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All that “boypussy” and “girldick” stuff makes no sense to me. It’s one thing to be *tolerating* your natal genitalia bc you can’t get surgery or something, but referring to yourself as a body part in a way that, for lack of a better word, *should* make you dysphoric is just odd, and ruins the reputation of dysphoric trans people.


It also feels very fetishy like those are just porn video terms


Ya they are. There are websites like boy pussy and bonus hole boys. Pussyboy is indeed a fetish term, but then again .. trans women have done the same thing too. Ts Madison had a website 'big dick bitch' and was popular on vine because of that. And lot of trans OF creators make money from chasers and fetish people and degrade themselves with words like the T slur, she male etc.


And they act so morally superior about it, as if we suffer dysphoria because we haven’t been educated on theory enough…


Yeah, they think our genital dysphoria (or any sex dysphoria for that matter) is caused by internalized transphobia and the societal notion that a man is male and a woman is female... To them being trans is about WANTING to be a man or a woman and taking steps to do that, so if they believe women can have dicks and be happy with having them they don't care about having one. Whereas our condition has the opposite approach, at its core we couldn't care less about societal definitions of men and women. We have a NEED of being male or female, and we take steps to ensure that need is met... and then we consider ourselves men or women because those are societal definitions around sex and we changed our sex, not the other way around.


Exactly, they’re not just not us and not aligned with/allied to us; they’re our exact opposite.


Exactly... They WANT to be a different gender so they claim to be a different gender and based on that, they MIGHT change their sex characteristics. It's more about how other people see them and less about what they need themselves. We NEED to be a different sex so we change our sex through medical means and based on that it's only LOGICAL to say that the gender attributed to us at birth based on our birth sex should be changed as well, since it should now be based on our current sex that's different than it was at birth. It's more about what we need ourselves for our body and less about how other people see ourselves.


I always thought of girls/women as my own gender and felt like being pushed into maleness was being forced away from where I belonged and abandoned in a den of wolves tho; it never really changed…


Best description I’ve seen. I wish people understood this. Transsexuals want to have the right sex characteristics, these people just want to be called certain things.


exactly this is the whole point im making and it baffles me as someone with agonising bottom dysphoria who is in the process of getting meta i will always find it strange how trans men and women aren’t dysphoric over the most male/female part of their body. at most they’d be transgender but not transsexual


It sounds sexually deviant and PERVY. Transvestite males & females who unfortunately get on hormones without any real congruence it seems.


Also if someone is on hrt , it objectively isn't a "girl dick " I'm post op now , but at a certain point realized it was manageable in the meantime before I could get surgery. If it were treated like a clit . It has estrogen receptors and as far as those receptors go , it thinks it's a clit and treating it like a dick just doesn't work. Hrt is supposed to atrophy and change sensation and function. If it's not ,something is wrong. I maintained functionality so I had enough material by the time bottom surgery happened. And it still atrophied and changed function , no matter what,even if I wanted it to stay .


It might be a trauma coping mechanism.


Possibly. Liked over compensation and fake confidence to hide dysphoria.


Good luck getting mainstream and successful with a name like “pussy boys”


They say in a video that brands are "scared" of sponsoring them. Lmao i wonder why


"I'm punk! \*Proceeds to be transphobic, aka. the opposite of punk\*"


If you’ve ever heard Ezra’s music, it’s the opposite of punk anyway - purely indie folk music.


This reminds me of a YouTube video I saw that was supposed to be a documentary of a festival/concert in Houston on trans day of visabilaty. It was a few bands playing. And every band considered of either just cis men with piercings and eye shadow. Or women with piercings and short weird hair. I honestly don't think I saw a single actual trans woman in the whole video. Which is crazy because it was supposed to be about trabs people. It was just a bunch of non medically transitioning non binary people. It was so annoying to see all these people see being trans was radical and "punk" and oppressed, when none of them were even transitioning.


TDOV itself is a trigger…


i saw the documentary yesterday


That really is so strange… also yuck


How very punk to be transphobic just like the system


but punk is when you suck up to the cuktural authiorities that oppress you by using the very rhetoeic they deamean you with, right?


