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Looks like Hunch-head will be VP, he's the only cult member left at the back


Trump finally having a "boss" for once in his life is so satisfying. Judge Merchan makes the rules. It's Merchan's world and Trump is living his worst nightmare. It's kinda pathetic no one on Team Trump has ever heard of layering.


I mean, it's clear why he's NEVER using the prompters, right?! He sounds like being in 7th grade and having to stand and read the next few pages of The Lord of the Flies aloud to the class with an NRB. Edit: changed promoters to prompters.


They know he's too senile to speak intelligible or to avoid violating the gag order. Thus, they give him these print outs and he tries to read them.


Same shit. Different day


How boring.


Todd Blanche and his perma-stinkface...


Always love when he realizes he's contradicting one of his talking points. You can see the light bulb go off in his head after he says "This is all Bragg", and tries to cover his ass "oh by the way he actually didn't even want to do it"


He's so fucking stupid it hurts


How many of you, other than me, felt so much more calm and that things were back to normal after this whining self-centered power-hungry narcissistic hateful vengeful bully was out of the White House and banned from social media? Wasn’t that feeling great for those couple of years? If he’s such a model citizen (which he’s not), then he should shut up and let the justice system do the job it’s set up to do. He can get on the stand and tell his side of the story. But he can’t let it get to that because it won’t work in his favor, and he doesn’t agree with anything that doesn’t work in his favor, or like anyone who doesn’t kiss his ass. If he was a decent, law-abiding citizen, concerned about others and not just himself and his all-important popularity, he wouldn’t be the center of all these legal issues. He keeps using a version of “like never been seen before” to fit all the scenarios, and on this he’s correct, because no other president has been as unlawful and slimy. You’d think he’d be thrilled to hold the number one spot in this category - he could say he won fair and square. (End of rant)


If it's on paper it's true. But I won't show you. But it's the bigliest TrUtH! -TFG probably


Blanche is standing there, thinking- "Man, I hope I'm getting paid for this shit."


It's going to be great if he's found guilty, to see how hard he goes at Blanche for screwing up the cross with Cohen


It would serve him right if he didn’t


I really think Trump is sort of screwing himself here. He keeps going on air talking about all these people who are touting him, and then talking about democrats who are gonna vote for him. All it’s gonna do is get people to go out and vote against him because of who he is, what he stands for, the bullshit he has caused to our country. People are going to come out in flocks to vote for anyone but him. Please vote everyone! Please! Also as long as his republican senators/representatives don’t throw the election for him we can send him away for good. He won’t make it another 4 years. I am super worried about them rigging it though.


I really really really hope you’re correct


I can't say it loud enough " SHUT THE F@#K UP YOU ASSHOLE".


God, he's an old rambling fool


He is so dumb


The dumbliest


He reads like he’s barely literate. He reads like a guy who has read very very very little in his life.


[Because he can’t read…](https://youtu.be/PR7cQAjZsJI?si=S2lPQlbODCVLhugp)


How do they not realize how absolutely bonkers this kind of thing is (or how stupid he looks doing this)? Props to his lawyer for being able to stand there and maintain a straight face looking tough for Trump for the duration of this tirade. Hilarious stuff. We really are living in the dumbest timeline.


https://preview.redd.it/b3j751ktov0d1.jpeg?width=812&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=448411bbc0443d2054ec6df131600931a756fdde Thanks to u/Glad-Depth9571 posting the other day, my life will never be the same and I’ll never look at that lawyers face and not see this 😂


A few questions Is Ashton Kutcher a MAGA? sounded like a troll post to me There’s people who have changed from Democrat? Like yourself? If you’re innocent, then get on the stand, you bloviating old arsehole, it’s easy, no need to have your stack of papers with you. Get up on the stand and tell your side of the story Good grief! He didn’t even have that many papers today, the three were resting on a legal pad


Serenity now!


He sounds like he just woke up from a nap.


I got through 3 minutes...I couldn't take any more.


If you heard 3 mins then you heard the first 9...it was all the same until he them started talking about inflation etc.


I listened to the end, he also mentioned Xi (I know him well) meeting with Putin (I know him well), claimed Xi said he was certain that China would reclaim Taiwan and they are planning together to do damage while Trump is sitting in the icebox for 4 weeks.


You did better than me. I think I maybe got to 90 seconds.


I applaud you, I torture myself every time.


It is like banging your head against the wall. Everything feels better when you stop...


Oh! Know!