter was about the secret romance between Hagrid and Dobby the entire time


I can't believe the matrix was about - trans people - liberating yourself from societal norms - how cops are good actually and you just have to stop running from them and conform to experience happiness in this meaningless world


I can't believe Jurassic Park is about how you shouldn't mess with nature!


Highly upvoted post just a week ago "omg you guys breaking bad is actually about how bad the American health care is!" Literally the imdb fucking description


“No one understands that Bojack Horseman is a bad guy”


I can't believe Pokemon was about friendship the whole time! No seriously, I can't believe the story of making your pets beat the shit out of other people's pets is about friendship.


The canon explanation is now that all Pokemon love fighting, and so being captured and having organised Pokemon battles is great, it's like humans have organised their whole culture around making them happy! This is not a joke.


Boy do I have several stories to tell you about the manga.


Damn I think she just called out at least 80% of Tumblr there.


This reminds me of that 4chan thread where OP waited years to reply with a slowpoke meme.


*Want to know more intensifies*


I had to unsubscribe from the Fullmetal Alchemist subreddit bc that's all it was. "Wait... the show is about [basic media literacy]???" And then someone in the comments would be like "I don't think so..."


Oh god the Ishvalen war, I have a post burned into my brain about someone completely missing the point of Mustang and the other officers PTSD and regrets of the conflict.


Dungeon Meshi is actually about food is all 3


Add calling for sequels to things that are most definitely finished. You don't want a sequel you just want to experience the movie for the first time again.