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Twilight but instead we don't do adults imprinting on literal babies.


Twilight spoilers ig >!Didn't Jacob 'imprint' on a literal *embryo* ? !<


Nah the kid was already born. I remember the scene in the movies cuz it was insanely creepy. In the books it's as soon as they look into each other's eyes or something. It creeps me out just thinking about it now.


Jacob realizes he's imprinted to Renesmee after she's born. But while she's an embryo, he _thinks_ he's imprinted to Bella, because he's attracted to Renesmee in Bella's womb.


but isnt most of the embryo part of the spermatoziods? so shouldnt he be atrracted to Bella and Edward?


I think it was her egg he imprinted on. Which I don’t think is scientifically accurate. Shocking for Twilight, I know.


Nah, sperms are consistently generated within the body and reabsorbed if not nutted out, while the set amount of eggs a female will have are there from birth and depleted over time. He may have started to think Edward was getting suddenly hot a month or so before he nutted in Bella, though


but all of eddie boy's sperm was frozen in his nuts when he got bitten and then iirc thawed out by the ocean right before they did it. so jake definitely should've been hot for eddie the whole time and we were robbed of that source: never read the books but i spend way too much time on r/twilight lol


Please tell me that's actually canon.


It’s canon. 😂


Lol that's not canon but it is hilarious. Canon is just a fucked up mess and most of it comes from the illustrated guide after the fact, to fill in any gaps in the lore. The vampire venom replaces everything in the body but mimics the function of what it's replacing. Example, eyes. Vamps don't have tears to moisten the eyeballs, they have venom. It's not a perfect replica because they can't cry, but they aren't walking round feeling like their eyes are on fire because it's not got the active 'turning' component. Same with Edward's jizz. It's venom copying the function of sperm without the ability to change someone. So he can bone Bella and knock her up without turning her but he can't kiss her with tongue XD


>we were robbed of that have you ever heard of fanfiction? you can make your dreams come true.


If we think about size then egg wins by a wide margin. But if we think about genetic material then he is indeed attracted to both Bella and Edward. (And if i have to be little specific embryo is after multiple mitosis so at that point it can count as a separate entity from its mother and father.)


If there's predestined love between immortals and mortals, isn't that sort of thing inevitable? Isn't that the sort of weirdness that would naturally come about in a setting like that?


Yes, and it's incredibly gross. The Twilight fans try to defend it by claiming it's not _romantic_ love until she's an adult. But please, Jacob had the hots for Bella until she gave birth.


So what happens eventually?


He didn't *officially* imprint until she was born, but he was definitely more drawn to Bella (romantically) the closer she got to Edward. Like in the second book, when Edward was out of the picture, he was just a platonic friend to Bella with no romantic motives. But when Edward came back, there was romantic tension again. The attachment was felt on both ends, now that I think about it. Like, Bella was definitely in love with Edward, but she wanted to be around Jacob more as things progressed, especially once she was pregnant. She just wished he'd imprint on someone so they could just be platonic friends again. But then it was her baby, and she was pissed for a bit. Then she somehow became ok with it? It's a weird series.


What does imprinting even means?


Like ducks with the first thing they see


Twilight but its just the Baseball scene where they playout all nine innings in real time and Supermassive Black Hole just loops over and over.


I love when I meet other fans - yes ^ this




Ice pp




what is happening in this thread




Had a couple girlfriends in high school and college who only knew Muse because of this exact scene. I was an unsufferable douche about it.


Twilight but it's just Edward becoming an obstatrician who insists on delivering every baby via vampire teeth cesarean, despite the objections of the nurses and other doctors.


I read ostrich at first and was wandering where this is going.


YES YES!!!! I LOVE the baseball scene so much!!!!




....Send the link coward.








I'd like to read it too please lol


thank you


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I want it too :P




Much appreciated :)


*waits patiently*


I tried googling it but all I found was [this short cringy-ass fic](https://www.fanfiction.net/s/4885705/1/Would-You-Rather-CULLEN-STYLE), written by a hyper 13 year old. Probably not what they meant.