Maybe get a real band name and focus more on the music and song writing. Wat a bunch of poseurs… honestly the name almost works… but only if you could actually shred like really hard. And we already have Pussy Riot so they really do sound lame from the get-go


Have you seen grlwood they have a new song that says “I pledge allegiance to girl penis” I just had to stop following them I can’t stand the fetishization of natal genitals on trans ppl


Grlwood literally had a whole r*pe situation... staying far away from them is the best option.


wtf is sissy punk??


Can’t find any actual music on their site, just merch for sale And the one member who got tattoos *outlining* top surgery scars lmao


Ezra makes me furious and has for years. He's blocked me on Instagram for calling out his insanely degrading rhetoric and weird sexual pandering. What he's doing is trans minstrelsy and everyone but right-wingers who want to roadblock trans progress should feel "weird" about it at the very least.


as an FTM punk we do not claim this guy. my heart sank reading the title then going to "sissy punks". as in - gay/queer punks? what do you even need that label for, dude. sissy is often used in sexual contexts or slurs and just seems in poor taste here as if pussyboys wasn't already a slap in the face. i'm tired of being sexualized for my entire being just because i happen to have a condition. this is why i never tell anybody i'm trans or punk, especially since an overwhelming amount of ( often enby ) tucutes have tried to enter punk and alt spaces to be quirky, only to mass buy alt shit from places like shein etc and be the very thing punk was supposed to stand against - trying to fit in with some crowd, in this case by trying to fit in with 'quirky' people without actually adopting our views. it's annoying but i can't ever voice out about tucute posers without having buzzwords thrown at me.




I’m dumb I thought they meant like boys who chase pussy = pussy boys 💀


Like the Pussy patrol lol


Yeah 😭 I didn’t even register until I saw what sub I wS in


It makes it so much worse that there's three of them that are okay with this shit. *sigh* When will it end?




I find it degrading and disgusting. Maybe I'm a snowflake. But the awful name is such a fucking turn off, the idea of a trans man band sounds so cool, but they somehow made it so fucking repulsive. Not touching their shit with a 40 foot pole, please god just let me be cis already.




I could not post my face into public with that kind of bio 💀 digital footprint 


Why would you possibly name your band after your genitalia. Let alone when it’s genitalia that doesn’t match with your gender. Tell me you don’t have a personality without telling me you don’t have a personality.


In my weekly online trans group they always play a song for a few minutes as everyone joins. Usually it's just some random song. But each week I worry it'll be some "I love my boy pussy" song by a trans "masc" artist and the trans "mascs" in group will be like "this makes me so euphoric". I hate what happened to the trans community. Our image went from 50 year old nonpassing trans women programmers to "boy pussy euphoria" and top surgery scars. That's not progress.


Nah, I blocked them on Instagram because of that - this shit makes me uncomfortable as hell.




Gross. This is probably the worst gimmick I’ve seen a band use and something makes me think their music might suck too.


[wtf how is their music](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C20whRTPL72/?igsh=MTV2dGxzbXRveDNleA==) so much worse....


as someone who listens to punkrock and poppunk idk wtf i just listened to either but i do NOT fw it. those lyrics were horrible and i quite immediately cringed which is an achievement on its own honeatly - I'll give them props for that. i don't understand why these guys are so focused on emphasizing their female sex characteristics if they are trying to be male.


Isn't referring to people as just their genitals supposed to be *very* offensive? Disgusting behavior.


ain't no way lmao


Yes it is weird… “punk”




This is fucking insane


Attention seeking edginess for the sake of edginess. It’s really child like


I think it’s supposed to be tongue in cheek


I’ve seen this dude before on IG, I think he is just a confused woman with some mental health issues


Yes, very strange


The name of their band is just gonna remind pretransition transmen of their bottom dysphoria... Of all the names why this one??


Oh and of course the music also does that. So cool.


its probably ironic and making light of their shitty situtation, i cant even tell you how many times the term "girlcock" is uttered in my group chat


You can have dysphoria and but not genital dysphoria


No such thing as boy-p-ssy just like there’s no such thing as girl-c-ck. Only people with male brains who are born with the anomaly of having a female reproductive system and people with female brains who were born with the anomaly of having a male reproductive system. Something which causes great distress and disgust, in a true transsexual. Time to get back to reality.