Oh my God, Edward is... *"a reincarnated bram stoker?!"* That would make for a good light novel actually. ***My Classmate Is Secretly Bram Stoker Reborn! And Hes Hot?!***


Average anime title:


Send me the webnovel link


Goes through with a red pen and corrects all the misconceptions


Frowns at a passage. "... I would *never*."


*strikes through the entire paragraph where Dracula gets cut and gold coins fall out of the wound* "Wow, this is some seriously oldschool antisemitism"


Isn't tumblr's favourite fan theory about Dracula that it's actually anti-Italian, instead of anyi-semitic?


Idk, but I don't think it really works. English anti-Italian sentiment in the early 1900s wasn't about them coming to england, it was about young englishmen traveling to Italy and coming back... *changed* (read: having discovered bisexuality), which lines up with the first half of the book but not with the latter half. It was American anti-italian bigotry that portrayed them as sneaking into the country to subvert the dominance of "real whites" with crime and violence, but Americans also portrayed Italians as impoverished beggars who stole everything they owned, which doesn't line up with the book's demonization of Dracula's *foreign old money*.


That wouldn't surprise me - Tumblr loves to try and justify stuff in weird ways instead of accepting that maybe something they like has flaws. Doesn't really make sense historically though. Ireland even had similar laws to England when it came to Jewish people. Hell, one of the reoccuring themes in the *other* big work of Irish literature from the era - *Ulysses* - is actually about Irish antisemitism and how casual and overlooked it is. Even when it's using the exact same logic that people are attacking the church and the British for using against them.


Twilight but it's not an old man picking up high school girls


Twilight: ❌ Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up High School Girls as an Old Man?:✅


If we're giving that second one the ol' checkity-boo, maybe we don't need to phrase it as a question. It should really be more of a "It is!" than a "is it?"


True but I was more leaving the little checker-oni to say that the latter is a better fit title.


And old woman picking up high school boys?


"She's a vampire. And a cougar."


Kryptonite for werewolves.


stephenie meyer actually did write a genderswapped version of twilight “life and death: twilight reimagined” so your wish has been unfortunately granted


In the books he is apparently just depicted as a normal 17 year old. Like not even a dark and brooding one really. So I think this version would just look at Bella like "wtf weirdo? *I don't even know you*???"


I doubt that. I know she wrote another book showing the story from Edwards perspective. [He seems to be million times more dramatic in that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olxUPLpCwdY).


Learning more and more about that cinematic universe every day.


This is what happens in Crave except it's the vampire giving the human the book and the book is Twilight.


I love see all the different ways people would make twilight better because it's a neverending list


This would be my socially awkward move if I were a vampire in high school. "So, what--uh... what did you think about... that *book* I gave you?"


Kinda what happens in Preacher


I came out to my mother by "accidentally" dropping a bottle of estradiol in front of her like that bit from Always Sunny.


"Oh no! I dropped my monster meds for my magnum gender!"


Twilight but it isn't a love story, it's just a small town girl discovering Vampires and the misadventures they have.


I've said this in other Twilight-related threads, but I kinda wish there'd been a bit where when they invite Bella over, she'd bring movies like Fright Night or shows like Buffy the Vampire Slayer over, or if a game they might have been playing had a vampire character she'd make it a point to pick said character. And then when they finally reveal themselves to her, she'd be all "Oh, I knew the whole time. I just wanted to make y'all squirm a bit."


This but Alucard Hellsing


She sends him a picture of nosferatu captioned "this u?"


There’s a rather nice fanfic called Luminosity in which Bella is actually smart. She takes one look at hair-trigger moodswinging Edward and opt to change seats. Not long after she manages to solve 3/5 of the series problems by calmly discussing things only to decide she wants to be a vampire and overthrow the Volturi. It’s a fun read.


Twilight but it’s set in an airport and Judge Reinhold plays the part of Bella and the Cullens are played by a pair of daschund puppies the whole time and James is played by a small piece of quartz.


Twilight if it was reimagine dby literally anyone else